Chapter 47

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Emilia did not feel like she was on holiday.

Lando was driving with George and Alex navigating him, was not relaxing. Lando was shouting while the sat nav on the rental car was screaming in Spanish. George was pulling a massive map out trying to find where they were amongst the vast lines and squiggles. Alex was trying to get signal on his phone to get a sat nav up that spoke English so he was waving his arm around in the air. Emilia was sitting there watching this chaos unfold. She could try and help but there was enough shouting already going on and Emilia had no solution to the problem that they weren't already trying.

Eventually, they got to the villa which looked huge. Obviously it was; it had fourteen bedrooms. They got out the car and found that they weren't the first ones there. Max and Daniel were having a chat leaning up against their cars.

"Finally we've been waiting for hours." Max complained. Emilia was struggling to get out the car as her ankle wasn't yet back to normal. Swimming and sunbathing would definitely help her heal. Lando offered her a hand out which Emilia accepted.

"Wait who's got the keys?"  Alex stopped and turned around. Emilia had them but she thought she'd leave the boys to panic for a minute.

"I thought you had them." George replied.

"I gave them to Lando." Alex told the Williams driver.

"Yeah and I gave them to Em." Lando gestured to a very smug Emilia. "You could have said."

"It was much more enjoyable to watch you panic." Emilia responded. She unlocked the door and stepped inside the building. It was modern and spacious with all of it open plan and a staircase that would lead up to most of the bedrooms but Emilia imagined that there would be some downstairs as well. Emilia glanced to Lando who nodded and legged it up the stairs. They had concocted a plan to get the biggest bedroom. The others soon caught on but Emilia stood at the bottom of the stairs trying to hold them off. She managed to for a few seconds but they joined Lando upstairs.

"Got it!" Lando yelled. They'd studied the floor plan and worked out the biggest bedroom with the best view and it seemed Lando had claimed their bedroom. She carried a suitcase up with her to throw on the bed and claim their room. The others were still running around trying to find the biggest room clearly not being as organised as Emilia and Lando.

"Hello?" Someone called from downstairs. She heard someone running down the stairs to greet the new guests. Emilia recognised it was Carlos' voice so Lando was quite quick to get downstairs to greet him. She had accepted always being second best to Carlos. The Ferrari driver had a short drive from his home instead of a flight like the rest of them. Emilia dumped the suitcase on their bed and joined the others downstairs.

"Hi I'm Isa." Carlos' girlfriend greeted. Emilia hugged her and introduced herself. It never occurred to her that she and Isa had never actually met. "Where's Kelly?" Isa asked the Red Bull driver.

"She had some things to do in Monaco so she won't be here for a few days." Max replied. Emilia hadn't met Kelly either, it made her realise how little time she spent with anyone other than Lando, George and Alex.

"Oh Alex when's Lily getting here?" Emilia acknowledged the golfer's absence.

"Her flight gets in some time this evening." Alex responded.

"How many people are coming in total?" Carlos questioned.

"Nineteen I think. Charles and Charlotte are coming tomorrow as well as Pierre. But Mick, Marcus, Callum, Yuki and Lily are coming at some point today." Emilia informed the group. There were a lot coming and it would be busy but it should be nice and a way to disconnect from racing for a bit. It was only afternoon and she knew some of them had night flights so they wouldn't arrive until late. Lando crept up behind her sliding his arms around her torso.

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