Chapter 45

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Emilia slowly opened her eyes but had to squint due to the bright lights. An eye wouldn't open so she was limited to using one which panicked her. She adjusted to her surroundings. This was not her car.

Her head was pounding and her hair was tangled in a complete mess. She turned her head which caused her pain in her neck. Her back ached as well so she didn't move. Emilia lifted her arm to her head but saw it was in a splint. She moved her toes which thankfully she could do but her ankle was throbbing and had been elevated but there was a line of stiches down her leg where there looked to have been a big gash.

The first thought that crossed her mind was that Hungary was next week.

"Hi Emilia." A doctor entered the room smiling. Emilia's head may have been hurting but she acknowledged that the doctor knew her name. "You had ID on you when you crashed."

"Crashed?" Emilia had no idea how'd she gotten from the car to the hospital. Her memory was fuzzy and she couldn't remember anything after pushing the accelerator.

"There was another driver on the road who was over the speed limit and driving with his lights off. He hit you at about eighty or ninety miles an hour we think. He's in much worse shape than you." The doctor answered as if that would make her feel any better.

"No no no I have to be racing next week I can't be in hospital." Emilia had joked about not wanting to race with her sim times being so bad but she didn't actually mean it.

"I'm really sorry." The doctor apologised even though she had nothing to apologise for. It appeared she had realised who Emilia was.

"I need to call Lando." Emilia sighed.

"You can call your relatives and friends in a minute; I just need to run through your injuries with you." The doctor replied. "We think you were knocked unconscious immediately due to the impact and you have a severe concussion. Whiplash is what you'll be able to feel in your neck and back. Your neck should be fine in a few weeks and your back you might want to avoid bending over for up to a week because that will be particularly painful. Your car flipped and during the process your phone hit you in the face which has caused bruising around your eye." Thank fuck for free healthcare.

"I got a black eye from my phone. Are you joking?" Emilia almost had to laugh at the absurdity of that. Her phone had been on the passenger seat. She would be putting her phone in the glove compartment more often now.

"No. You will be needing a new phone as well as a new car. Your wrist is just a sprain that will only last a few weeks before returning to normal. The gash on your leg was caused by metal from either your car door or his bonnet cutting your leg. You were very lucky for it not to hit any major blood vessels or nerves so you will have full function of your leg. Your ankle was caught under a pedal somehow so when your car flipped it pulled on your tendons and ligaments. We advise you don't walk on it for about a week then avoid running for the next few. I understand this is a lot to take in and it's not ideal but it could have been so much worse."

"So much worse?! I can't race and my car is broken!" Emilia shouted stressed. She'd been in her Mercedes and of course, it was her expensive one Mercedes had gifted her when she joined F1 as a congratulations present. "I need to call Lando."

"Your phone isn't going to work so you can use one of ours here. I'll wait outside." The doctor smiled and exited after handing Emilia her phone. It was already unlocked and Emilia knew she had to call a few people. Lando, George and Alex would be her first. Jost as well.

From what Emilia could see, it was night. She didn't want to call and wake them all up. Although, she'd promised she'd text Lando when she got home and as she didn't get home, he didn't get a text. Plus, if it was the other way round, she'd want to know if Lando was in hospital. Emilia decided to call Alex and George as well and if they didn't pick up then they would in the morning. Instead of a phone call, she called all three of them on FaceTime. Lando picked up almost immediately.

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