Brainwashed, not betrayed

By -Crazy-Dreamer-

46.4K 907 462

Under the holy war, Meliodas, the demon kings son, betrayed the demon race for a goddess, but what actually h... More

Breath of bless
His family
Come out
Holy knights
Take her away
Kind hearted
Let them be
Pass out
Escanor VS Meliodas
Brainwashed again?
Act wrong
Elizabeth knows
How to act
Found out
Tristan's first day
In the morning
She's back
The talk with Elizabeth
The truth about the cake
Toy store
Hanging with the sins
Pregnancy is known


781 16 17
By -Crazy-Dreamer-

-Meliodas' POV-

I was on my way to Tristan's sword training. After months of sword training, he should be at an acceptable level.

"Young master Tristan, please. Try at least." I heard Chandler as I went outside at the castle's property.

"I don't want to." Tristan argued, sitting on the ground with crossed arms. I sighed, walking up behind Tristan.

"M-master Meliodas! I didn't know you would come today." Chandler spoke. Tristan turned around and stood up, saying "Father!"

"I came to see how much Tristan progressed after all these months."  I answered. Chandler nodded slowly, saying "I don't think he's ready for the test yet, he-"

"We will see about that when we started it." I spoke, looking at Tristan who fidgeted with his hands.

"W-what test?" He asked, not looking up at me. I sighed, taking his sword and giving him it.

"We fight, if you inflict a scratch on me, you pass." I answered. He nodded, taking the sword from me. I stood in place, waiting for Tristan to take the same stance at me and cross his leg with mine.

Tristan looked up at me, looking both scared and unsure. Chandler flew up into the air as the match started.

To make it a little easier for Tristan, I will avoid flying.

I saw how Tristan tried to stand in his own fighting stance, crossing leg with me like he should, but it was clearly wrong. He's too tense, the way he's standing will make him fall with one hit, he's holding his sword wrong, he will drop it and he won't be able to defend himself if I attack from the left.

Letting him start, he just swung his sword towards me. The way he held his sword when he swings it is weak, it gives me the perfect opportunities to both take his sword and attack him. He's also too slow, everyone could avoid that attack.

Deciding to end it right away, I just clashed my sword towards his, easily making him let go of it and catching it myself before tackling him to the ground, pulling both swords to his neck as we hit the ground.

He just looked scared as I stood up, looking down at him.

"You haven't leaned anything at all. I won't allow you to meet the sins before you pass this test." I spoke, pulling up the swords and throwing them towards Chandler, who caught them immediately.

"Chandler, I will talk to you later about this. Tristan, get yourself cleaned up, we are leaving soon." I ordered.

"Leaving? T-to where?" Tristan asked.

"Somewhere, get going, I have something to do."

He nodded, walking away as I went towards the throne room again. Zeldoris should be here soon. I will just talk to him and decide if I want to help him, then I will have a talk with Chandler and lastly Tristan.

"I-I'm back. H-here she is." Zeldoris said, busting through the doors, seeming to be in a hurry. I held out my hands as he, hesitantly, gave me the baby.

I wanted to smile as I looked down at the small child, but didn't do it. I'm not going to show my weaknesses for anyone.

"Her name?" I asked, looking into her green eyes. Then she coughed slightly before starting to cry. She really is sick, she won't survive without any medication or a doctor to treat her.

"Isolde." Zeldoris answered. I just slightly nodded, saying "I will tell the servants to prepare a room for you."

I saw Zeldoris smile at the corner of my eyes, but I didn't care much, I just walked away.

"W-wait, where are you taking her?!" He then asked, a bit more panicked. I just responded "The royal doctor."

. . . . .

"M-Master Meliodas, I'm really sorry, it-"

"Why didn't you inform me about Tristan?" I asked harshly. At this rate, Tristan won't even pass the test at all.

"I'm really sorry, the first weeks, he trained, but then he just stopped doing what I told him or not come at all. I-I thought that it would stop after a while so I-I let him." Chandler answered. With an irritated sigh, I just asked "And when was that?"

"A-about maybe five months ago?" Chandler replied. That's a little after I allowed him to be with the sins... I knew they was bad influences on him. They are not coming out of their cell this time.

"What happened with what he learned?"

"I-I think he have forgotten..." Chandler answered. I really have to talk to Tristan about this.

"You are going to train Tristan his sword techniques even more, I want him to pass this test within a month." I replied. He nodded, saying "I will try my best."

With a small nod, I walked away. Now I'm going to talk to Tristan about his training.

I didn't bother to knock on the door, I just went inside to see him drawing on his wall.


He turned to me, saying "Father! Look, I drew us together! Oh and I have done you and mother together too!"

I walked up to him, seeing all his drawings. On one, it was me and Tristan holding hands, there was one on all the sins and Tristan, one where Tristan was comforted by that goddess, one where me and that goddess was hugging each other and lastly one on Zeldoris and Gelda together that was hugging. Then it was also some mini drawings on hearts, flowers, swords and much more.

"You should be more careful when you paint and give it more shape. You should have darker colours on the sides for it to get it more realistic." I spoke. He looked down at the floor, saying "Sorry if it's bad..."

"I have to talk to you about your sword training." I spoke, taking the brush out of his hand and started adding shadows to his paintings.

He just nodded as I continued "I want you to pass the test within a month, if you don't, I will execute all the sins."


"You better start training if you want them to survive." I cut him off and added one last detail on the sins, blood that streamed down their necks.

I put down the brush and walked away, closing the door after myself, just to hear him start crying.

Growing up with the sins really made him pathetic and weak.

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