Karma (Wattpad Exclusive)

By flawsome_writer

1.6K 906 89

"Rosie is dead, Her body is gone blue. Karma wants to play, and it chose you." No one knew the real truth exc... More

1. The First Investigation
2. The Tribute
3. Let The Game Begin
4. Anger, Rage and Grief
5. The Letters
6. A Blue Day
7. Karma
8. Deja Vu
9. The Second Investigation
10. Bag Full Of Lies
11. Who is Jerry?
12. Digging Further
13. Nemo
14. Hush
15. Paranormal Activities
16. Surprise Surprise
17. Fresh Evidence
18. Pride Flags
19. New Plan
20. Tears and Stains
21. Back On Track
22. Marcel's POV
23. Marcel's POV
24. Another Brave Soul
25. Rock Bottom
26. Devastation
27. The Face Of Grief
28. Hope
29. The Stalker
30. The Killer
31. Play Along
32. The Hearing
33. Power vs. Justice
34. Finding Nemo
35. The Last Witness
36. Fall Into Place
37. The Last Victim
38. The Second Murder
39. A New Chapter
40. Love you, Goodbye
41. Only the beginning


24 15 0
By flawsome_writer


Rosie used the spare key and went into her house. The house seemed lonely, just like how it has been ever since her mother died. The house inhabited inmates, but they weren't social with Rosie. Rosie missed her mother's greetings and kisses. Her stomach growled in hunger, so she went to the kitchen to eat. She went through the fridge and saw a yellow tin. The name was written in Swedish. She frowned, wondering whether or not to take it. Though she had no clue what it was, the image of a bread slice and a knife said it was a paste. So she grabbed the pack of bread and then looked around for a plate. The sink was heaped with dishes. Rosie was too tired to wash them. She noticed the six white ceramic plates on the shelves. No one ever used them. It came as Bella's wedding gift. She tip toed and tried reaching for it. With her two fingers, she slowly pulled it forward.

   "Rose!" a voice boomed, making Rosie to startle. The plate slipped from her grip and fell down. The cracking noise echoed through the house.

   "What was that?" Rosie carefully turned around as her heart raced in fear. Bella looked at the broken plate and back at Rosie. Her nostrils flared up as she stomped towards her.

   "I swear it was an accident," she whispered.

   "Gosh my 2,500 kronor China ceramic," Bella whined as she took the pieces in her hand. She placed it on the counter and looked at Rosie. "I-I'm sorry," she shuttered.

   "How dare you break my plate," Bella yelled and slapped Rosie. The sudden force caused Rosie to stumble back. She grabbed the counter to balance herself. Her eyes welled with tears as she looked at Bella. "Why did you hit me? I told you it was an accident," Rosie cried.

   "You dare to back answer me," Bella growled. "You will be punished, child. As a punishment, you will clean this place and do the dishes. Do you understand?"

"But I'm tired. Can I do it later," Rosie pleaded.

   "You dare to talk back!" she exclaimed, and caught Rosie's hand. "Listen to me, din lilla råtta (you little rat). You do what I say or you get no lunch or dinner."

   Rosie's stomach grumbled again. She pushed Bella's ran and took off. "Rose! Rose! Come back her this instant," she commanded. Rosie ignored her and opened the door. She looked at her angry stepmom one last time before she started running. Bella chased her up to the gate, yelling at her in Swedish. Rosie ignored her and kept running as fast as she could. The poor thing was crying violently that she didn't see the black Chevrolet Spark coming in front of her. The car ended up bumping into her, and she fell down. She groaned in pain as she felt her hand burn. She sat up and looked at the fresh bruise on her pale skin.

   Meanwhile, the driver had gotten down and saw the little girl. "Oh, my gosh Rosabella, are you okay?" she looked up and saw her favorite person. She showed him her hand. He squatted down and examined her hand. "Oh my, darling sorry," Dylan said. "Come, let me take you home and get you cleaned."

   "No, I don't want to go home," she cried as he carried her and clung onto him.

   "I meant mine."

   Dylan took her to his house and made her to sit on the couch. He rushed to the bathroom and grabbed the first aid kit. He kneeled in front of her and grabbed a tube of Arnica. "This is going to sting. Bite your teeth, okay?" she did as he said while Dylan treated her wound and bandaged it.

   Then He kept back the supplies and joined Rosie on the couch. "Why were you running on the street?" he enquired.

   "B-Bella hit me," she shuttered.

   "She did!? What the- why?"

   "I accidentally broke her plate, Dylu, but she wouldn't believe me," she cried.

   "Who hits a child for that!?" Dylan clenched his fist. Rosie was like his little sister, and he didn't like anyone hurting her.

   "T-then she told me I must do the dishes. There was so much Dylu. She wouldn't let me eat, so I ran away. I don't wanna go back. Please don't make me go back," she whined.

   He patted her shoulder. "Please don't cry. I'll talk to your father, okay? Let me get you something to eat first. You must be hungry." He quickly put a bowl of leftover pasta from last night and microwaved it. After it was heated, he gave it to the little girl with a spoon.

   Rosie sat and ate in silence while Dylan went to call her father. Mr. Davis was the first to speak as soon as he picked up. "Son, I was just about to call you! Rose ran away, is she-"

   "Yes, she is with me. What the heck does your wife think? She hit her! The poor thing was crying so hard that she didn't even see my car coming. I almost bumped into her!"

   "Is she okay?"

   "Yes. She is eating. She refused to give her food, man. Who does that?" Dylan said in disgust.

   "I know what happened. Bella just called me. She is crying at home, feeling terrible too. She wanted to teach Rose to do some chores and asked her to help her, but Rose refused. You know how stubborn Rose can be sometimes. In the commotion, Rose knocked her plate down and it broke. Bella accidentally lashed out at Rose. She apologized but Rose refused and ran away."

   "That's not what happened. The dishes were a punishment for breaking the plate. And what do u mean accidentally? How do you accidentally hit someone-"

   "I know, I know, but Bella isn't used to Rose and now that I left, Rose started to be more rebellious. I don't know what to do," Davis complained.

   "Why do you even call her Rose? That isn't her name," Dylan questioned.

   "Yeah, but it gets confusing to call her Rosabella cause of Bella, so Rose is better."

   "Listen, just tell your wife not to touch Rosabella ever again. If she hits her again, I'm calling child abuse. I'm staying silent cause it is your personal life."

   "Y-yes I will talk to Bella. Can you please talk to Rose and make her be more understanding of Bella?"

   Dylan scoffed. He knew there was no point talking to her father. So he just said, "fine" and left the phone. Dylan walked out of the room and stopped a few feet away from Rosie. She didn't notice him. She was still eating. He felt bad for the 13-year-old. Her cheeks were dirty with dry tear stains and nose was leaking. Her hair was all tossed and her uniform was squeezed. If only Dylan had the money, he would look after Rosie. But he barely had money for himself.

   Barely three months after marrying Bella, Mr. Davis left for Sweden. That's when Bella's atrocities started. It was first subtly done so that Davis wouldn't think much into it. Like ignoring Rosie, yelling at her for little things, giving Isolda the better share. A month after all that, Davis came back. Rosie was going to do her middle school in Bridgewoods, not in the school she studied on the outskirts of town. Davis changed her school because it would be more convenient. So he came back to ensure Rosie got admission and her new school was okay for her. Everything was back to normal. Or so he thought. The partiality between the two children still took place, and even Adam showed more affection for his stepdaughter. This made Rosie hate them more. Hardly after two months, he left again because "Bella was a good mother" so he didn't have to worry.

   Rosie got up, and Dylan quickly grabbed the bowl. "I'll take this. You go take a shower. You look like a pig rolled in mud," Dylan chuckled. Rosie smiled.

   "But I don't have clothes."

   "I'll go get your clothes and come," Dylan replied.

   "I can stay with you? Forever?" Rosie's eyes sparkled.

   Dylan sighed and kneeled in front of her. "You can't stay her forever Princess." Rosie's smile dropped. "I really wish you can."

   "Then why can't I?" Rosie whispered.

   "You have to stay there, Rosabella. Your mother is there, right? Her memories are filled in that house. Don't you want to be with her?" Dylan tried to reason.

   "But..." she pouted.

   "I know Bella isn't who you taught she was, but she isn't always bad now, is she? Most days you can just ignore her, right? Plus, you can come here whenever you want or go to your friends when you can't deal with her."

   "But she hit me Dylu."

   "I won't let that happen again, okay?"


   He took her little hand in his and squeezed it. "Promise. Now go take a shower. I'll go get your clothes. We are gonna have a sleepover." Her face lit up again. "Yeeeeeey!" she cheered. "Can we watch Wall-E please! Please!"

   "Yes, we can and we can also order pizza with extra cheese," he chirped and booped her nose. Rosie giggled. "Now go." Rosie nodded and hopped away.

   Dylan drove to the pink house and knocked on the door. Bella opened it and looked behind him. "She is not come. She is staying the night at my place. I'm come to take her clothes," Dylan informed and walked inside. He went upstairs and packed a set of nightclothes and a clean set of her uniform. He went back downstairs. Dylan stopped and looked at Bella. "You might think I'm blackmailing you, but I'm sure Adam already told you this. Do not touch my sister ever again. If you do, I'll have to call child abuse," he warned and left.

   After Rosie got ready, she ran into the living room and flopped on the couch beside Dylan. "Why do girls take ages to bathe," Dylan said and Rosie chuckled. "Ahhhh I missed you, princess," he exclaimed and threw his arms over her. He pulled her close and ruffled her hair.

   Rosie whined and pulled away. She smacked his arms and huffed. "I spent so long combing that Dylu," she pouted as she set her hair.

   "Gosh such a diva."

   Rosie chuckled and asked, "Can we watch the movie?"

   "Hmph, good to know you don't miss me," Dylan fake huffed and grabbed the remote.

   "Noooo!" Rosie clung onto him and gave him a big hug. "I missed you too!" Dylan ruffled her hair again, making her whine as he giggled and played the movie.

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