My Deadly Protectors ✔

By unknown_wings

858K 23K 4.4K

//Highest ranking: #1 in broken// #1 in siblings// ... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Author Note
Thank you
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Characters part two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty

Chapter Five

24.1K 629 93
By unknown_wings

Victoria pov:

Walking down stairs while biting my lips, I saw Alfredo is sitting on couch alone. I went towards kitchen but Amelia is not there. I'm so hungry. I start looking here and there while walking looking for Vincenzo. I bump into someone. I pouted then rub my nose and look up.

Alfredo look down at me than said with raised eyebrows: "you're late"

I start looking down and murmured softly: "I don't know how I sleep so long"

He hummed than said blankly: "why are you wandering around?"

I bite my lips hard than mumble softly: "hungry"

He said simply: "than go and cook"

I pout than said softly: "I don't know cooking"

He said smirking: "don't your father teach you cooking?"

I shake my head in no and said softly: "where is Vincenzo?"

He said blankly walking towards kitchen: "no one is at home except us"

I walk behind him than asked softly: "Amelia"

He said simply getting a cornflakes box: "she is not coming today"

I pouted and said softly sitting on dinning chair: "oh-okay"

He pour some milk in a bowl with cornflakes. I keep looking at the bowl and my stomach growled. He came towards the dining than sat on chair in front of me.

I pout while looking at him. How can he eat alone when I'm hungry sitting in front of him with my pouting face. He didn't melt with my pouting face but Dad always melted and get me everything I want.

He push bowl in front of me making me grin at him. I quickly pick up the spoon and going to eat when he said smirking: "what if I poision it?"

I look at him with wide eyes. He chuckle than said smirking: "eat baby girl. I'm just kidding"

I pout while keep looking at the bowl. I sighed than eat a little bit. I wait for a minute but nothing happened so I quickly start eating. He is busy in his phone while glancing at me in every few seconds.

I'm done eating. I pick my empty bowl than went to kitchen. I went to dishwasher and wash my bowl and spoon. I start looking here and there for its place. After few minutes, I found it but it's high. I start looking here and there for stool or something but there is nothing.

I went back to counter and trying to climb on it so I can place bowl on its place. Then I feel someone pick me from my waist make me gasp loudly. I look back Alfredo.

He said simply: "do it fast"

I quickly place bowl and spoon. He put me down than said simply: "why are you so fucking tiny and light weight?"

I pouted at him than went to living room. I sat on couch with crossed arms and legs. He came with laptop and start doing something. I grin and look at him than laptop.

I said softly pointing towards the laptop: "it's your?"

He nodded blankly while doing something on it. I said softly: "can I use it after you done with your work?"

He said simply: "what you wanna do?"

I said softly: "I wanna chat with Gemma and Ian"

He said glaring at me making me nod my head: "Ian is a boy right"

I said softly looking down: "he is from my old school and he is nice"

He said smirking: "what would I get in return if I let you talk to them?"

I pout than said softly: "but papa didn't ask for anything in return for letting me use his laptop"

He shrug and said smirking: "but I'm not your father. I want something in return"

I pout than said softly: "whatever you want"

He said smirking: "anything"

I nodded softly. He said smirking getting up: "come with me"

I said softly looking up at him: "but where and Armando told me not to leave the house without permission"

He said simply: "not alone but you're going with me"

I said softly getting up: "okay, I will be back in a minute"

He asked with raised eyebrows: "where?"

I said softly looking down at my shorts and t-shirt: "I'm going to change clothes"

He grab my forearm than start dragging me outside. I said softly looking at him: "my shoes"

He sighed than said blankly: "come fast"

I quickly run upstairs to my room and wear my black vans. I went down stairs and saw Alfredo is waiting at door. I went to him.

We went outside and sat in a white car. It's beautiful. He started to drove somewhere. I asked softly looking at him: "where are we going Alfredo?"

He smirk than said: "somewhere"

I frown than start looking outside. We drove for 20 minutes than stop in a parking lot. I start looking here and there when he said coming towards my side: "get down"

I hopped off the car than start looking here and there. It's cold outside. I forgot to wear any warm jacket or coat. I hug myself while shivering. He start walking towards the elevator. I walk behind him basically running behind him.

We went to elevator. He press a button and door open. We walk inside and he press the button. Door closed and it's start moving. I flinch a little when it's start and stop. Door open and we get out. I look here and there. It's a some kind of club.

There is different types of lights shinning. People drinking, smoking and dancing. Loud music is playing in the background. I look back at Alfredo with wide eyes. He started to walk somewhere. I quickly run behind him don't want to lost here.

I'm going to hold his jacket so I wouldn't lost him but someone grab my hand. I look up and saw a man. He looks at me with some kind of emotion I don't familiar with but it's not good. I look at him then back to find Alfredo but he isn't there. I started to panick and tears rolled down my cheeks.

I said softly trying to pull my hand back: "please let me go"

He smirk at me and going to touch my cheek making me flinch but I didn't feel anything. I look up and Alfredo is holding his hand. I said sobbing: "Alfredo"

Alfredo hold his hand pull me towards him. I hold his jacket tightly. He said something to him in different language. He started to walk somewhere holding my hand. We walk towards a glass room. I'm still shaken up from the incident. I'm sobbing quietly.

He said glaring at me: "stop fucking crying like a little baby"

I flinch and wipe my tears but it keep flowing. He shake his head and we went inside the room. There is a men sitting on a big couch with a girl sitting next to him. He is kissing the girl. I scrunched my nose in disgust and close my eyes. Alfredo grab my hand and pull with him to couch.

He said blankly looking at the men: "Rossi"

The men grin at him and said: "Alfredo"

They talk in a different language while that man keep looking at me in every few minutes. I hug myself tightly and keep my gaze to the corner of the room. After some time, Alfredo get up. I quickly get up with him to leave this place as soon as possible. I don't like this place.

Alfredo said blankly making me look at him with wide eyes: "you're staying here with him"

I look back at the man who is grinning at me. Tears glow from my eyes and I said softly looking at him: "I wouldn't disturb you. I wouldn't talk to my friends. I will listen to all of you but please don't leave me here"

He said blankly making me sob violently: "listen here, I don't want you in our fucking house. I don't know why Armando is keeping you. We all know your father fucking lie to keep you safe but I know one thing you're not our sister. You're fucking all of them go soft and I don't want to become a fucking weak. You're not coming back to us"

I hold his hand and said sobbing with hiccups: "Alfredo please don't leave me. Just let me go to papa. I wouldn't come back to you guys but please don't leave me here. I will do everything Alfredo please"

The old men said to the guards: "get her boys"

I look at Alfredo but he just walk towards the door leaving me there crying mess. I keep on crying and begging for him to get me with him. Alfredo phone rings. He pick up the call and hear the other person. He look back at me than at door.

He said blankly looking at the men: "deal cancel"

I keep on crying then the old men said: "you can't cancel the deal like this"

Alfredo came towards and said blankly: "I can do whatever I want"

He grab my arm and start dragging me outside. We went to elevator. He drag me towards his car. He open door and push me inside. He drove back to house. I keep on crying in whole ride. I hopped of the car and we went inside the house. I saw everyone is there.

Vincenzo look at me and said simply: "are you fine?"

I look back at Alfredo and said running upstairs to my room: "I hate you. I hate you Alfredo. I thought I will try to live with you. I thought you're mean but you will change but no. I hate you"

Hey guys I wish you like this chapter. Leave your comments and votes...

What do you think about Alfredo?

What do you think about Alfredo getting her to a club?

What do you think about that Rossi?

Why Alfredo didn't leave her at club?

Who call Alfredo?

Who is your favorite character?

What is going to happen next?

Which is your favorite part?

Do you have any suggestions?

Thank you

Love you so much ❤

Stay safe😊

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