Behind the Castle's Door [COM...

By szenaeva

193K 7.5K 2.7K

When Clementine, a young woman who had recently experienced heartbreak, decided to flee after witnessing her... More

First Door
Second Door
Third Door
Fourth Door
Fifth Door
Sixth Door
Seventh Door
Eighth Door
Ninth Door
Tenth Door
Eleventh Door
Twelfth Door
Thirteenth Door
Fourteenth Door
Fifteenth Door
Sixteenth Door
Seventeenth Door
Eighteenth Door
Nineteenth Door
Twentieth Door
Twenty-First Door
Twenty-Second Door
Twenty-Third Door
Twenty-Fourth Door
Twenty-Fifth Door
Twenty-Sixth Door
Twenty-Seventh Door
Twenty-Eighth Door
Twenty-Ninth Door
Thirtieth Door
Thirty-First Door
Thirty-Second Door
Thirty-Third Door
Thirty-Fourth Door
Thirty-Fifth Door
Thirty-Seventh Door
Thirty-Eighth Door
Thirty-Ninth Door
Fortieth Door
Forty-First Door
Forty-Second Door
Forty-Third Door
Forty-Fourth Door
Forty-Fifth Door
Forty-Sixth Door
Forty-Seventh Door
Forty-Eighth Door
Forty-Ninth Door
Fiftieth Door
Fifty-First Door
Thank you!

Thirty-Sixth Door

3.6K 137 27
By szenaeva

Since everyone was tired due to the party last night, they all opted to sleep in the cabin instead of going home. Because everyone was still sleeping, the cabin was quiet. Alcina yawned as she awoke from her slumber, rubbed her eyes, and looked over to her side to see Clementine soundly asleep beside her. They chose to celebrate alone after their moment last night, and they ate the cake together. She raised her left hand to reveal her bracelet, which was still attached to her wrist. Before finally getting out of bed, she kissed the woman on the nose. She exited the room and proceeded to the kitchen, where she saw Irish preparing coffee in the coffee pot.

"Good morning, Irish," she greeted.

Irish gave her a smirk as she turned to face her. "Good morning, as well. You had a very beautiful moment back there last night, didn't you?"

Irish laughed when Alcina's cheeks flushed slightly.

"You were watching?" Her jaw slightly dropped.

"Miranda was there, but I took her away to let you two have your moment. She was jealous because of that and and wanted a kiss from me as well."

Alcina took a seat near the island countertop in a chair.

"If you don't mind my asking, what's the real score between you two?"

Irish shrugged. "We're only friends, and I'm only here for the serum; after that's done, I'll be returning to my real home."

Alcina smiled and nodded. "Is it true that you're simply friends? You had love bites on your neck the last time we saw each other," she cocked her head and smirked.

Irish's pupils dilated. "Quiet! People might hear you!"

Alcina chuckled, and when she turned back to hear soft footsteps approaching the kitchen, she noticed Clementine rubbing her eyes.

"Good morning, Clementine," Alcina greeted her.

"You left me in the room," she grumbled as she wrapped her arms around Alcina's waist and rested her head on her shoulder.

"I apologize; you were sleeping so soundly that I didn't wanted to wake you up."

She pouted, "Oh, hey Irish, I didn't notice you there."

Irish guffawed. "Of course, Alcina is here, so how could you see me?"

Alcina turned to face the clingy woman beside her and shook her head.

"Please let go of me; I'll cook breakfast."

Clementine let go of her and sat on the island countertop, while Alcina got up and walked to the kitchen to begin preparing breakfast.

"Would you like some coffee, Eve?" Irish enquired.

"No, thank you; I just drink milk and don't drink coffee."

Alcina explained, "She truly favors strawberry milk or matcha milk."

"I think we have strawberry milk on the fridge," Irish said as she went to get the milk and give it to Eve.


Irish took a seat next to her while they waited for Alcina to finish cooking breakfast. Clementine was engaged watching Alcina prepare when Irish tapped her shoulder.

"Hey, Eve?"

"Yeah?" As she raised the milk container to her lips, she said.

"Did you two did it?"

Clementine's widened opened, and she spitted out the milk she had been sipping. Alcina turned to retrieve some table napkins to clean the table and wipe Clementine's mouth.

Alcina inquired, "What happened?"

"Nothing," She shook her head. "I suddenly choked while drinking,"

Irish put her hand over her mouth to hide her laughter from Alcina.

She grinned at her and said, "Go ahead and cook, you might burn breakfast."

Clementine stared at Irish, who was standing alongside her, while Alcina turned her back on the stove.

"Really? That's the first question you'll ask me in the morning?"

Irish laughed softly. "Sorry, I was just interested. I was thinking she might have given you pleasure as a birthday present."

She gave a sly grin. "She's not as wild as you or mom."

Irish's smile faded as she looked at Clementine with humiliation.

"I occasionally hear the two of you. You'd sneak into her room at midnight, and then the magic would happen," Clementine burst out laughing.

Irish buried her face with her hair because she had already had her fill of embarrassment for the day.


After their breakfast, Clementine and Alcina went for a walk on the docks together. When they walked down for a walk, they had just finished bathing; their hair was still soaking wet, but the breeze was doing its job of drying it. Their bracelet's pendant was clasped together because their hands were interlaced.

"I've always hoped for walks like these," Clementine said. "I instantly remembered how you brought me here the first time."

"Right, the time you were on the verge of meeting Mother Miranda," she chuckled.

"We almost met?"

"She was eager to meet the servant I'd brought with me. I never brought any staff to meetings to keep myself company. You were simply unique."

She winked and said, "Of course I am."

She rolled her eyes and added, "Also, Donna and I actually fought about you after metal head and I were done arguing."

"How come you're fighting over me?"

"I assume Donna had her heart set on you as a servant, and I believe she was envious of my possession."

She burst out laughing. "Last night, we talked, and she told me how badly she wanted me to be her sister since we were so similar."

"Really? I guess she doesn't have feelings for you just like I expected."

"Believe me, she doesn't. I spoke with her bodyguard, Mallary, about them. I believe the two are experiencing difficulties in their relationship, it's quite complicated since it's unclear."

Alcina laughed. "We had issues as well, but they were resolved; if they hadn't been, we wouldn't be holding hands right now."

"Or you couldn't kiss me last night and call me what you called me last night, what was it again?"

"Dragă mea, it means my love in Romanian."

"Oh course, we're in Europe, and you're Romanian," she chuckled. "I like it since it has a lovely ring to it."

Alcina let out a sigh. "Do you believe everything that happened was a coincidence? I mean, you knocked on my door and I had no idea you were Mother Miranda's other daughter until the tragedy with Sam."

"I don't believe that was a coincidence; instead, I believe it was fate. I knocked on your door without a clue as to what lies behind the castle's door. Who knew you'd be the reason for me to my mom?"

Alcina burst out laughing. "Maybe it was really fate."

"It's not maybe; it is fate."

Alcina pouted. "I've always meant to ask you this question, but I've always forgotten. Where did you throw the dagger, by the way?"

As her gaze fell on the shack, she grinned. "Let's just say it was kept hidden from me by a friend. That dagger is no longer a threat to you, and I'm not going to let you die."

Alcina gave her a kiss on the forehead. "Thank you so much; it means a lot to me."

She winked and said, "Anything for you, Alcina Dimitrescu."

Alcina shifted her gaze to her neck, where she noticed the family crest jewelry. "Who gave that to you?"

"Cassandra did, it's cute isn't it? I'm never going to take it off," she murmured, holding the delicate pendant.

"I suppose that merely implies she now considers you a member of our family."

She gave a sly grin. "Speaking of family, I discovered a portrait in your room. A new family portrait in which I'm included?"

"Sooping around in my room, are we?" Alcina cocked her head.

"I happened to see it. Would you mind telling me why I'm there?"

Alcina smiled and nodded. "The girls actually asked for a new family portrait with you in it, and I agreed, but that was a long time ago. The painter went to the castle, but because you were in a coma, you weren't there, so I gave him a picture of you so you could be featured."

"It's so thoughtful of you to include me. Is it true that I'm now a member of your family?"

"Of course, unless you don't want to, in which case I'll simply remove you."

"I never said you could remove me!" She sighed and rolled her eyes.

Alcina burst out laughing. "I'm sorry draga mea, what can I do to make you happy again?"

She cocked her head. "Perhaps a kiss would suffice."

Alcina rolled her eyes and kissed her forehead, nose, and lips in succession.

"Will that suffice?"

She laughed and said, "Yes, I'm not upset anymore."

Alcina playfully rolled her eyes. "I never knew you were so needy."

"Only when i'm with you," she winked.

"I believe everyone has recovered from their hangovers; let's return to the cabin," Alcina suggested

They went up to the cabin for lunch because they had been walking for quite some time in the docks. When they arrived at the dining room, everyone was already seated in their chairs, a bowl of soup in front of them, and they were sipping it.

"Mother and Mom have arrived!" Daniela squealed with delight.

"Please don't yell," Karl said quietly to Daniela.

Miranda rubbed her temples and said, "My head hurts."

"Mine, too," Donna added quietly.

Clementine's eyes widened as she saw Donna without her veil for the first time; Donna had a scar on her other eye but she doesn't care about that, Donna looks stunning in her eyes.

"Mom, you look like you have seen a ghost." Cassandra remarked.

"This is the first time I've seen Donna without her veil."

"Aunt Donna rarely takes her veil off." Bela said.

Donna fixed her gaze on her. "I look hideous, right? I can't find my veil; I believe Karl tossed it into the lake the night before."

"No, you don't look hideous. I'm actually mesmerized by you right now."

"I'll just accept the compliment," Donna groaned.

"What did exactly happened last night?" Alcina enquired.

"Do you mind telling us? We have no idea since we were celebrating upstairs."

Irish walked into the room from the kitchen all of a sudden. "Last night, the three of them had a wild night; they drank all the booze because Miranda over here told them that whoever finished the booze would get money transferred to their bank account."

"Who won?" Both Alcina and her inquired.

"The three of them passed out all at the same time," Irish laughed. "I'm not sure who won."

She rolled her eyes and said, "Geez, mom, I didn't know you could drink that much."

Miranda groaned, "I can't even cure my own hangover."

"There's always a reminder to drink moderately," she shook her head.

"You don't need to remind me, Eve," Miranda grumbled.

Alcina and she sat in their seats. Today's lunch was provided by the kitchen servants. They all ate at the same time, and the three persons who were suffering from hangovers were groaning as they ate. They split up after lunch because Miranda, Donna, and Karl were suffering from hangovers and needed to rest. Clementine traveled to the castle at the request of the girls. The four of them were inside the library, but Alcina was absent since she was back in her study, working on the papers she had skipped the night before.

Clementine was showing off the gifts she had received from the girls, and the girls were trying to see who could provide the nicest gift.

"I feel the earrings I gave Mom were the nicest present she'd ever received because they were handmade by me," Bela proudly stated.

"No, I think the necklace is the nicest gift she's ever received because it was made by me with Uncle Karl's help. Because our family's crest is on it, it has special significance," Cassandra smirked.

"The bracelet I gave her is the finest; it has a mermaid pendant on it, which signifies she'll find her true love in no time," Daniela remarked.

Cassandra rolled her eyes and said, "Stupid, she already found the love of her life."

Bela chuckled as she said, "The love of her life is upstairs busy with the documents she left because of her birthday."

She shaked her head. "Okay, all of the things you guys got me are beautiful. You don't have to compare because I'm wearing them which only means I like them."

They all responded with a nod.

"Are you sure you're not going to take them off, mom?" Daniela inquired.

"Of course not; I'll wear them all the time so you'll be able to see them."

Cassandra pouted. "Are you and mother now official? You know like a couple?"

"I heard from grandma that you two kissed last night; how did it go?" Bela giggled.

"Is it enchanted? Did you feel like you were in a fairytale?" Daniela had inquired.

She bit her finger as she remembered everything last night. Yes, it was magical, enchanting that it almost felt like a dream even if it wasn't. The girls started to laugh when they noticed that her cheeks were blushing red because of their questions.

"Mom's blushing," Bela laughed.

"Silence means yes," Cassandra lifted a brow.

"I knew it! It was magical!" Daniela squealed.

The library door opened, and a woman dressed in a formal clothing entered the room. When the three girls saw the woman, they all groaned.

Bela groaned, "Our tutor has arrived."

Cassandra hugged her and said, "Fun time is finished, we'll see you later mom."

Daniela smiled as she handed Clementine a stack of documents in a folder. "I hope you don't mind but that's a manuscript of the story I'm writing. If you have the time, I hope you will read it."

She smiled and nodded. "Of course, anything for you."

Daniela gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you very much! We'll catch up after our classes."

She exited the library, waving farewell to the girls. She was in the hallway as she proceeded upstairs to Alcina's office. She knocked on the door as soon as she entered the room.

"Who is it?" From inside the room, Alcina inquired.

"It's me, do you mind if I disturb you?"

"No, not at all," she laughed from the inside of the room. "Please come in."

She entered the room after opening the door. Stacks of papers littered the table and the floor; it appeared like Alcina had been signing papers all day.

"What brings you here? I thought that the four of you were in the library."

"Their tutor has arrived, and my presence will only serve to distract them. Instead, I'll just distract you," she cocked her head and smirked.

She approached Alcina and took a seat on the tall woman's lap. She examined the documents on the table, the most of which had already been signed.

"In just a few hours, you signed all of these?" She turned to face her and raised an eyebrow.

Alcina shrugged her shoulders. "I want to take tomorrow off, so I'm finishing them all."

She smiled and nodded. "I won't be staying for dinner; I have to go back to the manor before dark."

Alcina laid her chin in her shoulder and slid her hands around her waist.

"Why don't you just stay?"

"What exactly do you mean when you say "stay"? Stay for the evening or stay for dinner?"

Alcina kissed her cheek and said, "I prefer both."

"I appreciate this side of you," she joked. "You're being too honest."

"I've been looking for anything like this for a long time, and I believe I've found it in you."

"You're being far too sweet. I'll text Irish that I'll be staying here for the night; mom is probably still sleeping owing to her hangover; I guess I inherited her tendency of becoming drunk."

"You drink?" Alcina's brows drew together.

"Yes, and I have a strong tolerance for booze."

Alcina pursed her lips together. "Then maybe you can taste some of my new wine flavors. It's in my wine cellar."

"Of course, but first you must finish signing these documents."

Alcina laughed. "All right, I'll start signing these."

Clementine sat patiently on Alcina's lap for half of the afternoon, waiting for her to complete signing the documents. They're now in the wine cellar, where they're tasting different wine flavors without the inclusion of blood.

Clementine chuckled as she read the taste on the bottle, "I like this one, oh, it's strawberry wine."

"That flavor has gotten a lot of positive feedback."

"It's extremely good, but if you don't want me to finish the bottle, you should take it away from me."

As she took the bottle from Clementine, Alcina laughed and shook her head. She handed her another bottle that she had taken from the shelf.

"Oh, apple wine? I'm sure the flavor is going to be sweet," Clementine poured the contents of the bottle into her glass.

As she drank the beverage, her face became sour, and Alcina responded with a laugh.

"Does it have a sweet taste?" she teased.

"No! Apples are supposed to be sweet, that's one sour wine!"

She rolled her eyes as she returned the bottle to the shelf. "I told you I'm testing different flavors."

"What's the total number of bottles we'veve tried? I believe we had too many."

"How do you know we had too many?"

"My cheeks feel like they're on fire."

"Your cheeks are red, I think that's enough taste testing for tonight."

"I agree, your cheeks are turning red too. We had too much," she laughed.

"I didn't count how many bottles we had, but I can confirm one thing. We finished three bottles."

"We should really get out of here before we start drinking again."

As the two of them walked out of the wine cellar, Alcina held her hand. Clementine was dizzy and walking in zigzags; Alcina was dizzy as well, but she tried her hardest to walk straight and help Clementine down the corridor.

"I don't think I'll be able to eat dinner any longer."

"Like you, the wine filled me up."

"Do you mean we're not going to eat dinner?"

Alcina smiled and nodded. "Let's go to my room before—" she stopped to when she collided with a vase nearby. "I was going to say break something, but I guess I just jinxed myself,"

Clementine laughed loudly. "I think we should go to your room."

With their dizzy heads, the two of them made their way to Alcina's room. Clementine sat down on the bed as soon as they entered the room, and Alcina followed suit, laying alongside her. A grin grew on her lips as she peered into Alcina's golden eyes.

"Your eyes are always mesmerizing and enchanting," she murmured as she stroked a few strands of Alcina's hair across the woman's face.

"Your eyes and mine seem a lot alike," Alcina observed.

Clementine laughed as Alcina kissed her on the nose. She then looked down on her neck, craving and needing to drink her blood right now.

"Would you like to take a drink from me?" She inquired, as if she knew what was on her mind.

"Are you sure you don't mind?"

She nodded. "If you want to drain me, go ahead; I don't mind."

She burst out laughing. "If I do that, Mother Miranda will kill me."

Clementine chuckled and undid four buttons on her white blouse, revealing her neck to Alcina. When Alcina observed Clementine's exposed chest area, her eyes narrowed and her cheeks flushed. Clementine let out a small groan as she brushed her lips on the woman's neck. She kissed the woman's neck before digging in her teeth and piercing her skin. She drank from her for over two minutes before eventually letting go. When Clementine stared at Alcina's face, her gaze fell on the woman's bloody lips, she ran her thumb over Alcina's lips collecting the remaining blood. She raised her thumb towards Alcina and wiggled it causing Alcina to lick the leftover blood from her thumb making her giggle.

"You're a messy drinker," she smirked.

Alcina laughed and stroked Clementine's nose. As their noses touched, she took Alcina's hand in hers. For a long time, they peered into each other's eyes, feeling the scorching heat on their bodies. She kissed Alcina, and the woman returned the kiss. As the two of them continued to kiss, Alcina climbed on top of her, one hand moving down her thigh and the other unbuttoning her blouse, and Alcina placed her lips on the woman's ears.

"I love you," she said quietly as she kissed the spot on her neck where she had bitten earlier.

Clementine responded. "I love you."


Y'all, I wanted to make this happen but I'm still practicing and I don't wanna ruin the moment they're having. I'm already sorry, aaaaaa.

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