That's Racing Baby | Lando No...

By happywookie

513K 9.6K 6.3K

BOOK ONE Emilia Miller is 2021's new talent replacing Nicholas Latifi for a season in a much improved William... More

2021 Driver Lineup
2021 Race Calender
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3: Race One
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7: Race Two
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11: Race Three
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14: Race Four
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17: Race Five
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20: Race Six
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24: Race Seven
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27: Race Eight
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32: Race Nine
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35: Race Ten
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 42: Race Eleven
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53: Race Thirteen
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56: Race Fourteen
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60: Race Fifteen
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64: Race Sixteen
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67: Race Seventeen
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71: Race Eighteen
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75: Race Nineteen
Chapter 76
Chapter 77: Race Twenty
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80: Race Twenty-One
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84: Race Twenty-Two
Chapter 85
Chapter 86: Race Twenty-Three
Author's Note
Bonus Chapter One
Bonus Chapter Two
Sequel now out!

Chapter 41

5.6K 121 186
By happywookie

The atmosphere entering the paddock on Friday was incredible. It was a lot of team's and driver's home race so there was a big desire to do well. Excitement could be felt; even though it was only practice, teams wanted to get settled and ready for the weekend.

"How are you?" Aurelia questioned picking up on Emilia's lack of enthusiasm. The driver had laid in Lando's bed for longer than she should have causing her arrival time to be later that it should be. Lando had already left by the time she was up even with Lando nagging her that she needed to move otherwise she'd be late.

"I'm fine." Emilia lied. She certainly was not.

"That's a big lie. I know that. Girl, you don't need to lie. You can be honest with me." Aurelia responded. "It's okay to not be okay."

"I don't know how I'm going to get through this weekend without him. Maybe if he wasn't supposed to come here then I wouldn't be so upset about it." Emilia told herself she was going to get through today without crying. They passed Lewis and Emilia smiled at him.

"Emilia, we need to talk." Lewis interrupted the conversation she was having.

"Yeah what's up?" Emilia asked.

"I just thought you'd want a heads up that the photo of me kissing you in Baku got leaked again and people figured out it was you." Lewis revealed and Emilia groaned. "It's probably my fault. People must have worked it out from yesterday's press conference."

"Honestly Lewis, it's fine." Emilia smiled. It wasn't but she didn't want Lewis to beat himself up over it.

"Okay, see you later." Lewis headed off in the other direction to Emilia.

"Ugh that's so what I needed today." Emilia complained to her manager as they entered the Williams building. She needed coffee desperately because that would solve a lot of problems. "Did you not know about it?" Emilia questioned Aurelia as they went up the stairs.

"No I didn't." Aurelia sighed.

"I fucking hate the media." Emilia purposely banged her head on the wall before she turned the corner. "I'm honestly done with this shit." Emilia told the Spaniard as they headed into the room where their briefings were. Most of the team would be in the garage preparing for practice so the room was empty apart from one table. On that table was George and his family. Brilliant. "Oh sorry I didn't realise anyone would be here."

"Em this is my Mum and Dad." George gestured to the two people on his table. They all stood up to hug Emilia which caught her off guard.

"Lovely to meet you." George's Mum Alison greeted as she wrapped her arms around George's teammate. Emilia wasn't prepared to be hugged so her efforts to hug them back were lame. She really should make an effort with George's family as George had with her Grandad. But she knew George was a lot more selfless than she was and Emilia knew she could never be as altruistic as George even when she tried.

"I'm sorry I'm not usually smashing my head against walls and swearing." Emilia laughed.

"Oh no it's alright George has said enough nice things about you for that not to matter." George's Dad Steve replied.

"What happened?" George questioned sitting back down.

"The photo of Lewis kissing me got leaked and people figured out it was me, yay." Emilia revealed. She had completely forgotten that George's parents were there and had now spilled a secret the media would pay millions to get their hands on.

"Oh I was hoping you were single so George could find himself another girlfriend after Carmen. She was a lovely girl; I still don't see why you two broke up." Alison sighed.

"Mum, we're not talking about this. Plus Emilia is seeing someone that's not Lewis." George responded.

"Oh that's a shame. Well I'm glad you're happy though if you ever fancy lowering your standards George is here." Alison smiled.

"Mum!" George protested. He was not amused with his Mother's offer or with Emilia laughing.

"I need to go to the garage I'll see you all later." Emilia laughed. "Aurelia can you get the pictured deleted please." The Spaniard gave her a look with the same stunned expression and Emilia shrugged prior to going down the stairs and out to the garage.

Emilia's car appeared fine and she was almost ready for practice. She hadn't got a chance to speak to Lando before practice because she had been running late. Emilia also knew that his family were in his garage today and she didn't particularly fancy meeting them today. She was nervous that they wouldn't like or not approve of her occupation either. All these worries in Emilia's mind were unreasonable and unlikely which she knew but she still doubted herself.

Emilia was ready to climb into her car when she noticed the empty space in the garage where her Grandad should be. She paused for a moment reminiscing but George brought her out of it. He put a hand on her shoulder.

"You okay?" Emilia barely heard him due to the loud noise in the garage. Emilia nodded and he gave her a hug then returned to his side of the garage.

Emilia got in the car and flicked her visor down. She was now zoning out everything else so she could focus on her driving. She was to go out and do a stint on the mediums for race pace data. All practice session she couldn't connect with the car properly. She had spun twice by the end of FP1 ruining two sets of tyres. No one at Williams including Emilia was very happy with her performance. The same could be said about FP2. It went terrible. She had lost her front wing and was pretty much ready to give up at this point. Emilia sat in her room after the second practice in silence with Christine and Aurelia.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Christine finally broke the silence.

"Me and the car are usually at one and I can control it and it moves at my will. Today I was fighting the car. It's not the track. I've raced here previously and I've prepared for it. I don't know, it just didn't work today." Emilia replied. The other two had no idea what to respond to that so they didn't.

"We better go and do my media duties." Emilia groaned and stood up. She didn't want to do them but she'd rather get them done. Emilia opened the door and saw Jost approaching her. She was not in the mood for a conversation with him so she ignored him.

"Emilia we need to talk." Jost said noticing Emilia was walking away. She stopped, stuck a smile on her face and turned around.

"Yeah, what's up?" Emilia queried pretending to be oblivious.

"I'm not sure you should race on Sunday." Jost admitted. Emilia would agree with him but now that he'd said that, she had a desire to prove him wrong.

"Today was not good I will say that but I will be fine for tomorrow and Sunday. I am going to prove you wrong." Emilia responded.

"What are we betting on it?" Jost laughed.

"If I finish in the top ten I don't have to do any media duties." Emilia decided folding her arms.

"If you win, you don't have to do any media duties." Jost countered. Emilia didn't have a better proposition so she nodded.

"Deal." Emilia smiled. "Do I have to do them if I get pole?"

"I'll let you off if you get pole." Jost chuckled as he walked out the door.

"That conversation went a lot better than I'd hoped." Emilia said once the Team Principal had gone.

"Maybe he's in a good mood." Aurelia replied.

"Again, that'll be because of George and not me." Emilia sighed. She didn't like being second best and it wasn't as if she was being treated like it all the time, only when she was way behind George. The team were very fair and always prioritised whoever was in front but annoyingly for Emilia, most of the time it was George. Though, Emilia shouldn't beat herself up too much as it's only her first season compared to George's third which makes a difference. Eventually, she was sure she would beat him.

"What's me?" George appeared behind her.

"You're too good at everything and it pisses me off." Emilia replied as she exited the building. She got her media duties done and dealt with the stupid questions about the kiss with Lewis. Emilia hoped that their stories would match up but there was no need to worry as they did.

Emilia spent a long time at the track and got to Lando's quite late. She had text him in advance that she would be at his way after him but he informed her he was out for dinner with his family and that she was welcome to join. By the time Emilia saw the text, they would be midway through the dinner so she didn't want to interrupt. Instead, she got into bed.

A few hours later, she was awoken by noise downstairs but Emilia didn't want to move. There was some clattering below here but it didn't concern her enough to get out of bed. Eventually, the clattering stopped and footsteps came up the stairs and into Lando's room. Emilia rolled over to face the door and opened her arms up so Lando could hug her.

"Sorry babe I should have been quieter." Lando apologised as he lay on top of Emilia wrapping his arms around her.

"How was dinner?" Emilia asked with her voice full of sleep.

"Yeah it was good thanks. They'd booked a place for you but I told them you were still at the track so you couldn't come." Lando rolled off Emilia so he was next to her in the bed and started taking his clothes off.

"Oh now I feel bad. You should have said something earlier then I would have left the track at a reasonable time." Emilia replied. Although, part of her was glad that she didn't meet Lando's family today. It hadn't been a good day for her and she didn't need the worry of meeting new people who she felt she had to impress.

"It's okay. You've had a shit day." Lando responded. "I know what you're thinking. I know it's hard without him being here."

"I'm fine." Emilia said intending to change the conversation.

"You're not Emi." Lando run his hands up and down the Williams driver's arm to soothe her. Emilia lay there in the dark focusing on trying not to cry.

"I'm not." Emilia sobbed. "I keep crying and I hate it. I just want to be done with this weekend."

"Are you going to race?"

"Jost thinks I shouldn't so I'm going to."

"Of course you are." Lando smiled.

"How was your day?" Emilia questioned.

"Good, I had the pace I needed. Oh I'm sorry." Lando stopped himself so he didn't gloat in front of Emilia whose day was not as successful as his.

"No it's fine. I want you to boast and not worry about me. I'm happy for your successes unless it involves knocking me out of the race." Emilia smiled as she turned to face the McLaren driver. She couldn't make out much as the room was very dark with only a crack coming through the door that Lando had left partially open.

"I'm really happy with my pace and if qualifying and everything else goes right I should be up for the win potentially." Lando grinned.

"I would love you to win then I can properly celebrate it with you this time." Emilia pressed a kiss to Lando's lips. "Did I tell you what happened this morning?"

"No, I haven't had a chance to speak to you other than the texts about dinner." Lando shook his head.

"So you know that photo of Lewis kissing me? Yeah people figured out it was me and the media went nuts so I had to deal with loads of shitty questions about it. I was done with today before I even got in the paddock and that tipped it off so my language was quite colourful as I entered the Williams motorhome but George was there with his parents and I was so embarrassed. And what does he do? He introduces me to them so I had a conversation with them and I don't think they have a good impression of me now." Emilia ranted.

"You met George's parents and not mine?" Lando queried.

"It wasn't intentional. Plus George is a friend and I don't need to impress his parents like I do for you." Emilia responded.

"You don't need to impress them." Lando reassured moving loose strands of hair out of her face.

"But I need them to like me." Emilia argued.

"They like you already." Lando promised. "I know you're worrying but you don't need to. I promise they will love you. Now let's get some sleep." Emilia listened to Lando and snuggled into him before she shut her eyes.

Emilia snuck into the McLaren building after FP3 to see Lando. He was standing there talking to his Mum. Emilia took a deep breath and put her hands in her pockets to stop her playing with them. She was nervous but she didn't want to appear it. Lando immediately caught her eye. It was only Lando and his family in the room which was good because she didn't want anyone else seeing her here. She stood out enough in her dark blue Williams teamwear.

"This was the girl I was telling you about. This is Emilia." Lando introduced as he wrapped his arm round Emilia's waist. She looked at Lando to let go as she went to hug Lando's Mum.

"Lando keeps banging on about how pretty you are but I didn't realise you were this beautiful." Cisca said.

"Oh wow thank you." Emilia didn't expect the kindness that came from Cisca so her answer was not thought through. Lando's brother Oliver came greeted her next.

"She's not wrong. He literally won't shut up about you." Oliver laughed.

"You do well to put up with it." Emilia responded smiling.

"You do well putting up with him." Oliver replied laughing. Emilia spotted Lando's sisters behind his brother.

"You're Flo and you're Cisca." Emilia hesitantly named the girls. Both of them nodded. "Oh wow first time."

"You look way prettier in real life than on the TV." The smaller Cisca slipped out.

"Cis really? Sorry she's been kind of obsessed with you since the start of the season. She loves that there's a girl in F1 and mostly convinced Lando to date you." Flo revealed.

"Well I appreciate you doing that." Emilia smiled.

"Has Lando met your parents yet?" The little Cisca asked.

"Yeah he has." Emilia kept a grin on her face to make sure they thought that Lando meeting her parents went smoothly. Lando's Dad had now appeared next to her.

"Hi I'm Adam I don't think I've introduced myself." Adam said. Emilia shook his hand firmly.

"Emilia." The Williams driver smiled. It all seemed to be going well without any hiccups. Lando wrapped his arms around her from behind.

"Relax, it's all okay." Lando mumbled so Emilia could only hear. She hadn't even realised she'd been tensing.

"So Emilia have you got any family here with you this weekend?" Cisca innocently asked.

"Mum don't." Lando warned.

"Lando it's fine and uh no I don't." Emilia replied.

"Oh were they busy this weekend?" Cisca questioned. She genuinely had no idea and was not intentionally being hurtful.

"Mum stop." Lando said again.

"Uh they don't support me racing so they won't come to see me." Emilia answered making sure a smile was plastered to her face.

"Oh no. How did you manage getting into racing then?" Cisca queried. She was asking out of curiosity and not having any malicious intentions which Emilia understood.

"Mum please stop asking questions." Lando requested.

"Lando it's fine. My Grandad got me into racing." Emilia didn't go any further in fear that she might burst into tears. "Lando met him. Well he met my parents as well."

"Yeah let's not talk about that." Lando shook his head.

"What did he do?" Oliver asked with a grin.

"Shouted at them." Emilia replied. It was not the reply Oliver was expecting.

"Lando Norris where are your manners?" Cisca scolded.

"It's fine I shouted at them a few hours later after they pretty much called me a disappointment at my Grandad's funeral for not finishing my speech." Emilia awkwardly chuckled. She hated herself for saying that and wished she'd kept her mouth shut rather than turn the conversation down a dark path.

"Oh that's awful. You are certainly not a disappointment and you are part of our family now. As Lando's girlfriend you are always welcome with us." Cisca assured. Technically, Lando hadn't asked Emilia and neither had she asked him to be boyfriend and girlfriend. Daniel had mentioned it at France but since then she hadn't thought of it. Did they still need to ask each other because Emilia would rather not make a big deal out of things like that?

"Thank you. I need to get going because quali starts in an hour so good luck babe." Emilia said.

"I'll walk you out." Lando offered. "I'm so sorry about my Mum asking questions I tried to tell her to stop."

"Lando it's fine honestly. I'd rather them ask now than during Christmas dinner." Emilia replied as they headed down the stairs. Lando grew a smile as she mentioned spending Christmas with him.

"Okay. You were amazing." Lando grinned. He spun Emilia round carefully on the stairs and kissed her. Emilia welcomed the kiss and placed her hands on Lando's face.

"Oops I didn't see that." An American voice giggled. Emilia turned around and saw Zak Brown. "I'll come back later." Emilia's face grew very red very quickly.

"No it's alright I was leaving anyway." Emilia assured.

"I don't think the stairs are the safest place to make out." Zak playfully scolded. He didn't seem mad at all. Emilia was pretty sure if Jost saw her making out with another driver he would lose it. "Try Lando's driver room next time." He chuckled. As if they hadn't already done that.

"You're not firing me?" Lando questioned surprised.

"For what?" Zak answered confused.

"For dating another driver." Lando responded.

"What no of course not! I mean if your relationship can withstand Emilia replacing you here then yeah I'm all for it." Zak teased.

"I'm all for replacing Lando if you need me to." Emilia poked the McLaren driver on the higher step. "Right I actually need to go if I'm going to outqualify you again so see you later good luck babe hope you qualify behind me." Emilia left Lando and the CEO.

"She is way above your league." Zak teased as he walked the other way. Lando went and rejoined his family.

"You like her?" He asked and was flooded with positive answers. "Okay the thing is, I haven't actually made her my girlfriend yet. I didn't forget, I was going to ask after Austria but her Grandad was admitted to hospital and it wasn't a good time. Mum I would have appreciated if you didn't ask all those questions. Emilia can handle herself but I don't want to make her unnecessarily unhappy. This weekend is hard enough for her without him."

"And what I need to ask Lando is why did you shout at her parents?" Cisca questioned folding her arms.

"They treat her like shit and I couldn't let it happen anymore." Lando responded.

"Okay good reason. I'm proud of you for standing up for her. I know you don't have a lot of confidence and she is a very lovely girl. How on earth did she pick you?" Cisca sighed.

"That's what Zak just said." Lando mumbled. "Thanks for welcoming her. She was really nervous before she came in the room. She tends to play with her hands and I saw her doing it for a bit but she relaxed after a while."

"You are so in love." Cisca teased.

"I am not." Lando blushed. "Right I need to go to find Jon to warmup, I'll see you in the garage."

Emilia felt a lot more confident going into the qualifying session. She was in the garage early so she sat on the empty seat reserved for her Grandad. She took in what should be his view and realised that he could see all of her garage and some of George's. In terms of seats, you couldn't get much better than that other than the cockpit. Aurelia pulled up a seat next to her.

"Do you want to talk?"

"I don't understand why he would leave me. Why would he go when he could come to this?" Emilia sighed. She knew once she could get in the car she'd be fine but until then she was left to drown in her thoughts. There wasn't anymore data she could intake so she just had to wait. Waiting was the worst part of anything. It left her thinking and it led her down thought trails she shouldn't take.

"He didn't want to. You knew how much he wanted to be there with you." Aurelia placed a hand on Emilia's knee. "He's watching you. He's on a nice cloud with a great view of the track where he can see all of it and that's the best view he's going to get and he's supporting you. He's cheering you on and even though you can't see him, he's there. He's with you."

"Emilia, let's go." John called.

"Thank you. I appreciate you a lot." Emilia smiled through her helmet.

Q1 went smoothly placing seventh in the time sheet. Emilia looked like she was going to get out of Q2 with no hassle. But of course, this was Emilia. Nothing in her life seemed to be no hassle.

"Emilia you are P13. Last car to cross the line. Make sure you do in time." John informed. He wasn't as calm as he usually was but maybe that was because Emilia needed a better lap to excel into the third qualifying stage.

Emilia made it over the line in time and was full throttle down the Hamilton straight lifting off the throttle to go round Abbey so she could stay on the inside of the corner and pulling round into the first heavy braking zone at Village. Emilia touched the kerb so she could take the shortest route and got on the throttle as soon as possible.

The next corner was slow as well and Emilia had to make sure they didn't go on the throttle too early so she could use the kerb but stay away from the gravel. Emilia could have got on the accelerator a bit earlier as she had more of the kerb to use as she headed down the Wellington straight. There was a car a few seconds ahead of her so it would give her a slight advantage down the straight.

Brooklands was difficult to get round on the inside as you had to slam on the brakes. It was followed by Luffield which was a right-hander that was always longer than she thought. Emilia carried more speed than she wanted to meaning she took a wider line that would make her lose time overall. She was careful getting back on the throttle not to dip a wheel into the gravel just before the National straight.

Emilia spent her time on the national straight preparing for Copse. Copse was done at full throttle or in a race you may lift off the accelerator but with the fastest time needed in qualifying you had to keep your foot on the pedal. So that's what Emilia did. She fought the car to stay in the track limits which she did and got ready for Maggots and Becketts.

Those sections of corners were hard to master. You had to avoid the rigorous kerbs that would lose you lots of time but the black and white kerb was fine. Emilia lost more time than she wanted to but accepted it. She swopped through Maggots into Becketts where she shuffled down a few gears and rode the kerb as she exited Chapel and onto the straight.

The DRS zone was before the straight so she had to remember to activate it as early as possible to take the biggest chunk out of her time. She cruised down the Hangar straight and into Stowe where she coasted through before the run down to Vale which was a big braking zone. Through into Club then being careful of track limits as she entered the Hamilton straight again. She crossed the line and immediately put her car into cool down mode.

"P6 well done you're through." John informed with clear relief in his voice.

"Amazing, thank you guys." Emilia responded. "That was too close." She drove back to the garage and was soon out again. Rain was expected towards the end so they needed to get out swiftly and put in a good lap time. Her out lap was good and Emilia started her first Q3 lap at her home Grand Prix well.

She had what looked like a perfect line to her through Abbey and really used the kerbs round the next corner ahead of Village but not too much as it would slow her down. The rest of her first sector went well. Brooklands she went wider leaving about a car lengths room on track but she was determined to make up her lost time in Luffield. Her line through there was better than it had been previously but wouldn't be enough to make up her lap.

Emilia's Copse was almost perfect to her as she avoided crashing or track limits in the turbulent air that the car in front had left behind. Maggots and Becketts was trickier than earlier and Emilia found herself fighting the car again. She made it round without losing too much time and turned on her DRS.

"Okay P7 currently a few more cars to cross the line. Box this lap." John told once she'd finished her lap. Emilia was disappointed with P7 though she had another chance to improve. There was a battle towards the end of the session for position on track before they'd crossed the line. Emilia stayed calm and steady so she didn't panic and wreck her lap. She was towards the back of the ten cars out but she didn't mind. She'd rather have a calm out lap and be at the back than a quick one and a panicked fast lap.

"You've got this Emilia. You can get pole." Emilia had seen that she was in P9 when she got back to the garage and was not happy – she needed more from this than that.

Emilia had had issues with Abbey all weekend but once again, she nailed it. Under pressure, she seemed to do better. Village was not problem though Emilia could have broken slightly later. She got quite a big slipstream down the Wellington straight but it meant there would be turbulent air into Brooklands that she would have to battle. Green flags were waved as she went round Luffield which meant there were yellow flags ahead.

Emilia slowed down the National straight as yellow flags were out. She saw as she went into Copse there was an Alpine buried in the barrier. That must have been an awful impact going at speeds like that. Red flags were waved by the time she'd arrived at Maggots and Emilia swore.

"Red flag. Come back to the pits. Session will not be restarted you qualified P9." John said.

"Fucks sake. I was improving as well. Is he okay?" Emilia's voice started angry but softened towards the end when asking about the driver's wellbeing.

"Yeah he's out the car." John confirmed.

The media duties afterwards were not fun. Emilia was frustrated and had to repeat the same thing over again: it's good that the driver's okay but she's annoyed that she couldn't finish her lap although the first one should have been better. Aurelia could see the Williams driver was done with it all. She attempted to cheer her up but unsuccessfully. The rain that was supposed to come during the end of qualifying and didn't had arrived now. Emilia briefly saw Lando in the media pen.

"I'm going to stay late here so I'll see you at home." Emilia covered her mouth with her hand so no one could see what she was saying.

"Okay I'll probably stay later too. I was worried you were the one who had crashed because I was way behind you." Lando revealed.

"Me? No I'm fine. I'm just pissed off." Emilia answered.

"I love you. Don't stay too late, I'll see you at home." Lando said.

"Okay, I love you too." Emilia responded.

She was one of the last cars in the car park to leave but noticed Lando's McLaren was still there. Emilia got home before him unsurprisingly and started making the two of them dinner even though it was ten in the evening. Lando came in while she was serving up.

"Perfect timing." Emilia smiled as she slid a bowl of pasta across the countertop.

"It's the British Grand Prix tomorrow surely we should be eating British food?" Lando questioned.

"I'll cook a full English for breakfast tomorrow as I know you will burn the house down if you do." Emilia rolled her eyes at Lando's cooking skill deficit.

"Thanks babe. You're amazing." Lando grinned with his mouth full of pasta. "Are you still mad?"

"I'm not mad I'm frustrated at myself. My first Q3 lap should have been better. I can't rely on another chance. In the race I won't get that." Emilia responded.

"You're too hard on yourself." Lando pointed out. "Oh my family also love you by the way." Emilia couldn't help but form a smile on her face.

"That's good. Was I too nice or too giggly?" Emilia asked worried but Lando cut her off.

"Babe, you were perfect, like you always are." Lando responded. He understood that Emilia needed the reassurance to see that she didn't need to worry about people liking her and it was really hard to not like her.

"I love you." Emilia replied.

"Just shut up and share this piece of pasta with me." Lando grinned putting one end of a pasta strip in his mouth and giving the other to Emilia. Both of them ate the pasta until their lips met. They had a quick peck before returning to the rest of their dinner. "You could have given me more than that."

"I'm not going to make out with you in front of my Carbonara. Plus we have sauce all round our mouths." Emilia answered.

"You usually have cum all round your mouth and that doesn't seem to bother you." Lando quickly responded. Emilia's jaw dropped.

"Lando!" She responded.

"What?" He chuckled. "I'm not exactly wrong."

"That's not the point." Emilia playfully swatted Lando's arm. "Eat your dinner then we'll see."

"Okay." Lando continued eating his dinner as if nothing had happened.

"So I just want to ask. Is there any reason other than the media, for us not being public?" Emilia queried.

"Of course not." Lando quickly responded.

"No secret wife or other girlfriend you're trying to hide me from?" Emilia checked. Maybe she was being absurd and overthinking the whole thing but something in her mind told her she wasn't.

"No!" Lando raised his voice. "Why can't you trust me?"

"You broke my trust. I told you it was a fragile thing and that I don't trust many people yet you go and snog a girls face off in Baku." Emilia shouted. 

"I never said I kissed her." Lando defended.

"You might as well have." Emilia scoffed.

"You're just looking for a reason not to trust me." Lando pointed out. He had a good point and Emilia had no reply to that so she kissed him, passionately. Lando pushed her against the counter top as she took his McLaren top off. "Emi?"


"What?" Emilia responded. "If you don't want to fuck me say so."

"I do." Lando replied.

"What's the problem then?" Emilia questioned wanting to get on with it. Lando's hand was rubbing the inside of her thigh making her insides warm.

"I just want to make sure you do."

"Yes I do." It was sweet of Lando making sure that she was good with it but right now she wanted him in her. Emilia removed her top and Lando unclasped her bra with one hand the other pulling her panties down under her skirt. Lando's mouth left a trail of kisses from her lips all the way down to her breasts. Love bites were easier to hide there and Lando had clearly taken that into account. Emilia unhooked her skirt pulling it down as Lando took off his shorts followed by his pants. She dropped to her knees and took Lando's length in her mouth. As much as she wanted relief and pleasure, she needed to give him some as well.

"Fuck Emi, you're so good at this." Lando exhaled. She lifted her gaze to meet his. "You are so fucking hot you have no idea." Emilia stopped and stood up again leaning back against the counter. "No, we're going to do it the other way." Lando flipped Emilia round so that she was facing the counter and instructed her to open her legs. "You're so wet and I haven't even started." Lando started slow but eventually picked up speed.

"Faster." Emilia panted. She panicked for a second that the curtains were open but knew they she had closed them when she'd gotten home. "Fuck I'm close." Lando moaned in reply. Emilia hit her orgasm and let out another moan, this one was louder than the others. Lando had hit his as well and he pulled out of her shortly afterwards.

"I love you." Emilia breathed. Lando planted a kiss on her lips.

"Are we good now?" Lando questioned.

"Most definitely." Emilia grinned. "I'm tired after that, do you want to go to bed?"

"Yeah come on." Lando lifted Emilia up and bridal carried her up the stairs. The Williams driver was caught by surprise but didn't complain about it. They changed and lay in bed.

"So how was your qualifying?" Emilia questioned as she snuggled into him.

"P6 is alright. I'd rather be higher up but same situation as you. Thought I was going to get another chance." Lando responded.

"You lack confidence." Emilia noticed. "And you really shouldn't. You're beating Daniel by quite a few points and getting podiums and a win. McLaren think of you as their asset and you don't see it. You also need to be more confident in your looks because I see how you look at yourself in the mirror and that makes me sad. You look like a fucking God and you need to recognise that."

"You're the best." Lando replied. "I love you so much." The McLaren driver placed a kiss on Emilia's forehead.

"I love you too. It's late we should probably try to get some rest." Emilia adjusted herself and attempted to fall asleep. It didn't work. For hours she was tossing and turning and Lando was doing the same. "I can't sleep." Emilia whispered just in case Lando had actually managed to fall asleep.

"Neither." Lando sighed as he rolled over to face Emilia. She sat up and grabbed her phone to check the time.

"It's three in the morning and I have had basically no sleep." Emilia said frustrated.

"Do you want to go for a run?" Lando asked switching on the lamp beside his bed.

"What?" Emilia asked. It was a strange proposal but she didn't see why not. "Yeah sure let's go." Emilia shrugged getting out of bed. She and Lando changed into suitable running gear. It would be a good temperature to run in as it wouldn't be hot but not freezing either at this time of night. "I look like a Nike advert." Emilia joked looking at herself in the mirror.

"But you're my Nike advert." Lando wrapped his arms around her.

"That makes no sense." Emilia responded.

"Yes I know, I was trying to be cute." Lando replied.

"You'd be cuter if we got going." Emilia yanked Lando out of the door. It seemed he was regretting his idea. "I don't know where we're running so you pick the route. We'll only do 5k."

"5k?! You do realise we have a race in twelve hours." Lando pointed out.

"Yeah well it'll be fine. We'll go slow so we can chat as well." Emilia opened the door. She was hoping that the two of them would be fine without any sort of disguise as no one else would be out at this time so they could continue to keep their relationship quiet. They started jogging and matched each other's pace before they had a conversation.

"Where are you aiming to finish tomorrow?" Lando questioned.

"Eighth or seventh I think the simulations predicted." Emilia responded. Lando seemed surprised with her answer.

"Really? You've got to be higher than that." Lando complained.

"I don't think I have the pace in me." Emilia replied.

"Of course you do." Lando scoffed. "You get your confidence back and everyone is in trouble. I'm being serious." Lando added when he saw Emilia wasn't agreeing with him.

"We'll see. Where are you aiming for?"

"I'll be happy with a podium." Lando responded. They ran in silence for a few minutes.

"Do you every worry you're going to die during a race?" Emilia asked. It was late and she had deep thoughts on her mind.

"Sometimes it crosses my mind but if I die racing, I die doing something I love. I'd die happy and I'm okay with that." Lando replied.

"I think it would be quick and painless. You wouldn't even know because it would be so fast." Emilia pondered. "Let's stop talking about death."

"Yeah we don't need to worry about that yet." Lando said.

"Do you ever wonder what happens to the kids who don't make it?" Emilia queried after a few moments of silence.

"What's with all the questions? Well they'd have to get normal jobs I guess. I don't know how I would cope without being a racing driver. I don't ever want to retire." Lando answered.

"Me neither. I want to race until all my hairs grey."

"And I'd be happy to race with you. Apart from being your teammate, I couldn't cope with that." Lando chuckled.

"Yeah you have to be selfish sometimes and I want the best for you which doesn't work for my career if that clashes with you." Emilia said.

"I know we said at the start that we would put our careers first but now, I'm so in love with you I could never do that." Lando grinned.

"I always thought my career would be the first thing on my mind but now, it's you." Emilia beamed. They stopped running and Lando pulled Emilia in by her hips to kiss her. "Are you okay to kiss me here?"

"Only because no one's here to see us." Lando responded in between kisses. That was not the answer Emilia was hoping for.

"Come on let's get home. I feel tired now." Emilia said and they finished off their run which looped back to Lando's house. The exhaustion had hit both of them as they entered the front door. Showers were needed but both of them got straight back into Lando's bed and slept. Finally, they were able to sleep until the morning.

Wow today's qualifying was insane. I could literally feel my heart beating the whole session. I won't spoil it just in case people haven't seen it yet but it was amazing. 

I attempted smut and idk if it's any good but I tried at least. I also don't want the smut warning to literally be smut warning. Maybe an emoji would be better. If anyone thinks of anything please let me know. 

You are all so amazing and your support for this story blows me away every day thank you so much. This chapter is the longest and I didn't even plan on it being long it just ended up that way which is okay though it took forever to write hence the lack of updates this week. Stay safe and take care of yourselves <3 

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