Always Aaron

By Auroraxxwrites

365K 8K 5.9K

"Two damaged souls who fell in love at a school meant for fucked up rich kids." Bryce Weston is an uptight s... More

Character Aesthetics + More
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Author's notes
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Author's notes
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
New books

Chapter 28

5.2K 119 95
By Auroraxxwrites

Please vote!

"I NEED TO." Sersha hissed at me cat like. "My world depends on it."

I snagged her back with her arm restraining her. "No you do not. This will only complicate things for the both of you."

"Exactly Sersh!" Madison exclaimed. "You cannot just show up with a fake date just to impress Reuben."

Sersha fought against me before sulking. "He doesn't want to be with me. He doesn't notice me at all other then Sersha the quiet girl." She whined. I stroked her hair reassuringly. Her love life was really starting to mess up.

"Trust me it'll all work out." I said confidently. "A lady like you can't be single for long."

"Mhm. Dennis just admitted he had a crush on you babe. That's good news." Madison added looking pleased at her best friend. "You are a real catch."

"Then why isn't he fucking catching me?" Sersha sighed playing with a red curl. "Is it my face?"

I slapped her face playfully to which she glared. "you have got a beautiful face Sersha. Better then mine."

"Now you are just plain on lying Bryce Weston." She muttered sitting up and crossing her arms. "Forget about Reuben. Tell me about how all your exams went?"

"A breeze." I said as Madison simultaneously.


"Mine's an in-between really. That math exam was false. We didn't even have the last question in our book." She cried in agony. "I hate life."

"And life hates me." I said solemnly.

"Amen sister." Madison sighed dramatically. "I'm going to get us shirts that say that. We need them."

I nodded taking a bite of my burrito as I watched Sersha's newest painting dry. It was a rainbow reflecting off a the waters under the rays of the sun. It was really beautiful. "Have you guys any thoughts on the upcoming Welton Sports Championship?"

Madison shook her head her dark brown ringlets in braids. "Nope. The girls team never wins. Not in the history of Welton Academy."

I looked shocked at the both of them. "Yeah. I mean the boys always beat us. They are undefeated." Sersha emphasized thoroughly. "Especially with Aaron on their team."

I stand up bracing my hands on my hips. "Not this year they won't because you have Bryce Weston on your team. And this year the girls team is going to kick those boys' asses."

"Nobody even participates. Ever." Madison smiled apologetically at me.

I mulled a thought before grinning widely. "Leave that to me."

"What the fuck is she grinning about?" Sersha whispered.

"I don't fucking know but it seems legit." Madison said back. I rolled my eyes on both of them rubbing my hands together.

The boys won't know what got them.


"Bryce that's an idea...yes." Principal Simone stated.

"Come on ma'am." Madison urged. "It's a brilliant idea."

The principal sighed in her seat and folded her arms. "It's unique."

"It's motivational." I added looking around at the trophy section. "You see that trophy closet there?"

"Yes. I have eyes." She mused.

I shook my head getting up. "This closet has trophies from boys. Boys who won in sports, boys who won in chess and boys who won in swimming. You see the sequence building up? We have no girls over here. And I wanna change that. We deserve to have a trophy and not only would that showcase a trophy in here but it will outshine you from other schools." Principal Simone arched an eyebrow. I walked over to her seat crouching down and placed my arm around her steering her chair to the trophy section. "Imagine this. Out there there's a young girl dreaming to be something. And what place would be better then a school who empower and support women? A school that shows what it means to be a female and a school that shows a female can be anything a male can be? Welton Academy. That's the school. And it will be because of their wonderful, beautiful and incredibly charismatic Principal who helped build our strengths so we can be better people and leaders out in the world. That we can be strong."

"That's so moving." Madison sniffed. "I feel motivated enough to run a mountain."

"I feel motivated enough to start body building." Sersha announced out of nowhere. "I will beat Arnold Schwarzenegger." I nodded at her putting my fist up.

"Be the woman who helps us." I said to Principal Simone.

"Alright, alright." She surrendered. "I like the idea. I really do. It's genuine and inexpensive. And I think it is time the girls win."

"Yeah!" Madison high-fives me and so does Sersha. "Thank you Principal S."

She nodded as we all clapped. "You are all welcome. You do know that we will have to change the schedule right? That we'll have to delay the beach trip now to squeeze the contest in?"

"Whatever it takes." I smiled proudly. "The beach will be waiting for us don't you worry."

"Fine." Principal Simone nodded. "And I want at least thirty signatures to consolidate this action. Will you guys be able to do it?"

"Yes Ms." Sersha took the paper from her. "I will get the signatures even if it kills me."

If principal Simone was weirded out by us she sure as hell did not show it. "And do the boys know about this?"

"Oh don't sweat about that. They will agree faster then they can shoot."

"Bryce!" Principal Simone scolded.

"I meant shoot hoops Ms. What did you think?"

She blushed and shook her head. "These girls." She muttered. "And Bryce I was meaning to tell you." She eyes Maddie and Sersha then me. Giving the silent communication I stated.

"They can stay." I shrugged. "Nothing bad right?"

She took off her eyeglasses and wiped them on her blouse. "Ms. Lennon has complained about you to me. She says that you disrupt her class far too often and make a circus out of her classes."

"Principal Simone I would just like to say that Bryce has done nothing wrong." Sersha spoke up. "Ms. Lennon just hates her for no reason and pulls a grudge every time she can."

Madison agreed and got up. "Bryce Weston is not a disturber. She speaks her mind and does the right thing asked. She never ruins the class. Ms. Lennon is just being uptight as ever. She just throws shit around." Maddie slapped her hand over her mouth at the last words.

Principal Simone burst out laughing making me eye the girls warily. "You guys are adorable really. Firstly don't be afraid to cuss Madison since I really am quite hip myself." It was our turn to laugh more relieved. "And secondly I never agreed with her words. Lennon indeed a likes to cause wildfires where ever she goes but I know Bryce and I know her grades so there is no complaints from me. I just wanted to say that ignore her when she does narrow you down. She's a good teacher just bad at distinguishing her emotions." She muttered with a deep breath. "Now if you girls don't mind I will need to leave for a meeting."

"Thank you." I told her with a beam. She nodded back to me and said," Bryce. I want you as the teams captain. And be sure to kick the boys in the ass."

"I said it before and I stick by it." I laughed walking out and linking my arms with the girls. "So phase one done."

"Phase two will be down two." Sersha held the paper to her back. "Put your signatures on. Simone never sis see couldn't use our own as well."

"Alright girl." Madison hooted and signed her name. I did mines second and turns so Sersha could do the same. "Now we need to get the boys."

"I say we get the girls first." I told them. "We need motivation first then we need agreement."

"Alright. I'll gather them in the mess hall. Meet me at fifteen." Sersha called running down the hall before the receptionist hissed at her to walk.

"Me too." Madison looked out the glass doors. "I'll get the nerdy ones."

"Hey!" I defend. "Just because they read does not mean they are nerdy. It means they are better." Seriously girls who read were the most knowing and dangerous one because they had it all in fantasy and romance. I loved reading and stood by it firmly. If you do not read you are living only one life.

"Whatever you say." She muttered walking through the gates.


All the girls gathered around some annoyed and some scared to death and some completely not caring.

"Listen up people!" Madison shouted. "Do not touch anything over here. Everything is worth more then you don't even."

"What are we here for?" Natalie asked frowning. "We have been waiting for ten minutes."

"Your mom took more time to birth you." Matilda muttered. "Have patience."

"We are waiting for Sienna who is in the bathroom." Sersha said to everyone calmly. "Give her a few minutes she has period cramps." A few people aww-ed relating to the pain.

"Popcorn for you and you and you." I passed out box after box. "We are feeding you so stay put."

I narrowed my eyes at Emery and Ava who were whispering aggravated.

Sienna came rushing in with a pained smile. "I'm good guys."

"Alrighty." I said. "Let's begin." Everyone hushed as I cleared my throat. "I think everyone knows about the Welton Sports Championship?"

A few ughs ran the room making me frown. "Just your moaning." Madison yelled. She nodded at me to continue.

"As you may be aware that the girls have never won the trophy. It's always been the boys. But those times are going to end. Because we are going to win." I matched their eyes.

"We don't have the strength." Olivia noted.

"Yeah." People agreed.

"We don't." I agreed. "But we have the minds and the patience that they don't. We have the endurance that pushes us forward."

"I don't know." Natalie fidgeted. "Those boys are good."

"But we are fucking better." I pushed. "Aren't you sick of it always being the boy? Who won the trophy for basketball? Oh him. Who won the trophy for the track race? Him. Who won the trophy for being better? Him. It's always him. When is it going to be a her here? When are women finally going to be noticed not as a gender, not as a person, not as a lower bound but as a threat, as a winner, as a worthy competitor. When are we going to make those boys fear us?" Many of them straightened up nodding. "Don't you want that? That glory that they have been winning. Don't you want to have little girls win. Have dreamers and have crushers? Don't we deserve to win?"

"Yeah!" They shouted.

"Don't we deserve the trophy?"


"Don't we deserve the attention?"


"Good!" I yelled. "So what are we going to do about it?"

"Fucking win!" One of them shouted.

"We are better in every aspect and we are sure as hell going to prove that." I walked on the table looking at them all. "We are going to make a show and we are going be the winners. That trophy will not touch any boy."

"Then let's do this." Sersha nodded. "Let's show them what they are up against."

"Who's in?" Madison shouted joyfully. Every. Single. Fucking. Hand rose. "Then sign this sheet and let's fuck this game over."

"Let's go bitches." Sienna shouted as they all trampled towards Sersha who tossed out pens.

I looked at Ava who gave me the middle finger. Madison noted it and said. "You have something to say Ava or you gonna go shove that finger up your ass?"

Ava sneered at her. "Shut the fuck up bitch."

"Pack your hoe-ness and leave." I seethed. "You wanna talk shit that head to the bathroom."

"You little-"

"Ava." Emery warned. "Get out."

"But-" Ava stuttered but left at Emery's pressing eyes. She muttered and walked out.

I looked at Emery and the away. "You guys know what the cherry on this thing is? Principal Simone has agreed to rent us a boat, three private houses and a whole three hours to the beach for ourselves if we win. And the food comes with it." They all squealed excitedly. "So let's win this thing."

"And let's not forget that our captain is Bryce fucking Weston so we are in tremendous hands." Sersha said and all of them cheered. I smiled looking at the view. We will win this thing.

But for now we needed the boys to know we were competing against them for a win. And of course the prize they will never receive had to be mentioned too.


The boys hall was... messy. And extremely loud.

I swear those tried to whisper sounded like they were shouting.

Maddie sat next to Owen annoyed as he talked about his relationship with Olivia who indeed was also present and right next to her boyfriend. Reuben was reading Edgar Allan Poe while Sersha glared at the top of his head repeatedly whilst Jordan stared at his phone.

I was seated next to Aaron who had demanded the whole couch for us. I sat crisscrossed with his shoulder on my head as I spoke up. "Well what do you guys think?"

Jordan shrugged looking up. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Of course I want to do this. I want to win which quite frankly we are going to win." I emphasized my words to get it through.

Owen snorted. "As much as I love you Bryce the girls never really showed up to any of the competitions for other then cheer leading or skipping classes."

"Advantageous to us don't you think? We know how you play yet you don't." Maddie nodded at me.

"Yeah. What's the fucking matter if the girls participate anyway?" She demanded looking at all of them.

Reuben sighed closing his book. "There is nothing wrong. We are just making sure you chose this decision with console."

I scoffed leaning back with Aaron's head. "That's unfair. You make us sound like we are children."

"Guys." Aaron straightened up. "Come on. We should give them a chance. Let them play. I knew who knows maybe this year the WSC will be different. I for one am intrigued to know how it will be played out." The boys needed giving in their agreements.

"Thank you." I said and crossed my arms. "Then it's settled."

"I think it's a fantastic idea." Liam walked in with a smirk. "You've always been incredible at managing."

Everybody some what got irritated by his presence but I smiled anyway. "Thank you Liam."

He sat down on the couch arm next to me and said, "You're welcome. I'm sure this Championship will thoroughly be the best that is if the boys lose."

"Don't matter." Maddison smugly put out. "We are winning."

"Arrogance isn't good." Jordan sang. "You can't predict the future."

Owen snapped his fingers suddenly. "But you can. I heard that dreams of the future are possible. So say we dreamt of being attack by aliens would that be possible?"

I scrunched my nose at him. "Owen don't fuck the two brain cells you have."

He gave me a bright smile. "I knew you were going to say that. I might be a leprechaun."

"No you are not. I'm Irish I would know." Sersha muttered passing me a millionaire's bar. I took the delicious treat and nibbled on it.

"Liam your face is annoying my eyes. Go away." Aaron muttered rubbing his eyes and frowning.

"I could say the same but sadly my eyesight is quite good and can tolerate displeasing images." Liam retorted back.

"Fuck off." Aaron waved him off. "The last thing I need is to clean more shit."

"Calm down both of you." I huffed swallowing my bar and dusting my hands. "We have class in twenty." I said looking at the clock.

"We don't." Maddie reminded me. "We took the test already and passed. These guys only need to resit it."

"Pardon?" Reuben mused crossing his maroon cladded arms. We all wore the uniform and let me tell you it was a nuisance to wear. "But as I recall Aaron and I passed."

I looked at Aaron with arched eyebrows. "You passed?"

"Yup." He popped. "Looks like your study methods worked."

"Of course they would." I arrogantly put out. "I'm a deliberate genius."

"That you are." He smiled kissing my cheek.

"PDA motherfuckers." Owen shouted. "You'll make me puke because of how sweet you are."

Madison scoffed. "You are such a hypocrite. What do you think we do when you and Olivia suddenly make out in front of us?"

Olivia's cheek blotched with red as he blonde hair curtained her. Owen put his arms around her and squeezed. "She's different. Ours is love." Olivia grinned up at him and he kissed her. "I love you Angel."

"Fucking stop." Sersha groaned. "I hate love."

Reuben looked shocked as she grumbled and glared at him. "Why?"

"Don't you talk to me." She snapped at him.

"She's on her period. Excuse her." Madison intervened quickly. "I mean love love guys. It can either make or break you."

I clenched my jaw and looked very intently at the laces of my shoes. I twisted and untwisted them as they talked and talked. "I agree." Liam suddenly put out. "I love love too."

"Nobody fucking asked." Aaron shot to which I pinched his thigh.

Liam got up sighing and adjusted the sleeves of his navy shirt. He smiled at me and walked away. I whirled on Aaron fuming.

"Do you always have to be such a dick." I seethed. "He was being nice. Let him be. Unlike you he isn't popular or has a lot of friends so please stop bullying and biting at him. He's human too." I hated bullying. It was a dangerous needle. Small and many. They keep sticking on you until you get so tired that you pick out there needles form your skin and start bleeding out. It broke you and hurt you and one thing I was always going to defend is anti-bullying. And I would not stand a person who would do it no matter the cost. What was wrong is wrong.

"I didn't do anything wrong though." Aaron grumbled at me. I gave him an arched eyebrow and turned to look away. He sighed and pulled me to the right so I was tucked under his arm. "Fine. I won't do it again. Happy?"

I smiled and nodded. "Fucking whipped." Jordan snorted. "Aaron Mercer finally became soft."

"I'm not soft." He growled at them to which all of them gave him 'suuures'. "Fuck you all." He tipped his head on mine and rested it there.

I played with his rings on his hand as we continued to talk for another five minutes before they all departed leaving us alone.

"Do you want to go to our dorm?" Aaron asked looking around. "I doubt they even bothered to leave the air conditioner on."

I hummed and got up. "I need to study for my English pop quiz for tomorrow." Aaron looked up at me with a smirk.

"Aren't pop quizzes supposed to be a surprise?" He took the hand I offered and got up.

I shot him a mischievous smile as we exited the boys hall towards the elevator. Waking on the wooden floors I immediately got in with him behind me and entered his room after changing in my own. My books were already at his desk from our previous study session and I sat down to go through Shakespeare's Taming of The Shrew. Ms. Lennon had made us memorize quotes from the passage this time in hopes tomorrow we would be able to write a well executed PEED paragraph.

Of course she would provide us with the question and the main quotes but were assigned to read it thoroughly as the whole passage would not be given.

I highlighted important parts and techniques Shakespeare used to demonstrate metaphors and the meaning behind them. We had to use both implicit and explicit terms and also be able to write a well constructed descriptive piece.

I tapped my pen on my knee reading it whilst Aaron lay on his bed scrolling and typing through his phone. Luckily for him he was to write the test next week as he had sports practice.

After an hour of reading and searching online for second hand reviews as well on thoughts I wrote a draft just to exercise my writing skills.

Aaron got up behind me massaging my shoulders as I finished up my paragraph. "Don't you think you studied a little too much for a pop quiz?"

I did not look at him as I continued to skim through my work. "It's Ms. Lennon. She calls it a quiz when it's really more of a test." Aaron crossed his arms in front me leaning down and kissing my head.

"Do you want food then?"

"I'm not hungry." I sigh placing the paper in between my book and tidying the table. "I finished anyway."

"Are you sure you are not hungry? You haven't eaten anything at lunch. Have dinner." He tried but I frowned.

"Don't feel like it. I'll probably eat later at eight or something. Are you hungry though?" I asked craning my head back and looking at him.

He bowed his head down and kissed my lips. "I'll eat when you eat." I smiled against his lips and traced his jaw.

"You're lucky you have a sharp jawline." I mumbled as he pulled back and chuckled. "How do you though?"

Aaron shrugged. "Genes?"

"Lucky." I huffed. "I have to work out for my body but I doubt you do."

"I'm honored you think of me as an easy guy with a natural killer body." He smirked as I rolled my eyes. "But you're more perfect then me."

"Of course I am." I countered. "I've got killer looks." Aaron rolled his eyes at me now agreeing either way. He leaned down playing with the waist of my tights. He skimmed his fingers against my hips making me shudder. "Nice use of time." I breathed as he leaned back down and captured his lips on mine.

Aaron ran his tongue along my mouth biting and nibbling on my bottom lip. I got up from my chair and he pushed me against the wall.

I played with the hem of his shirt tugging it up and off of him leaving him in his sweatpants that hung low on his hips. I looked up to him his eyes hungry as mine as I kept my gaze locked on him and placed my hands on his V line. I traced against the indent making him groan and shudder as I slightly rubbed.

"Fuck West." He groaned at me as I stepped on my tippy toes bracing my hands on his biceps.

"As much as I am enjoying this you still owe me the truth remember?" He slumped against me my back hitting the wall as he rested his head on my shoulder.

"You're a very teasing person." He grumbled.

"Aww I'm glad I have that effect on you." I mused pushing his head from my shoulder. I squished his face in my hands finding it hilarious with its frown and gave him a sloppy kiss. "Come on." I nudged him to the bed where he fell on top of me making my breath blow away. "You are a rhino." I heaved trying to push him off.

"I am not." Aaron countered against my chest. "I'm just very athletically gifted."

"That you are." I said getting a nice view of his back muscles. "So are you going to speak or...?"

"I don't want you to hate me." He said sincerely his voice turning serious. "But I don't want to lie to you either."

He pulled his head up and I cupped his jaw. "I swear I'll listen with an open mind and no prejudice. Okay?"

He nodded sighing and getting up so his back was pressed to the wall. I waited for him patiently to speak. To tell me his story. To tell me why he thought he was such a bad person.

And when the seconds sewed into minutes and the breaths between us multiplied he finally spoke up. He looked me in the eye with vulnerability and... fear. "Promise me you won't leave me? Promise me. I can't- I can't let the only good thing given to me run away. I always manage to push back things but I don't think I would be okay if you ran away from me."

I opened my mouth not sure what to say. What to form to him or comfort him without having fear and hesitance in me as well. "Aaron- I. " I closed my mouth looking at the blanket bunched up between us. "I can only promise you that I won't do anything without thinking twice and not judging you until I see all sides to your story."

He closed his eyes nodding. "Fair." Aaron swallowed before looking at the rings on his fingers. "I killed a man." I did not let any emotion haunt my face as he looked up to study me. I only let him speak. "He was forty-two with a little girl and wife. I know that because of the police reports... It was on November 19 I had already spent three months in the gang- the Vipers -when I betrayed them stealing a shipment of drugs with me and selling them out. The police caught all the men except Tristan and Seth. I was out with my mom on that day. We had just  exited from the doctor's because I had a fever. When I got to my car and buckled in my mother screamed. I looked around and Seth sat in the back seat with a gun pointed to my mom's pulse. He kept shouting and shouting about killing me. About ratting him out. He told me that if I didn't give him the money to bail his friends out he'd kill her." Aaron's breath shook as he continued. "He threatened to... to sell my mother." My eyes watered at what he meant. His mother could have been...

"I had no choice." He continued. "I told him to get out and he snagged my mother out the car. And then everything just... happened. Next thing was I had him on the ground with his gun away and only my fists to his face. I kept on punching and punching and then I choked him until he felt so cold in my hands. My mother was weeping on the ground and red and blue illuminated. I was handcuffed and thrown into jail for a week seeming as I killed the guy. But my father subsided the hearing and pleaded for me to go to Welton Academy. I got the pardon because of the money and then my father... he changed." Aaron looked like he was about to collapse at this point. As if the words he spoke were tearing some memory that was drilled away from him.

"You don't have to." I whispered squeezing his hand. "Whenever you are ready."

"No. Fuck." He cursed staring at my hand. "When I got back home my father locked me in my room for a week. He even drilled in a dog door so I could only get food. I think his goal was to punish me but I didn't care. I felt deserving. And then after the week he took me out and beat me before spitting how if he had the chance to choose a son he would not have chosen me or had just had my older brother. My brother tried to speak up but my dad warned everyone that if anybody tried to help me they were in my scene too. So he sent me to a smaller apartment in New York. He shut down my bank account and all contacts. I was to make money for everything I wanted. The necessities and wants were my priority now until after six months I could finally go to Welton. I suppose he was pissed that I had turned responsible and the school had turned out to be forgiving. After that I didn't talk to him for a few years seeming he though I was still with the Vipers. This Christmas my mother invited me over to rekindle our losses and relationships that we damaged over the years. So here I am. A high boy who beats up people without a reason and sells and buys drugs shipments and is on a bounty hunt with you." Aaron let out a chuckle. He felt this whole thing was a cosmic joke. A slap from the world. A person worthy of being six feet under the ground where their coldness will be met but the grounds.

But I did not think of him like that. Not even a percent could change my mind. "I don't think what you did was wrong Aaron. You did the right thing no matter what anyone else thinks. Your mother could have been dead."

His face darkened. "Tell that to my father. He lives in a fantasy that if I hadn't kill that person everything would have been right."

Anger boiled in me. How the fuck would that make things right? "Aaron your mother could have been put in a human trafficking system. That is the line they drew. Crossing it does not make you bad. Do you think they would have stopped if you hadn't attacked him? That Seth would have not taken up the gun and shot you if you hadn't ended him first? I know you made mistakes but at a situation like this keeping him alive could have gathered you more enemies. They could have tracked your home or your car. They could have killed everyone."

"They we're going to kill everyone. I've seen this happen with my own eyes. They always kill the first member of the family, then proceed to all of them, then they kill your lover and anyone who was remotely kind to you. They are animals. They don't follow the system they purge through it." I but my lip nodding. I felt horrible that his father could have thought of him like- like that. Did he not care? That his son could have been the one dead? "Well I suppose it's been fun." Aaron mumbled putting his hands on his head.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "I'm not going anywhere Aaron."

"What the fuck do you mean?" He looked up more stupefied then anything. "Of course you do. You can't be with me. Someone like me. I will do you no good."

"Aaron Mercer if you so much as make a decision like that for me again I will fling you out the window." I retorted. "If you think you are a bad person then I think you are true most ludicrous being I've met."

Aaron rolled his eyes shaking his head. "I'd this what you want? A murderer? Somebody who killed someone? I could have had him unconscious and in jail but I-"

"Stop." I firmly put out. "Stop dwelling on the past. This isn't back to the future. You can't fix that. What you can do is stop swallowing yourself on shame and pity because that means you living was a complete waste. Your father wanted this. Are you really that weak to give on?"

"I don't know if you are motivating me or insulting me." He smirked slowly.

I huffed flicking him. "I am trying to reason with you. We all do what we have to in order to survive. We all have our burdens but we need to know what we did was for the right reason. That you saved your mother not yourself at the time. That you are not going to end up a monster. You need to be stronger then that."

"But I killed someone!" Aaron rejected. "I killed Seth."

"Okay." I crossed my arms staring at him. "If you let Seth live what would have happened?"

He remained quiet.

"See." I tried. "You need to stop thinking about the past please. You know you never really asked me how I knew how to shoot Drake with the gun. Perfect aim at that."

He furrowed his eyebrows. "I thought it was just the luck of the moment."

I shrugged at him. "When I was in foster care Archer and I were thought by my caretaker Gia. I remember before she left she placed the pistol in my hand and said You need to prepare yourself. Whatever happens know how to defend yourself because if you can't do that the world will pull you down and let you be fed to the cruel men. So she thought us to shoot. Every day after lunch we would go to a remote shed and do so. I only understood why we were doing this after three months. When I saw children disappearing from the shelter so quickly. She told me some were sold while others were taken in by abusers but we could do nothing about that and leave that to the professionals to handle. She told me instead to be confident on being able to say no." I gave him a sad smile. "So I shot him before he could hurt me."

A moment of silence passed us. I scooted over and hugged him tightly collapsing us both to bed. "Forget about that past because right now you would only be seeing it as a mistake. Don't look back anymore because right now you'd only look at your weakness not your strength." I repeated the words Reuben had told me when I had nearly attempted to kill myself.

Aaron snuggled against me wrapping his arms around me. "You always manage to see the good in things." He murmured.

"I manage to see the truth. That's all." I said back his head on my chest. I tried to move but he objected.

"I want to listen to your heartbeat. I want to know that you are really here and I'm not just dreaming about it." He whispered as he listened.

My heart shifted. I looked up at the ceiling feeling incredible happy and peaceful in each others arms. "I'm right here." I whispered.

And I think I meant a little more then what my words were supposed to mean.

Hi guys! These chapters are not edited. I'd like to emphasise the last part.

But anyways I hope you enjoyed this one :)

Next one is about the WSC and where the competition starts!

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