Hidan's Little Sister, Neji's...

By ThisSaramWeeblove

182K 6.1K 1.9K

Misaki is a 13 year old intelligent child who is the younger sister of Hidan. Being sent to Konohagakure at t... More

Hidan's Little Sister, Neji's Lover
A Day Out With The Genius
Let The Chunin Exams, Begin
Forest Of Death!
The Answers Revealed
Putting Your Life On The Line
Author's Note
An Unforgettable Flash Back
The Battle Begins!
The Battle Between Misaki And Yuki!
Attack On Konoha!
Misaki's Past Revealed!
Misaki Makes A Move
The Note
Retrieving Sasuke
A Mission With Hinata And Sakura
Three Little Devils Pt.1
Three Little Devils Pt.2
Town Of Death
Halloween Day! *Special*
Guarding. Much Trouble Ahead..
Big Trouble
Having Hope
If You Had The Chance
Secrets Aren't Meant To Be Kept
The Plan
Interrogating. Tusnade's Decision
Orochimaru's Hideout
Strict Training
S-Rank Mission
Heading Out
Meeting Uchiha Itachi again
Bittersweet Memories; The Real Deal (Special Chapter)
Author's Note
A Step Closer
The Scroll
To Love One
All Aboard!
Arrival In Okiyasa
Long Time, No See
Happy Birthday, Misaki
My Homeland, Yugakure
Surprises After Another
Lord Jashin
Complicated Situations
Our Past Struggles
Getting Into Yugakure
All In This Together
Caged Bird & Jashin Pt.1
Caged Bird & Jashin Pt.2
Parting With You
The Real Truth
Don and Clarissa
Don and Clarissa Pt.2
Everything Truly Revealed
A Lead On Misaki
Wolves Amongst Sheep
Authors Note

The Controlling Genjutsu! Flute no Jutsu!

2.5K 91 21
By ThisSaramWeeblove

"O-Orochimaru.." I whispered under my breath. "I've been meaning to come by and see you, Misaki. But now that i've stand before you follow me" Orochimaru says, turning around and leading the way. I followed him until we reached this cold room that looks like an experiment room..

I wonder why was I brought here. "I need to run a few tests on you" Orochimaru says, standing next to a steel table. "Why?" I asked as I stand beside him. He picked up a syringe, lightly flicking it before he looked down at me.

"To see how well in control you are with Jashin's chakra.." Orochimaru trails off. I gave him a confused look. "Sit on the table" Orochimaru orders. I do as told, watching him as he walks over to a desk. "So.. What are you talking about?.. Jashin's chakra?" I asked, puzzled. He looked back at me with an raised eyebrow. "Hidan never told you?..  You're indeed special Misaki.. You're an Fukkatsu of Jashin.. But we'll really see just how special you are.." Orochimaru trails off again, before walking towards me with the syringe.

He sticks the syringe into my arm, injecting the liquid inside me. My veins were on fire right about now! The burning sensation went from my arm, then down to the pit of my stomach, before it was spreading throughout my whole body.

I felt as if I was set on fire! I began to go crazy when a rapid pounding starts in my head and that too, was set on fire. I grabbed at my head, rolling back and forth onto the table as I screamed out in pain. I fell onto the floor doing so, continuing to roll back and forth screaming as I dig my nails into the pain.

"WHAT'S HAPPENING TO ME?!" I cried out as my skin felt as if it was being peeled and ripped off. I heard Orochimaru chuckle. "This is your true power my dear Misaki!" Orochimaru said as if he was enjoying the this.

My eyes began to hurt so bad to the point I was about to snatch them out. When I was going to, I was only stopped.

*Sasuke's POV* 

I heard Misaki's scream in agony. It was really disturbing my meditation time. I wanted to see what the problem was so I got off my bed, heading to where I heard the screaming come from. Once I get closer down the hall where a door was slightly creaked open, giving off little light. I open the door slowly, looking at Misaki rolling on the floor screaming her lungs out to death.

Orochimaru seem to love every bit of it. I found it much to my dislike and disgusting that she tried to pull her eyes out. Was the pain that bad?.. She was slipping her fingers into her eye lids and for some reason, I found myself inching closer and closer to her before I grabbed her hands.

"What the hell are you doing?" I ask her, looking at her as if she was stupid. She looks up at me. I could see the trail of tears making their way down her cheeks in two directions. What caught my eye was her eyes were a different color.

One eye was completely black with an red pupil while the other was white with an golden pupil. I could feel immense and unfamiliar chakra leaking from her.. What was this chakra?.. It was something close to Naruto's Kyuubi chakra.. But no.. This was far more cold and evil.. Much hatred and no love at all sensed within it..

I stared at Misaki, confused by her chakra as she continued to yell. "Aren't you going to do something about this?!" I asked, frustrated. Her screams were a big headache for me. "She'll figure on her own.." Was all Orochimaru said before he went to mess around with things on his desk.

I smack my teeth, looking down at Misaki. Why was I even here by her side? I can just leave out the base right now to get away from all this noise! Just when I was about to leave, she quiets down, rolling her eyes in the back of her head before they turned their normal color and she passed out.

Something weird I saw was smoke rising into the air from her skin.. What was that?.. I examined her closely, trying to find an answer to my question. I look at Orochimaru who was smirking, this was much to his liking..

*Orochimaru's POV* 

Yes, this was indeed what little I expected. Now that she is in my hands, she will make a great right man hand for me.. I'm sure those Konoha brats of hers will be coming for her soon.. This hideout is also not hard to find. 

Yes, they will easily find me. That is what I want. Traps are already set, one they go off they'll be killed once they're inside and we're out. "What brings you here, Sasuke?" I asked as I walk over to Misaki, picking her up and throwing her over my shoulder.

"Her screaming was unpleasant to my ears. I came to see what was it all about..." Sasuke trailed off, looking at Misaki. "Oh, I see. She's really special, Sasuke kun" I placed, Misaki onto the table, before walking over to a desk, looking through my test subject book.

"Special? What kind of special?" Sasuke asked. I close the book smirking before turning to Sasuke. "Did you know this chakra she has could wipe out a whole village? This is nothing compared to tailed beasts blowing beast bombs around and destroying things. She is the Fukkatsu of Jashin. What you saw now was only little of the appearance of the Fukkatsu of Jashin's look. Not being able to control such a power and let it take over you would be a very massive destruction to Konoha.. " I explain.

"And so that will be my plan... I will inject medicine in her to make her have no control of Jashin's power and make her destroy the village.." I finish, laughing evilly to myself. Misaki will be my weapon. I shall not or never let Hidan get her and raise her as my own while she's young.

*Sasuke's POV*

Orochimaru was weird for sure.. Using Misaki to destroy the village.. Why?.. He tried to last time at the Chunin Exams but failed. I then look towards Misaki. First Naruto and his weird chakra now her too?.. How were they able to achieve such strong chakra?..

"Get ready Sasuke. Soon those Konoha brats will be here. As soon as Misaki wakes up, we'll leave" Orochimaru says. I look at him. "Why leave when Misaki wakes up? Haven't you taken measures? Or even thought that Konoha has sent some people to find her already and will be here shortly?" I asked.

One thing I didn't want was that idiot Naruto finding me along with the others. For sure I'd stand no chance by myself.. "There's something I want to test out.. And it involves you and her" Orochimaru explains, referring to Misaki.

Something to test out that involves me and Misaki.. Just what are you planning, Orochimaru?..

*Misaki's POV*

I woke up up with an unexplained pained headache. My head was throbbing so bad! I sat up, feeling that I was sitting on a hard cold surface. Then I heard an explosion go off. My heaf shot up as I looked around the room. 

Where was everyone?! Where did they go?!

Someone bursts into the room.


"We must hurry now!" Kabuto says, quickly grabbing me by my wrist, pulling me off the table. He continued to keep his grip firmly on my wrist as we ran down the halls. "W-Why are we running Kabuto san?!" I asked, looking at him.

"Konoha nin has found our hideout. They're looking for you. We must hurry out or we'll be caught into the trap and die" Kabuto explains.

I gulp as we ran. The ceiling began to fall in big pieces. As we ran for an blown out exit, the ceiling and walls began to rapidly fall behind us. My heart raced as me and Kabuto ran faster. The exit was not that far ahead.

"We wont make it in time.." I heard Kabuto said as we ran. Then that's when it happened. A part of a ceiling hit my foot and I tripped, letting out a yelp as I fell. My breath hitched as I reach my hand out towards Kabuto shouting his name.

He looked back at me, smacking his teeth. Quickly as the other parts began to fall, Kabuto swooped me up on his back and ran for the exit. Everything began to fall so fast and came closer.. No.. No..! At this rate.. We'll both be crushed!

We were a few feet away from the exit and rocks were falling, almost closing the exit and were behind us. Kabuto almost tripped a few times because of the rocks, falling beside him and almost falling over them.

The exit was being almost fully blocked...

We wont make it in time..







We wont make it in time..

Instead, knowing that Kabuto himself seen that we wont make it in time, he made a jump for it. I dug my head into his shoulder, scared for my life. A rock would fall on us right about now.. But nothing happened?..

Me and Kabuto fell onto the ground and I rolled across the ground. I pant as my heart raced even more looking around. We were outside.. Sasuke was standing by Orochimaru who had his palm out towards the exit me and Kabuto jumped from.

I saw his snakes crawl away before the rock that almost had crushed us fell and blocked the exit. He must have saved us.. "Thank you, Orochimaru sama" Kabuto thanked, standing up. Orochimaru said nothing.

"We need to go. I'm sure those Konoha brats made it through.." Orochimaru trailed off leading the way. We all nodded following him. The land was pretty empty. Much grass less dirt, little trees. Couldn't we be easily found?

Also.. These Konoha ninja they'r talking about.. Who did Tsunade choose to find me?..

I couldn't think any further and was broken out of my thoughts when I heard an familiar voice. "Stop right there!" Gai sensei voice was strong and demanded. Yet you could here slight anger come out of it.

Orochimaru and us stopped. Kabuto and the others turned around to face them but I was scared to. Slowly I turned around to face Gai sensei and the others. They all gasped. "Misaki chan!" Lee says, happy yet shock to see me.

Tenten stayed quiet, looking at me. Huh.. I'm surprised she didn't say anything. I thought she'd call me a trader or something. I then looked at Neji. He looked mad and worried at the same time. "Return Misaki or else!" Lee demanded.

Orochimaru smirked. "Just what I wanted. If you want your dear Misaki you'll have to get her.. Or should I say.. Fight her" Orochimaru finished, laughing nonstop as he left me and Sasuke with Kabuto. Kabuto had jumped somewhere in the trees and hid himself.

As for Sasuke he pulled out a flute. "What are you gonna do with that?" I asked looking at him. "You'll see" was all he said. "Misaki.. Come back with us.." Tenten says. But she didn't mean it did she.. She doesn't really want me back with them.. 

"Sasuke.. It's been a while since we've seen you fellow friend. You must also come back with us!" Lee says, clenching his fist out towards us. Sasuke gave him a bored look.

[Play Song Now~]

"My future lies no where within Konoha.." Sasuke trailed off before his slightly pursed his lips, blowing into the flute and it played it beautiful tune.

I felt the wind swept past me and flowers fly through the air as it felt as if I was being hypnotized. My eyes began to close half way before the scenery around me changed and no one was here. It was a beautiful place filled with colors of yellow pink and little blue patterns of swirls.

Where was I?.. Did I get here when Sasuke started playing that flute?.. If so.. Then this is a genjutsu isn't it?.. My body began to move by itself gracefully. It was as if I was training by myself, throwing punches and kicks, swinging and jumped my body around with ease.

What was happening?..

*Neji's POV*

Misaki came directly towards me throwing punches, I dodged every one of them, being greatfully confused. Why was did she all of a sudden attack me?.. "Misaki what are you doing?!" I asked. She said nothing but continued to throw punches at me.

Something isn't right.. Analyzing the situation I began to put pieces together.. Just a minute ago she was all sad, not talking to me.. Usually how she was when she was sad. Now out of no where she just attacks me?

But.. She only started acting this way as soon as Sasuke started playing that flute.. Now that I also remember. During the time we had to rescue Sasuke, Shikamaru said he went against this woman who could play the flute and control movements and use genjutsu using the sound of a flute..

Yes. This was exactly what was going on. Misaki was being controlled by that flute. Now, we just have to destroy Sasuke's flute.. "Gai sensei!" I call out. He didn't hear me. It seems he was also busy, fighting that Kabuto guy.

"Lee! TenTen! Destroy Sasuke's flute! That'll stop him from controlling Misaki!" I order. "Mm!" Tenten says while Lee nodding, understanding.

They both ran towards Sasuke. 

*Sasuke's POV*  

Neji was smart.. But don't think you can break this flute easily.. While continuing to play the flute, I activated my Sharingan. Using the flute to make Misaki attack Lee and Tenten. Using lightening jutsus and fire techniques.

They were able them.. As expected.

It was unexpectedly hard to concentrate on controlling Misaki fighting Neji without messing up the notes of the flute genjutsu, and,  fighting Lee and Tenten, focusing on their movements too. I jump into the air, kicking Lee as I do an back flip, still playing the flute.

Tenten threw a dozen of shurikens and kunais at me and I dodge them easily. There isn't much I can do in this state.. I could stop playing the flute and Misaki would still be in the genjutsu but not controlled.. Doing so Neji, Tenten, or Lee could disturb the chakra of the genjutsu, snapping her out of it..

That isn't what I want.

My options are limited..

If I have to kill them.. That may be my only option.

As I continued to play the flute, making Misaki use a jutsu I never seen before, the sky turned dark.

"Neji you have to make her stop before she uses that jutsu! You'll definitely die!" Gai sensei warns. Neji smacked his teeth. I smirk in advance.  We'll see just what skills do you have, Misaki... This is where things get serious.


Hi guys!!! It's updated once again! I hope you enjoyed it! I made this Chapter as long as I possibly could without it being over like.. 10 pages hehe.. I'm sure you probably wouldn't mind that as long as it's about the part of the story you guys are really and have been waiting for though.. Teheh.

>|< Well... Sasuke is controlling Misaki! 

>|< So.. If she uses that certain jutsu Neji may or will die.. But maybe he can stop her in time?

>|< HALF Edited. Omg so much words and I was like o-o when I scanned through it and like "This is gonna take a loong while to find every single mistake" XD

>|< Scanned. Auto Correct Style~

>|< I am sorry for mistakes that I left. If so please tell me and i'll go back in and fix those errors!

>|< Puurfect?..

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