Shattered Team (Rewritten)

By HeatSeekerXBumbleBee

25.6K 826 159

In this story, Smokescreen changes personalities from being a funny racing robot to a shy and lazy bot. A cer... More

Chapter 1: Attack
Chapter 2: Old Memories
Chapter 3: The First Key
Chapter 4: Battle Requirements
Chapter 5: The Gladiator And The Rookie
So yeah...
Chapter 6: Blade Piece
Chapter 7: The Second Set
Chapter 8: Scared Smoke
Chapter 9: Forest Fire
Chapter 10: Get It Through Your Head
Chapter 11: Fight Of 3 (Autobots)
Chapter 12: Fight Of 3 (Decepticons)
Chapter 13: The Final Relic
Chapter 14: A Con's Prisoner
Chapter 15: Escaping The Warship
Chapter 16: A Cheating Proposal
Chapter 17: Obtaining The Forge
Chapter 18: Battle For The Keys
Chapter 19: Risky Exchange
Chapter 20: Problems
Chapter 21: Evacuation
Chapter 22: Fall Of The Base
Chapter 23: To The Cons
Chapter 24: A Way With Words
Chapter 25: The Scientist Arrives
Chapter 26: The Scientist
Chapter 27: Escapee
Chapter 28: The Dragon
Chapter 29: Love Rules
Chapter 31: The Return Of Prime
Chapter 32: Bots And Cons
Chapter 33: The Thought
Chapter 34: Spark Bond
Chapter 35: A Dragon And His Boy
Chapter 36: First Con Mission
Chapter 37: Did I See That Correctly?
Chapter 38: Dead Signal
Chapter 39: Bots Vs Humans
Chapter 40: He Survived!?
Chapter 41: The Thirst
Chapter 42: Smokeshard

Chapter 30: Hacker

518 14 9
By HeatSeekerXBumbleBee

               Smokescreen sits up and Megatron turns to him. "One more?" The rookie asks. Megatron nods and goes to but a wing flap grabs their attention. "Rrrr?" The dragon asks. Megatron coms the others "Shockwave, your pet returned."

              Soon enough, Starscream and Shockwave made their way to the top. Starscream teases the dragon as he does anyone else "What a grave disappointment this must be for you, master, and to make matters worse, because it cannot speak, we have no way of knowing why the predacon failed so miserably. Poor mute mindless creature." The creature glares at Starscream, growling viciously. Megatron cocks a ridge in confusion, somehow understanding the dragon "I will rip you to shreds." Then the gladiator vents, laughing a bit "I think that my self a lot of the time." Starscream and Smokescreen look to him "Think what?" They both say in unison. Megatron shrugs "dunno. Thought I heard something."

        Later on, they were in the communications room. Jack's call signal appears on the map. Starscream remarks smugly "I knew the humans couldn't resist using their telecommunications. That is all they seem to do. Seek and destroy!" He orders a group of eradicons to which they immediately head out.

           Soon enough, another signature appeared. It being Miko's this time. "Hahaha! Humans." Screamer laughs and turns "Stand by to groundbridge!" Soundwave stops him and points to the screen once more. "Soundwave, why can't you accept a little good fortune? The autobots couldn't possibly stay hidden forever."

               Not a minute later, a signal picked up with a message but the voice was so messed up In the static "Decepticon command do you read? We are under autobot attack!!" Starscream started to panic "It's one of our energon mines! Insecticons! Prepare for battle!!" With that order, a team of the bug bots left.

             Starscream saw Smokescreen looking in his direction. "What are you looking at!?" He called out. Smokescreen flinches but reasons "I-I-I thought I heard a voice I recognized.... I-is all...." Starscream shrugged it off, rolling his optics and going back to the screen.

          Another few minutes later, a miner reported back "There has to be some mistake, commander Starscream. The mine is not under attack." "W-what? How can they—" the seeker starts. Megatron shouts from across the room "STARSCREAM!!!?? Explain why my forces are scattering across this globe!!"

           The seeker tries to explain "Uh.. R-renegade autobot mischief, Lord Megatron. I am in the process of deducing how they are infiltrating our communications systems without a-" "didn't you have a base when you were rogue? Or was it just some cave hideout?" Smokescreen interrupts, leaving Soundwave in.... Silence.... I'm not sure how that works because he doesn't speak.... At least that's what everyone thinks—-but anyways, leaves Soundwave in silence at the sight of the auto—- ex... autobot saying what he was about to show on his screen.

           Starscream growls. Smokescreen was becoming a bit of a nuisance to him. "Oh, please. The Harbinger? Really? I unplugged every system that was in the ship before I left!" Smokescreen cocks a ridge under his visor. "Plugging something back in isn't that hard... like when your cat takes out your charger from the wall, you just lean down, pick it up, and replug it back in the wall! Simple!!!" Everyone looked to him in confusion.

             A second later, Knockout bursts into laughter. The seeker yells at him "What? What's so funny!!!??" "It's a human thing... you wouldn't understand." The Aston Martin cracks. Megatron sighs, placing a servo on the rookie. "Smokey, please resort to Cybertronian terms.... I'd rather not have to figure out what the explanation meant. All I got was 'take out, lean down, pick it up, and replug it.' I'm begging you." Smokescreen nods. Turning to the front once more.

             Starscream gets a bit nervous as Megatron slowly realizes "You left abandoned decepticon technology fully operational and unsecured!!!!!????" The seeker stutters a bit, trying to grab an answer "Allow me to correct my oversight immediately.... Seeker armada to the flight deck. Your target is the decepticon ship; The Harbinger. You are to obliterate it, at once!"

           Scream reports again "My armada is in position, open a groundbridge to the harbinger!" Just then an explosion goes off. Megatron declares "Since it would seem that Darkmount is presently under attack, kindly redirect all efforts toward ensuring that our invaders are eradicated!" Another few explosions go off and Starscream stutters "I assure you master, I have everything under control!" The gladiator turns and growls furiously. Shockwave then suggests that they release the predacon which Megatron accepts. But the beast then flew into an enemy bridge, landing primus knows where. Starscream shamed Shockwave and the scientist walked off.

               The next thing that happened was Megatron getting an alert from the control room. "Hold on, Smoke, I'll be right back." He kisses the racer's helm and leaves. A few guards offered to take Smoekscreen up to the roof which the racer allowed. They stayed away from any blaster fire noises and soon got to the top.

        A few minutes go by and Smokescreen hears metal clanging and dragging. He taps the floor and senses his sparkmate dragging Ultra Magnus behind him. The warlord drops him and Starscream reports "All invaders have been taken captive master, and there was no sign of...." He whispers so Smoke wouldn't hear "Of Optimus Prime..." The gladiator nods and looks to Magnus "So tell me, commander, where might your leader be?"" The wrecker groans and tries to crawl away but Megatron kicks his side "I will not ask again." Magnus argues "If I knew, I wouldn't tell you..." The warlord declares "Very well." He ejects his blade and Smokescreen runs over to him, stopping his arm "My liege, there's no reason for this! Violence won't solve anything!" Megatron says to him "Smoke, he's an autobot. I'm a decepticon. I can't help it. It's how we are." The racer stepped back in shock, and then walked over to the wall again when his master looked back to Ultra Magnus. The leader says to his army "Execute our prisoners, and fire each cannon at the nearest metropolis within its sights."

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