Shattered Team (Rewritten)

By HeatSeekerXBumbleBee

25.6K 826 159

In this story, Smokescreen changes personalities from being a funny racing robot to a shy and lazy bot. A cer... More

Chapter 1: Attack
Chapter 2: Old Memories
Chapter 3: The First Key
Chapter 4: Battle Requirements
Chapter 5: The Gladiator And The Rookie
So yeah...
Chapter 6: Blade Piece
Chapter 7: The Second Set
Chapter 8: Scared Smoke
Chapter 9: Forest Fire
Chapter 10: Get It Through Your Head
Chapter 11: Fight Of 3 (Autobots)
Chapter 12: Fight Of 3 (Decepticons)
Chapter 13: The Final Relic
Chapter 14: A Con's Prisoner
Chapter 15: Escaping The Warship
Chapter 16: A Cheating Proposal
Chapter 17: Obtaining The Forge
Chapter 18: Battle For The Keys
Chapter 19: Risky Exchange
Chapter 20: Problems
Chapter 21: Evacuation
Chapter 22: Fall Of The Base
Chapter 23: To The Cons
Chapter 24: A Way With Words
Chapter 25: The Scientist Arrives
Chapter 26: The Scientist
Chapter 27: Escapee
Chapter 28: The Dragon
Chapter 30: Hacker
Chapter 31: The Return Of Prime
Chapter 32: Bots And Cons
Chapter 33: The Thought
Chapter 34: Spark Bond
Chapter 35: A Dragon And His Boy
Chapter 36: First Con Mission
Chapter 37: Did I See That Correctly?
Chapter 38: Dead Signal
Chapter 39: Bots Vs Humans
Chapter 40: He Survived!?
Chapter 41: The Thirst
Chapter 42: Smokeshard

Chapter 29: Love Rules

600 14 6
By HeatSeekerXBumbleBee

Since it was quiet once more, Megatron decided to speak with Smokescreen. "Smokes." He calls out. The racer turns to him and tries to find him. Megatron kneels down and brings a digit under the racer's chin. "Right here." Smokescreen nods. The gladiator says "Hey, so..... I was.... I was thinking..... you seem.... Pretty comfortable being here.... At darkmount.... With me— a-and the decepticons. You used to hate and fight us with everything you had—" "Please don't bring that up!!!" Smokescreen whimpers, kneeling down and covering his head." The gladiator was shocked.

He didn't realize that it would have so much effect. "Sorry, what I'm trying to say is..... I'm seeing something in you. It's like, a spark of something.... It makes me feel very different. And I thought it was just because I have an ex autobot who actually left, here in my ranks... but it's not that at all, it's not something in my head, it's something in my spark...."

Smokescreen looked to him once more "A-are you serious?" The warlord nods "I am." Smokescreen grabs his arm "Im— I don't know.... It seems wrong to..." "Like me?" Megatron suggests. The racer nods nervously. The con leader sighs "It's alright... I.... I understand if you don't feel the same...." He stands up and begins leaving.

The racer stood silently, he was scared and upset. He let another mech down. "No... I can't..." He runs over to Megatron and grabs his servo, turning him around. Once they were looking at each other, the gladiator knelt down to get level and Smokescreen stepped closer. "I-I didn't mean it like that.... I meant because I'm an autobot that was tortured and abandoned by my leader. But I'm still an autobot rookie. You... you're a decepticon warlord. I don't match your rank. Not even close." Megatron smiles slightly "Smokes, it doesn't matter the rank..." he pushes their helms together "It only matters the connection~." After that, he turned his helm a bit and connected their dermas passionately. "Mmmmm...." Smokes hums. The leader pushes him against the wall, continuing. They broke for a second as the racer put his servos on the side of Megatron's helm.

The warlord slowly stands up, keeping Smokescreen with him. His servo traveled under him, holding him up at his level. One pede at a time, the racer wrapped his legs around his new boyfriend. The leader slowly makes his way over to his throne and sits down, causing them to break connection. Smokes pulled his helm up again, kissing him. They then separate and Megatron's half open eyes gaze at Smokescreen's covered ones.

The gladiator goes further, bringing his face to the rookie's neck. Hot air brushed across it, causing Smokescreen to shiver. Megatron pushes his face softly into him whilst laying back at the same time. Smokescreen rubs his leader's helm, starting a cycle of purring from the taller mech. He moves over so he's not covering his liege's front. He still kept his hands where they were, he was just on the left side of the throne.

Megatron moves his face from the kid's neck and places it against Smokescreen's helm like before. "I love you."The gladiator says quietly. Smokescreen replies "I love you too. And I must say, you're quite the kisser." Megatron laughs in breaths but agrees "The best in the warship." The racer cocks a ridge "How do you know?" Megatron looks away, still smiling "No one trumps me. Even in love." Smokescreen blushes, putting his hand by his helm, similar to a girl brushing hair behind her ear.

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