Always Aaron

By Auroraxxwrites

355K 7.8K 5.8K

"Two damaged souls who fell in love at a school meant for fucked up rich kids." Bryce Weston is an uptight s... More

Character Aesthetics + More
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Author's notes
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Author's notes
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
New books

Chapter 24

6.1K 166 170
By Auroraxxwrites

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AARON HAS JUST made my life ten times harder.

I try to forgive him but I honestly just can't find it in me to. And now he was here in London all the way to see me.

But I still couldn't get over the fact about his lies. How did I know he wasn't in London to rid of his traces from the gang? To throw them off track?

And then there was the whole deal of everyone in my family being with him and narrowing down on me expecting to forgive and love him. None of the them acknowledged the consequences of what had happened. On how I had been nearly been killed or used by Drake.

Rubbing my face I got out and changed into a light blue tank top and a fitted floral skirt. I pulled my hair into a ponytail and frowned at my reflection before descending down the stairs for breakfast.

The smell of pancakes wafted up and I knew it was Aaron before even having to look. He would be the only crazy person I know who would wake up at 7 am to do this.

And as I walked down indeed he was there standing shirtless in low riding grey sweatpants flipping a pancake from the wireless stove.

I walked up to the counter that separated us both and reached out for an apple. I bit into the crisp fruit chewing slowly.

Aaron turned around startled at the sound and offered me a soft smile. I kept my face blank at him as he took in my outfit.

Getting towards the door I checked for any mail sent by Louis's friends for her gender reveal party and found a stack of them of the doormat. I bent down to retrieve them when I heard a groan behind me.

I flicked my eyes to see Aaron swallowing his body tensed as he spoke very sounding pained. "That's a very fucking short skirt." I hid the smile that dared to blossom at my face and picked up the envelope shuffling them to look at the addresses.

No mail from mom or Jake.

When I looked up I saw Aaron still looking as tense as ever and diverted his eyes. I was going to ask him what's wrong but the evident bulge in his pants was obvious. It only made my heart flutter but I reminded myself that I was mad at him.

He closed the stove putting the last of the pancakes on the plate before rushing up the stairs. The sound of the shower echoed later on.

I let out a loose laugh and turned to the mail.

"Good morning!" Louis chirped enthusiastically. "Pancakes and mail." She smiled standing next to me and shuffling through the envelopes intently.

I watched her smile slowly dim at the absence of one them.

"This is wonderful." She shrugged and averted her gaze at the pancakes. "You made these?"

"No. Aaron did." I said with a sigh. Saying his name made me annoyed. He just find a way to squeeze himself to every conversation despite being absent from it. "Have you checked Miles's schedule yet?"

"Mhm." Though her smile remained she went over to the cutlery drawer looking at them absent minded. I knew she had a hard time with him but right now she looked...unsure. "He's free the day after tomorrow. He's coming back here from his business conference in Milan."

I nodded. Then I would meet him and get the record straight. Nobody messes with my sister and gets away with it.

Catherine came down and scowled at the plates stacked with pancakes and all sugary contents that she despised. She opened her mouth to retort but Louis cut her to it. "Aaron."

The frown didn't leave her face as she headed to the fridge to get a box of Greek yoghurt out.  Both of us watched her angrily plop it onto a bowl before marching towards the granola and fleeting it on.

She yanked out a spoon and munched it at the stool. "This is breakfast."

"Nuh uh." Louis rejected. She pulled a plate of pancakes in and drenched it with syrup and whipped cream before adding two berries there. "This is breakfast."

I laughed nibbling on my apple. "Flo is coming tonight, yeah?"

"Ugh." Catherine huffed. "I hate children."

Louis rolled her eyes at her and nodded at me. "Yup. 6 o clock on the dot." I made a mental note of that.

"And how was your appointment yesterday?" Catherine asked with the least bit of concern. I knew she was only asking so Louis didn't deflate.

"Very good ladies." She patted her stomach. "My baby is healthy and growing."

"That's disgusting." Catherine winced. "The thought of it being pushed out of you. Blah." She shuddered and I had to agree with her on that. It sounded beyond painful.

"Don't remind me. La, la, la." She sang placing her indexes in her ears. I guess she was not as ready as she looked either.

The stairs creaked and we all looked up to see Aaron walked down his hair wet and dripping on his black shirt. His eye locked on mine.

I looked away continuing to eat my apple and staring at it's core that was starting to turn ruddy.

"Good morning." Louis praised. "Thank you for the heavenly pancakes. I must say you are blessed to cook." I felt him still stare at me but I ignored him.

"Thank you. I see Catherine has taken the nutrition variety." He noted and I stopped the urge to say how beautiful the two of them would be with their taste in food. They would be perfect.

But that made me more mad then it would to them.

"You didn't have any." He said stepping next to me. I shook my apple so he could see it and took a bite out of it.

"She's having a quick breakfast today. She's going shopping with me." Louis spoke in. I rolled my eyes at her saves.

"Oh." Aaron said. "Do you need anyone to drive?"

"Calm down Romeo." Catherine teased. "I don't think you'd have a blast at Victoria's Secret anyway." His eyebrows shot up and he looked at me. I tried not to blush at that. Catherine and I shared the same tongue it seemed.

"Actually I wanted to get a cartilage piercing as well." I said looking at Catherine. "They do it at the pharmacy there."

"Oh hell yes I'm coming. You'd look amazing in it too." Catherine noted. "Both ears or one?"

"One for now." I answered. "How painful is it at a scale of ten?"

"Two or three."

Louis snorted. "Wrong person to ask." I mustered a chuckle and nodded.

"I'm telling the truth." Catherine exclaimed. "My naval piercing was way more painful."

"Then why get it?" Louis bored.

Catherine flicked her hair back and smiled. "It looks fantastic."

"Well I'm not getting a naval piercing-" I mused. "A cartilage would do for today."

"Well it seems we got our driver then." Louis smiled at Aaron.

I stared intently at the marble counter.



The mall was colder then outside. I felt like I freezing to death. But then I look at Catherine and contemplate life.

She's wearing no coat and substituted it for a white crop top and shorts. What is her immune system really?

I on the other hand have this thick coat on to stop myself from freezing. I hug it closer as we move around the place looking at clothes.

Louis had ran off to a shop that had half off in furniture and Catherine was busy walking through different aisles of clothing. I stood there in the center of the white floor having the perfect view of the shops surrounding us.

"You look cold." Aaron noted much to my joy. Sarcasm was heavily intended.

"I'm fine." I quickly say turning my attention to the flooring which consisted of three tiling. Emerald, white and black. They all jagged around each other making a flower in the middle of the floor. I had a feeling that the if I looked from the top floor I might get to see what it was supposed to emit.

"You're not." He hesitantly touches my fingers and then snaps them back knowing I would have hit him. "You're fucking freezing."

"I'm just cold blooded." I muttered hiding a small smile.

"Sure." Was all he said before he walked away from me. Maybe I pissed him too far. Or maybe he realized better then to waste time on me.

"This or this?" Catherine asked calling me over. I do so giving a final glance to see if Aaron was around or not and when I did not see him I moved over to the shop.

She held up two pieces of clothing. One in maroon the other in white. Both were cute shirts

"Isn't a little too cold for them?" I said looking at the short sleeves and material.

"Never." Catherine proudly stated. "The cold never bothered me anyway."

"Pack it up Elsa." When I saw she did not get the joke I rolled my eyes and pointed to the maroon one.

The smell of hot fresh coffee awoke my senses and I turned at Aaron who placed the cup in my hands. "It's your usual." I peered up at him shocked but then swallow and look away.

The warmth travelled to my palms allowing me to feel warmer. As I took the hot liquid to my lips all the coldness disappeared. "Thank you." I murmured taking another sip.

He did not answer and I should have known. It was an Aaron thing to do. He never said your welcome. I do not know if it is a habit or just his way but he never once said it.

Guilt drew in me. Should I give in? He did come all the way from London for me. He tried hard too. And I could only imagine the internal emotions he felt when he saw me with Ethan.

Another mistake.

I should not have gone. I should have- but we were never together. I was so confused. Am confused.

The kidnapping was not entirely his fault. And he did come for me regardless of getting involved or not. But-

"Do you need tissue to wrap it around if it's too hot?" He asked holding out to crisp ones.

I worked my jaw and shook my head. "I'm fine."

"Alright." Was all he said as he pocketed them instead for later use if I changed my mind.

I ran my thumb along the cardboard surface of the cup trying to distract my mind from him. I could have other thoughts as well.

Like how Louis's baby shower is just three days away or how Flo is coming today to meet me. I was not good with kids so this should be new.

I missed Sersha, Maddie, Owen, Reuben and Jordan. Our disoriented group. Or as Owen put it... Owen's Bitches.

We really needed a better group name. I do not think anybody has the patience of calling ourselves that.

Looking up my eyes locked with familiar brown ones. I smiled at them my face shining with shock and joy.

He came walking towards me and we were not even half way there before both of us were embraced in a tight hug. I angled my coffee above us so we both do not die.

"Archer." I gasped completely at shock. I pulled back as he looked at me.

"Bryce? It's been like forever." He laughed pulling away. I nodded.

"Definitely. The last time I saw you, you were what twelve?"

He scratched his head with a grin. "Yeah. You weren't much older then eleven either."

"I tried calling you but you never answered."

"I couldn't. My phone was taken away from me after you left." He said solemnly. "The folks that took me in were nice enough to return it but I never had your number memorized." I nodded with a small sad smile.

Foster care was hard that way.

I looked back and saw Aaron staring at me quizzically. I took Archer's hand and pulled him over to where we were standing. "Archer this Aaron. Aaron, Archer." I made quick introduction as they both shook heads.

"We met at foster care." Archer explained. "Best person I've met."

I blushed rolling my eyes. "Please. We may have been partners in crime but I'm not the best person."

Archer gave me a scoff. "Still as modest as ever."

"Still as persistent as ever." I replied in the same smile watching him smirk. "What brings you to England?"

"My mom." He sighed gesturing to the lady who held five bags of clothing. She looked at us and smiled waving awkwardly through her collection. "You?"

"Sisters." I simply say. He nodded and we got into idle chat for the rest of the time were in the mall going over how far we've come, what we've been up to and then when we were going to meet. Luckily Archer lives close to Archdale so we were cool to bust.

After saying our farewells I turned to Aaron. "Sorry about that. I dragged you in."

He shrugged. "I enjoyed meeting him actually."

My eyebrows drew up confused. "You did? Why?"

He gave me a gentle look that made me stare back at him. "Because you were so happy."


"You sure?" I asked the pharmacist for the tenth time as they applied a cotton swab on my ear.

I had already chosen the earring but was scared to have it pierced.

"Yup." She popped. "Just a sting. It'll go away before you can notice."

"So it won't hurt her?" Aaron confirmed as she nodded. He looked at me skeptically as if to ask was I fine with this.

"Okay. Let's do this." She brought the gun out and held it to me ear. "I'm going to count till three okay? One... two..." she did not get to fucking three as a sharp pain ran around my ear. I opened my eyes and quirked my lips. That was not bad.

"There you go." She smiled going behind her desk.

"You feel fine right?" Aaron asked crouching next to me.

"Yeah. One hundred." I answered with a smile. I did feel one hundred. Since yesterday I had felt that way no matter my anger.


"I'm headed out now!" Catherine calls from below the stairs. I walk to the edge of the banister and shout back.

"Alright!" I heard the door close indicating her departure. Catherine was staying over at one of her friends while Louis was gone to get things ready for her gender reveal party. She is super ecstatic and is looking through different party halls.

I walk down the stairs to get snacks ready for Flo since it's only six and she probably would be hungry.

I nag out some chips, biscuits and animal crackers. I put in apples and some Nutella sandwiches since she was allergic to PB and J and so was I.

"What time is she coming again?" Aaron asked walking down the steps and snatching a cracker from the bowl making me frown.

"Any minute now." I said and added, "Be nice. She's only five."

He flashed me his pearly teeth and nodded. "I'm always nice."

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. I chopped the apple down into bite size pieces and sighed. "For dinner I'm ordering pizza. Is that alright?"

"Yeah. I'm good." He agreed. "What time do you want it to be delivered? I'll order it."

I pushed my fringes away from my face and scowl. "I told you I'm paying and ordering for it. Stop being extra."

He rolled his eyes. "It's called being thoughtful."

"I didn't ask." I ended the conversation leading a hover of tension between us. The door bell rang and I set down the knife but Aaron got to the door before me.

I watched as Flo went through his legs and hugged mine. "Bryce!" I chuckled and scooped her up waving at Jasmine.

"I hope she's not too much trouble."

"No. She'll be just fine. Don't worry. Enjoy your day with Brandon." She kissed Flo and walked off saying she would be back to pick her up by 11.

Aaron shut the door as Flo scrambled off of me and pulled at the backpack on her that was twice her size. "I got so many games. Like snakes and ladders and sequence. I love sequence." She mused taking the large box out of her back. "My favorite card is the Jack."

"Oh?" I smiled helping her carry it to the living room. "Why so?"

Flo opened the box as we all sat on the floor. Her small fingers got out different coloured tokens, cards and a large play mat. "Because it's the lucky one." I nodded having no clue what she was saying. I looked up at Aaron who was trying his level hardest not to laugh as Flo explained the game to us.

"Who are you?" She asked putting a card down for Aaron.

"Aaron." He answered kindly with a smile. Flo looked up pushing her unbound hair back and smiled brightly too.

"Hi Erin. I'm Flo." She said . Aaron didn't call her out for saying his name wrong. Instead we all started playing the game. "Did you know my cat, Minnie, is having babies?"

I arched my eyebrows placing a card down. "Really?"

She nodded and hummed. "Really. Mommy says they need to pick them up from the doctors."

"Pick them up from the doctors?" Aaron repeated confused. "But babies come from-"

"The hospital!" I interjected loudly enough for Flo to draw her eyebrows together but she kept on playing ignoring us. I gave Aaron a warning look to which he shrugged with a cheeky smile.

"I already know the names of them. I'm naming them, Cassy, Tom, and Bryce. But if there's a fourth I'll name it Erin." She smiled proudly at Aaron.

"I'd be honored." He mocked a bow. "I actually have a Dalmatian named Harley. She had pups too but we sold them."

"What's a dalmon?" Flo asked quirking her lips. I placed a card and then a blue token on the matching picture.

Aaron chuckled. "A Dalmatian are those dogs with spots. White and black. Here I have a picture." He scrolled through his phone showing an adorable dog with blue eyes.

Flo jumped from the game and climbed onto Aaron's lap so her feet were planted on his calves as she looked at it closely. "Woah. It's so cute!" She squealed scrunching her face with a smile. "I want a doggie too but daddy is allergic." She pouted touching the photo with awe. "Do you have more?"

"Plenty." Aaron laughed scrolling through them. I watched them placing my cards down since it was evident we were no longer playing.

A small smile traced my lips. Perhaps he was not a total dick. I did not know he was good with kids.

As if on thought he looked up at me and smiled patting the place next to him. I hesitantly crawled there sitting next to him and peering at his phone where Flo switched through photos with one hand on the screen and the other braced on Aaron's shoulder. I nearly laughed at her adorable-ness.

"What's that?" She asked trying to zoom into the photo.

Aaron did it for her and pointed at the back. "That would be my brother." We could not see his face but the back of his head. I saw how Aaron pursed his lips and changed the photo to a video of Harley barking and doing tricks.

I scanned through his photography skills my personal being the one with a butterfly on Harley's nose. "I didn't know you were good at photos."

"You never asked." He replied as the video ended. Flo went through more for another ten minutes until she got bored and pulled towards the TV.

I side glanced at Aaron who was staring at his screen looking through them. I peeked at it and nearly gasped taking the phone from his grasp. "Is that me?" Indeed it was. A picture of me and Owen and Sersha laughing our heads off the day we had a an ice cream date.

Aaron blushed spluttering. "No. First of all it's all three of you and second it was an accident." He said trying to get the photo back but I nudged it away going through them.

"This is me alone!" I exclaimed looking at the phone where my head was thrown back into laughter. I had to admit with the sun pouring behind and causing it to reflect on the photo looked quite good.

Aaron lunged at me climbing on top while I writhed hiding the phone under me. His fingers scoured it while I laughed trying to hide it. "You'll pay for this West."

"Oh no!" Flo astounded walking to me. "Bryce you're under attack."

"Aaron's being a meanie." I told her as he tickled me. A shriek left my mouth as he continued doing so.

Flo laughed attacking Aaron and tickling him. I heard him fall off me and to the ground laughing. "We win! We win!" She announced jumping and sticking her tongue at him. "Eat my dust sucker!"

Aaron's eyes widened with a playful glint. "Oh yeah?" Within seconds he held her upside down swinging her. She giggled twisting and he threw her up and caught her.

I chuckled on the floor watching them both. "Careful she might throw up." I said seeing her eyes shut. Aaron paced her down on the floor where she laughed uncontrollably until it was time for dinner.


"Alright. Bed time." I announced pulling Flo from Aaron who had clips stapled all over his hair as the both of them watched Frozen.

She pouted but I could see her eyes drooping. "But-" yawn. "I'm not sleepy."

"Sure you aren't." I smiled taking her up the stairs to my bedroom and placing her under the covers. Good thing she already changed and brushed her teeth before the movie because now all I had to do was take off her shoes and hair clips.

She fell asleep instantly without a single sound. I thought she wasn't breathing until she shifted to the right and slept soundlessly.

Walking and closing the door behind me with my clothes I ran to the bathroom and changed into my usual tank top and shorts. My body felt relaxed at the air. I walked down seeming as it was 8 and I had 3 more hours till Jasmine picked her daughter up.

Aaron was already cleaning things up as I went down and smiled at me. I returned it briefly before heading to the TV remote and switching to a better movie. I heard him go up and get changed.

Looking for my phone I realized I had left it upstairs. I softly went up the stairs to my room to find Aaron crouching next to Flo who was murmuring something to him half asleep. He laughed whispering, "Goodnight." I watched him silently as he pulled the covers on her so they tucked her entire body down from the chin and adjusted her pillow.

He turned around his eyebrows turned upwards in surprise as he saw me. I felt my heart melt at the sight of him and walked past getting my phone and walking out. I got down the stairs while he stayed up.

I was so confused at my thoughts. He had- he saved me though. He did not let me die. It was not his fault. He had no idea I was involved with this.

And even so he knew I might get into trouble he protected me. From Liam and from his gang. He came to London for me. Nobody had followed me anywhere in the world. Not my own blood mother and sister or father. None of them followed me after their mistakes.

But he did.

He came after me and stayed even when I pushed him away. Even when I yelled at him or hurt him he stayed.

For me.

I saw him walk down the steps in sweatpants and a black shirt. His hair was in disarray that I found incredibly attractive.

His glass eyes met me. "Are you okay?" He asked sincerely. When I did not say anything he continued. "Look I'm sorry for everything. If you want me to go I will. I don't want to extend my welcome here or make you uncomfortable. You have the right to be mad and I'm just causing a nuisance on you. So I'll leave tomorrow -" Before he could finish his sentence I crossed the distance between us colliding my lips with his.

Pure shock took his body as I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him with everything I had. The pain, the anger, the forgiveness all was present between us. I kissed him for making it up and being with me.

"Stay." I whispered against his lips. "Don't leave me. Please." His eyes turned dark and his face held the smile that could have lit up the stars and make the planets orbit.

"I'm not going anywhere." And with that he crashed his lips back to mine cupping my face. He bit my bottom lip hard and I gasped as his hands cupped my ass. I titled my head back so he had better access his tongue exploring my mouth.

I moved my hand from his neck to his hair gripping it tightly. He let out a low groan from his throat that rumbled between us. I felt my own self feel heightened. The fire between us sparking into a greater one.

"I haven't stopped thinking about that kiss." He husked referring to the dare. He pulled me flush against him so our fronts and chests were pressed. "You've been teasing me all the fucking time. Do you know how many cold showers I had to take because of you?" I let out a chuckle gazing into his eyes deeply.

"Let's not do that today then." I whispered my hands shuffling for his shirt. I pulled it off and ran my hands along his chest and abs bringing my lips back to him.

He let out a sigh pulling away and fiddling with the straps of my tank top. His eyes looking at mine intently. "My room." He whispered tugging me impatiently up the stairs with him. We didn't waist a minute as we entered into his space. The lights dimmed and the curtains closed.

He took my tank top off his eyes dilating at the sight of my lacy white bra. "Fuck." He whispered running a hand down my waist. "You sure?"

I nodded completely sure. I put my hands on his neck and pulled him down planting a kiss. "I'm sure."

He nodded as I jumped him wrapping my legs around his waist tightly. He groaned at the contact gripping my ass with one hand while the other traveled up to unclasp my bra.

Lying me on the bed he kissed me hard and whispered. "Tonight I'm going to ravish you." And I had no doubt about that.

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