Behind the Castle's Door [COM...

By szenaeva

208K 8.1K 2.9K

When Clementine, a young woman who had recently experienced heartbreak, decided to flee after witnessing her... More

First Door
Second Door
Third Door
Fourth Door
Fifth Door
Sixth Door
Seventh Door
Eighth Door
Ninth Door
Tenth Door
Eleventh Door
Twelfth Door
Thirteenth Door
Fourteenth Door
Fifteenth Door
Sixteenth Door
Seventeenth Door
Eighteenth Door
Nineteenth Door
Twentieth Door
Twenty-First Door
Twenty-Second Door
Twenty-Fourth Door
Twenty-Fifth Door
Twenty-Sixth Door
Twenty-Seventh Door
Twenty-Eighth Door
Twenty-Ninth Door
Thirtieth Door
Thirty-First Door
Thirty-Second Door
Thirty-Third Door
Thirty-Fourth Door
Thirty-Fifth Door
Thirty-Sixth Door
Thirty-Seventh Door
Thirty-Eighth Door
Thirty-Ninth Door
Fortieth Door
Forty-First Door
Forty-Second Door
Forty-Third Door
Forty-Fourth Door
Forty-Fifth Door
Forty-Sixth Door
Forty-Seventh Door
Forty-Eighth Door
Forty-Ninth Door
Fiftieth Door
Fifty-First Door
Thank you!

Twenty-Third Door

3.7K 163 85
By szenaeva

Clementine was in Alcina's study with the girls a few days after their trip to the reservoir, showing them how to use the phone Miranda had given them.

Bela giggled, "Who thought using this was so simple."

Cassandra said, "Check your messages, I texted you something."

Bela cocked her head as she read the message Cassandra had sent her. She gave her a cold stare and crossed her arms.

"Can you tell me what Cassandra said?" Daniela inquired.

Bela rolled her eyes as she said, "She called me dumb."

Cassandra burst out laughing, but her laughter was cut short when her phone rang.

"You have no right to call me ugly!" Cassandra exclaimed when she saw the message.

Bela shook her shoulders and poked her with her tongue. Alcina shook her head and turned to gaze at Clementine, who was standing beside her in her chair.

"I'm already kicking myself for giving them those phones," Alcina said quietly to her.

She burst out laughing. "Too bad you can't take them away now."

"I believe your phone will arrive next week; I told Mother Miranda to place another order."

She cocked her head. "What? Why did you order a phone for me? I'm not in need of one."

"I just thought that if you have a phone then you can reach out to me in the event of an emergency. What if you get lost or in trouble unexpectedly? It's convenient."

"I really want to argue with you, but I know i'm not going to win against you," she joked.

Alcina giggled. "It's nice to know you've gotten to know me in such a short time."

Daniela rose up from the couch and said, "Mother, we'll get going."

"Why? Stay here if you don't have classes today so we can bond." Alcina remarked.

Bela grinned as she shook her head. "We don't want to obstruct your progress."

"Besides," Cassandra smirked, "I think it would be better if you and Clemy had some alone time together."

Before Alcina and Clementine could say anything, the three rushed out of the room. They were now left alone, their brows lifted, staring at each other.

She shook her head, "They actually left."

Alcina giggled. "They'll be back later don't worry."

She nodded. "Maybe I should go too," she said as she was about to leave. "You still have to finish signing those documents."

Alcina arched an eyebrow and tugged the woman into her lap, slipping her hands around her waist and resting her chin on her shoulder.

Alcina muttered. "You're not going anywhere."

"Seriously? I'm distracting you, so you should finish signing those."

Alcina let out a sigh. "I'm exhausted, Clementine."

"Then it's probably best if I leave you alone to relax."

Alcina nuzzled her neck with a shake of her head. Clementine raises an eyebrow as she turns to face her; it appears that the tall lady isn't going to let her go so easy.

"I don't know, but this is strange," Alcina sighed. "I'm exhausted and restless, but I feel relaxed whenever i'm around you, does that make sense?"

"When i'm around you, I feel the same way," she said.

Alcina muttered. "Just stay here with me for a while."

"I'll stay," she grinned. "But you have to sign those papers."

Alcina rolled her eyes and took her pen, her other hand still in the woman's waist as she signed the document. Clementine placed the paper away as Alcina finished signing it and took another one for her to read and sign.

"This isn't as exhausting as I expected," Alcina said with a smile. "And you say you're a distraction when you're the reason i'm signing these."

She rolled her eyes in amusement. "It's only because I made you do it."

Alcina sighed and glanced at the woman's face, recalling the incident on the reservoir the day before.

"How come you're staring at me like that?" She cocked her head. "Do I have something on my face?"

She shaked her head. "I was hoping to inquire about your mother."

"What about her?"

"Are you familiar with her appearance?"

"I don't recall her face, but I recall her voice and the color of her eyes, which were icy blue and which I would love to stare at all day; I don't know why, but looking at my mother's eyes calms me."

Alcina nodded her head and was ready to say something when her phone rang. Miranda's name showed on the screen, so she picked it up to check Miranda's message. Alcina was frowning as she stared at the phone screen, which Clementine noticed.

"Are you all right?" She inquired, her voice tinged with apprehension.

Alcina nodded as he turned to face her. "This is nothing," she groaned as she let go of the woman's waist. "Except for the fact that we have an urgent family meeting today," she added.

She laughed. "Does that mean I can leave now?"

Alcina sighed and nodded once more. "Go hang out with the girls; I'll be back before nightfall."

She smiled and nodded. "Alright, Lady Alcina, stay safe and have fun."

Alcina shrugged and she waved farewell before leaving the room; however, when she exited the room, she raised an eyebrow when she noticed a bouquet of roses on the door; she stepped inside and presented it to Alcina.

"Someone put a bouquet of roses on the door," she explained as she set the bouquet on the table.

Alcina's brows drew together as she set the vase on the table.

"That's the third one today," says the narrator.

She cocked her head. "Third one?"

"I got one this morning and it was left in front of my room; I got the second one earlier and it was delivered, and this is the third one."

"Your secret admirer is making an effort with these roses. What happened to the two bouquets?"

Alcina shrugged her shoulders. "I told Ingrid to get rid of them."

"What? What were you thinking when you threw them? You could have given them to Bela and she would have turned them into works of art."

"That's a brilliant idea; why hadn't I considered it before?" She laughed. "Also," she grinned, "I'm not interested in whoever this hidden admirer is; I'm already enamored of someone."

"I'm curious as to who that could be." Her lips were pursed.

"I believe that someone already knows," Alcina said, grinning.

She shrugged and said, "Well, that someone is lucky."

"Bring that to Bela and get out of here before I entrap you in my arms once more."

Clementine burst out laughing. "Alright."

She walked out of the room with the vase in her hands. She proceeded to the art room to find the three girls, who are all engrossed in their work on the medium canvas. They didn't seem to notice she had already entered the room because they were too preoccupied with painting.

"Hello there, girls! What are you working on?" She greeted as she walked up to the girls who were painting on the floor.

"Hello, Clemy!" They all smiled as they looked up at her.

"This is our art project, and we're nearly finished," Bela answered.

"I brought you roses in case you want to use them in your next art project," she explained.

"Thank you!" Bela gave her a friendly smile.

"Clemy, if it's okay with you, could you fetch me some water?" Cassandra asked.

"I'll have strawberry milk!" Daniela chimed.

She smiled and nodded. "Lady Bela, how about you? Do you need anything?"

Bela shook her head. "I'm alright but thank you for asking."

She walked out of the room and toward the kitchen, but before she could get there, another maid carrying a vase unintentionally bumped with her, splashing the water inside the vase on her clothes.

"Oh no! Clementine, please accept my heartfelt apologies!" The maid said to her and handed her a napkin.

She smiled and said, "It's fine, it was an accident," she took the napkin and dabbed it onto her wet clothes.

She dropped her head and said, "I'm truly sorry, please don't tell any of our Mistresses."

Her brows furrowed in surprise, but she simply laughed, causing the maid to stare at her.

"Don't worry, I won't tell," she said, smiling even more. "As i've said before, it was an accident, so it's fine."

The maid smiled back at her after releasing a relieved sighed.

"Thank you! I'll keep your goodwill in mind," she stated as she waved goodbye to her and then walked away.

As she headed towards her room, she looked at her uniform and moaned slightly. Vanessa was standing in front of her door when she arrived in the hallway where her room was located.

"Vanessa? What are you doing right in front of my door?" She inquired, causing the girl to jump a little in surprise.

"I, uh... I was about to knock to see if you were here when I realized you weren't," she added, biting her finger.

"I don't usually go in my room at this time, except for today I need to change. Why were you looking for me in the first place?"

She shook her head and said, "Nothing."

"Okay?" She shrugged  and slipped the key to the keyhole.

Vanessa peered into her room as she opened the door and turned around.

"Would you like to come in?" she inquired.

"You're allowing me to enter?" Vanessa inquired, her gaze fixed on her.

She shrugged her head. "You seem to be curious, you're welcome to come in."

Vanessa followed her inside her room as she entered. As Clementine went to retrieve another uniform from her closet and change into the restroom, the girl's eyes wandered around her room.

"Sorry for the mess in my room; it's a bit of a mess right now. Lady Alcina rummaged through this," she said as she exited her restroom.

"Lady Dimitrescu came here?" Vanessa inquired, her eyes twinkling as she said Alcina's name.

"Only once, when she was helping me look for clothes to wear on our trip to the reservoir," she laughed. "I'm sorry, i'd love to let you stay, but I have to go to the kitchen."

Vanessa nodded and followed Clementine out the door. Vanessa trailed her as she locked the door to her room and began walking.

"Uh, Clementine?" Vanessa called.


"How did you get so close to our mistresses?" she inquired softly.

She shrugged. "To be honest, I don't know how either; it's just that they treated me differently one day."

Vanessa said, nodding. "You won't mind if I talk to you, right?"

"What? Of course not!" She laughed.

They strolled right into the kitchen, where they discovered Red having a sandwich. Red rose from her seat and hugged Clementine.

"It's been so long since we last saw each other!" Red said as she hugged her.

"What would you expect? This castle is big," she laughed. "I hardly see you and Adela now, where are you stationed?"

"I assume Adela is in the north wing, you know how untidy that part of the castle is, i'm in the south wing, and guess what? I'm now in command of the laundry maids!" she exclaimed.

She chuckled and said, "I'm not surprised; you deserved it."

Vanessa stood just a few inches away from Red when Red peered over her shoulder. As she stared at Vanessa, Red's face grew nasty, and she took her sandwich and turned to face Clementine.

"I'd love to talk with you more, but I have to get going," she patted her shoulder. "Be careful with that woman," she whispered to her as she walked out of the room.

Clementine's brows furrowed in bewilderment as she gazed at Red as he exited the kitchen. She locked her gaze on Vanessa, who was simply staring at her with an innocent expression. She turned around and grabbed a glass from the cupboard, filling it with water and a glass bottle of strawberry milk. Vanessa stood there, her actions and gestures scrutinized.

"Do you need anything from me?" she inquired as she turned to face Vanessa.

"No," she answered. "I was going to find something to eat."

"Okay, i'll leave you then. I still need to get these to the girls. It was nice talking to you," she smiled as she exited the room.

Vanessa peered around the kitchen after Clementine had finally departed to check if there was anyone else there. She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, creating a bitter face as she peeked at the door after she was sure there were no more people there. She pretended to cough and adjusted her posture before smiling like Clementine does.

She mimicked Clementine's tone and asked, "Would you like to come in?"

She then pursed her lips slightly and spun around, much like Clementine had done previously.

"Do you need anything from me?" she asked, mimicking Clementine's tone again.

"Just wait." She scowled and clenched her teeth in irritation.

Clementine entered the art room where the girls were working. They had already finished their art piece, which they had hung to dry on the wall, she entered the room and approached the three of them who were putting the materials they had used together.

Cassandra took the drink from her and remarked, "You're finally here! I'm thirsty!"

Daniela snatched the strawberry milk from her hands and exclaimed, "My strawberry milk!"

Bela asked, "Did something happen to you? It took you a long time to get here."

"It took me a while because I had to change my uniform."

Cassandra inquired, "Oh by the way, I didn't ask earlier, but why are you here? Shouldn't you be in mother's study?"

"She was called to another family meeting, and I believe she has already left."

Daniela pouted. "Does it mean we can spend time with you today?"

She smiled and nodded. "If you want me to spend time with you, you can always ask."

Bela rolled her eyes and said, "As if mother would easily let go of you."

She burst out laughing. "Since your mother is gone, what do you want to do today?"

The three exchanged glances, and they all smiled broadly as they gazed at her.

Bela dashed towards the cabinet, saying, "You know, we've been saving this for a long time now."

Cassandra giggled, "This is going to be good!"

"What's going to be good?" she inquired, her face furrowed.

Bela reappeared, bringing a bottle with gold ornate engravings that contained a brown liquid.

"That looks like alcohol!" She exclaimed. "We are definitely not drinking, young ladies!"

Daniela explained, "That's not alcohol; it's actually grape juice with spices."

"Spices or spicy?" Cassandra quipped.

"What are we going to do with that?" She asked pointing the bottle.

"We'll be playing truth or dare and spinning the bottle," Bela explained. "We're sure you know the rules so there's no need for an explanation."

"All right?" she asked, her brow furrowed.

The four of them moved over to the sofa where there was a coffee table, sat down, and placed the bottle on the coffee table.

Bela inquired, "Who takes the first spin?"

"Me!" Cassandra said, twisting the bottle in her hands.

The bottle came to a stop in front of Daniela after a few seconds of spinning.

Cassandra posed the question, "Truth or dare?"

"I choose dare!" she exclaimed confidently.

Cassandra clenched her chin, attempting to come up with anything to say. "I dare you to not call us by our real names for the rest of the game, and if you do, we'll put red paint on your face."

"Seriously?" Daniela crossed her arms.

"You took the risk, so you have to undertake it," Bela explained.

Daniela rolled her eyes and said, "Fine, Bellini."

Cassandra said, "Spin the bottle, Daniela."

When Daniela spun the bottle, it came to a stop in front of Cassandra. Daniela burst out laughing when it came to a complete stop just in front of her.

"Ha! Take that back, Casserole!" she exclaimed cheerfully.

"Really? You have many options to what call me and you decided to call me Casserole?! How dare you!" She crossed her arms.

"Just go with it, now, truth or dare?" Daniela winked.

"I pick truth," Cassandra shrugged.

"Is it true that you still hate Cleo until now?" Daniela said pointing to Clementine.

"I don't hate her as much as I used to," she admitted.

"Seriously?" Clementine laughed.

Cassandra rolled her eyes in amusement and spun the bottle again, this time stopping it in front of Bela.

"Bela, truth or dare?" Cassandra asked.

"Dare," Bela shrugged.

"I dare you to say that i'm the prettiest among the three of us," Cassandra smirked.

Bela sighed and took the bottle, opening it and pouring the contents into the shot glass before swallowing it. As Bela swallowed the drink, the three of them gasped in delight.

"It tastes so awful!" Bela's face was paralyzed as she muttered. "But instead of saying those things, I'll gladly drink it."

Bela returned the bottle to the table and spun it once more, this time stopping on Clementine.

"All right, Clemy, truth or dare?" Bela inquired.

She grinned as she said, "Truth."

Bela pursed her lips, attempting to come up with a question to ask. "Is it true that you like our mother?"

Clementine pondered for a moment before accepting the bottle and downing it.

"No!" They all screamed.

Clementine giggled as she placed the bottle back on the table, shrugging her shoulders.

Cassandra snarled at her, "You're so unfair!"

Bela crossed her arms and said, "I am not accepting that decision."

"Don't worry, we still have a lot of chances to catch Clementine!" Daniela joked.

The entire table fell silent as they all glanced at Daniela, who quickly realized what she had done.

She squeezed the bridge of her nose and said, "Oh dear, Mother Miranda."

Cassandra exclaimed, "Red paint time!"

Following a few spins and the application of red paint earlier. The four of them are still playing the game, and the bottle is nearly empty; the girls all sighed as they looked at Clementine, who hasn't responded to their questions yet; the woman hasn't even chosen dare.

Clementine stated, "The bottle is almost empty."

Cassandra rolled her eyes and said, "We know, it's obvious."

Bela groaned. "Spin it Daniela."

When Daniela spinned the bottle, it came to a halt on her.

"What shall I do now that it stopped in front?"

"Then choose an option for yourself," Clementine said.

Cassandra posed the question, "Truth or dare?"

"Dare," she replied.

When an idea rushed into Daniela's head, she smirked. "I dare whoever the bottle lands on next to say dare.

Bela and Cassandra exchanged astonished looks, as if they already knew what was going on.

Clementine shrugged and said, "I think that's okay."

Daniela spun the bottle, hoping it would come to a halt in front of Clementine, allowing them to finally force her to say dare. The girls were ecstatic when the bottle came to a halt in front of the woman after a few spins.

"Wow, Lady Daniela, that was such a smart move," she remarked.

Daniela burst out laughing. "Since the bottle is nearly empty and you have no option but to chose dare..." she said, pausing to glance at her sisters.

Bela grinned and said, "We're daring you."

Clementine laughed as she exhaled deeply. "This isn't going to turn out well."

Cassandra gave her a wink. "You're going to enjoy what we've prepared for you."


After their game, the four of them were making their way into Alcina's study. The girls dressed Clementine in a tuxedo with a high ponytail, while she holds guitar in her hand, and two roses tucked into the tuxedo's pocket.

"I'm not going to do it," Clementine stated emphatically.

Cassandra nudged her, "Nope! You're absolutely going to do this!"

"This is humiliating!" she exclaimed as she rubbed the back of her neck.

Bela shushed them, saying, "Keep your voices low! We're almost at mother's study!"

Daniela joked, "Mother is going to appreciate what you prepared for her."

So, what exactly was going on? Clementine was dared by the girls to serenade their mother.

She came to a halt in front of them and pleaded, "Can we not do this?"

"No!" they all exclaimed.

She said, "I don't think your mother has arrived yet."

"She'd already arrived," Bela explained, " I asked Ingrid to keep an eye for her arrival."

She nervously laughed, "Can we go to the kitchen? I'm starving."

Cassandra smirked and said, "Nice try, Clemy."

Finally, the three girls pulled her to Alcina's study. Clementine can already feel the embarrassment she'll face now that they're in front of the door.

"It's finally your time!" Cassandra patted her on the back.

Bela straightened her tie and looked her in the eyes. "Awe, look at our Clemy finally all grown up," she teased.

"Now go in and make her fall in love with you!" Daniela pushed her forward.

"Alright! You don't have to push me because i'm already nervous!" She said fanning herself with her hands.

As she walked forward on the door, she took a deep breath and she softly knocked on the door.

"Who it is?" From inside the room, Alcina inquired.

She replied, "It's Clementine, Lady Alcina."

"Come in," Alcina said.

When she turned around to face the girls behind her, they all gave her a thumbs up. She inhaled deeply once more and entered the room. Alcina's gaze was fixated on the papers, but as she heard the door open, she immediately looked up, a smile plastered on her lips as she saw Clementine enter.

"What's up with the costume?" Alcina inquired as she took off her glasses.

As she neared the lady, Clementine took another deep breath and delivered the two roses to her from the front pocket of her tuxedo.

"What's in a name? That which we call Alcina by any other name would smell as sweet," she said feeling the redness of her cheeks. (This was Cassandra's idea.)

Alcina smiled as she accepted the two roses. Meanwhile, three girls outside the room are discreetly listening to what's going on inside.

Clementine inhaled deeply and raised the guitar to her arms so she could play it. As Alcina scrutinized her, she strummed the strings.

"Heart beats fast
Colors and promises
How to be brave?
How can I love when I'm afraid to fall?
But watching you stand alone
All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow

One step closer

I have died every day waiting for you
Darling, don't be afraid
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more"

The three girls outside the door were all giggling and softly hitting each other on the arm as they finally heard Clementine sing.

"She really did it!" Bela gasped and jumped a little.

"I'm feeling the love!" Daniela said as she placed her hands on her chest.

"Shut up you two! Let's hear her finish the song!" Cassandra said.

"Time stands still
Beauty in all she is
I will be brave
I will not let anything take away
What's standing in front of me
Every breath
Every hour has come to this

One step closer

I have died every day waiting for you
Darling, don't be afraid
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more"

Clementine stood in front of Alcina, singing the song, and Alcina grinned. She couldn't tear her gaze away from the woman because she was fascinated and her heart was racing inside her chest. She carefully got out of her seat and approached Clementine.

"One step closer"

She took a step forward approaching the woman.

"One step closer"

She finally took a step in front of Clementine, who had stopped playing her instrument.

Clementine and Alcina exchanged glances as their hearts raced against the beat of the clock. Clementine swallowed as Alcina lifted her chin and drew her face closer to hers, and as she was about to close her eyes to finally savour the moment when the door suddenly burst opened making the three girls fall on the floor.

"Cassandra! I told you to not hold the door handle!" Bela hissed.

"Me?! You pushed me!" Cassandra said.

"You morons! They were about to kiss you ruined the moment!" Daniela murmured her gaze falling on the two of them.

The three girls raised their heads and peered at their mother and Clementine, who returned their gaze.

"Uh... Bye!" Cassandra said while grabbing Clementine's wrist and fleeing.

Alcina chased the four of them out of the room until they reached the exit.

"Get back here!" She yelled as the four of them dashed away.

"We're very sorry, Mother!" Daniela yelled.

Alcina giggled and shook her head as she watched the four go away down the corridor.


Oof 🥴

If you ever feel cringey for this chapter, i'm sorry I feel like I was drunk typing this.

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