Always Aaron

Auroraxxwrites tarafından

355K 7.8K 5.8K

"Two damaged souls who fell in love at a school meant for fucked up rich kids." Bryce Weston is an uptight s... Daha Fazla

Character Aesthetics + More
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Author's notes
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Author's notes
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
New books

Chapter 17

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Auroraxxwrites tarafından

"I CAN'T FIND this motherfucker anywhere." Owen grumbled closing his laptop defeatedly. He was still angry as hell for failing but I had little optimism we would succeed anyway. "They must be good because I don't have a GPS track on them."

I lay in bed my palms on my eyes. After four hours I was exhausted. "I know. This is fucked."

"What's fucked is that they want five million dollars, Bryce. That's a lot and those threats are ruthless. You should report them."

"I can't. If I do then they'll find some other way to come after me. You saw what they said about my mom Owen. And she was in a car accident. She said herself that a red Mazda came out of nowhere." I groaned. I would have to make the money no matter what. Maybe I could secure a job.

"Well it was worth a try." He flipped his wrist nodding his eyebrows at the time. "I have to go. I have a date with Olivia."

"Oooh." I cooed at him. "Olivia huh?"

"Stawp." He rolled his eyes smiling like a six year old . "See you later Bryce."

"Bye. Have fun and be safe. In more ways then one I mean." I shouted out after him with a chuckle. My stomach rumbled indicating it was time for me to eat. I had not ate very much after the soup.

Placing my feet in my pink flip flops I got up to the kitchen to look for a cup of strawberry yoghurt. Luckily it was there. I ripped the foil and spooned a bite into my mouth happily. My mother would kill me for eating something cold while I was sick.

I already sneezed like six times on Owen much to his dismay. He had even gone as far as declaring to take a shower in bleach.

Footsteps on the wooden flooring upended my thoughts and I turned to see Aaron putting the matte kettle on. "Hello to you too." I say looking at the plastic bag in his pocket with a little unease.

"You seem jolly." He sighed turning around. I shrugged at him licking yoghurt of my finger. "Are we not going to talk about that." He asked crossing his arms and leaning on the white counter top.

I gobbled another spoon and furrowed my eyebrows. "What's there to talk about?"

He raised an eyebrow. "So you were good with that?"

"I don't know? It was just a spur of the moment." I admitted feeling a tinge embarrassed I had gone that far.

"And the kiss before that?"

I froze looking up. "Just a kiss. It was a dare remember? Had to keep our appearance up."

His blue eyes turned cold. "Right but how was our little session today an appearance?"

"Don't think too much about it, Mercer." I smiled turning away. A mistake I'd definitely not thought thoroughly of.

I looked at my phone to see the Amazon presents had been returned to my sisters yesterday. I was happy they received it. Sincerely at that seeming I was bitter around most people. And who could hate me?

"So you felt nothing?" He asked making me look over my shoulder curious as to why he was as pushing it.

"No. I didn't." I lied with a small smile. "Why?"

"No reason." He huffed getting on the couch and glaring at the vase in which I'd inserted Liam's gift. "Those flowers are fucking ugly by the way."


My mother booked her flight early surprising me with a visit today.

I quickly tapped all my vapes and shit away smoothing on a floral dress and jacket.

I had made Aaron stay too seeming confusing her about dating or not would make her scared. He sat there grumpily on the couch texting on his phone when the knock echoed.

I opened the door and threw myself on my mother hugging the living crap out of her.

"Bryce." She wheezed. "You're going to close my windpipe."

"Sorry." I huffed drawing back and letting her in. She smiled walking in and staring at the place and then at Aaron who was up already with a smile.

"Mrs. Weston. It's pleasure to meet you in person. Bryce talks a lot about you."

My mom looked over her shoulder mouthing a 'wow' at me before returning to him. "All good things I hope."

"Of course mom." I drawled sitting on the couch.

"You must be her roommate Aaron right?"

"Boyfriend." Aaron corrected his eyes not meeting mine.

My mother turned to me with a flabbergasted look. "Since when?"

I shrugged awkwardly. "Since two weeks?"

"And you didn't tell me you snagged a handsome specimen." She exclaimed.

"Mom." I laughed giving Aaron and apologetic look. "Please. Let me show you my room."

"Okay. Okay." She chuckled letting me guide her to my room. "What do they feed you here? You're getting skinny." I yelped as she punched my stomach.

"Food and much better then your casseroles." I teased as she rolled her eyes.

She looked behind her before whispering to me. "You didn't tell me you were dating him."

"I was going to."

"You both would make such beautiful babies. I can imagine it already. Six little of yours running around while I hand them presents."

My cheeks heated as I rubbed my face and groaned. "Mom please. Stop."

She chuckled defeated. "Alright tell me how's it been here?"

"Amazing." I smiled. "Everything's well."

"That's really good. I'm happy for you honey. I really am." She traced my cheek. "I wanted to talk to you about something too... but I'll tell you later." She grinned looking at me smiling. "Right now I brought you some dresses to upgrade your wardrobe yeah. All from your favourite designer." I practically squealed as she brought out the bag of different fabrics.

"Thank you!" I guessed splaying a black dress on my lap. "But you didn't have to. I mean Christmas isn't far."

"I know but I wanted to. I feel like I've been so distant with you and I want to change that." I nodded understandingly.

"How are things with you and Jake?"

She beamed at me. "Brilliant. And we tied the date?"

My eyebrows shot up. "Really? When?"

"This December. At New Years. I wanted it to be functional and special. Your birthday is on Christmas and the entire family and cousins community will make it." She laughed at our horrifically large amount of cousins. It was like they reproduced everyday. "You can bring your friends too." She pushed my fringes back.

"I'd love that." I smiled thinking just who to bring. "How was England?"

She blew out her lips. "It was... hard. I met their mother and she was a total snob. Louis accepts me and is happy. But Catherine..." I squeezed her hand. "I don't think she likes me."

"Give it time mom. She just lost her mother because of her dad. It'll take time getting used to these things. I know from experience." I laugh and she joins too.

"I still remember when you tried to climb the chimney. Your dad got there just in time to see you covered in soot and dust. And when we tried to get you to bed you stood in front of the door the whole night." I wiped the tears from my eyes. I was a real creep back then.

It was times like these that I missed dad. A lot.

"I'll go get water mom. You must be tired." I say throwing my clothes off the bed and making space for her. "I'll be back in a minute." I walk out closing the door shut behind me and get a cup filling it with cold water.

I look up startled to see Aaron reaching for the cabinet. "Shit. You scared me." I drop my hand from my chest.

"Sorry." He murmured grabbing the plastic zip log bag filled with white powder. I pursed my lips but his face said enough. "I need to go out tonight. I have some business shit."

"Oh?" I said watching him walk off. When the heck did he have business? I didn't even know he was capable of that.


"Really?" My mom laughed placing her silk napkin down.

"Yes. I honestly thought she hated me but she hates everybody." I scoffed cutting my steak. We were at this fancy diner my mom had fished out. It was cute with red interior and silk seats.

"And Liam's here?" She asked biting her lip as she brought a new topic.

"Yeah. How did you know?" I asked.

"He was the one who showed me to your room." She said slowly. "He seems..."

"Different?" She nodded. "I don't know mom. I think so too but I just- I don't want to go through the same thing again."

"Do you still love him?" She asked sadly.

I looked at my plate biting my lip. "Can you ever stop truly loving your exes?"

I heard her sigh. "Both of your exes were like that. At least one of them was really nice."

"Yeah." I smiled at the memory. "But we broke up for a reason."

"And now you have Aaron."

I looked up furrowing my eyebrows before nodding. I gave myself a mental slap. "Yeah. Now I have Aaron."

"He seems like a wonderful kid. Nice manners and good looking." My mother pointed. She reached forward and took my hand in hers. "Be happy Bryce. Don't let your fears take you. Yes be careful but also be sure."

"Okay mom." I smiled. "Now are you ready for dessert?"

"Are you asking a Weston that?" She mused and signalled a waiter. "One chocolate lava cake please."

My mom had insisted staying at a five star hotel and promised to meet me tomorrow. She even went to Principle Simone and convinced her to give me the week off which meant I had a longer vacation yet I stayed in my dorm.

I went to the bathroom to freshen up my eyes still wanting sleep.

I froze at the mess inside.

There was a first aid kit laid open on the floor with plasters whizzed around as if somebody had knocked them.

I looked at the sink where a white towel was there half drenched with water and blood.

My heart jumped at the ruby colour on not only that but as well as red shirt.

I stumbled out and into Aaron's room to see him laying on his bed asleep. His mouth was turned into a frown as if he had a bad dream.

I looked around to see any signs of blood or injuries here but found none.

Stepping slowly forward I peered over his shoulder to see the zip log bag from yesterday. He was high.

I shook him on the shoulder gently. "Aaron?" He didn't wake up. I shook him again this time and spoke louder. "Aaron?" He wasn't waking up.

Taking his face in my hands I shook it seeing his eyes flutter open in alarm. "What the fuck?" He groaned.

His eyes were lined with red but he was not fully high. Perhaps a buzz. "You did drugs yesterday." Not a question but rather a direct statement.

He got up his white shirt crippled. "So?"

"So? There's blood all over the bathroom." I exclaimed. I watch him get up rubbing his face and hair.

"Shit." He mumbled to himself. "I forgot to clean up."

I raised my eyebrows in worry. "Why is there blood? Are you hurt?"

"It's just there okay. Nothing special." Aaron muttered to me.

I crossed my arms. "Just blood my ass." I scoffed. "There is blood. A lot of it. Did you get hurt Aaron?" He looked up at me at that. Sighing through his nose he pursed his lips.

"I'm fine. I just got into a little fight while I was high." He gestures to the plastic packet. "It happens all the time."

I searched his face distantly. He was hiding something. No one could call that much blood fine. "That's not healthy Aaron." I said swallowing.

He ridiculed. "That's pretty rich coming from you, Weston."

"I may smoke and pass out but I do not loose that much blood." I tried.

"And passing out and causing your lungs to weaken is any better? Frankly I think my case is better then yours."

"No. Taking drugs is not any better. I admit I get... I do wrong things but I know when to stop. I know when it truly damages me." I said referring to not drinking alcohol for a while and not smoking anything. Yes I vaped but at least I was trying.

He shook his head. "You can't tell me that. That's hypocrisy, Weston." Aaron got up pushing me aside. "I'll clean the bathroom."

I watched him move and a sharp breath struck in me. I moved in my own accord touching his back. "You're wounds open again." I noted the blood blossoming through the white bandage.

"It's fine."

I held his shoulder sternly. "It's not. You told me yourself these are prone to get infected."

Aaron closed his head muttering incoherent curses. "I'll clean it up." I offered moving to the kitchen. I half expected him not to follow but he did. I looked for my own first aid kit and brought it down from the medicine cabinet turning the locks up with a click.

I heard him sit on the counter taking off his shirt while I pulled alcoholics wipes and a towel with me. "Turn around. I'll clean the bigger wound first." I instructed watching him jump down and turn so his muscled back was facing me.

I walked forward until my toes were near his heels and crouched down a little bracing one hand on his lower back seeing him tense. "This might hurt." I warned eyeing the red slash. Good thing it was not deep otherwise he may have needed to go to the doctor to get it stitched.

Placing the wipe down it I heard him hiss loudly. "Fuck that hurts."

I continued cleaning it. "Don't be a wussy." I mused cleaning it up with a second wipe.

"Don't be a wussy." He muttered back at me in a high pitched tone.

I pressed it harder into his skin making him yelp. "My hand must've slipped." I smiled cleaning it up. "Alright turn around." He did so with a frown on his face as I stared at the red angry splotch on his abdomen.

I brought out another wipe tearing it with my teeth and pulling out the wipe. I crouched down to inspect the wound. "This is giving me some images." Aaron said in amusement.

"What is-" I frowned at our position and flipped him off before bracing one hand on his abs this time and cleaned up the gash. "How the fuck do you manage to get this? Did you get knifed?"

I felt his muscles shift under my hands. "No. I fell down the stairs while fighting the bastard."

I rolled my eyes. "So you are a klutz."

"No." He drawled. "Just high." I finished with the clean up and proceeded to unwrap the bandage roll. I brought my hands behind his waist taking the roll and bringing it over to his stomach. I wrapped it around twice before reaching for the scissors in an awkward stretch and cutting the excess.

I tied the two loose ends in a knot and tucked it over an overlapping bandage before patting my work and straightening grinning. "I should be a doctor. I'd ace the practicals." I looked up to see Aaron staring at me with an unknown look.

I cleared my throat taking the bandages and locking them neatly into the first aid kit.

I nearly gasped when I felt Aaron pressed behind me. I froze, my hands on the counter as I felt him put his hands on my hips and nuzzle his face in my hair before pushing it back and brushing his lips on my throat. I felt him brush against my skin making me clench my jaw.

"Aaron." I breathed as his lips connected harder on my skin making me bite back a moan. He kissed up to my jaw kissing the sensitive spot there before returning to the space between my shoulder and neck.

His teeth grazed my skin making me suck a sharp breath. "Aaron." I say again so softly it was faint even to me.

"Tell me to stop and I will." He whispered huskily against my skin.

I did not want him to stop. I wanted him to continue and hold me but my mind was a maze. I was yet another girl for him. And I did not want that. Did not want to be used like that.

I turn around my hands bracing on his shoulders as our fronts touch. I push him away with an effort. "We had a play for being in public Aaron. No need to mess with each other behind the scenes. I made a mistake last time which won't happen again. Plus you are high." I said straightening and composing myself before placing the first aid kit and walked away.

I had to play the player not let him play me. Not like that.


"I wish you could stay for a while longer Mom. A day was so short." I complained helping her walk down the school steps.

"I know but now with the wedding and everything it's time I start packing and planning." My mom smiled. "Plus you've got only a few more months until you leave too and come back to Waylerd." I grinned at that and hugged her.

She pulled away and then proceeded to shake hands with Aaron who smiled kindly. "I expect you at Christmas at our home." She said firmly with a smile.

"I wouldn't dare miss it." He responded to her.

"Bye sweetie. Be safe." I watched her get into the black GMC and drive away from the school gates.

"Are you alright?" Aaron asked watching me while I stared out.

I took a heavy breath in and forced a smile. "Yeah. Yeah I'm fine."

I heard him chuckle behind me. "Has anyone ever told you of how you are terrible liar."

"I am not." I scowled turning to him. "I'm just a little slow." I admitted. I could be an excellent liar. The best. Better then him as well.

He ran a hair through his dark hair and smirked. "That's a lie right there, sweetheart."

I scoffed and headed up the stairs. He followed the same action. "I'm just... home sick that's all. I don't like change."

He was silent as we went into the elevator and pressed the button to our floor level. "You miss your father?" I tensed at his words. No matter how true they were.

"Why would you think that?" I muttered walking down the hallway and into our dorm. My mother had left us a bajillion decor pieces. Including a small humidifier that made the place smell like lavender.

I sunk into the couch eyeing the corner of the coffee table. Moments later Aaron sat down too. "Because I see the way you look when Jake comes into picture or the excitement you try to force for your mother."

This made me scared for some reason. The way Aaron could read me when I've tried years to master the act of emotions. Trying to hide tears with a smile or a frown with a smirk. Even the pressure in my cheeks were at work to show my face not dull at bored.

But Aaron Mercer had cut through that.

"You don't have to speak about it if you don't want to." He murmured softly to me. I clench my jaw debating with myself. Warning myself not to say anything but then I do.

"I just miss him. A lot." I swallowed rubbing at my eyes. I hate fucking crying. "It's been hard. Only a few years and I never really got to have time with him. The 6 almost seven years that I was there and not it does not seem enough." My eyes were lined with silver and were heavy. I tried to look up at a bright light to diffuse them away.

I felt Aaron put a hand on my wrist. "I just-" I continued. "I feel like it's too fast. I love my mother but she moved on with Jake a lot faster than I imagined. I did not get the chance to move on. And Jake isn't really an easy guy to swiftly like and accept." I grunted twisting a strand of my hair. "It feels like replacing him. And I've replaced so many times already."

Aaron nudged my wrist gently so I could stare at him. "I don't think what you're feeling is wrong Bryce. It's normal and new to you. Nobody expects you to love Jake and his daughters but you still do because it makes your mother happy. But you need to cut yourself some slack too." He told me. "Because it'll be a lot harder if you pretend your whole life."

I let a dry chuckle shaking my head. "Oh I've had harder. Did you know I was adopted?" I asked so slowly that the words seemed to take a minute to form. To build up a shield in case he backlashes.


Of course he would. I internally laugh. Fucking Emery would leave no one without their daily does of gossip especially her beloved prince. "And what does that make you think of me?" Another dangerous question. One which has broken me multiple times. Sometimes I feel... trivial.

"Am I supposed to think of you any different? You're still Bryce. I don't judge people on stuff like that. Especially when it shows your strength."

I smiled warmly at him sighing in relief. "I was eleven." I looked up to see him understanding when I was taking this. "My parents the night before seemed tense while my sister and I were just playing around. I remember both of them coming to bed and tucking me in telling me it'll be alright. I was so confused but I was young so I thought nothing of it. The next day when they woke me up they told me they were taking me to a fair that they held in my city. I was ecstatic." I laughed at my meaningless self. My naive self. "I asked why my sister was not coming with us and my mother said Chiara would not have fun as all the rides were above her height limit and it would be best if she stayed with my neighbours. I did not think too much of it. Then when we went to the place. I remember looking at the grey walls and reading the sign. At first I thought maybe mom and dad wanted to adopt a child or something. But when they asked me to come with them I got scared as I saw the little children looking around. Some happy some gloomy but all lost in that place. I got frightened more as we walked in my stomach lurching and anxiety taking me over. I shook and shook as they took me to a room where a woman in a grey dress stood with a tray of chocolate pastries." My words became shaky and every word felt like a strain against myself. Aaron's hand intertwined with mine giving it a squeeze.

"The lady was nice but strict. She was the two faced kind. Nice around my parents but horrible to me. So when my parents said to stay with her for the night I- I screamed. So loudly that everyone was staring. The lady gripped my arms as my mother wailed and wailed while my father shakily escorted her out. I had hit the lady so hard that she'd left me as I shouted for them. I shouted and shouted and shouted-" I choked tears sleeping down my cheeks. "And when I went into the front yard towards their car they just... they drove off. They were g-gone." I wiped my cheeks aggressively causing my skin to redden and itch. The memory was like a disgusting grease on me. It would not go. Would not let me live peacefully.

Aaron brought his hand around me while I wept soundlessly in his chest as he ran a hand through my hair. Trying to make me feel comforted. But that only changed me more into asking. "Why? Why are you being so nice to me when you've been nothing but a dick?" My words weren't intended to be sharp but I wanted an answer. I wanted it now. So I pulled away from him.

His clear blue eyes stared at me softly. "I realised my faults after you pushed me in the kitchen. I know I've been a dick and a horrible one at that but... I'm sorry."

My eyes widened at him. "For what?"

He laughed shaking his head. "You really can't get me off the hook can you?" I shook my head at him. "For everything. For being rude. For being an absolute prick like you put it. For trying to advance on you just because my glass ego could not think a girl was not with me. Musing is it, Weston?" He scowled as I laughed falling on the couch. "I'm here to fucking apologise and you're laughing at me."

I wiped my tears. "I'm sorry I process emotions differently. Sometimes I would be laughing and then suddenly crying." I rambled at him. "But thank you. For it all."

He smiled. "So we let the past stay in the past?"

"Mhm. We let it be and move on to the future. As friends." I extended my arm watching Aaron's face fell just for a second before he grinned brightly and took it.

"As friends."

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