Suspension (JokerXHarleyQuinn)

By carmroe

3.6K 133 7

(2nd in the Impulse series.) Harley is still new to the criminal game, but just when she starts to get comfo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 26

86 5 0
By carmroe

The Joker jumped down from the 15ft wall and straightened out his jacket. He heard Frost climbing down behind him, and walked towards the grubby looking back door.

J wasted no time in kicking it open, by doing so he almost took the door off by it's hinges.

Jonny dusted himself down and followed the Joker closely behind. Once he had caught up, they both walked down the darkened hallway until they came across a door containing dim light.

"Keep quiet." The Joker said bringing his finger to his lips. He tried to listen out for voices or any hint to movement, but he heard nothing.

With J going in first, they pushed open the door, and entered the kitchen.

Joker drew his weapon and inspected the area. He was hoping to see Harley. Hoping that she would be standing by the counter, biting her bottom lip, they way she always did when she was in deep thought. But the room was empty.

He noticed a half eaten chicken leg cast to the side. He walked over to it and picked it up. Harley. He smiled at the thought of her eating on a job and Pam's reaction.

"They defiantly came through here." Joker said to Frost.

"How do you know?" Jonny's question was quickly answered when the Joker threw the half eaten chicken at him.

"If she ain't thinking about me, then she's usually thinking about food." Joker chuckled. He stopped when he remembered that he was supposed to be angry with her. "The stupid dame's probably dead already if the only thing she can think about is her stomach."

Frost rolled his eyes at the Joker, but thankfully he didn't notice.

A distant gunshot echoed through the corridor of the bottom floor. Frost and the Joker both snapped their heads round to the direction of the sounds source.

J withdrew his revolver almost immediately and carefully stalked towards the connected corridor. Frost followed closely behind.

When they reached the hallway they where met with the sight of Pam and Selina. No Harley?

Jonny glanced to his left hand side and saw a tiny washing room with a bashed up body tied to a chair. He blinked twice, not quite believing his eyes. Selina wasn't really the bashing skull kinda gal and Ivy didn't have the stomach for it. This must of been Harley's handiwork.

When he looked back at the five dead bodies lying on the floor, he saw the Joker charging towards Ivy. He had obviously noticed Harley's absence as well. Joker grabbed her by the throat instantly and slammed her into the wall.

"Where is she!?" The Joker barked, restricting her air flow.

"How did you-?" Pam stuttered. Not quite registering the fact that the Joker had found them.

"It doesn't matter!" He growled. "Where is the stupid brat?" His hands tightened around her neck

Selina lunged for the Joker, trying to pull him away from Pam, but Frost got to her before she got to him. "Get Offa me!" She cried, kicking out, trying to release herself from his hold. Frost didn't let up, his grip was like a vice

Ivy clawed at the Joker's wrists and chocked under his hold. "I can't breath-"

"Where the fuck is she!?" He shouted, watching Ivy grow weaker and weaker under the grasp of his hands. The temptation to snap her neck became overwhelming, but his thoughts where interrupted by Selina shouting from behind him.

"She can't tell you if your chocking her you idiot!" She shouted.

Joker growled and released Ivy. He shoved the barrel of his gun into the side of her head instead. Pam's took sharp staggering breaths and rubbed her neck. She looked upwards. The Joker's evil, psychopathic eyes where fixed on hers.

"For the last time. Where. Is. Harley?" He asked, pressing the barrel of his purple and golden embellished revolver further into her skull.

"I don't know! I don't know!" She shouted, with a burnt rasp voice. "She ran off!"

"You let her go on her own? Are you fucking stupid? She has no idea what's she's doing, what she's gotten herself into! AND YOU LET HER RUN OFF!" He bared his silver grill at her. "I swear to god Pamela Isley, when this is over I'm going to kill you. I'll let the street dogs rip you apart for this!" His finger twitched on the trigger, but he pulled his finger away at the last second.

"Which way did she go?" Frost asked. Still holding Selina back.

"She went that way." Selina flicked her eyes over towards the direction that Harley had ran to.

Joker swiveled on his feet and walked towards her. He grabbed Catwoman's face and brought it up to his. "You- I don't know how you got involved in this, and I don't care. But don't you think for one fucking second that your safe from me." He said gripping her jaw. "No one is safe from me."

He released Selina and turned around towards Pam, who was now standing on shaky legs. "One last thing.." He said quietly before raising his voice. "What the hell did you inject into Harley!? If I find her with a weird plant fetish and green skin.. Your going to wish that you'd never been born-"

Pam rolled her eyes. "More idle threats Joker?" She walked closer to him, she wasn't scared of him, she was just taken by surprise earlier. Well, that's what she kept on telling herself. "For your information Clown. That injection was to make her immune to all poisons including Jonathan Crane's fear toxin. It's a horrible way to die and I wouldn't wish that fate on anyone.. Well there is one person I can think of that I'd like to see tortured to death." She said, narrowing her eyes at him. She smirked when his fists began to shake. "So I think you owe me an apology."

"Oh you do, do you?" Joker threw his head back and laughed. "Alright Pam I'll apologise.. I'm sorry your a lonely, miserable, jealous, man hating, mutant freak that can't stand to see Harley happy. I bet you manipulated her from the beginning. Just so you could see my downfall. I warned you about taking revenge on me Pamela. My threats aren't idle... They're promises."

"Manipulation? Revenge? Stop making this about you Joker! Your girlfriend wanted to prove to you, to all of us-" Pam gestured to towards Selina and Jonny. "-That she wasn't just the sex slave, punching bag that you've made her out to be! She's a strong, independent woman who can do whatever the fuck she likes! I wouldn't jeopardize our friendship for some petty revenge on a wannabe gangsta clown!" She shouted. "Maybe you should of actually killed Crane like you where supposed to. Then you wouldn't be in this mess. She wouldn't be in this mess." Ivy spat, straightening her posture.

"What did you say?" He growled, pulling his revolver up towards her. Pam countered his threat and drew her gun, aiming at his skull.

"You heard me asshole. If you had just killed him, instead of making a big production out of murder, like you always do. He would be dead." She retorted. "And maybe, just maybe if you had showed Harley some attention, she wouldn't be trying to prove herself. I tried to talk her out of it, because quite frankly your life isn't worth protecting. But she was going to do it with or without me. I came along to look out for her, to protect her!"

"Don't you fucking dare lecture me on relationships Weed! The last one you had sent you cuckoo and turned your skin green!" His grip on his weapon tightened. "You can either help me find her and get shot later, or you get shot now... Your choice."

"Try." She said, her index finger flickering over the trigger.

Frost saw this whole situation spiraling out of control. "The longer we argue the less chance we have of finding her alive." He said calmly.

Joker looked at him, then back to Pam. "I will kill you, not now. But I will." He warned, putting his revolver back in his holster.

Jonny released Selina, she spun round instantly and kicked him in the groin. "Don't touch me again." She hissed.

"Fuck." He cried. Clutching his groin, he looked over at Joker. Who just smiled and shrugged.

"C'mon." J said as he stepped over a dead henchmen, and stormed towards the direction that Harley had disappeared to.

They all quickly followed.

Selina was walking next to Pam, with the Joker in front of her and Frost following closely behind. She whispered to Ivy. "Maybe I should call Bats.. Y'know maybe he could help?"

Pam's jaw dropped. "No, you can't! He'll lock us up."

"I said that I'd help you and Harls, not Joker and his-" She glanced behind her towards Jonny "-His bitch. Things are getting way out of our control."

"If you call Batman, I'll never forgive you." Ivy said, narrowing her eyes at her.

"Okay." Was all Selina responded with, it was neither confirming or denying that she was going to call her Ex- Bat boyfriend.

Harley approached the second floor from the stairs, she had her Ivory handled revolver clutched in her hands, ready to fire if needed. Apart from the 5 henchmen and the one guy strapped to the chair that she had beaten the shit out of, she surprisingly hadn't had anymore confrontations with Crane's men. But she knew that her luck was going to run out soon.

She had to find Crane alone, Selina and Pam tagging along made it difficult, it meant that she had to look after two more lives as well as her own.

The clicking of her heels echoed down the moonlight hallway. But as Harley continued to walk she heard another set of footsteps fall into sync with hers.

She gasped. Clicking the safety catch off her gun she turned round to meet her follower. But the corridor was empty.

"Who's there? Pam? Sel?" She whispered, trying not to attract any attention form Henchmen that might be close by.

Harley shrugged it off, thinking it might all be in her head, she continued to walk. But the sound of footsteps reappeared.

Before she could turn around, a damp piece of material was shoved into her face. She instinctively held her breath, hoping that the she could hold out before knocking her attacker unconscious.

But her plans where scuttled when another figure approached. The man punched her in the gut, making her cry out, and as soon as she did, the musky sent of chloroform filled her lungs. Her vision grew black and hazy and she fell to the ground. Her baseball bat fell with her, only to roll away into the shadows.

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