Baby take a chance on me-Asto...

By katiecrossley3

22.9K 117 67

An Aston merrygold fan fiction (including JLS as well) for all you JLSsters out their, Enjoy. More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twentyone
Chapter Twentytwo
Chapter Twentythree
Chapter Twentyfour
Chapter Twentyfive
Chapter Twentysix
Chapter Twentyseven
Chapter Twentyeight
Chapter Twentynine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirtyone
Chapter thirtytwo
Chapter Thirtythree
Chapter thirtyfour
Chapter thirtyfive
Chapter thirtyseven
Chapter thirtyeight
Chapter thirtynine
Chapter fourty
Chapter fourtyone
Chapter fourtytwo
Chapter fourtythree
Chapter fortyfour
Chapter fortyfive
Epilouge xx

Chapter thirtysix

404 2 0
By katiecrossley3

Aston's POV

Today had been great with the lads and FIFA but I honestly missed my baby girl, I played some more games after the boys went waiting for my baby to come back, as I was about to score my phone buzzed (hey baby I'm on my way home Kxxx) (hey gorgeous girl and ok Axx) I missed my goal, oh well my baby's coming home.

Katie's POV

My shopping day with rochelle was amazing we got on really well and she's a real good friend to talk to, but I was so looking forward to going home and seeing my baby.

"hey baby" I said as I went into the living room "hey babe just give me a minute and I'll be right with you" "ok" I smiled, I went upstairs and took my bags up hiding my surprise for ast, "babe I'm done" he shouted from downstairs "ok can you put the tea on please iv got tuna pasta" "mmm and yeah on it why what you doing" he said still shouting up "I'm having a quick shower" "ok babe". I got in the shower thinking about tonight.

Aston's POV

*hey JLSters it's your boy ast, thought I would do you all a tweet, well tour rehersals start very soon hope you all have tickets and I miss all of you JLSters but hopefully I will see your faces very soon, anyway having tuna and pasta so I will love you and leave ya ansaa Axxx*

I missed my fans and cant wait to get started on tour, I was turning the cooker off for the pasta when I felt little kisses on my neck "mm baby" I moaned "come here" she smiled and turned me round our lips locked and our tongues were added, I must say she looks very sexy in her short shorts and a crop top for bed "very nice baby" I told her whilst we were stood in the kitchen "thank you, iv got a surprise for you tonight" she winked going over to the dining table.

Katie's POV

"yum thanks babe that was good" ast told me "so what's this surprise, iv already had tuna and pasta and I loved it" "no silly tuna pasta isn't your surprise" I smiled getting up and putting the dishes in the dishwasher "come with me" I held out my hand for him to take, he accepted and we both walked upstairs "wow babe" ast smiled as we walked into our room, I had decorated it with small candles and Rose petals over the bed "mm my turn to treat you" I smiled "ok babe" "just get comfy and I'll be out in a second" I told him, I went into our en suite and took of my pjays and was wearing my surprise underneath, it was a pink and black thrilly bra set with a thong to match, I came out and ast wolf whistled he was already in his boxers in bed "come here you" he wiggled his finger for me to come over, I went and sat on him legs either side and i pressed my lips to his and they locked automatically. Things soon got a lot more heated.

Thoughts please, comment or vote

Love you all JLSters xxx

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