A Killer Queen (John Deacon)

By Jhutch4321_

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Nina Jackson grew up in a small, old fashioned town a few hours from London. Her whole life she felt like an... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty-one
Chapter twenty-two
Chapter twenty-three
Chapter twenty-four
Chapter twenty-five
Chapter twenty-six
Chapter twenty-seven
Chapter twenty-eight
Chapter twenty-nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty-one
Chapter thirty-two
Chapter thirty-three
Chapter thirty-four
Chapter thirty-five
Chapter thirty-six
Chapter thirty-seven
Chapter thirty-eight
Chapter thirty-nine
Chapter forty
Chapter forty-one
Chapter forty-two
Chapter forty-three
Chapter forty-four
Chapter forty-six
Chapter forty-seven
Chapter forty-eight
Chapter forty-nine
Chapter fifty
Chapter fifty-one
Chapter fifty-two
Chapter fifty-three
Chapter fifty-four
Chapter fifty-five
Chapter fifty-six
Chapter fifty-seven
Chapter fifty-eight
Chapter fifty-nine
Chapter sixty
Chapter sixty-one
Chapter sixty-two
Chapter sixty-three
Chapter sixty-four
Chapter sixty-five
Chapter sixty-six
Chapter sixty-seven
Chapter sixty-eight
Chapter sixty-nine (hehe 69)

Chapter forty-five

659 20 68
By Jhutch4321_

"I was so mad I couldn't make it to see the interview for 'music life'. I was at my stupid job. How did it go? It's a Japan magazine right?" I asked Freddie as I sat next to him at our old college hangout. We were walking past it and just were overcome with the urge to go in.

There was a lounge area off the restaurant area. This is where he used to help me with my assignments. 

The waitress came over and we both ordered tea. I could see she was staring at my swollen eyes and very wrapped up nose. 

My nose was healing but slowly. It had been six days since it happened and the swelling was starting to go down. But it was still pretty noticeable. My fingers were doing better too, I could move them slowly. Which was much improvement from not being able to move them at all without intense pain. 

"Apparently we are big in Japan!" Freddie told me excitedly. "They rang our management and wanted to interview us as soon as possible! They even took pictures of us!"

"Really? Oh my gosh Freddie that's great!" I replied wrapping my arms around him. "Do you have the pictures?"

"Norman is trying to get a copy of them. But once I get them I will definitely show you!"

Norman was their manager, he was a nice enough guy but I guess I didn't like him that much. I felt bad for the guys, they were doing all this work and were still struggling to pay rent. If it wasn't for me, John would probably have to get a second job. And when would he have time for that? He's always working either at the studio or in meetings etc.

"Okay, I can't wait! How is Brian doing?"

"His mum, dad, and Harmony are taking care of him. Apparently, he's feeling a little better but definitely not enough to come back to the studio. He seemed to be very bummed out that he couldn't do the interview with us."

"I bet. I mean he's been pretty much left out for a month now. I can tell every time we talk to him he's very angry and upset."

"I know." Freddie sighed as the waitress handed him his tea. "Thank you, darling." He told the waitress before turning back to me. "We all feel so bad."

She handed me my tea.

"Thank you." I smiled and she smiled back, still staring at my face. But soon she finally walked away. "Does my face really look that bad? I mean could you imagine if I took the wrap off."

He rose his hand up to my face and peeled back the bandage.

"Oh yeah for sure." He replied quickly putting the wrapping back up. "To me, it doesn't look that bad because I'm used to it but I guess it's shocking for other people. I mean I thought the swelling in your eyes would have gone down more but it's taking its sweet time. Have you heard from Tom yet?"

"Yeah, he rang last night to check on me," I told him before taking a sip of my tea. "He told me he hadn't talked to Sam yet but he's noticed a shift in my mum just like I said."

"You think she's finally realizing what a terrible mother she is?" He asked getting excited. "And then you can do a big I told you so?!"

"I don't think that will ever happen Fred." I laughed. "But she did kiss me in the hospital."

"I remember you telling me that. Maybe Anne is finally getting her head out of her arse."

"Maybe." I chuckled. "But I doubt it. It's just a fluke. It will go away soon."

"How did your dad take the whole thing?"

"Well, he doesn't know my mum had anything to do with it so it's just 'Nina ruined another good thing'. Yeah, I ruined my sister getting hurt every day... terrible of me."

Freddie finished taking a drink and just shook his head at me.

"Has your dad talked to your sister yet?"

I shook my head.

"No, she won't talk to anybody. She just stays up in Lily's guest bedroom. Her mum has to leave food plates in front of her door. She hardly even talks to them."

"Geez." He replied shaking his head. "She deserves so much better than this."

"I know." I sighed. There was a moment of silence. "How is John's song coming?"

"It's coming along quite well! It's a catchy little thing. It's not done yet but it's getting there."

"Can you tell me what it's about?" I asked pushing some hair out of my face.

He froze for a second.

"I think that's John's story to tell." He replied before taking a long sip of his tea. 

"Ugh, all right." I sighed. "I'm just getting very excited!"

Freddie laughed nervously. 


"Nothing, I can't wait for you to hear it too!"

"So you don't have any idea when Brian will be healthy again?" My boss at the music store asked as I was restocking some albums. 

"He still can't keep down any food. So no, I'm very very sorry. Maybe you should just do the show without them."

"Without them? Queen is getting bigger by the moment, having them is huge for this store, I just need a timeline of when to reschedule."

I looked up at him and sighed. 

"I wish I had an answer for you. I really do. But right now we are all just concerned with him getting better and back into the studio. If you really need an answer I would ring their management."

"I've never talked to them before I've only talked to the band themselves."

"Well I guess you could ring Brian... you have his number right?"

He nodded. 

"You know I wish I could give you an answer," I told him getting up. I started to carry the empty box to the back. My boss following behind me.

"I know Nen, and gosh your nose looks like it hurts pretty bad."

"Yeah, it's getting better. I just have to keep putting ice on it." 

"That guy is a real jerk for even putting his hands on a woman but let alone doing it when you were off guard."

"Yeah well, what's done is done. It will heal, my sister is safe. I wouldn't take it back." 

With everything going on John and I didn't get to celebrate our anniversary until the 22nd of June. Which were three weeks or so from the original date. We probably could have squeezed it in sooner but we wanted actual time to celebrate.

John felt bad because he couldn't afford to take me out anywhere 'nice' due to his small earnings from Queen.

But I couldn't honestly care less where we went. As long as I was with John I didn't care. So we just stayed in and he cooked me a nice meal of steak and rice. 

The steak was quite expensive but we both pulled our money together to get it. He didn't want me to help pay but I didn't want him to break his wallet. 

"This meal is really nice love," I said looking up at him. He looked so handsome in the dull candlelight.

"Thank you, I tried." He blushed.

We clinked our wine glasses together and toasted to each other. I really wanted to give him the song I had been writing but of course, with everything that had been going on it wasn't ready in time. 

When dinner was over we exchanged gifts. He got me this very nice blouse and I got him a new pair of platforms.  

"You know, I probably look terrible right now." I sighed when we were sitting on the couch. He pulled a piece of my hair out of my face and placed his hand on my cheek. 

"You look so beautiful no matter what."

I blushed.

He placed his other hand on my cheek and pulled me towards him. I closed my eyes and he brushed his lips against mine before connecting them fully. I felt like I was melting into him. 

I broke away for a moment to breathe.

"Fuck... I love you so much." I breathed and he quickly pressed his lips to mine again. He slowly pushed me down into the couch and soon he was on top of me.  

We continued to make out but soon we knew what we both wanted. We quickly moved to the bedroom and shut the door behind us.

"You must really love me to have sex with me when I look this ugly."

"I already told you, you are beautiful no matter what." He replied before kissing me again. 

A few weeks later my nose was finally healed. My doctor said I still had to be careful with anything hitting it though. My fingers still had to be kept in a splint for a while longer. I was just glad the swelling finally went down. I wouldn't be scaring children on the street anymore. 

I hadn't heard from Tom in a while. He told me he would ring me with any updates so there must not be any yet. 

I was worried about my sister's mental health. But at least I didn't have to worry about Hunter harming her anymore. 

Brian was coming back to the studio next week finally. He felt that he was strong enough to do so. I went to visit him at his flat with the lads but I didn't see him that much since before all this happened. He still looked pretty bad. But when he saw me he was quite taken back.

"Wow, Nina he hurt you pretty bad didn't he?"

"You should see him." I joked.

But I came into the studio today to surprise the guys. I was approaching the door when I heard an unfamiliar melody.

I opened the door and Roy and the lads were listening to I assume a new song. 

Freddie saw me and quickly stopped the song.

"That sounds promising." I smiled, throwing my purse down on the couch. "What was that?"

The guys all looked at John. They seemed to be having a silent conversation. 

"That was John's song!" Roger exclaimed. "Why don't you play it for your girl, eh Deaky?" He said patting John on the back.

"Did you know that your boyfriend played all the guitars on this track? All of them." Freddie said coming over to me so he could push me towards the control panel.

"Really?" I asked John surprised. He nodded. "Am I allowed to hear it now?"

John looked at Freddie who nodded. Roger just started laughing.

"What is so funny Rog?" I asked placing my hands on my hips. He really couldn't pull himself together so he went out into the hallway. You could hear him laughing still as he got more far away.

I looked at Freddie and John confused.

"Yes, you can hear it now," John told me. "But use the headphones." He plugged the headphones in and handed them to me. "Give Roy the thumbs up when you are ready."

I placed the headphones on my head and gave Roy the thumbs up.

Music filled my ears. It was catchy just like Freddie had claimed it was. I was grinning happily knowing my boyfriend wrote it. 

He didn't play at all like Brian. He had a completely different way of going about it. 

I looked at John and gave him a big smile. He just smiled nervously. I was bopping along to the song but soon my smile faded. The lyrics... I kept listening...


"JOHN!" I exclaimed tearing off the headphones. "What the hell?!"


I turned to see Roger back in the room falling off the couch because he was laughing so hard. Freddie just gave him a dirty look. But Roger was laughing too hard to even see it.

I turned to John. He was standing next to Freddie really red in the face. 

"Rog quit it!" Freddie exclaimed.

"I'm sorry." Roger laughed sitting up. He wiped a tear from his eye. "Ever since I read the lyrics I've been waiting for this moment and oh my gosh was it worth the wait!"

I darted my eyes at John, waiting for an explanation. He remained silent. Roy excused himself and left. 

"I never knew I needed a song about John's trouble in the bedroom but here we are!" Roger said continuing to laugh.

I got up. I didn't know what I needed to do. I tried to say something but nothing came out right. I didn't know if I was mad or just embarrassed but they felt similar in the moment.

I picked up my purse from the couch.

"Wait Nen don't leave," John begged. I turned around to give him another glare.

"This was the song you didn't want to show me?! Gosh, I wonder why! Our sex is personal and then you turn that... that time into a song?!" I yelled with a confused look on my face.

I was walking out the door when Maggie and Mary came in.

"Is something wrong Nen?" Mary asked. I stopped in my tracks to face them. 

"Oh, just the normal relationship stuff. You know how when your boyfriend writes a song about your sex life?!" I exclaimed. I turned back to look at John. "UGH!" I groaned at him and stormed out. 

I sat on the couch playing with Snowball trying to process what the hell just happened. What the heck would come over him to write a song about coming too early? We've had plenty of good times and that happens once and he decides to write a song about it? And then have it be his debut as a songwriter? 

John loved dirty jokes and so did I but this... I didn't know. Did he not realize his family would hear it? His mum? His sister? His aunt? 

I was throwing a ball and Snowball was going to fetch it. Until he got too lazy and I had to get up to get it. 

The door opened and it was John holding some flowers. I looked away from him.

"Nina I'm really sorry."

I didn't look at him as he approached me. I avoided his eye contact.

"I embarrassed you back there didn't I?"

"Hmm what gave me away? Was it all the yelling?"

He nodded.

"I just don't understand why you would write a song about that. I felt kind of invaded. Our sex is personal John, it's a very intimate thing we do, and for you to write about that..."

"I know I should have talked to you first-"

"Yes, you should have." 

"It just came to me... I've never had song lyrics come to me before. I honestly was worried I would never be able to write a song for the band. And when I woke up in the middle of the night after it happened it just came to me. I had to write it down. I purposed it to the lads and Freddie really loved my idea of how it would sound... I was proud of myself... I'm very sorry... I should have talked to you first. I shouldn't have put us on display like that. And if you want... I will take it off the album and hide it away and you will never have to hear of it again."

I turned to face him.

"You would do that for me?"

"Of course. I care about you and your feelings way more than I care about some silly song I wrote."

 I sighed.

"You don't need to pull it. I would never make you do that."

"I will if you want me to."

"No no," I responded shaking my head. "I quite liked the beat to it and you were brilliant with the guitars. I would have enjoyed the song more if I knew it wasn't about you and I."

"I know." He sighed.

"Just give me some time and I will come around. I mean... I didn't even finish listening to it. I'm sure it will grow on me." I said.


"Yeah," I replied. "You felt so bad you went out and got me flowers?" I asked taking them from him.


I thought for a moment.

"I think I may have overreacted a bit... I think it was just that I got embarrassed and then I got mad... and yeah..."

"And that's totally understandable. I'm sorry I put you in that position."

"It's okay. The song is quite catchy. It's your first song... I'm proud of you love." I told him getting up from the floor.

"So you aren't mad anymore?" He questioned nervously following me into the kitchen. I took out a vase and filled it with water.

"I'm fine. The song lyrics will take some getting used to but it's fine." I responded putting the flowers in water. "I'm only now just thinking of what your mum and sister will think of it."

"I hadn't really given it much thought. Maybe it will go over my mum's head?!"

"Maybe... but I wouldn't count on that with Julie."

I finally came around to listening to the whole song. I was right, the lyrics did grow on me and ended up being something I found myself singing. Which was very awkward when it happened at work. 

Brian came back to the studio finally but he could hardly keep food down. He was throwing up constantly at the studio but he refused to go home. He worked very hard but got frustrated when his guitar parts didn't sound how they wanted him to.

Freddie had promised John that Brian wouldn't freak out over the fact that he had finished two songs on the guitar without him. 

Freddie had a long talk with Brian over it. Brian was very upset about but Freddie told him not to take it out on John. All John was concerned about was Brian and his feelings. So Brian was mad only at Freddie. And they never told John. I even kept it a secret. I knew that John would feel so bad and would want to scrap all he did with the guitar. 

Harmony was at her boyfriend's side as much as possible. Offering throw-up bags and constantly wiping the sweat off his forehead with a washcloth. 

 Roger had run into Olivia again. She told him how sorry she was for what happened and she wanted to give it another go. He was hesitant but after a few dates, he agreed to see her again. 

The guys advised him against it and so did I. But his defense was a lot of time had passed and he thought she had learned her lesson. 

Maggie was very distraught. She hadn't confessed her feelings to him and now that Olivia was back in the picture she had really lost her chance. 

I was sitting in the studio with John waiting for everyone else to arrive when Olivia walked in. I hadn't seen her since they got back together. Her appearance hadn't changed much. Her hair was still long, curly, and puffy. She was wearing a black leather jacket with a short white top and blue jean bell bottoms. 

"Hey, long time no see." She smirked her hand on the door frame. "I heard you guys are still together." 

"Yeah, we are," I replied as she walked into the room. She took a cigarette out of her pocket and lit it. Blowing the smoke right in our faces.

"That's so great for you guys." She replied. "How are you, John?"

"Better now that I'm not getting drugged by your pot brownies." 

"Oh come on Deaky that was years ago, can't we just move on?"

John and I both looked at each other. No one but close friends called him Deaky. She hadn't been in our friend circle in a long time.

"I guess so," John responded putting his hand forward. "Let's start fresh."

Olivia shook his hand.

"Good." She said pulling her hand away. "Do you know when Roger is going to get here?"

"Should be any minute now," I told her getting up from my seat. She looked me up and down.

"You haven't changed one bit have you?" She asked bringing her cigarette back to her lips.

"Clearly you haven't."

"What is that suppose to mean?!" She asked raising an eyebrow.

"Okay!" John yelled getting in between us. "Nina let's go get something from the vending machine." 

"I don't need anything from the vending-"

"Vending machine!" He yelled pushing me out the door.

"What on earth was that about?"

"We have to pretend to be nice to her."


"I felt bad that I was the one that caused him to break up with her in the first place. She was the only girl that Roger truly loved. I don't want to mess that up again."

"John, she was the one that put pot in your brownies without telling you. It was her fault that he dumped her."

"Still I felt kind of responsible. I mean my body should have reacted better to it."

"Oh my gosh, it's two years ago." I realized. "My time machine worked!"

"You get what I mean."

"I get that you want Roger to be happy but Olivia is a snake and I think this is just going to lead him to more heartbreak."

"You think?"

"I know it. I had an off feeling about her the first time but now it's even stronger."

"But I promised her a fresh start." He sighed.

I shrugged.

"Eh, doesn't mean you have to be nice." 

"Maggie I don't want to hear it," I told her when she came into my work. I was hanging up a new banner for a sale we were having on records. 

"I should have listened to you I know... I was just too scared. I mean it took you five months to make a move on John. I don't know why you are being so hard on me." She told me.

I sighed. I came down from the stool I was on.

"Because... I spent five months of my life being less happy than I could have been. I don't want that for you."

"Well, I don't know what to do now."

"I'm not sure there is anything you can do now Mag." I sighed. "He's with Olivia now," I told her walking back over to the front desk. "We may all hate her but there is nothing we can do."

Maggie looked like she was about to cry.

"I'm sorry Mag," I said with pity in my voice. All I really wanted was for my best friend to be happy. That's why I kept encouraging her to tell Roger the truth. 

"It's fine... I just have to let him go. It wasn't meant to be."

I was cleaning the flat when the phone rang. I walked over to get it and it was Harry.

"Oh hello Harry, how are Mitchelle and Kathy?"

"Very well, they both are doing great. How are you? Healing up good?"

"Yes, my nose now looks normal again and the swelling is gone thank God. As for my fingers, I still have to wear the splints for another few weeks."

"I see. Well, I just wanted to check up on you? How is John?"

"John's good. Brian's finally out of the hospital so they are all happy about that... but he can't really keep food down well still. I don't really go to the studio that much because the smell of throw-up makes me wanna throw up." I chuckled.

"Ugh, that sounds awful," Harry said. "Tell him we wish him to get better."

"I will, how has life with a baby been?"

"Hard, Mitchelle loves to keep us both up with her constant crying. She also poops. A LOT."

"Makes me glad I don't have one." I laughed. "I can barely take care of myself."

"It's so much work. But it's so worth it."

"I bet. She really is the most beautiful thing. I can't wait to see her again. Has dad met her yet?"

"Yeah, we went up and visited him right when he got back from Scotland. He was all upset about Hunter being in jail but Mitchelle cheered him right up."

"What about Sam?"

"No, we didn't bother her. Tom told us she isn't really talking to anyone and I wanted her to meet her when she was in a better place, you know?"

"So she still isn't talking to anyone?"

"Not really. At least that's what Tom told me. I don't know I'm not there."

"Yeah, I understand. Maybe I should go up there and check on her?"

"She just needs time Nen. I wouldn't yet. Besides, if dad saw you in town he would lose it."

"Yeah, you are probably right. Besides Tom is there. I feel more at ease knowing at least one of us is keeping an eye on her."

There was a moment of silence.

"So when will the new Queen album be out?"

I sighed, leaning against the wall.

"I have no idea. With Brian's illness, they can't really plan anything. They are supposed to go on tour in September but who knows if that will happen." I sighed again. "So much stress."

"I hear you. You have a lot to deal with right now."

"Me?! You are the one at home with a newborn baby and you're saying I have a lot to deal with?"

"Well you do, you always have." 

July was just a rough month, Brian's health didn't seem to be getting any better, the record company was really pushing them, Olivia wouldn't stop being a bitch and none of us could afford to go on vacation.

Maggie offered everyone her parent's beach house but they couldn't stop recording. I decided to go with her and Mary. Harmony wanted to come but she felt Brian needed her more. It would only be for the weekend so we wouldn't be away from the guys too long.  

But Olivia felt the need to try to worm her away into our trip. Even though we all made it pretty clear we weren't friends. We were friends at one time but none of us wanted to restart our friendship with her.

"I remember Maggie's beach house!" Olivia exclaimed when we were saying goodbye to the guys at the studio. "It was so nice..." She sighed leaning on Roger's shoulder. She was totally not subtle trying to hint for an invitation. But we all knew if we invited her it wouldn't be a vacation. It would be stress. We all had enough of that in our lives. We were going to escape that for a few days.

"Yeah, it is nice," Maggie replied. "Well, we will see you all later!" She waved and she and Mary made for the door.

"Have fun!" John smiled before I kissed him quickly. "I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too. But I'll be back Sunday night. Love you!" I told him wrapping my arms around him.

"I love you too." He replied.

I let go of him to see Olivia pouting.

"Nina is there something you would like to say to Olivia?" Roger asked giving me a look.

"Yes. Oh, how rude of me." I said walking over to her. She was grinning. "Have a great weekend!"

The weekend was good. Mary, Maggie, and I just laid on the beach for hours. Then when we got too hot and we would jump in the ocean. Then we would get back to laying and repeat the cycle multiple times. 

I hadn't seen Maggie's mum and dad in a while so it was nice to see them again. I even got to see her brothers who I hadn't seen in years. Maggie had three brothers. All older. They were always so nice to me and when they heard what happened they got very protective of me. 

Roger rang the house upset by my actions. Maggie just told him we don't like her and we wanted a relaxing trip to ourselves. 

He wasn't very pleased by that answer but no one asked him to get back together with her. 

We were at the studio, Brian had gone to a specialist clinic to see what was going on in his body and to see if he was actually getting better. He obviously was way better than when he first was admitted into the hospital but he still felt he wasn't 100% and he felt like that for a while. 

The phone rang.

"Hello?" Roy answered but he quickly handed the phone to Freddie.

"Mhmm, oh my God, all right we will be right there!" He exclaimed and hung up. Maggie, Mary, Roger, John, and I both stared at him with wide eyes. 

"Brian collapsed at the clinic he is on his way to the hospital!"

"What?!" Roger yelled. "Is he okay?"

"I don't know that's all Harmony said!" Freddie replied panicking. 

"Well come on then!!" I exclaimed. "Let's get going!" I motioned everyone out the door and we all got into separate cars. 

"What if he's really sick now? I mean sicker than before?" I asked John while he was driving.

"Let's not jump to conclusions. I'm sure it's not as bad as we think."

"There had to be a reason why he passed out! People don't just pass out. What if his hepatitis is worse than we thought?!"

"Let's not freak out until we know."

"It's hard not to."

We got to the hospital and asked the clerk at the desk about Brian. 

"Brian May... oh yes he was checked in about a half-hour ago. You can find him on the third floor."

"Thank you," John replied and we all hurried and stuffed ourselves into the elevator. 

When we got up there Harmony was adjusting Brian's pillow and God, he looked really really sick.

"What's going on?" Freddie asked rushing over to Brian's bedside.

"They say I have a duodenal ulcer," Brian replied as Harmony brushed some of the curls out of his face.

"A what?!" Roger and Freddie asked at the same time.

"A sore in the stomach basically. The doctors think I've had it since childhood but it worsened because of the hepatitis." 

"He's going into surgery in an hour." Harmony told us.

"Woah surgery?" Roger asked and Brian nodded. 

"Yep, they tell me I should really start to feel better after it."

"Are you nervous?" I asked clinging onto John's arm.

"A little but I'm happy all this pain and suffering is almost over."

"1974 really has not been your year." Maggie sighed.

"No ma'am it has not. I'm sorry lads but I'm going to be in recovery for a while which means I will be here for a while."

"Don't worry about Queen or the studio. You just get better." Freddie replied patting him on the shoulder. 

"Yeah?" Brian asked.

"Seriously," John replied walking more towards him. "Do not worry. Just worry about getting better."

And just like that August was off to an amazing start.

"Maybe that really curly-looking plant I have by the window could play guitar," Maggie remarked cleaning up the kitchen. I was off from Biba on my lunch break. I did not want to spend any more time there than absolutely necessary. Mary came too. I was the one she usually ate lunch with. "Maybe that poodle from the second floor could do it."

"Maggie-" I started.

"What?" She replied as she rinsed off her plate. "I'm just trying to get a little humor in. Everything has been so heavy lately." She sighed. "I hardly ever see my flatmate anymore. She's always at the hospital. Some nights she even sleeps there."

"Harmony looks sick. She never sleeps, she's constantly worried. She needs to just take a breather." Mary replied getting up from the table. She poured the remaining amount of water out of her glass and into the sink. She then walked back over to the table and leaned against the chair.

"I wish I could get her to just come home and sleep for a least eight hours but to her, that is out of the question," Maggie replied starting to wash dishes. 

"I mean I get it," I responded. "If John was in that condition I'd probably be doing the same thing. Don't you agree Mary?" I asked turning to her.

"Oh yeah if it was Fred I would be by his side as much as I could."

"See I can't relate I'm single," Maggie told us, her face saddening. 

"Aww Mag I'm sure I can find someone to set you up with... but usually you don't need it. You always have a guy if you need one."

Maggie was facing the wall doing the dishes and remaining silent. I was having flashbacks to when Maggie and I had a similar conversation. I wasn't dating and it was suspicious and now Maggie seemed to be in the same boat. She had dates but not as many as usual, and none had stuck as her boyfriend. 

Maggie didn't feel comfortable sharing her feelings for Roger. She only told me because I walked in on her crying.

Mary was standing waiting for a response. I looked at my watch.

"Oh, Mary we've got to go if we want to be back to work on time," I announced getting up from my seat. 

"All right, thanks for lunch Mag. Will we see you at the studio later?"

She nodded still not looking at us.

"Yeah I get out at six today so I might be there a little later than you guys."

"Okay. I have to pick up Olivia on the way she rang-" Mary started. 

"What?" Maggie asked turning around to face us. "She what?!"

"She rang saying she was having car issues and I offered to take her-"

"Why the hell would you do that?!!" Maggie exclaimed her hands still dripping with water from washing dishes. "We don't like her!"

"I know..." Mary started, clearly taken back on why Maggie was acting this way. "I just thought I would try to get along with her, I mean she's going to be a part of our group again."

"You think she's going to be here for a while?! This isn't just another fling of Roger's?!"

"I mean you remember how crushed he was when he broke up with her the first time they dated," Mary replied picking up her purse. "She was the only girl I've ever seen Roger like that for. So I assume she will be here for a while."

"Well, that's just lovely!" Maggie yelled laughing. "I'm glad everyone gets to be happy!"

Mary looked at me as if to say 'are you seeing this?". 

"Whatever." Maggie sighed. "I've got to get back to work. I'll see you all later." She told us before pushing past us to leave the kitchen.

"I've got to ask Harmony if she's back to drinking at lunch," Mary whispered.

There was Maggie angrily drumming her fingers against the studio lounge table while smoking a cigarette. To the left of her were Roger and Olivia, who was sitting on his lap. 

"Man," John said pulling me aside. "Is something wrong with Maggie?" He questioned looking at her. She was taking a very aggressive drag from her cigarette. 

"I don't know what you are talking about. She seems fine to me." I lied rolling on my heel. He eyed me before turning his attention back to Maggie, and then over to Rog and Olivia, and back at Maggie.

He gasped and was about to say something when I covered his mouth and dragged him out into the hallway and down to the lobby. Far away from earshot.

"Maggie is jealous of Olivia!" He said. "How could I have not seen it before. She likes him!"

"I would have told you-"

"You knew?!" He asked. "You knew and didn't tell me?"

"I really wanted to." I sighed. "But I accidentally told you they were sleeping together it wasn't my place to tell you that she was in love with him, she didn't even want me to know-"

"She's in love with him?!" He gasped. 

"I have got to stop doing that!" I exclaimed covering my mouth. "I'm a terrible friend," I said but it came out muffled because of my hands.

"No, you aren't."He replied. "I promise I won't tell anyone. I mean I kept the sleeping together a secret and it's been months."

"All right, I just feel bad. I have got to get a better filter."

"JOHN WHERE DID YOU GO?!" Roger screamed from down the hall. "We need you to lay down the bass!"

"The secret is safe," John told me pretending to zip his mouth shut. He then gave me a quick peck and went back to the studio.

I shook my head at myself. 

What kind of friend was I? 

Maggie should be able to trust me with things. 

It's not like I wanted to tell him, it just accidentally came out. I wasn't intentionally trying to tell him. But I still couldn't help but feel bad. Now two people knew and Maggie didn't even want me to find out. 

I sighed and took a cigarette out of my pocket. I lit it and took a drag from it, pacing around the lobby table trying to ease my nerves. 

Nina Jackson was a lot of things but a secret teller wasn't one of them. But today and that last time challenged that theory.

"Hey, are you okay?"

I turned around to see Freddie standing there looking concerned.

"Nope, I am not Fred. I am not and I am all out of cigarettes this was my last one." I told him continuing to pace.

"Here." He replied throwing me a pack.

"But... you don't smoke?"

"Nope but I think it's fine to take Roger's and see how long until he notices." He smirked. I took another one out of the pack and tossed it back to him.

"FREDDIE!" Roger yelled.

"Ooo." Freddie said looking at his watch. "Sixty seconds, he's getting better." He smiled before hiding the pack in one of the fake plants that we in the lobby.

"Where are they, Fred?!" Roger exclaimed angrily. "I'm not kidding around this time."


"My cigarette pack. I know you took it, now give it back."

"I know I have been a known person to do it before but this time I didn't take it."

"Come on Freddie quit it!"

"I'm serious," Freddie replied crossing his arms. "As your best friend and former flatmate, I am truly hurt."

Roger rolled his eyes and left.

Freddie and I snickered.

John's birthday was approaching. Did I have his song ready? No. Nope. I had worked on it for hours but it just was not where I wanted it to be. The lyrics were done but the music was still needing something.

But it would never be ready in time. So I had to think of something else for a gift. When I asked him what he wanted he said nothing which just irritated me. He expects me not to get my three-year boyfriend something for his birthday? Not going to happen.

I had surprised him with his mum, sister, and Nigel before. Would it be wrong to do that second time? He hadn't seen Nigel in a while. 

Sadly he couldn't come. When I rang him he told me he would be out of town the weekend before his birthday for his job. 

His mum and sister however were available. And they started their trip down on Friday night. John's birthday was on Monday so we were celebrating it all weekend. 

I had Freddie and Roger distract him while I got the flat ready. Maggie and Mary were helping me hang up decorations.

"I'm having deja vu when we threw him that surprise party," Maggie said as she was hanging up the happy birthday banner.

"At least this time the cake is supposed to be ready on time," I replied. The real party would be tomorrow.

The door opened and it was Harmony back with the ballons.

"Aww, thanks Harm," I told her taking the ballons from her. "Are you heading to the hospital now?"


"Well we all will be going there on Monday I think. Is he doing better?" Mary asked handing Maggie a piece of tape. 

"He's doing better I think. He doesn't look as sick... he can't really move around a lot though."

"I think the universe needs to give Bri a break," Maggie told her.

"You think?!" Harmony replied before she sighed. "I'll see you guys tomorrow, and Mag I should be home late tonight. No need to wait up."

"Okay, tell him we say hi," Maggie replied getting down from the chair.

She smiled and nodded.

"Sure thing." She told her before she left.

"How long are the guys going to keep Deaky distracted?" Maggie asked going over to the kitchen counter to pour herself a drink. "What are they doing anyway?"

"Roger said his telly was broken so John went over to look at it. It's not really broken he just unplugged it."

"And he thinks John, the one with an honors degree in electrical engineering can't figure that out?" Mary asked.

"That's why Fred is there. After the five seconds, it takes for John to figure that out Freddie has to stall him until I ring."

There was a knock at the door. The girls had gone home. It was around ten at night. I honestly wonder what Freddie and Roger were doing to keep John stalled for this long. 

I opened the door and was pulled into a hug between Lillian and Julie. Julie had changed her appearance drastically since I last saw her at Christmas. She had cut her hair really short, into a bob. She was taller. She was taller than me before but that wasn't hard.

"There's my other daughter!" Lillian exclaimed squeezing me tightly. They pulled away and I invited them inside. "Look how this place has changed since I saw it last. You really know how to decorate!"

I smiled.

"Thank you! Oh gosh, I've missed you both so much! I'm so excited you are here!"

"Us two! John has no idea?" Lillian asked as I took their suitcases into the guest bedroom. The bed was big enough for two people so they were going to have to share. I returned and shook my head. 

"Nope, I've been getting the flat ready. Freddie and Roger have been stalling him four hours straight." I laughed. 

Lillian came up to me and placed her hands on my face.

"No sign at all of what happened." She told me as she pulled her hands away. We had talked for hours about what had happened with Hunter on the phone. "You poor thing." She cried before she embraced me again.

"I'm okay Lillian. I promise." I replied. "All the marks and bruises are gone, my sister is safe, It's all good." 

"You know how much I adored your sister. How is she?"

"Honestly? I don't know. My brother says she still won't talk to anyone."

"That poor thing." She sighed. "I would love to punch your parents right in the face."

"You and me both," I told her going over to the phone. 

I had Lillian and Julie hide in the guest room with the door shut. John came home looking exhausted. 

"Why were you gone for so long?" I asked eager to know what they did to keep him busy all this time.

"Did you decorate already?" He asked looking around. "That's so sweet."

"Yeah, it's a birthday celebration weekend!" I replied kissing him on the cheek. "A whole four days just for you!"

He grinned and pulled me close.

"Man how did I get so lucky?" 

"I don't know," I replied smirking. "But what kept you so long?" 

"Oh, right. First Roger said his telly wasn't broken but his bloody cord was just on plugged." He told me as he sat down on the couch. "And then when I fixed that Freddie wouldn't let me leave until I decided which type of cat he should buy next."

"Well, what kind did you decide on?"

"That's the thing, we never made it to a decision. The phone rang and he said he had to leave! All that for what?" He replied shaking his head. 

"SUPRISE!" Lillian and Julie yelled jumping out of the guest bedroom door. It looked like they almost gave John a heart attack.

"Mum? Julie? What are you doing here?" He asked when he finally caught his breath.

"Your girlfriend invited us! We are here until Wednesday!" Lillian exclaimed happily. 

"Oh my gosh, Nina, this is so great thank you!" He told me kissing me quickly before getting up to get squeezed to death by his mum.

"We are the reason you were stuck at Roger's for so long," Julie smirked. "Nina told them to stall you."

John whipped his head around to look at me. I was giving him a nervous smile. I gave him thumbs up. He just smirked and shook his head at me.

"Did you guys just get in, are you hungry, I can make-" John started.

"Oh, hush darling," Lillian said grabbing his cheek. "We are fine, we stopped for dinner on the way down. Besides, I don't want my birthday boy to do anything this weekend for us. We aren't here to inconvenience you, we are here to celebrate."

"Mum you know you guys never inconvenience me." He replied kissing her on the cheek. "This is such a great surprise!" 

"You went to America without me." Julie pouted.

"Don't blame me, it was mum who told me you weren't allowed to come. And besides," He said putting his hand on his sister's shoulder. "I wouldn't have wanted you around all the sickness stuff at the end."

"Oh right how is Brian?" Lillian asked. 

"He was out of the hospital for a few weeks but went right back in when he collapsed again. They realized he had a stomach ulcer. He had surgery a few weeks ago and is still recovering."

"Oh, that poor thing," Lillian replied. "Julie, remind me to get a good well card for Brian."

Julie nodded before she yawned.

"It's getting late, we should get to bed," Lillian said turning to her daughter. "We all can catch up tomorrow! Oh, I've missed my son!" Lillian exclaimed hugging John. "I don't get to see him enough." She frowned. 

"I know I'm sorry Mum." He sighed. "I'm just so busy. I don't get to come home as much as I would like to." He told her as she pulled away.

"I know you are working hard. And I am so so proud of you." She told him. "Off to bed now Julie." She said motioning for her daughter to move.

"Can't I stay up and watch the late show?"

"Julie?!" She asked raising her voice.

"Okay okay," Julie replied going into the guest room.

"Good night my lovelies," Lillian told us kissing us both on the cheek. "See you in the morning! I'm making breakfast!"

"Oh I couldn't ask you to do that-" I started.

"Nonsense! I would be happy to!" She replied grinning and then she disappeared into the guest room.

Soon John and I were getting into bed about an hour later.

"Thank you, Nina. You know how much I've missed them."

"I do," I replied placing my hands on his cheek. "I thought it would be good to have them come down."

"Thank you. I miss my family a lot."

"I know you do," I told him. He smiled and he leaned his forehead against mine. Our noses were pressed up against each other.

"You know if my mum and sister weren't here I would totally want to have sex right now." He told me and I smirked.

"Me too."

He leaned forward and kissed me very passionately. My other hand was placed on the back of his head while he was cupping my face.

We couldn't have sex but we could make out for a while. I didn't see anything wrong with it, it felt good, it was innocent enough.

"Hey, I just wanted to ask where the toilet paper- AHHH I'M SORRY!"

We both turned to see Julie with her head poked into the doorway, her face beat red. I turned to John who was also beat red. I laughed.

"No worries Julie, it's in the closet near the kitchen."

"Thank... you..." She stumbled before closing the door again.

"She needs to knock!" John exclaimed and I laughed.

"Aww just come here," I responded, placing my hand back on his cheek. I pulled him back in for another kiss. 

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