Behind the Castle's Door [COM...

Da szenaeva

192K 7.5K 2.7K

When Clementine, a young woman who had recently experienced heartbreak, decided to flee after witnessing her... Altro

First Door
Second Door
Third Door
Fourth Door
Fifth Door
Sixth Door
Seventh Door
Eighth Door
Tenth Door
Eleventh Door
Twelfth Door
Thirteenth Door
Fourteenth Door
Fifteenth Door
Sixteenth Door
Seventeenth Door
Eighteenth Door
Nineteenth Door
Twentieth Door
Twenty-First Door
Twenty-Second Door
Twenty-Third Door
Twenty-Fourth Door
Twenty-Fifth Door
Twenty-Sixth Door
Twenty-Seventh Door
Twenty-Eighth Door
Twenty-Ninth Door
Thirtieth Door
Thirty-First Door
Thirty-Second Door
Thirty-Third Door
Thirty-Fourth Door
Thirty-Fifth Door
Thirty-Sixth Door
Thirty-Seventh Door
Thirty-Eighth Door
Thirty-Ninth Door
Fortieth Door
Forty-First Door
Forty-Second Door
Forty-Third Door
Forty-Fourth Door
Forty-Fifth Door
Forty-Sixth Door
Forty-Seventh Door
Forty-Eighth Door
Forty-Ninth Door
Fiftieth Door
Fifty-First Door
Thank you!

Ninth Door

4K 174 61
Da szenaeva

"I'm going to give you three days to prepare. You are free do to whatever you want and eat whatever you want. Meet me here at midnight on the third day."

Clementine's thoughts is still haunted by Alcina's words. Even though she tries not to remember it, it keeps echoing in her head. She was staring at the ceiling of her room; too exhausted to accomplish anything for today, and all she wanted is serenity before her life gets taken away by the tall woman.

"Why did I even agreed to this," she buried her face into the pillows. "I guess i'm really meant to die after all the struggling I went through."

A soft knock on her made her stand up from the bed. She opened it and a smiling Daniela greeted her.

"Hi Clemy! Mother told me she gave you a free schedule for three days because you were unwell. Are you alright?"

Clementine smiled. "Yes I am. Your mother was just concerned when she saw me earlier I was coughing my guts out."

"Has she seen your neck?" Daniela bit her lower lip.

"No, I covered it with a scarf you don't need to worry about anything. I don't have any plans of telling her that Cassandra did this to me."

A relief sigh escaped Daniela's lips. "I'm really sorry about that. Cassandra can be so difficult at times."

"I already told you i'm okay and you don't need to worry about anything. What are you doing here in my room anyway? Do you need something?"

Daniela pouted. "Aunt Donna is leaving today and she wants to see you before she departs."

Her jaw suddenly dropped. "All of a sudden?! I'll go get changed first!"

She took her uniform and immediately put it on the bathroom. Donna has been nice to her and she would regret if she would not see the woman before she leaves. Of course this would be the last time that she and Donna would meet.

"That was oddly fast," Daniela chuckled. "You must really like Aunt Donna."

"Well.. she was nice to me so what's not to like about her?"

Daniela nodded. "Let's go we wouldn't want her to keep waiting."

They went downstairs to the main hall, where everyone had congregated. Donna and Angie were joined by Alcina, Bela and Cassandra. She let out a sigh without Daniela noticing, I guess now is really the time to bid farewell to the silent woman and the doll whom she will never meet again.

"Clementine's here!" Daniela chimed.

They approached the group and before Clementine could even greet them Angie hugged her neck.

"I'm going to miss you!" Angie said in her high pitched voice.

"Same as me Lady Angie," she smiled.

"Can we take us with her?! I really enjoyed her company," Angie floated towards Alcina's head.

"No you can't! She's our servant." Daniela said.

"You have other servants roaming in the castle. Surely you would give us a spare right?"

Alcina let out a laugh. "I can give you a servant if that's what you wish but not Clementine."

"Why not?" Angie put her delicate arms on her waist. "It's not like Bela and Cassandra likes her presence. Let the girl go with us instead."

"No! Clemy is going to stay here with us and me!" Daniela linked her arms with Clementine's. "She is not going anywhere, Angie. She's ours!"

Clementine's lips were curled to a smile. She wants to cry at this very moment but she can't.

"Stop fighting you two," Alcina laughed. "I'm very sorry but I can't let Clementine go with you. Maybe i'll let you borrow her sometime."

When she heard the term borrow, she frowned since she knew that it would never happen. Donna and Angie would be her choice if she has an option on where to stay. She may consider this a selfish idea, given that Alcina has saved her, she would rather stay with them than wait for her death inside this castle.

Donna looked over at Clementine noticing her sad and bothered face. The girl gently shook her head and forced a smile on her lips.

"Why is she sad?" Donna murmured.

Donna looked over at Angie who sensed it right away.

"Donna wants to have a private conversation with Clementine." Angie remarked.

Alcina raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms. The tall woman doesn't like the idea that was stated just now.

"Fine," Alcina rolled her eyes.

Daniela let go of Clementine's arm.

"You can use that room. That's another study that I rarely use." Alcina said.

Clementine walked up to the door and opened it, allowing Donna and to come in first. She shut the door behind her and walked up to Donna, who was seated on the couch with Angie on her lap.

"What is it you wanted to talk about, Lady Donna?" She asked and smiled.

For a brief while, the room was deafeningly quiet. Clementine stood in front of Donna waiting for a word from Angie, but the doll seemed lifeless.

Donna let out a sigh. "Take a seat beside me." She spoke.

Clementine's jaw dropped when she heard the veiled lady spoke. All the days that Donna stayed her Angie spoke for her and now she finally spoke using her own voice and Clementine heard it. It was like the angel's are telling he it's time for her death because she finally heard Donna's voice.

"I-I... W-wow you have a very beautiful voice, Lady Donna." She remarked.

Donna smiled under the veil, which Clementine couldn't see because her face was hidden behind it.

"Thank you for the compliment."

She sat next to Donna and stared at her, regardless of whether the woman's face was obscured by a veil.

"What is it you wanted to talk about?" She asked again.

"I-I just wanted to say thank you for being so friendly to me and Angie, even though she troubled you," she sighed. "I also wanted to explain why she was in the kitchen when your arm got hurt. I told her to spy on you because i've been wanting to learn how to cook."

Clementine chuckled. "You could've just asked me to teach you. I would be happy to do so."

"I was shy to ask you for help considering of what Angie did."

"My arm got cured by Lady Dimitrescu and the wound isn't that deep," she showed her arm. "See? It's like the wound never existed."

Donna let out a soft chuckle. "I still feel sorry for that."

"Let's just forget about that," she smiled.

Silence filled the room again only their own breaths can be heard.

"Thank you for the candies and the doll." Clementine said breaking the silence.

"I'm glad you liked it."

"The doll is in my room and I always cuddle it in my sleep."

Donna's lips curved into a smile. "The reason why I wanted to have a private conversation with you is because I saw you earlier looking troubled. Do you have a problem, Clementine?"

Clementine gently shook her head and smiled at Donna, a genuine one.

"Honestly speaking, I was sad because you and Lady Angie are finally returning to your manor. I nearly forgot that you don't live here." She said.

Either than being worried about the punishment in the upcoming days she was really telling the truth. She was upset that Donna and Angie were leaving and that this was her last opportunity to see them, but she felt fortunate that Donna spoke to her directly.

Donna took a rectangular medium gift box from her pocket and handed it to Clementine. The box was colored in pastel purple and a pink ribbon was tied on it.

"What's this?" Clementine asked.

"Open it." Donna said.

"Another gift? You've given me too much gifts for a servant," she chuckled.

"I don't see you as a mere servant," Donna softly said.

She looked at Donna with disbelief but a smile was formed in her lips.

"Please, open it."

She gave a slight nod and began untying the ribbon. She raised the box's cover after removing the ribbon, and a new smile came across her lips. A doll was inside a box but it wasn't like other dolls; the doll was dressed in a maid's uniform same as the uniform that Clementine is wearing, the doll also had hazel brown eyes and defined curly hair.

"Is this supposed to be me?" Clementine asked with her eyes glistening.

Donna smiled and nodded. "That was made a few days ago. I considered handling it you yesterday but lacked the confidence to do so."

Clementine stared at the doll and silence filled the room once again. Donna was playing with her fingers while looking at the girl beside her.

"D-do y-you like it?" She swallowed.

"No," Clementine answered fastly.

"O-oh I-I t-thought t-that—"

"I love it!" She turned to Donna with a wide smile. "This is the most beautiful gift that I have ever received," a tear escaped her eye.

"W-why are you crying?" Donna bit her lip.

"I'm just happy," she smiled as tears streamed through her cheeks.

Donna cupped Clementine's face wiping the tear from her eye.

"Now, I feel bad for making you cry."

"Don't," she wiped her tears using her hands.

Clementine took something from her front pocket and gave it to Donna.

"I made you a handkerchief. I was supposed to return the one you tied on my wound but the blood stain is still visible so I made you a new one."

Donna took the handkerchief and looked at it closely. The fabric is mint green and has embroidered flowers on it, as well as a small stitch of Donna and Angie's name in the lower right corner.

"Clementine I love it!" She chimed.

"Really? I was nervous to give it to you I mean, your sewing skills are no match for mine."

Donna was about to utter another word when a knock was heard at the door.

"Donna dear, the carriage is here." Alcina said outside the room.

"I guess this is where our conversation ends," Clementine chuckled.

She returned the doll to the box and placed it on her front pocket. She got to her feet and walked towards the door, she stopped her feet when she felt hands grasping her waist. Donna was hugging hrr from behind which surprised her.

"I-i'm going to miss you," Donna lowly said.

"Me too. I'm going to miss you and Angie around."

The grip on her waist tightened. She can feel Donna's heartbeat from behind.

"Clementine?" Donna called.

"If Alcina would give you a choice whether to come with us or not, what would be your choice?"

Clementine pressed her lips together forming a thin line.

"Maybe, I would come with you."

"Really?" She let go of Clementine's waist.

The girl nodded. "I really like your company and I think being your servant would be fun and memorable."

Donna smiled even though Clementine couldn't see her expression.

"But I can't. I owe, Lady Dimitrescu a debt which I need to repay. But who knows what fate may bring?"

Donna smiled and nodded. A ray of hope flashed over her face; the girl was right; perhaps fate may be good and bring Clementine to her? Who knows?

"Donna dear?" Alcina called again.

"Let's head out," Clementine approached the door.

Donna trailed behind Angie as the doll regained consciousness and floated outside of the room. Clementine closed the door behind her for she was the last person to leave the room.

"Aw! It's finally our time to leave!" Angie sighed.

"You can still visit us anytime!" Bela said.

"As if Aunt Donna would want to leave her manor, that won't be easily happening." Cassandra stated.

"Girls, it's time to say goodbye." Alcina said.

"Bye, Aunt Donna and Angie!" Bela said as she hugged the two.

"I'm going to miss your presence." Cassandra said.

"Please visit us again." Daniela stated.

Alcina knelt down and hugged her sister and the doll. "Have a safe journey and I hope you visit soon too."

Donna turned her head to Clementine who waved her hand as a bid of goodbye. Angie went to Clementine and whispered.

"I don't believe in goodbyes," Angie stated with a soft voice.

Donna received a nod and a smile from Clementine. Finally, the two fled the castle and boarded the carriage. Donna removed her veil and folded it onto her lap.

"Were you crying?!" Angie floated in front of Donna's face.

"I was just sad to leave," she wiped her tears.

"Sad to leave the castle or Clementine?" Angie nudged her.

She smiled and chuckled while looking at the handkerchief Clementine gave her.


Alcina was in her study with Clementine because she had requested for assistance with the never-ending paperwork on her desk. While the two of them perusing the papers, the room was deafeningly quiet. Alcina was surreptitiously staring at Clementine, who was preoccupied with reading. She noticed the girl's puffy red eyes, which made her wonder if she cried during Donna's departure.

"Clementine?" She called.

The girl raised her head up. "Yes?"

"Were you crying?"

She shook her head. "No, my lady. My eyes were swollen the moment I woke up."

"Are you sure you weren't crying earlier?" Alcina raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, and why would I even cry? I have no to reason to cry."

With a sigh and shake of her head, Alcina expressed her dissatisfaction with the situation. She read the paper in front of her, but she couldn't understand a word of it no matter how many times she read it. Her thoughts were bothering her and she needs to get them out now.

"Clementine." She called again.

The girl lifted her gaze up to Alcina once again. "Yes? Do you need anything?"

"Do you like Donna?"

Clementine blinked a few times before finally realizing that Alcina wasn't joking with the question.

"I would lie if I said no." She answered.

She's going to die in three days anyway she would just let up to speed the process.

"Do you want to be her servant?" Alcina said looking directly into her eyes.

Clementine bit her lip. "I would also lie if I claimed I didn't want to be," she said as she inhaled deeply. "Yes, I'd like to be her servant, but I can't."

"Why? Because you think I won't let you?" Alcina scowled. "What if I say pack your bags right now and go to Donna's manor?"

Clementine stood up in shock. The woman right in front of her just said she has an option to leave.

"What?" She asked in disbelief.

"I'll let you remain with Donna if you want to. I'm providing you the option of whether you want to stay or not to stay," Alcina tapped her fingers on the wooden table.

She clenched her eyes shut, unsure of what to do. She wishes to pack her bags and head to Donna's manor right this instance, but then what about Alcina? It's not about the indebtedness nor her promise to Daniela. There's something else that makes her what to stay but she doesn't understand what is it.

"I'm staying," she said, looking at Alcina.

The expression on Alcina's face is unreadable. She has no idea whether the woman is pleased with her decision.

"Are you certain? If you're worried about the debt you've accumulated, don't bother staying; I don't care," she added, her voice frigid. "Stay because you want to, not because you think you should."

Clementine thought again. She's sure, she wants to stay here. Whatever was in her mind earlier with Donna contradicts her thoughts now.

"It's not about the debt. I'm staying because I want to," she said standing on her ground.

"Very well. I've given you options and you've decided to stay here I hope you don't regret it," Alcina stood up and walked out of the room.

Clementine sighed as she looked at the seat where the tall woman was seated earlier. She took the doll that Donna gave her and stared at it.

"I know I told you that if I had an option to stay with you i'll go but," she sighed again. "I'm needed here and I promised Daniela that I would stay here for as long as she needed me," she bit her lip. "And I also don't know why but I can't just leave here. I need to stay with or without a reason."

Alcina stood at the door, with a bottle of wine in her hand. When she heard what Clementine had just said, she was taken aback. A smile formed her lips as she looked at her.

"Who knew you'd be so different?" Alcina murmured to herself.


Okay, this might be low-key cringe, lmao.

Spoiler alert: Donna will have a future story so she can't be with Clementine *winks*

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