Behind the Castle's Door [COM...

By szenaeva

192K 7.5K 2.7K

When Clementine, a young woman who had recently experienced heartbreak, decided to flee after witnessing her... More

First Door
Second Door
Third Door
Fourth Door
Fifth Door
Sixth Door
Eighth Door
Ninth Door
Tenth Door
Eleventh Door
Twelfth Door
Thirteenth Door
Fourteenth Door
Fifteenth Door
Sixteenth Door
Seventeenth Door
Eighteenth Door
Nineteenth Door
Twentieth Door
Twenty-First Door
Twenty-Second Door
Twenty-Third Door
Twenty-Fourth Door
Twenty-Fifth Door
Twenty-Sixth Door
Twenty-Seventh Door
Twenty-Eighth Door
Twenty-Ninth Door
Thirtieth Door
Thirty-First Door
Thirty-Second Door
Thirty-Third Door
Thirty-Fourth Door
Thirty-Fifth Door
Thirty-Sixth Door
Thirty-Seventh Door
Thirty-Eighth Door
Thirty-Ninth Door
Fortieth Door
Forty-First Door
Forty-Second Door
Forty-Third Door
Forty-Fourth Door
Forty-Fifth Door
Forty-Sixth Door
Forty-Seventh Door
Forty-Eighth Door
Forty-Ninth Door
Fiftieth Door
Fifty-First Door
Thank you!

Seventh Door

4.3K 180 31
By szenaeva

Clementine played with her fingers as she listens to the woman wearing a lab coat. The woman was explaining something to her that she can't quite understand.

"Do you understand me?" The woman softly asked.

"I guess so.." she answered.

She was still too young to process what the woman has been saying and she doesn't even know why she's in a laboratory.

"Your safe here you don't need to worry about anything," the woman caressed her cheek.

"B-but, w-what if auntie finds me?" She sobbed.

The woman hugged her gently caressing her hair.

"I'm here, I won't leave you and nobody's going to hurt you."

Clementine looked at the woman's face. She met the woman's icy blue eyes which she was immediately drawn to.

"Everything is going to be okay, Clementine," the woman said softly to her ear.

While panting, she opened her eyes. Since she was lying down in her bed, her gaze was drawn to the ceiling.

"Mom," she said with tears in her eyes.

Clementine stood up and wiped her tears away. She always have dreams of her foster mother who she never saw once she reached the age of 19. She walked out of her room and went downstairs heading to the kitchen, when she reached the room, Daniela was rummaging the fridge.

She gently knocked on the door which caught Daniela's attention. Daniela was dressed in a pink oversized t-shirt and black pajamas with her hair in a sloppy ponytail.

"Oh, hi Clementine!" She waved.

"What are you doing here at this hour, Lady Daniela?" She approached her.

"I woke up and I couldn't get back to sleep. I was thinking of eating something but none of the foods here has tingle my taste buds," she crossed her arms and pouted.

Clementine smiled at her reaction. Among the sisters Daniela seems very likeable than the two. She checked the clock and the time was 12:30 AM.

"What food do you have in mind?"

"Something sweet! Wait, no," she tapped her chin. "Something with strawberries!" She chimed.

"How about strawberry cookies?"

"Yes, please!" She said exclaimed. "Go cook, i'll watch here."

She chuckled and nodded her head. Who'd have guess that Daniela was this cute? While Daniela was at the kitchen table, she began gathering the ingredients she would use.

"Uh... Clementine?" Daniela called.

She turned around. "Yes, Lady Daniela?"

"Can we chat? I mean... I would like to know you better," she shyly said.

"Of course, why not? It would be an honor to me to have a conversation with you."

Daniela smiled and giggled.

"I want to know something about you."

"Ask away, my lady."

Daniela pursed her lips. "Where are you from? I asked mother a question and she said you're not from here so... Are you from another village that's over the barrier?"

"Village over a barrier?" She turned to Daniela.

"Yes, the village where different people live. Mother Miranda created that barrier so people won't see us."

"Well, i'm not sure if i'm from there but all I can say is I belong to a normal village where magic or spells does not exist," she sighed.

"How did you get here?"

She stopped cutting the strawberries when The Duke suddenly crossed her mind.

"Believe it or not, I just woke up one day and i'm here."

It's been a couple of days since she met The Duke. Maybe she could ask Ingrid about that man since she lives here anyway.

"I don't know why but i'm really curious about you. I think you're nice but my sisters doesn't believe so."

She chuckled. "I also think you're nice and the cutest among your sisters."

Daniela gasped. "Really?! How could not say that a few days ago!" She tapped the table.

Clementine laughed. "Is there something you're going to do, Lady Daniela?"

"Well... I really wanted to invite you for a movie but I think you're scared of me because of what Cassandra did."

"A movie sounds good."

"Really?!" Daniel rose from her seat. "Can we watch one after you're finished with that?"

"I can see why not. As long as I wake up early for breakfast later."

"Yes!" She clapped. "Can I help you with that? I always wanted to learn how to bake but Ingrid's cooking knowledge is average."

"Come here, i'll show you."

The two of them combined the strawberries and dough, then began to roll them into small balls before placing them in the oven. Daniela was very patient as she waits for the cookies to cook.

"What movie would you like to watch?" Daniela asked.

They were walking down the hall towards Daniela's room, where they planned to watch a movie.

"Anything of your choice."

"You're not serious are you?" Daniela asked in surprise.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Usually Cassandra and Bela would choose what to watch and I figured that you would want to choose the movie."

"You invited me and it's your room we're going to."

"Okay then!" She chimed.

They stopped walking when they reached a door. Daniela opened the door and Clementine walked into the room. She roamed her eyes around Daniela's room and she was in awe.

"This is your room?" Clementine asked.

Daniela nodded. "It's small I know."

"Small? Your room is huge what are you talking about?"

Daniela's room has a second loft where a mini living room is located. She has her own bathroom, study area and a mini-garden by the balcony.

"My room is quite small compared to Bela and Cassandra's. Let's go upstairs." She said.

They climbed the second loft where her mini living room is located. Clementine placed the cookies and milk on the coffee table and she sat down on the couch. Daniela was busy looking at her CDs trying to find a movie to watch.

"Okay, okay! This is going to be good!" Daniela giggled.

"What movie did you choose?"

"Cinderella!" She exclaimed.

Daniela jumped onto the couch where Clementine was sitting. She lay onto the couch while her head was resting at Clementine's lap.

"Do you mind?" She asked.

"No, Lady Daniela," she gave the girl a smile.

One movie turned into two causing them to finish the whole series of Cinderella and then three movies suddenly went to eight. Clementine felt comfortable around Daniela's presence that she said yes about watching more movies with her. She didn't even knew that she had fallen asleep in the room. Daniela was curled up in the sofa her head still on Clementine's lap and Clementine had falled asleep sitting down. It was already six in the morning, Daniela's alarm clock was ringing but the two continued to sleep as if they hear nothing. 


Bela and Cassandra were out in the hallway freshly bathed and dressed in preparation for breakfast.

Bela stretched her arms out as she yawned. "I'm still sleepy but then i'm hungry."

"Is Daniela still in her room? I didn't hear a knock from her today." Cassandra said.

"Now that you've mentioned it, I haven't heard a knock from her too. Did she overslept?"

"That's impossible that girl never runs out of energy and even if she did we'd find her standing in the hallway."

"I think she's already in the dining room."

Cassandra nodded. "Let's head there."

The two of them went into the dining hall only seeing Donna and Angie there and no trace of Daniela.

"Daniela's not here?" Bela asked.

"No and Clementine is not in the kitchen either." Angie responded.

"Wait what? If she's not in the kitchen then what about breakfast?" Cassandra said.

"Stop thinking about food! Daniela's not here and i'm positive that she's not in the library." Bela said.

"Clementine wasn't also in her room." Angie said.

The two girls looked at her with weird faces.

"What? I just thought of checking since she's not in the kitchen."

"Did she escaped?" Bela gasped.

"Nevermind about that. I'll get Adela from the cellar and you find Daniela. We need to have a decent breakfast before mother wakes up." Said Cassandra.

"Fine," Bela rolled her eyes.

Bela exited the kitchen and walked around the hallway thinking on where Daniela would be.

"Oh, that's right! I haven't checked her room yet," she snapped.

She immediately went to Daniela's room only to see her mother coming out from the door.

"Mother?" She called.

Alcina looked at her with a warm smile on her face. "What are you doing here, Bela?"

"I was looking for Daniela, she wasn't at the dining hall."

"She's sleeping in there with Clementine."

Bela gasped. "What? Clementine's in there? What is she doing in Daniela's room?"

"I guess whe should ask Daniela once she wakes up. Let's have breakfast," she started walking.

"Mother we don't have breakfast yet," Bela bit her lower lip.

"That's not going to be a problem," the tall woman just smiled and walked away.

Bela looked at her mother's figure visibly shocked from the mood she's in.

"Why is she in a good mood?" Bela arched her eyebrow.


Clementine opened her eyes when she felt that someone was raking her hair. She saw Daniela on her side putting hair clips on the left side of her hair.

"Good morning, Clemy!" She greeted.

"What's with the nickname?" She asked as she rubs her eyes.

"Your name is too long to say so I figured why not call you something shorter."

She yawned and stretched. "What time is it?"

Daniela scratched her head and bit her lip. "Hehe, ten in the morning."

Clementine immediately rose up from the couch and went down to the first loft.

"Damnit! I forgot about breakfast!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to let you oversleep. I'll explain everything to mother," Daniela sighed.

"It's okay, Ladg Daniela. Part of it was my fault. I should've been more responsible considering that it is mh duty to feed your family."

"Let me come with you! Mother might be in the mood which might get you ending up in cellar."

Clementine faced her and nodded her head. "Okay."

They hurriedly went out of the room walking down the hallway to reach the kitchen. They were in the main hall but they came to a halt when they noticed servants at the place.

"Am I dreaming?" Clementine rubbed her eyes.

"It seems like mother has let the servants out from the basement." Daniela said.

She looked around the hall. The empty room and corridors that she used to walk in has now people in it, she's seeing people inside the enormous castle.

"Clementine!" Ingrid called.

She turned around and Ingrid immediately put her arms to hug her.

"Why are you hugging me?" She asked.

"You fool! I thought you died when I didn't saw you today!" Ingrid sighed in relief.

"Why are there people? What happened? Am I fired for not cooking breakfast?" She asked nervously.

"Lady Dimitrescu is in a good mood. She decided to let the servants who were in good health free from the basement and you know what that means!" She exclaimed. "Less work for us now that we have help."

"What do you mean by mother being in a good mood?" Daniela asked.

"She was smiling all morning and I don't know why. Maybe she just woke up from the right side of the bed today." Ingrid said.

"Wait a minute. Who cooked breakfast?" Clementine asked.

"Adela, one of my good friends here. I'll let you meet her later when she's not busy," she turned to Daniela. "Lady Daniela, I was told to escort you to the dining hall once you wake up. Shall we go now?"

Daniela looked at Clementine like she was asking for her approval. She just nodded at the girl who smiled at her.

"I'll be in my room. I'll see you later," she bid goodbye.

Ingrid and Daniela walked away heading towards the dining hall while Clementine walked upstairs going to her chambers. Everything feels weird and new to her and now she's asking herself. What made the countess free those servants in the basement? From what she heard they are kept in their for the wine and they never make it out alive at all.

She went up to her room to shower and get dressed. She missed her entire morning shift and can only make up for it with the time she has left. She was now fixing her hair in front of the vanity and letting down her waist-length curls. She went out of her room and directly made her way in the kitchen where Ingrid was talking to a girl with blonde hair.

"But yes, that's what I heard. Adaline and Lord Heisenberg has— Clementine! You're finally here!" Ingrid ran to her and hugged her.

"You already hugged me earlier," she laughed.

"Oh right, come here!" She pulled Clementine's arm. "This is Adela, the other friend I was referring to and Adela this Clementine the new maid."

"Hi! I heard wonderful things about you from Ingrid," she smiled revealing her right dimple.

"Are you sure she told you wonderful things about me?" She joked.

"Hey! What's thag supposed to mean?" Ingrid puched her arm.

She laughed. "I was kidding!"

"Oh by the way. I just wanted to praise you for this uniform, you did really great," Adela smiled.

"It was nothing. I was just ordered by Lady Dimitrescu to do so."

Ingrid snapped her fingers. "Oh right, i'm glad your here. Lady Dimitrescu told me you must meet her in her study."

"Right now? I haven't made their lunch yet."

"Adela's in charge with lunch today. Now go, you don't want the lady to wait right?"

She pursed her lips. "Of course not. But are you really sure that I don't need to cook lunch today?"

"Positive. Get out of here, please," Ingrid pushed her.

"Okay, okay i'm going," she laughed.

She exited the kitchen and immediately went to the study. When she got there she gently knocked on the door to let the lady know that she's here.

"Come in." Alcina said.

She immediately swallowed when she entered the room. Alcina was dressed in a white puff sleeve dress with her collar bone showing. She wasn't wearing a hat that revealed her jet black curvy hair, she was also wearing glasses on her eyes. She was writing something on a book when she noticed Clementine, who stood fixed on the door, staring at her.

A soft chuckle escaped her lips. The girl didn't even seem to notice that she was now looking at her.

"Clementine, if you keep staring at me like that I would melt."

Clementine regained her composure, shook her head, and cast a gaze somewhere from the room because she felt embarrassed of what she did.

"I'm sorry, I-I, it's just..." She released a breath.

"Yes? What is it?" Alcina grinned.

"I think you look really lovely, my lady," she shyly said.

"Come here and take a seat," she commanded.

Clementine took a seat in front of Alcina's table where she tried her best not to stare at the woman's face.

"You called me?" She asked.

"I think you know the reason."

She bit her lip. "I'm very sorry for neglecting my duty earlier. I should've been more responsible with my time and I know it's not an excuse but—"

Alcina pressed her fingers onto Clementine's lips making her quiet.

"I'm aware of what occurred. I went into Daniela's room to see why she hadn't come greet me this morning. I believed she was unwell until I discovered you two sleeping soundly on her loft while the television is still on," Alcina said removing her finger from the girl's lips.

"I'm not going to be fired am I?" She nervously laughed. "If i'm not going to get fired i'm positive that you'll sent me either to the basement or the cellar. If you will do that please put me into a sedative I don't want to feel tortured."

Alcina let out a heartily laugh. "Calm down, dear. I'm not thinking of firing you or sending you to the basement anytime soon."

"Then why did you call me?" She pursed her lips.

"Well..." She rose from her seat. "How do you like to be our personal maid?"

"P-personal what?!" Her jaw dropped.


Let me just cut this short again 😃

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