Karma (Wattpad Exclusive)

By flawsome_writer

1.7K 957 89

"Rosie is dead, Her body is gone blue. Karma wants to play, and it chose you." No one knew the real truth exc... More

1. The First Investigation
2. The Tribute
3. Let The Game Begin
4. Anger, Rage and Grief
5. The Letters
6. A Blue Day
7. Karma
8. Deja Vu
9. The Second Investigation
10. Bag Full Of Lies
11. Who is Jerry?
12. Digging Further
13. Nemo
14. Hush
15. Paranormal Activities
16. Surprise Surprise
17. Fresh Evidence
18. Pride Flags
19. New Plan
20. Tears and Stains
21. Back On Track
22. Marcel's POV
23. Marcel's POV
24. Another Brave Soul
25. Rock Bottom
26. Devastation
27. The Face Of Grief
28. Hope
29. The Stalker
30. The Killer
31. Play Along
32. The Hearing
33. Power vs. Justice
34. Finding Nemo
35. The Last Witness
36. Fall Into Place
37. The Last Victim
38. The Second Murder
39. A New Chapter
40. Love you, Goodbye
41. Only the beginning


188 33 21
By flawsome_writer

Ruth played with her fingers as she walked in silence. She hadn't seen Rosie after they had kissed a week ago. Ruth looked at the girl walking beside her and found her deep in thoughts. Maybe she was nervous too? So to break the ice, she ran across the road and did a somersault. "Rosie! Rosie! Look here!"

   What a cringy kind of nickname. Rosie. I never liked it. I loved her full name: Rosabella, A beautiful Rose. A rare name for a rare kind of girl. But she never liked her name. Why you ask? Well, that's a story for another day.

   Rosie was too deep in thoughts to notice Ruth. Ruth dusted herself off, feeling embarrassed. She walked up to her and tapped her hand. Rosie lifted her head and looked at her best friend. Finally, she smiled. Ruth smiled too. It was that kind of smile that held such adoration. "What's wrong?" Ruth asked, but Rosie simply shook her head in response.

   "If it's about last week, I'm sorry. I just got carried-"

   "No! No! I kissed you too. So don't worry. I'm just stressed about school," Rosie replied. Ruth wanted to ask her why she didn't contact her if it was nothing. But then she didn't text her too, so she just nodded and walked alongside Rosie. "The sky looks shady. I think it's gonna rain. We better get home soon," Ruth pointed out, and Rosie stopped. Ruth turned and looked at her. She gestured her to c'mon, but Rosie didn't move. "What's wrong ?"

   "What will you do if I didn't come to school tomorrow?"

   "Are you not well?" Ruth inquired, placing her hands on Rosie's head. Rosie shook her head and stepped back.

   "What if I don't come back to Bridgewood high?" For a second, Ruth thought it was a joke. It must be a joke, right? Why would Rosie leave Ruth and her other friends when they adored each other? Ruth saw something in her eyes. Was it tears? Pain? Or maybe both? She couldn't tell because Rosie was quick to blink the tears away.

   "What do you mean?" was all Ruth could ask as she tried to figure out what was going on.

   Rosie smiled and placed her hand on Ruth shoulder. But once again her expressions changed to something less soft as she spoke, "Leave Bridgewood High, Ruth. Find another school."

   "What do you mean? Did something happen in school yesterday?" Rosie shook her head once again and smiled. The incidents that had been happening the past few days were too painful to speak about. She couldn't dare to tell Ruth. So she hid it. "Just go to New York. Start your life there. Bridgewoods is going to be too sad for you," Rosie replied.

   "I have you, Ila, Amelia. Why would I be sad?" Ruth questioned. Poor thing had no clue what was going to happen.

   Rosie just laughed it off and shook her head. They were currently walking on Beatrix Lane towards the mini bridge. Rosie walked up over to the bridge and peeped down. The water below ran is full flow, making a calming sound. Rosie then turned and looked at Ruth. Ruth stood there with a frown on her face. Rosie chuckled and shook her head, "It's Nothing. Now here, take this," she said and removed her blue sweater.

   Ruth looked at the blue sweater and at Rosie. "But why? That is your lucky sweater that your mum knitted." Rosie laughed and put the sweater in Ruth's hand. "You are cold, aren't you? It is going to rain. You must be cold. You can give it to me later," Rosie stated. Rosie never gave her sweater to anyone, so Ruth didn't understand why she would give it to her. "C'mon Ruth, I want you to wear it. Please, won't you for me?"

   Ruth obeyed and wore it on. If there was a smell that Ruth loved, it was lavender. Just the way her best friend smelt. Just the way the sweater smelt. It made Ruth smile. "Damn, you look beautiful," Rosie commented. "Now go buy me a cup of ice cream. I heard that Mr.Fenwick is selling vanilla and red velvet duo today." Ruth's face lit up and she nodded. The familiar sound of Mr.Fenwick's truck was head. She started running towards it, determined to get some of her favorite flavor ice cream. The truck had stopped just around the corner of the lane. She panted heavily as she stood by his truck. Mr. Fenwick chuckled, "See, you are here for your red velvet and vanilla duo."

   "Make it a double," she breathed out and looked at him. He gave her two cones and she paid him. She liked her ice cream as she hummed and walked down the lane. As she approached the bridge, she saw Rosie smiling. Ruth bent to lick her ice cream when the red liquid dripped onto Rosie's sweater. "Fuck," she cured as she tried wiping it with her thumb. The more she wiped, the bigger the red stain got.

   She lifted her head to apologize to Rosie and found her missing. She walked closer to the bridge and her body froze at the sight. Rosie, her best friend Rosie, was standing on the metal fence of the bridge. As she lifted one foot, the ice cream dropped from Ruth's hand, and she sprung forward to catch the girl she loved. Her hand was only an inch away as Rosie leaned forward. But by the time Ruth could grab onto her, Rosie was falling. Ruth screamed as she watched her best friend fall into the water. The water turned red, making Ruth horrified-

   What could Ruth do? She didn't know how to swim. She looked around for someone to help but there was not a mother soul. So she ran. She ran and ran as fast as she could to the big pink house at the end of Beatrix lane. She placed her hand on her thighs as she started wheezing. She started seeing black dots and her chest tightened, but she wasn't going to let that stop her. Ruth rang the doorbell and Mrs. Davis opened the door. "Rose- bridge – she – jumped," she tried speaking as she gasped for air.

   "Calm down darling. What happened?"

   "Rosie jumped in the River- S-he j-umped! Mrs. Davis, Rosie jumped in front of my eyes," She exclaimed as she held onto the lady's arms.

   Mrs. Davis, well let's just call her by her first name. Bella. She doesn't deserve respect. Now, hearing news like that, anyone would panic, but Bella just chuckled and asked, "Is this one of your pranks?"

   "No!! She really jumped." Ruth grabbed her hands and pulled her. "Come with me! C'mon I'm scared!" But Bella didn't move. Ruth was crying, and her body trembled, but the lady didn't seem to give a dame. She just nodded and said, "Okay, lemme grab my coat, dumt barn (silly child)."

   Ruth waited outside while Bella went in. She paced back and forth on the porch as she prayed to God, "Please make her be okay. Please make her be okay," she muttered and walked around. She looked at her watch, and it had been ten minutes. She stormed into the house and found Bella going through her closet. "What the-?"

   Bella looked at her and gave Ruth her famous porcelain smile. "I can't find my black coat, darling," she said and walked around. Ruth stood there in disbelief. How could she be so careless? Well my readers, if you think Bella is Rosie's biological mother you are mistaken-

   "That's okay. Come on!" Ruth grabbed her hand and dragged her. "Child wait. My house! Ruth the house!" Bella exclaimed. Ruth ignored her and kept walking. "Galna unge!(crazy kid) Let me go!" Bella snatched her hand and stepped back. Ruth turned and looked at her in despise.

   People like Bella make me sick. It was clear she didn't care. Bella would be happy if Rosie was dead. Ruth was a fool to come after her. Poor. Poor Ruth, always seeing the good in others. Rosie was right. She knew Rosie was right. Bella Davis was a bitch.

   "Fuck you!" Ruth spat and took off. Bella stood in shock. To be honest, even I was shocked. Ruth Woods was misses goodie shoes and charity girl. She would never swear, right? Maybe We heard wrong? Or maybe it was a one time thing that came due to frustration-

   Ruth went to the Police Station and got the cops to come with her. It took them fifteen minutes to arrange for a squad and search for Rosie. Meanwhile, Ruth told the officer what had happened and Bella was called to the spot. The searching went on for nearly three hours. All they found was a shoe and bracelet. "Does this belong to your friend?" the cop asked.

   Ruth grabbed it and held it to her chest as she cried. "Yes, this is my Rosie's." The cop then walked up to Bella and said, "Ma'am, it is getting dark. We will search again tomorrow. The Beatrix river is long, so the body could be anywhere. We would let you know when we find anything. You can go home."

   Hearing this Ruth sprung to her feet and pounced at Bella. She grabbed her blouse in a fist and shook her. "It is all because of her! She was the one who took ages to come here. I told her, but she didn't care!" The officer grabbed Ruth and pulled her off Bella. Bella dusted herself and said, "I thought the child was lying."

"I was crying-" the cop caught her again before she could attack Bella. Ruth sunk to the ground and cried, "My poor Rosie is gone. I won't be able to see that smile again." The officers assured her that everything will be fine. Ruth scoffed, knowing that was a big fat lie.

   She returned home that night with high hopes that she would see her Rosie again.

   A week passed by and the body was never found. Mr. Davis came from Sweden and a funeral was arranged. An empty coffin with only her shoe and bracelet was laid out. Everyone stood by it and cried. I stood amongst the crowd and watched. Every face had crocodile tears on them. Bella was crying the loudest, which made people feel sorry for her. I watched people try to console her. My fingers curled in a fist. "My Rosie! How can she leave me! I didn't even get to see her for the last. Oh dear lord I can't even hold her body and cry. What sins have I done?" she cried.

   "Many actually," I responded in my head.

   Where had her body gone? No one knew. Some said it must have washed up on the banks and taken by a wild animal. What they spoke about more, was why she died. Some said she had depression. Some said she was sad because she scored a low grade. But none of them spoke the truth. Now the only person who knew the truth was God and Karma. So what would happen next, was up to one of them.

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