Ask Sollux And Eridan

By erisolshipper

329K 8.3K 1.8K

Hey me and fii2hdiick are bored 2o we decided two an2wer 2ome que2tiion2 and 2tuff liike that. I'm so bored... More

Ask Sollux And Eridan
#12 ?
#224 and Thanksgiving Dinner!
#228 amd Merry Christmas!
#231 Happy New Year
# 240
#243 is a good number for a perfect end.


430 17 15
By erisolshipper


*shyly walks up to the three of you* H-Hi...I just wanted to s-say something...I love all of you and I think you're all fabulous...*hugs you and dissapears *

"Oh, thank2..'

"Of course I'm fabulous!'


Hey...not having the best day but can you make my smile come back??...that's a question right?

"II don't know iif that would qualiify a2 a que2tiion, bu-ED!" *Eridan slaps solluxs ass*

"Hope that helped."


Hey guys! So, I have a question for you, ErisolShipper! Can I write a book with you PLEASE it looks really fun and I'll just hide in my corner now okaibye *hides in the corner bc nervous admin noises*

Oh.. well, I'm happy that you would want to write a book with me, but I have already attempted to write a book wuith somebody else and it just.... failed miserably. We had completely different ideas.. If you really want to write a book, just write what comes from your heart.


Oh hush Sollux.


*clears throat then points at a pole* Can you pole dance Eridan? If it's one of your abilities, I'm sure Sol would love to see it. Especially in your March drag.

(I couldn't help it. Sorry.)

"But March ii2 ove-MMGFGFHGG!" *erian covers solluxs mouth*

"Shush Sol, its wwhat they wwant.."

Oh my god..

*Eridan sits sollux down in a chair and eridan runs to his room to dress in his March clothes*

"Thii2... ii2 goiing two be awkward.."


Sollux have you ever played GTA5? Also Admin SHOW them A Erisol fanfic ( With yaoi) wink wink

'No II haven't and-"

"Oh cod! Fanfiction!"

"Admiin, you turned ED iinto a fangiirl."

"CORRECTION! I am a fanboy.."

Haha! Here's this. *makes tham read a smutty erisol fanfic*

"O-Oh cod.. " *nosebleed*

"Holy 2hiit.."


eridan and Sollux: I'd you were an animal or beast I guess what would you be and why?

"I dont knoww wwhy... but probably a -"



Eh Excuse me, but have you ever watched Hetalia? If you have who's your favourite character if not *hands over CD* watch it please. I'm sorry if I wasted your time. Oh, and *takes in a deep breath* Imareallybigfanofyourshipandpleasedontkillme

"Aww, thanks!"

"Hey Admiin, ii2n't thii2 an aniime?"

Yeah, but I haven't had any time to watch it sadly. I really want to!

"WWe can wwatch it together!"


Admin do you ship Sollux and nepeta?


"Sol is mine and only mine!"

"Let go of my face.."

Well it kinda depends..It's not going to be my OTP, because thats obviously Erisol.. but.. on a scale of one to ten, ten being HELL YES and 1 being, HELL NO... probably a 3 or 4.


3 questions

1: eridan how mad do you think your ancestor would be if he saw you and sollux together?

2: sollux what's your top favorite memory of you and eridan?

3: can I have a group hug

"Oh Cod... I dont knoww howw he wwould react... Hopefully not badly.."

"Gettiing twogether wiith hiim obviiou2ly." *kisses Eridans cheek*

"And group hug!" *all hug you*


Okay, so, you know Five Nights at Freddy's? They made a third game!! But....the series might be over and now I'm just so....lost....

"Why ii2 every one makiing a biig deal over thii2 game? IIt doe2n't really matter two me two bee hone2t. IIt2 ju2t a fuckiing game."

"I only like the first one.. the second and third kinda just..eugh."

"You 2creamed when you played iit."

"Shut it Sol!"


Eridan, how do you feel about Kanaya? (Is she more fabulous than you? Huh? Huh?) And Sollux, when you get mad, do you ever vent your anger by playing VIDEO games?

*squeals forever*

"WWhale Kan and I both havve a high sense in fshion, so I think wwe get along pretty wwhale. But I'm obvvioyusly more fabulous. Come on! Look at me!"

"Eh, 2ometime2... but iif ii am really mad, II wouldnt play viideo game2.. II miight break the remote controller iif II diid. "


Dave: Karkat says you guys are really gay but I think your cool. Sollux you need to SHOW me some mad hacking skills and Eridan I need your opinion on this *is wearing a red knee high frilly dress*

"WWhatthe fuck does gay mean?"

*sollux shrugs*

"WWhale your outfit is fabulous..... Do you have a spare in vviolet?"

"Eh, maybe 2ometiime 2triider."


Slampora means to slap....slampora sollux butt please

*Eridan whistles and slaps Sollux's ass.*

*Jumps* "What the fuck wa2 that for?"

"You knoww you liked it, Sol"



*Slaps Eridans ass.*


Heh sollux i dare you to dance to the song bring sexy back in front of eridan in only your boxers/undies xD

"Oh gog.."

I got the song! *plays it* [Play video]

"Damn you admiin.."

"WWhale I'm wwaitin' Sol~"

*sighs, taking off clothes, and dances*


WAIT if eri is a girl... then that means... you two can get grubs! Mew is smart!

"Hate two break iit two you.. but that2 not how troll reproductiion work2.."

"And I ain't bein' no girl!"


Ok so admin first off how is school and life and such? And same with you boys sollux, Eridan how is life? And admin how bad was your first story? And sollux, Eridan same question for you two if you guys have written one and if you don't mind me asking. Mine was on I guess for what grade I was in when I made it and what class but still and Eridan what is your favorite thing to draw/color when you do if you do. Sollux what is your favorite book to read. Both sollux and Eridan. 1. What was your favorite memory of you and your lusus when you guys were a wriggler. 2. What is your own opinions if the best date like what is the location, what are you doing , and what type of food.

Admin how did you meet these two?

( sorry for all the questions I just wanted to ask them all before they disappear out of my head so enjoy the overload of questions)

Wow thats a lot...

Well... NOW I am Home-schooled. I just had a lot of problems at my public school I had to get away from it. It was tearing me apart physically and mentally. Life is... okay I guess... And My first story was fricking terrible. I want to delete it off of my works but so many people read it.. and stuff... and some actually like it, which surprises me... Oh and the story of how we met. *laughs* Quite the story.. I was simply listening to music when I hear these two fighting. I broke it up, for a brief period od time I was their Auspicious. To keep them from killing eachother, We all ended up here living together! And my plan to make them matesprits worked!!

"WWhale Im glad it did. Noww my life has been so much better wwith Sol in it."

"That2 2weet."

" I... hehe, actually made a small fanfiction a wwhile back... It's so embarrassin.."

"What wa2 iit?'

"Harry Potter."

Hahaha! Oh my god!

"And sometimes I like to draww some new designs for my scarfs and capes. Or just-"

"Harry potter coloriing book2. II 2aw them under your bed."


"Book2. well, IIm not much of a reader.. 2o II don't have a favouriite thiing two read and my favouriite memory of my lu2u2.. II remember he took me two a park, and II wa2 two afraiid two go down a 2liide. II 2tarted cryiing and he took me home. He made me cookiie2 and put me two bed after."


"2top fangiirliing!"

"I rememberm my lusus let me havve a ride on his back, and after that he gavve me a cape that wwas dragging behind me.."


"Heh, that2 cute."

"It wwould be reely romantic if the date wwas just somewwhere quiet to be alone. And evven more romantic if the other one cooked! Just... Not sea food."

"II'll ju2t have two do that 2omeday, won't II ED?~" *He wraps his arms around Eridans waist*

*Blushes.* "Maybe.."


well.... soRRy foR breAKIng you but I do hAve some good news! EveRythIng Is BACK to normAl In my tImelIne! erIdAn cAme bAcK... somehow And youR no longeR cRAzy! plus you two hooked up!

"As long as wwe hooked up, Im definately fine wwith it."

"Me two."

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