Royalty? [HIATUS]

By _anime_koibito

338K 7.4K 5.7K

[HIATUS: unclear when it ends] Izuku Midoriya was peacefully living with his mother, Inko Midoriya, in Japan... More

CHAPTER 1 - The Letter
CHAPTER 2 - Big Sis
CHAPTER 3 - Girlfriend?
CHAPTER 4 - Permission
CHAPTER 5 - Vacation
CHAPTER 6 - Reunion
CHAPTER 7 - The Academy
CHAPTER 8 - Bonding
CHAPTER 9 - The Last Day
CHAPTER 10 - Returning Home
CHAPTER 11 - Green Hurricane
CHAPTER 12 - Studying
CHAPTER 13 - The Date
CHAPTER 14 - Boyfriend And Girlfriend
CHAPTER 15 - Revealing Secrets
CHAPTER 16 - Her Family
CHAPTER 17 - Finals
CHAPTER 18 - Recovery Girl's Office
CHAPTER 19 - Travels
CHAPTER 20 - His Family
CHAPTER 21 - The Red Book
CHAPTER 22 - Haircut
CHAPTER 23 - Prince Izuku
CHAPTER 24 - Class 2A
CHAPTER 25 - Hero Blaze
CHAPTER 26 - Amelia's first lesson
CHAPTER 27 - Let The Sports Festival Begin!
CHAPTER 28 - The First Day
CHAPTER 29 - Sports Fest (1)
CHAPTER 30 - Sports Fest (2)
CHAPTER 31 - Sports Fest (3)
CHAPTER 32 - Girl Talk with Amelia
CHAPTER 34 - Rumors
CHAPTER 35 - Surprise
CHAPTER 36 - Sandwiches

CHAPTER 33 - The Wedding

3.4K 84 42
By _anime_koibito


"What is it Ochako?"

The couple were currently in Ochako's room cuddling on her bed. Ochako clearly had something to tell her boyfriend but somehow she hadn't been able to get it out the past week.

"You know how I'm very close to my cousins? We practically grew up together and we're like siblings." she said.

"Yeah I know. You've told me before." he calmly answered.

"One of my cousins' getting married. And she invited me to her wedding obviously."

"That's wonderful!" he smiled at her.

"Yeah..." she paused a bit before she got up and looked him in the eye. "I've told my cousins that I'm in a relationship and they really want to meet you now. So they kind of invited you too."

"Oh. You know that I'm not good at socializing... but I'll go for your sake" he paused for a bit. "...And you came to the dinner party my family hosted so I kind of owe you, don't I?" he smiled. In truth Izuku was quite nervous.

"Thank you Izuku, I really appreciate it!" she hugged him. "I was gonna ask you before but I kind of hesitated."

"You know that you don't need to hesitate when asking me something, right?" he said as he was caressing her silky hair.

"Of course Izuku. I just hesitated because I know that you don't enjoy situations where you are forced to socialize."

"Thank you for being so considerate, but next time feel free to ask. I'll do it as long as I'm not the center of attention."

They continued their cuddle session until it was getting pretty late. Izuku would need to return to his room since a guy was not allowed to be in the girls' side of the dorm after curfew and vice versa.

"I better get going now, curfew is nearing." Izuku explained to his drowsy girlfriend. It seemed like she was about to fall asleep.

"Oh... Okay..."

He got up and kissed her forehead before heading to the door.

"Oh, and Izuku."

"Yes?" he responded as he turned around.

"The wedding is in two days..." she said quietly as she drifted off to sleep.

Izuku chuckled and facepalmed. It certainly was not like Ochako to tell him something last minute.

He would need to talk to her after a good night's sleep.

* * *

"Good morning everyone!" Ochako greeted her early classmates as she got out from the elevator.

Izuku who was sitting with his bowl of cereal smiled at her with his mouth full. After getting herself her own bowl of cereal, Ochako sat down beside her boyfriend.

"Did you sleep well?" the greenette asked making the girl nod. He chuckled. "The wedding is tomorrow and you still don't have a dress do you?"

"You're right" she giggled. "I wanted to know if you were coming so that we could match."

"YOU GUYS ARE GETTING MARRIED AND YOU DIDN'T EVEN TELL ME?!" Ashido yelled from across the table making the two choke on their cereal.

After coughing for a short while and drinking water, Ochako started laughing while Izuku was frantically trying to explain their situation.

"N-no we're not getting married! N-n-not yet at least. We're invited to Ochako's cousin's wedding." Izuku tried to explain.

"And even if we were getting married it would need months of preparation. Even normal weddings need many months of preparation, I can't even imagine a royal one." Ochako giggled.

"Right, I always forget that you boyfriend IS A LITERAL PRINCE!" Ashido exclaimed. "I can't wait for your wedding though! Do you think you're gonna wear a super fancy tiara like in the movies?"

Ochako looked at Izuku. "Do they wear super fancy tiaras in royal weddings?" she asked her boyfriend.

"Yeah, it's a tradition." he chuckled.

"Oh my goshhhhh! I'm so jealous of you Ocha!" the pink-haired girl yelled. "Oh! But I am definitely going to be there for your wedding gown trials!" she squealed.

Ochako giggled at her best friend's silliness. "Anyways! Let's just wear the same clothes we did at the event in England." she told her eating boyfriend.

"Sure. That's fine with me." he answered. "Do you have a wedding gift for them or are you giving yours with your parents?"

"Oh no! I totally forgot! I don't even know what my parents are getting them!" the brunette was now panicking. She hadn't even thought of the gift. She had only worried about whether Izuku would accept the invitation or not because if he didn't she would need to deal with her cousins' interrogations again.

"Calm down Ochako. We'll figure something out." the green-haired guy said in an attempt to calm his girlfriend down.

"Figure what out?" Amelia asked as she approached the dining table in her hero costume. She would visit the 2-A dorms every school morning. Since today was a Friday she was naturally going to visit them first thing in the morning.

"We're invited to my cousin's wedding and the wedding is tomorrow but we still don't have a gift." Ochako explained to the blonde teacher.

"Oh! I have the perfect idea! Why don't you focus on today's classes and I'll handle the gift?" Amelia said.

"Really? Thank you Amelia but we should be the ones to get them gifts since we're the ones invited." Ochako said trying to turn down her offer.

"No, no it's fine! Let's just say you owe me one, alright?" she insisted.

* * *

"I'm never gonna get tired of this outfit." Ochako said to herself and the girls as she was inspecting her reflection in front of a mirror. She had straightened her dress since it had been in a suitcase ever since they arrived and had gotten all wrinkly.

"You look gorgeous, Ocha." Ashido said while lying down on the brown-haired girls bed. The girls of class 2-A had gathered in Ochako's room that evening. They were waiting for Amelia who was going to be a little late. After she arrives they were going to have their weekly girl talk.

After waiting for a short while, they heard a knock from the other side of the door. Seconds later, Amelia walked in wearing some lounge wear. "Hi girls. Did I miss anything beside Ochako looking like a literal snack?"

Ochako giggled. "Thank you, and no you didn't miss anything Amelia."

"That's great!" She then took out an envelope from her pocket before sitting down beside the rest of the girls. "Oh, and here's the wedding gift."

Ochako opened the envelope since it seemed to not be sealed yet. Inside there was a week long vacation check to a five star hotel in England. "Oh, Amelia, I don't know what to say."

"You don't like it?" The blonde asked tilting her head sideways.

"No, I love it! And I'm sure my cousin will also love it. She was sad because the wedding had become too expensive and they would need to postpone their honeymoon for a year. Thank you so much, Amelia." The brunette explained.

"It's nothing really. Don't forget to congratulate the couple from me." Amelia answered with a smile. She was glad to be of help to a young couple.

After Ochako had changed out of her dress, everyone was ready to start their girl talk. At this point, everyone was craving some hot, exclusive tea.

"So Amelia, any news about Daniel, also known as, the guy who is totally obsessed with you?!" Ashido asked, starting the girl talk off with a hot topic amongst the girls.

"Yes haha." She giggled. "He is actually refusing to leave Japan until I go on a date with him. And since I can't have him bothering me all the time, being a teacher and all, I accepted and we're going on a date this Sunday."

"Oh my god! What have you guys planned so far?" Jirou asked Amelia.

"I don't know. I left the planning to him since he is the one who invited me in the first place." The nineteen-year-old answered.

"Are you okay with us tailing you during your date or would you prefer to give a full report on Monday?" Ashido asked with stars in her eyes.

Amelia giggled. "I appreciate your concern... I think... but I can handle a date. I'll just give you guys a 'full report' on Monday."

* * *

It was the next day, Saturday morning. Ochako and Izuku were currently in front of the front doors of the dorms. Izuku was there to see his girlfriend off because she was going to head to the hotel where her cousin had stayed the night. The bride, bridesmaids and her other girlfriends were all going to get ready there before heading to the wedding venue together.

Izuku had planned to directly go to the venue right before the ceremony was planned to start. Ochako had originally thought of going there already dressed, but she wanted to travel comfortably and didn't want to soil her dress with sweat before the ceremony.

"I'll be going now." Ochako said smiling after she had checked that she had everything she needed in her bag.

"If you'd like, I can drop you off with my bike?" Izuku suggested as a lightbulb lighted in his head. "It'll be faster and you won't need to carry your bag around."

"Oh! If you don't have anything else to do then sure." His girlfriend responded.

Izuku grabbed his shoes and put them on before standing up and opening the door for his girlfriend. They went out, closed the door beind themselves and headed for the parking lot hand in hand.

They were walking in a comfortable silence, enjoying the gentle spring breeze. "I've actually never been to a wedding before." Izuku said, breaking the silence.

"Really?" His girlfriend looked at him for a few seconds. "Well if you are nervous, there is actually no need to be. Weddings are so much fun. The ceremony can be a bit boring if the couples vows are too long, but other than that it's a very happy occasion."

"I think I'll be fine as long as you don't leave me alone. I don't know anyone after all and I'm not exactly the most extroverted person either." He said as he scratched the back of his neck with his free hand.

"My mom and dad will be there-you're acquainted with them." Ochako said as she giggled. Her words made Izuku look at his girlfriend with a dead face. "I'm kidding! Don't worry I won't leave you alone." She smiled.

After almost twenty minutes, they had arrived in front of the hotel. Both of them got off the bike and took their helmets off. Izuku opened the hatch and took out Ochako's bag, replacing it with the helmet she was wearing.

"They're probably waiting for me." his girlfriend said.

He gave her a quick peck on the lips before she proceeded to walk to the entrance. "I'll see you later, have fun." Izuku said as he waved.

She waved back and then turned around and walked inside. Ochako walked to the reception and asked the receptionist the room number of her cousin. She didn't waste any time and went straight to the elevator after getting her answer.

The brunette now stood in front of the room and knocked on the door. The door was opened by Mayu, her cousin who was getting married.

"Mayu!" Ochako squealed as she quickly hugged her.

"Ochako! You finally made it! I was worried you were not coming to the wedding for a minute." Mayu explained as she giggled.

As she stepped inside she saw her other cousins, Aiko and Eiko, the twins, and Ichika. Ochako had grown up with Mayu and the other three and being together with all of them made her very nostalgic. She hugged them one by one before greeting Mayu's other friends who were also there, but she didn't really know them.

"Oh and also, we saw you from the window~!" Eiko said playfully as she wiggled her brows.

"Was it your boyfriend who dropped you off?" Aiko asked.

"Obviously it was! They wouldn't have kissed otherwise." Mayu exclaimed while smirking at Ochako.

Ochako started blushing. "So you saw all that, huh?" she said flustered.

"I even filmed it!" Eiko shouted while waving her phone in front of Ochako's face.

"Eiko, stop messing around! Delete it!" Ochako yelled trying to take the phone from Eiko. She succeeded seeing as though she is the hero in training amongst the bunch.

Unfortunately, Eiko had locked her phone. "Ugh! EIKO! Delete it!" she yelled as she threw the phone back at her cousin.

"No can do! I'm saving it as Blackmail material." her cousin stated.

"Wha-?" Before Ochako could even finish her word, a knock was heard at the door. The makeup artists and the hair stylists had arrived.

* * *

The ceremony was about to start and Ochako was currently trying to get in touch with her boyfriend who is usually very punctual, but for some reason was about to be late for a wedding.

He answered the third time she called. "Izuku! Finally! Where are you?" she almost yelled. A lot of people had arrived and taken their seats, so she couldn't be too loud even if she felt like it.

"I'm outside now. It took me a while to find the venue, but I've locked up my bike and am heading inside." Izuku answered his stressed girlfriend.

"Okay, I'm heading to the entrance. I'll see you there." the brunette said and hung up before he even had the chance to say anything.

The girl quickly exited the venue and went outside to see her boyfriend standing beside the door, and awkwardly meeting the gazes of the other guests who were coming in through the doors.

Izuku sighed in relief when he saw his girlfriend approaching him. "Finally. I thought I was gonna die from all the stares."

Ochako giggled. "We got even more stares after you decided to impulsively kiss me in the middle of the Sports Festival." the brown-haired girl claimed as she was fixing Izuku's tie.

"That's not the same. We didn't actually see the people who saw the whole thing." Izuku argued.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say Your Highness." Ochako jokingly said as she linked arms with her boyfriend.

"You look very beautiful, by the way." the greenette complimented his girlfriend with a pinkish tint visible on his cheeks.

"Thank you Izuku. And you look very handsome." Ochako smiled at her boyfriend before they started walking inside.

As they went through the doors, the attention of Ochako's side of the family was mostly on the couple. While the groom's side of the family didn't pay any attention to the couple whatsoever.

The ceremony was about to begin so the young couple quickly got seated on the second row to the left beside Ochako's cousins and parents.

Izuku greeted his girlfriend's parents first. "It's good to see you Mr and Mrs Uraraka. I hope you've been doing well."

Mr Uraraka simply gave him a short nod as a response while Mrs Uraraka hugged the young boy, taking him by surprise. "It's good to see you too dear." she said. Izuku made sure to hug back though.

He turned to his girlfriend to see three other girls standing by her side. "Girls, this is my boyfriend, Izuku." Ochako introduced him to the girls.

He shook hands with all three of them one by one. First with Ichika, then with Aiko and lastly Eiko. "Nice to meet you all, I'm Izuku Midoriya."

"Ochako has told us a lot about you." Ichika said with a smile. "She can't stop talking about all the romantic things you do for her whenever the five of us are FaceTiming."

"Is that so?" Izuku said as he smiled and looked lovingly at his blushing girlfriend.

After a while of talking with Ochako and her curious cousins, they heard music starting to play. Everyone stood up as the groom walked down the aisle with his groomsmen following behind him.

Soon after, the bridesmaids also walked up to the altar. Then a small girl, who appeared to be the flower girl went down the aisle, while throwing flower petals on the carpet.

The bride entered the venue, both arms linked with her parents. The groom started crying and was desperately trying to wipe away all his tears before his bride reached the altar.

* * *

The ceremony ended and it was now time for partying and celebrating the newly married couple.

Ochako and Izuku were sitting down on one of the round tables while most of the people were out on the dance floor, dancing as if there was no tomorrow.

"Do you think you'll cry at our wedding?" Ochako asked her boyfriend.

"Yeah, definitely. You know how much of a crybaby I am. I'll probably have snot and tears all over my suit by the time you reach the altar." he chuckled.

"True." Ochako agreed and giggled.

After dancing for almost an hour straight, Mayu and her husband decided that they were tired, so they decided to take a seat next to the younger couple.

Izuku and Ochako stood up as they saw the married couple approaching them.

Ochako hugged her older cousin tightly. "Mayu! I can't believe you're married now!" she exclaimed making Mayu giggle.

"Congratulations." Izuku congratulated the couple with a smile.

"Thank you! You must be Ochako's boyfriend! Nice to meet you." Mayu said holding out her hand.

Izuku shook her hand from across the table. "Likewise."

"By the way! You guys look so cool and sophisticated with your matching outfits!" Mayu complimented them.

"Thank you! It was actually Izuku's sister who got them for us when we were in England." Ochako replied.

"Oh! Right! You did tell us that your boyfriend was half English and half Japanese, am I correct?" the woman said, remembering one of their recent phone calls.

"Yes." Izuku said smiling. "Oh and before we forget, here's your wedding gift from me and Ochako." Izuku said as he took the envelope out of his pocket and gave it to the woman in white.

She opened it up and took out the contents of the envelope. It took her a while to process the information and react.

"I-I... I don't know what to say..." Mayu began speaking as she started to get teary. Her husband was quick to hug her. "Is it really okay for me to accept this?" she asked.

"Of course it is. We specifically arranged this for you and your husband." Izuku said with a small but sympathetic smile.

"Mayu, dear, why are you crying?" Mrs Uraraka asked as she and her husband approached the table and sat down.

"She just got very emotional because of the gift we just received from your daughter and her boyfriend." Mayu's husband explained.

"What did you give them?" Mr Uraraka asked the couple.

Mayu wiped away her tears and fixed her composure, before answering instead of the couple. "They got us a completely free trip to a five star hotel in England." Mayu said as she smiled gratefully at Ochako and Izuku.

"Awe, that's very sweet of you guys, isn't it honey?" Mrs Uraraka stated, searching for agreement from her husband.

"Yes, it is indeed very thoughtful of them." Mr Uraraka agreed and glanced at Izuku.

"You guys are doing heroic deeds even before you have become full fledge heroes. I will never forget this." Mayu said.

Ochako and Izuku looked at each other and smiled widely.

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