That's Racing Baby | Lando No...

By happywookie

491K 9.2K 6.1K

BOOK ONE Emilia Miller is 2021's new talent replacing Nicholas Latifi for a season in a much improved William... More

2021 Driver Lineup
2021 Race Calender
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3: Race One
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7: Race Two
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11: Race Three
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14: Race Four
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17: Race Five
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20: Race Six
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24: Race Seven
Chapter 25
Chapter 27: Race Eight
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32: Race Nine
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35: Race Ten
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42: Race Eleven
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53: Race Thirteen
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56: Race Fourteen
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60: Race Fifteen
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64: Race Sixteen
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67: Race Seventeen
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71: Race Eighteen
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75: Race Nineteen
Chapter 76
Chapter 77: Race Twenty
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80: Race Twenty-One
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84: Race Twenty-Two
Chapter 85
Chapter 86: Race Twenty-Three
Author's Note
Bonus Chapter One
Bonus Chapter Two
Sequel now out!

Chapter 26

6K 116 128
By happywookie

Most people's least favourite day of the week was Monday. Not Emilia. She disliked Thursdays. Why? Thursday was media day. And why did Emilia dislike media day? She doesn't like talking to people. Especially, this week as she'd been paired up with Valtteri Bottas whom she'd had an incident with in Baku. This was definitely going to be a horrible day.

"Let's just get this over with." Emilia sighed as they entered the paddock. She had Aurelia and Christine beside her as she waved at Kym Illman who was lying down on the floor taking photos of the additions to the lively paddock.

"For today, you have a press conference, team meetings most of the afternoon and you'll have dinner here. Then you have a call with your parents this evening but you can do that in your hotel room." Aurelia informed. Emilia was glad she had her because she had completely forgotten that. Well today was going to be a shit day.

"Good luck with that." Christine sniggered. Emilia nudged her friend next to her.

"It's not funny. You're going to have to deal with a grumpy me all day as well. Maybe if you didn't keep pushing me so hard I would be in a better mood as well." Christine had been training Emilia extra hard this week and she was not very appreciative of it.

"Just because I'm your friend doesn't mean you get it easier. Plus, you don't have the testosterone that the boys do so you're at a disadvantage and have to work harder." Christine explained. 

"Emilia, it is ten in the morning. You have got a shit day ahead of you, you can't sulk already." Aurelia reasoned. Emilia made a further effort to sulk to annoy Aurelia. "Brighten up, Lando's ahead."

"Why does that mean I need to brighten up?" Emilia quietly asked.

"Because you need to show him what he's missing. Show him that you're happy without him." Aurelia justified.

"But I'm not." Emilia answered.

"Smile." Aurelia whispered harshly. Emilia stood tall and strode towards Lando without even looking at him.

"Em, can we talk?" Lando cut in front of her so she couldn't step further.

"Emilia has places to be." Aurelia spitefully replied for her friend and dragged her round Lando. Emilia turned her head to look at Lando as she was being pulled away. "Emilia, no."

"I don't see how one conversation can be bad." Emilia whined once he was out of earshot. She desperately wanted to talk to Lando, wanted to be in his arms, wanted to run her fingers through his hair as she kissed him.

"Because it won't just be one conversation. You'll end up getting back with him." Aurelia lowered her voice but was still quite loud. "I love you and I don't want you to get hurt by him again."

"He left me coffee and flowers this morning." Emilia exhaled deeply.

"Why's that significant?" Christine joined the conversation after being Switzerland per usual.

"You know how Lando got hammered at Alex's birthday? Well he came back to my room and he threw up. As he was leaving with George, he asked whether he could do anything to repay me and I said coffee and flowers. That was like three months ago."

"You think coffee and flowers make up for cheating?" Aurelia queried judging the driver.

"No, I'm just saying it's cute that he remembered." Emilia shrugged and drunk from her water bottle to hide her smile. It was a really thoughtful gift. When the hotel caterers turned up with it at her door, she instantly knew who it was from. It came with a note saying sorry but nothing too elaborate.

"I mean I'm all team Lamilia here but not after that." Aurelia stubbornly responded.

"I'm meant to be the one in the bad mood today, not you." Emilia chuckled. She still thought the ship names were cliché but left the subject alone.

"I'm not in a bad mood." Aurelia indifferently answered. She definitely was.

Luckily, Aurelia's mood improved significantly throughout the morning much to Emilia's delight. However, Emilia did the opposite. She hadn't even gotten to the press conference yet and she was already pissed off. It was just a ton of small things that were adding up and really annoying Emilia.

"Good luck with this afternoon." George smirked as they sat down for lunch.

"I'm pissed off as it is, let's not go there." Emilia huffed slamming her tray down on the table. She didn't mean to aggressively put it down on the table but she wasn't about to apologise for it.

"Why what's happened?" George queried as he shoved green leafy stuff into his mouth.

"Just loads of stuff. Eating salad is not helping." Emilia answered examining the lettuce on the end of her fork.

"I know! Look everyone is eating nice fish. We actually burn more calories than everyone else as well so why do we eat the salad?" George complained.

"I think we suggest that everyone eats salad so we're all equally unhappy." Emilia proposed with a grumpy look on her face.

"You are a proper ray of sunshine today." George laughed.

"It's not funny." Emilia hit her teammate which only made him laugh harder. "Fine, I'm going to sit with someone else." Emilia picked up her tray but George grabbed her wrist. He composed himself trying not to laugh.

"Okay, I'm sorry. Please sit back down." George apologised. Emilia sighed and listened to George. "Thank you, I have no other friends here."

"Yeah, I can see why." Emilia bit back.

"Wow." George raised his eyebrows. "What's your morning been like then?"

"I dropped a front wing on my foot, kicked a metal pole, argued with John oh and Aurelia wouldn't let me speak to Lando and I wanted to speak to him even though I'm still mad at him." Emilia recounted. She realised as soon as she'd said Lando's name she shouldn't have.

"I thought Lando was mad at you?" George questioned. Emilia was confused now, had he heard something?

"Why is he mad at me?"

"Because you almost crashed into him in Baku." George stated with a baffled tone. "Why is there something else?" No there definitely was not something else.

"There was debris there, I didn't almost crash into him." Emilia argued. "But he blamed me on his stream and wasn't particularly nice in what he said so I'm not talking to him."

"Isn't that a bit petty?" Oh if only George knew what he'd really done. But she couldn't tell him; it would ruin their friendship. He was really mad at her boyfriend when she told him he cheated so she left George and Lando to be friends and hoped he would never connect the dots.

"Probably, but today I don't care." Emilia shrugged. She saw her manager walking over to her and groaned.

"Emilia, it's time to go." Aurelia optimistically called. She was trying to instil some positivity to the grouchy Brit but it didn't seem to work.

"Can I please quickly run on the track and wait until I get hit by something fast?" Emilia groaned.

"No, come on." Aurelia laughed.

"There's no action on track today. The fastest thing there is a bike." George pointed out.

"That'll do enough damage to get me out of this." Emilia replied.

"Emilia, no! You cannot go into this press conference with this attitude." Aurelia lectured.

"So we agree I don't have to go. Wait, how come George hasn't left yet?" Emilia protested as her teammate was sitting there chuckling away.

"I really like this Emilia; she should appear more often." George laughed. Emilia stuck her middle finger up in response to the comment.

"George is in the right headspace to answer questions so he doesn't need preparing." Aurelia noticed.

"Fine, ask me a question." Emilia sat back down.

"Where do you think the blame lies for the accident on Sunday?" Aurelia complied with Emilia's request.

"It was all his fault. Toto's a wanker for making me say otherwise." Emilia responded with her arms folded. George choked on his food that he eating.

"Precisely." Emilia had proved the Spaniard's point for her. "George, if you were Emilia, how would you answer that? And I suggest you answer it properly." Aurelia threatened.

"I'd probably say that it was a racing incident and say what you said Sunday as well. I also would leave the whole thing about Toto being a wanker." George smugly replied.

"Obnoxious, pretentious –" Emilia didn't to finish her sentence as Aurelia interrupted her.

"We'll see you later George." Aurelia smiled as she yanked Emilia up and into her driver room where Christine was waiting with the punching bag ready. "Emilia you cannot behave like that. You'd better not go in there and call Toto a wanker. I don't even know what it means, I presume it's British."

"Yes it is." Christine nodded as she put boxing gloves on Emilia. "We need all this anger gone before the press conference." Emilia punched all the negativity out of her and felt much better afterwards.

"Right, get changed and let's go." Aurelia clapped her hands satisfied with how Emilia felt. She knew the driver didn't have anger issues but it was debatable whether she had attitude problems.

Together, they strolled towards the building where her press conference would be held. She didn't see why they did them in pairs on Thursdays. They also tended to do some in fives which Emilia preferred as the attention was on her less. 

"Right, keep calm, breathe. Be nice and be the better person. They're going to wind you up and get you to say something stupid. Don't let them win." Aurelia hyped her driver up. Emilia honestly got less instructions before a race start but then she could race, she couldn't talk. "Right, keep walking." Aurelia ushered Emilia into the building.

"Why? What's going on?" Emilia followed her manager's instructions but she was perplexed.

"Emilia, can we speak?" A voice behind Emilia requested. She recognised the accent and sighed.

"Emilia is about to go into this press conference, Toto. She has been in a really bad mood all morning and we've managed to cheer her up so she doesn't say anything stupid for example revealing that you made her blame herself. I suggest you wait until after the press conference to speak to her." Aurelia recommended with an attitude. Emilia raised her eyebrows at the response from her manager.

"Okay, I will speak to you later Emilia, remember what I said on Sunday." Toto reminded and walked out of the building. Emilia was hoping he would say that it was his fault but that was severely unrealistic.

"Forget he was here, focus." Aurelia reiterated. Emilia nodded and went into the room with a grin. She went for a fist bump with Valtteri but he ignored her. Great start. At least it looked like she was trying.

"So, obviously the tension is quite high between you two, is there any chance of you forgiving each other? Emilia first please." The questions started as soon as she had sat down, at least give her a moment to prepare herself for this torture. 

"Yeah, I mean incidents happen all the time. There's that initial despise of the person who ruined your race at first or yourself, if you crash yourself out. But you move on because otherwise, by the end of the career you're going to hate everyone on the grid." Emilia felt like she answered that with a lot of positivity and optimism. She also felt like she made a good point which helped.

"And you Valtteri."

"Well, I think sometimes there are people in life you don't get along with. And yes, the blame has to be put somewhere and not just on a racing incident. Especially midway through the race, you can't call that a racing incident." Bottas accused Emilia of calling his crash a racing incident. Did he not watch her interviews? She wouldn't be part of the Mercedes Driver Academy if she had called it that. And Valtteri had never spoken to her before so how would he know if they got along.

"I never said it was a racing incident." Emilia threw a dirty look as she commented on what Valtteri had indicated.

"Pretty sure you did." Valtteri retorted.

"I didn't because –" Emilia stopped herself.

"Yes?" Valtteri was trying to get her to continue.

"Next question." Emilia requested. She calmed herself down as Aurelia at the back was signalling her to breathe.

"Emilia, I saw Toto outside trying to talk to you and you didn't look to happy. Is your relationship better or worse with him following the tussle with Valtteri?"

"Well, obviously he wasn't too happy after the race. I don't know what he wanted to speak to me about because I said I'd speak to him once we're done here. Surprisingly or well not, I need more coaching on these press conferences than races so my manager doesn't let anyone speak to me between readying myself and getting here." Emilia responded. It was a bit personal for her but she knew that she might as well answer it like that.

"And what does this readying yourself involve?"

"Usually a punching bag and some mental preparation because I'm not very good at all of this." Emilia laughed. She never laughed in a press conference normally she just felt that she had to make herself more likeable as she knew she wasn't some people's favourite at the moment. Emilia also dodged the question about her and Toto's relationship because she didn't know herself. There were a few questions to the Mercedes driver about next season before it came back to Emilia.

"Do you believe you were at fault for the accident?"

"I believe I may have been too aggressive." Emilia answered neutrally. It still sounded forced and unbelievable.

"At least make it sound authentic." Valtteri chuckled. "You sound like you were forced to say that." Emilia wanted to answer with yes but she couldn't so she laughed instead.

"You really don't have to dislike me so much." Emilia shrugged. She was actually trying to be friendly.

"Maybe if you could drive I'd reconsider." Bottas snidely remarked. Emilia gritted her teeth but smiled before turning back to face the questioners. It went to Bottas so Emilia could breathe. The next one came back to Emilia.

"Do you feel any inclination to date the drivers?" What an absurd and sexist question. They weren't asking Bottas that.

"Of course, that's how she got her seat." Valtteri chuckled. He did not just say that.

"That's utterly ridiculous." Emilia answered. She knew she couldn't just leave it at that. "You have no idea how many extra hours I have to train because it's harder for me to put on muscle because I'm a woman. I have had to deal with periods while I'm in the middle of a race. My uterus was reconstructing itself while I drive at over two hundred miles an hour. Oh I'm sorry does the talk of a NATURAL THING THAT HAPPENS EVERY MONTH make you feel uncomfortable? Because it shouldn't do. It's natural, we can't help or control it." Emilia stopped for a breath but she was not done. "Anything I do on track as well is related to the fact that I'm a girl. Why doesn't everyone see me equal to the rest of you and my gender is always brought into this?" The room was silent when she paused, that satisfied her. "When I was little, there was no female role model to look up to. I am racing for the girls at home who have an ambition to become a Formula 1 driver because I've shown that it's possible to get here. They have someone to look up to now and I am trying my best to be a good role model for them and it does not help by people like you saying I only got here because I screwed another driver." Emilia shouted.

All the attention was on her but for once she was happy with that. She surveyed the room. Valtteri was looking at his feet some of the press were gawking in astonishment. 

"Any more questions you want to throw at me?" Emilia asked. When the only response was silence, she stormed out the room. She heard someone running after her and presumed it was Aurelia but she didn't stop running. Toto stopped her outside.

"We need to talk now Emilia." Toto decided. Emilia put her hand on her forehead and caught her breath.

"Can we please do this later?"

"It's only quick, I just wanted to apologise for the outburst of anger I expressed on Sunday. It was uncalled for but I did need you to take the blame for this." Toto apologised. Emilia really didn't care she needed to get inside before everyone saw her cry.

"Yeah fine cool. I need to go." Aurelia had caught Emilia up and together they jogged back to the Williams building. She got in her driver room where she immediately whacked the punching bag.

"Gloves Emilia please." Aurelia requested.

"How fucking dare he? I got my seat because I slept with a driver?" Emilia shouted. She was irater than she had been after finding out Lando cheated.

"Christine, we need you!" Aurelia called out the door. Christine had been heard running up the stairs before she was seen.

"Emilia, get gloves on please." Christine demanded. She didn't listen to her trainer either. "What happened?" She asked Aurelia. Emilia answered for her.

"He suggested I'd said that it was a racing incident and almost made me spill that Toto made me blame myself. I got asked whether I felt any inclination to date another driver and he said that's how I got my seat. Last time I checked that question was for me, not him. So I went off." Emilia explained between jabs at the bag.

"She probably shouldn't have flipped out but every word she said was perfect. It was seriously good and inspirational." Aurelia praised. "I want to post that on your Instagram later."

"Really?" Emilia stopped punching to look at Aurelia.

"Yeah, you shouldn't have lost your temper but you I'm almost happy that you did. You said that periods should be normalised because they're natural, your gender is brought into everything and you stated that you're trying to race for kids who now have a role model. You didn't step a foot wrong in my opinion and I think you should be proud of that." Aurelia hugged her driver. "I'm not kidding."

"I don't think I can do this anymore. I'm going to get so much hate for that." Emilia sobbed.

"You're going to get hate whatever, all the drivers do. You're not alone on that." Aurelia assured. She let Emilia got and she slid down the wall to sit on the floor. Aurelia looked to Christine worriedly who had the same look on her face.

"Are you okay?" George appeared at the doorway and Emilia lifted her head up. He saw that she had been crying and went to crouch down next to her. "What did he say?"

"He said I only got the seat because I would date the drivers." Emilia was hyperventilating from crying so much. Aurelia intervened and told Emilia to breathe. She did so before it got any worse.

"Emilia, went off like she put everyone in their places." Aurelia proudly told George.

"Yeah but not everyone will agree with me and then I'll get so much shit and I don't know how much more I can take." Emilia sighed.

"Do you want chocolate?" Christine queried. Emilia nodded her head and Christine pulled Aurelia out the room to go and get her some. It left George with his teammate. Maybe it was a tactical move from Christine as she wanted the two of them alone or she perhaps didn't know where to find chocolate in the paddock. George moved and sat on the floor next to Emilia.

"You are amazing, you know that right?" George quietly said to Emilia. "You said what you were thinking which a lot of people don't have the guts to do in a press conference because of the repercussions. I know Aurelia is really hard on you when it comes to media and she was full of praise after that. And I know you have spiked the number of girls who want to become a Formula 1 driver because you've shown it's possible."

"Thanks George." Emilia smiled.

"I love seeing you smile." George complimented. The door swung open and Aurelia and Christine came in. Together, the four of them ate chocolate and stayed at the track for a few hours ahead of going back to the hotel. Emilia had time to eat dinner before she had to get on a video call with her parents. She opened up her laptop as she prepared herself while loading up Skype. She received a call and answered to it.

"Hi Mum and Dad, can you hear me?" Emilia greeted happily. She had cheered up thanks to her friends.

"Yeah we can."

"I can hear you too." The conversation had gone dry already and they were less than a minute in. "So how's it been back home?"

"Business is busy which is good. Your brother has been working very hard. Speaking of him, where is he?"

"Is he joining the call?" Emilia had not been aware that her brother would be present as well.

"He should be downstairs in a minute. Jackie, go and get Josh." Emilia's Mum got up and went out of view of the camera to get Emilia's brother.

"So where are you this week?" Steve asked.

"I'm in Canada. Do you want to see the view out of my room?" Emilia offered.

"No, I'm alright thanks." Steve responded. "Have you been driving today?"

"Today was media day, so no." Emilia shook her head. Her Mum came back in with her brother and they sat snugly on the sofa so they could all fit into the camera.

"Emilia was just telling us it's media day there." Steve informed the other two.

"So no driving. I like that." Jackie nodded. Emilia's Dad was not supportive of her career but her Mum was worse.

"Yeah, it's my least favourite day. Especially today." Emilia admitted.

"Did you get yourself into trouble?" Jackie questioned sternly.

"The question and the guy next to me was certainly trying to get me into trouble." Emilia scoffed.

"Emilia Louise Miller you must not be getting into trouble this early on in the season." Jackie reprimanded.

"Mum, we're almost third of the way through thanks for noticing." Emilia sarcastically replied.

"Emilia, you cannot expect us to follow your career." Steve argued. Of course not, that would be ridiculous for them to do that.

"I am." Josh announced. She now had a sparkle of hope. "She caused one accident and almost caused another." Yeah that glimmer of hope was diminished.

"Emilia Louise Miller!" Jackie gasped. She was in for a lecture it seemed like. "We knew it wasn't a good idea letting you race but we let you do it anyway but now it is spiralling out of control. We will pull you out of this competition if we have to."

"I have a contract it doesn't work like that. Plus the only reason I took the blame was because my boss told me I have to otherwise I would be dropped." Emilia argued.

"You were going to be dropped. No, this is stupid." Steve shook his head furious.

"All I'm trying to do is give people hope that they can make it. I'm a girl in Formula 1; a lot of girls, I hope, now want to race because they see it's possible. I'm just trying to give them someone to look up to."

"With the reckless behaviour you've shown you certainly haven't done that." Jackie spitefully responded.

"You haven't even seen the incident!" Emilia protested. She was so done. "You just believe Josh again. You continually favourite Josh and yeah sure Josh is great but you have a daughter too. I'm out here breaking records and doing things other girls have never done before. All I want is a little bit of appreciation and love and I get nothing." She sounded like she was begging but she thought it was a basic thing for a parent to do.

"Emilia, you don't want to do this." Steve warned.

"I'll speak to you later." Emilia said and slammed her laptop screen down. She breathed and lay back on her bed. "No, I've cried enough today I can't anymore." She told herself but cried anyway.

Intelligently, she decided to look on social media. Aurelia had posted the video of her in the press conference and she chose to look at the responses. Some of it was good, really good there were very famous celebrities agreeing with her and giving her support. However, there were some really nasty comments. She knew she shouldn't have looked but wanted to anyway. Twitter was even worse.

Emilia cried until her throat was raw. She crawled to the mini fridge in search of water but found only alcohol. She saw that as a decent substitute. That night, she drained two bottles of wine and another of vodka. Safe to say, she couldn't think straight. She wasn't drunk enough to be throwing up everywhere but she was couldn't think which was the intention. Seeing as she couldn't think straight, she thought calling Lando was a good idea. He didn't pick up and it went to voicemail.

"Hey, I needed to hear your voice. You probably didn't pick up because you're dancing with some random girl again. Actually, we're not together so that doesn't matter to me. Okay, I'm lying it does matter to me. I really miss you." Emilia sighed and hung up. It was late and the rational reason Lando didn't pick up was because he was sleeping but Emilia was too intoxicated to think that. She decided to call about an hour later and again it went to voicemail.

"Hehe, I love the way you say your name on your voicemail. Anyway, I really miss you but I hate you at the same time so yeah I'm stuck. I need to go to bed but drinking sounds so much better." Emilia slurred. She didn't call anymore as her phone died. Eventually, she fell asleep next to the fridge.

Aurelia was pounding on her door the next morning but Emilia didn't wake up. Her manager decided to open the door as they needed to be at the track for practice. She found the room a mess and saw Emilia asleep with an empty bottle of vodka in her hand.

"Oh my God." Aurelia panicked. There was a strict rule in Emilia's contract, as in every driver's contract, that she couldn't drink within a day of getting in the car. "Emilia you better have a good reason for this." She shouted waking the driver up.

"Shit." She responded.

"Oh yeah, it's shit. Care to explain?"

"Um, I think it's pretty self-explainable." Emilia muttered.

"You are in so much trouble?" Aurelia gritted her teeth. "Hurry up. I need to phone Jost."

"No please don't." Emilia begged. It was pretty pathetic from her.

"Give me a good explanation why not to." Aurelia demanded.

"I don't know. I shut my family call off because I couldn't take them anymore and then looked at the comments of my post or well the one you posted for me but I did the caption so." Emilia waffled.

"Emilia come on. You know there is a massive condition about not drinking the day before you drive." Aurelia was so frustrated with Emilia but also herself for thinking she would be okay on her own.

"Yeah I know but."

"No." Aurelia snapped. "There's no buts. We're really late so you can eat breakfast in the car seeing as I'm going to have to drive."

"I really didn't drink that much I'll be fine." Emilia reasoned.

"We'll breathalyse you at the track and see then." Aurelia thundered out the room. Emilia had no charge on her phone still. She was pretty sure it had loads of charge so what had she been doing to make it go down that fast? She couldn't remember anything after the second wine bottle so it could have been anything.

Aurelia was obviously pissed off as there was complete silence in the car. Christine had presumably been updated on what had happened. The only noise was Emilia eating her breakfast. She was alone on the back seat.

"Have you told Jost yet?" Emilia quietly enquired.

"No." Aurelia sighed. Emilia grew a small smile.

She was one of the last few drivers to arrive at the track but she overtook about eight with Aurelia's steaming walking pace. Emilia didn't think asking to slow down was the way to go so she kept quiet. She went past Lando who called her name. That stopped Aurelia.

"No, Lando. Do not talk to her right now." Aurelia snapped. Lando shut up immediately so the Spaniard continued her ridiculously fast walking pace. She instructed Emilia to sit in her driver's room while she went elsewhere.

"I am dead if Capito finds out." Emilia shook her head.

"If he doesn't kill you Aurelia will." Christine replied. She had a good point. "Why did you do it?"

"I didn't think." Emilia admitted. It was the truth. Aurelia came back in the room with a breathalyser and Jost. She passed the breathalyser meaning she was under the limit to drive.

"No, you are not driving in FP1." Jost firmly denied. Emilia opened her mouth. She had passed the breathalyser, what else was she supposed to do? Okay maybe she ignored the massive bit in bold in her contract but people had done worse and gotten away with it.

"I passed, I'm okay to drive." Emilia argued.

"You broke a rule in your contract. It's a big rule that's in a big font so you don't disobey it!" The CEO raised his voice and George popped his head in the door. Brilliant, now more people could hear what she had done.

"I'm sorry." Emilia apologised.

"You'd definitely be sorry if I let you drive in FP1. You could cause an accident and cost a life because you were stupid and were drinking last night." Jost lectured.

"Em was drinking last night?" George sounded shocked and appalled. As if Emilia wasn't feeling guilty enough now.

"Your teammate had quite a lot." Capito commented. "Aurelia, can you and tell Jack Aitken he'll be filling in for both practice sessions please."

"Both?" Emilia shouted.

"You need to learn your lesson. I'd make you miss FP3, qualifying and the race but we need you for this championship battle." Jost confessed. Lando had now turned up at the door as well.

"What's going on?" Lando questioned.

"Emilia was drinking last night." George responded.

"Oh yeah I knew that." Lando replied. Emilia's head instantly turned to the McLaren driver. She had been ignoring his presence until then. "You left me voicemails?"

"You're joking." Emilia was so embarrassed. She had no idea she'd done that.

"Would it be possible for us to listen to those so we can have an idea how drunk Emilia was?" Jost requested kindly. Lando straightaway shook his head. Emilia was really worried what she had said on those voicemails.

"I'm not your driver Sir. I don't need to listen to you." Lando countered. He winked at Emilia who grew a smirk on her face.

"Okay, fine." Jost nodded. "I expect full focus from you today. You need to make this up to everyone. You're an embarrassment and you've let the team down today."

"I'm sorry." Emilia apologised.

"You need to demonstrate that today. Does anyone other than the people in this room know about this?" No one responded. "We pass it off as Emilia not feeling well and keep it a secret please." He left and Aurelia had to leave as well to find Jack.

"Um I came in here to ask if you could warm me up Christine because Aleix is running late." George finally revealed his intention of coming to Emilia's room. He didn't look at Emilia once. Christine nodded and followed George next door. Lando joined her on the sofa and she leant her head in his shoulder.

"Just so you know, I'm still super mad at you. What did I say last night?" Emilia regretted asking but she had to know. Lando opened up the voicemails and allowed her to listen to both. "I was drunk, I didn't mean it." Emilia knew she meant what she said but she was scared to tell Lando. He had broke her trust once who said he wouldn't do it again?

"Okay, sure." Lando responded and left.

Someone please correct me if I have but I don't think I've named Emilia's brother in previous chapters. I had a quick check and it didn't look like I had. Also, I am too tired to pick up on my mistakes in this chapter so apologies. I was going to upload this tomorrow but it was done so I didn't see why I shouldn't do it now. Though, I have mixed feelings on this chapter so let me know what you think please :)

If Emilia thinks her life is hard now, she's got another thing coming hehe.

Thank you all for the votes, comments and reads. I'm so lucky to have you all <3

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