That's Racing Baby | Lando No...

By happywookie

513K 9.6K 6.3K

BOOK ONE Emilia Miller is 2021's new talent replacing Nicholas Latifi for a season in a much improved William... More

2021 Driver Lineup
2021 Race Calender
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3: Race One
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7: Race Two
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11: Race Three
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14: Race Four
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17: Race Five
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20: Race Six
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27: Race Eight
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32: Race Nine
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35: Race Ten
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42: Race Eleven
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53: Race Thirteen
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56: Race Fourteen
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60: Race Fifteen
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64: Race Sixteen
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67: Race Seventeen
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71: Race Eighteen
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75: Race Nineteen
Chapter 76
Chapter 77: Race Twenty
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80: Race Twenty-One
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84: Race Twenty-Two
Chapter 85
Chapter 86: Race Twenty-Three
Author's Note
Bonus Chapter One
Bonus Chapter Two
Sequel now out!

Chapter 24: Race Seven

6.3K 132 190
By happywookie

TW: mention of sexual assault. If you don't want to read it, which is completely fine by me I completely understand, just leave a comment here or dm me. I don't think I said this last chapter but if you have been through any of this, I just want you to know you are so strong and loved and I know people deal with things differently but talking about it with someone can help a lot, I just want you all to know that I love you and my dms are always open if you need someone <3

Emilia's sleep that night was dreamless thankfully. She was worried she would have nightmares about last night's event but luckily, she didn't. 

The Williams driver tried to roll over to check the time on her phone but she found her movement restricted by an arm. George, in his sleep, had wrapped his arm around Emilia's torso. She didn't know what to do so she stayed there for a minute to see if he would move away. He didn't and Emilia really needed a pee so she carefully moved George's arm around her but not without waking him up.

"Morning." George greeted sleepily. Emilia waited for him to notice his arm around her but he didn't.

"George your arm." Emilia whispered.

"Oh shit sorry." George apologised and rolled over so Emilia could go to the bathroom. 

Emilia sorted herself out in the bathroom and got changed before coming back out. George was still lying in bed when she got back. He was awake but barely.

"George, you need to get up." Emilia reminded. He groaned and rolled over. She went over and pulled the covers off him and checked her phone to see if Lando had replied which he hadn't. He was definitely ignoring her.

Hiding her phone from George, she googled her name and Lewis' name together and separately to see whether they'd been spotted kissing. Unfortunately, they had but the good thing was that they hadn't figured out it was her. The picture quality and lighting were so bad Emilia was questioning whether it was her or not. That picture would need to get removed or off the internet somehow, Aurelia would now how.

Coincidentally, Aurelia knocked on the door and told Emilia to hurry up. The female driver spun around to George and pointed for him to go in the bathroom silently. Once he was hidden, Emilia opened the door a tad.

"Emilia Louise Miller you need to get your beautiful arse down to breakfast." Aurelia instructed. Emilia did not like the use of her full name and stuck her tongue out at her manager. "What are you hiding?"

"I'm not hiding anything." Emilia was not a skilled liar and her voice had gone up a few octaves proving Aurelia right. She kept her right hand behind the door so her manager couldn't see the bandages.

"Fine, who are you hiding?" Aurelia pressed.

"No one." Aurelia raised her eyebrows not believing her. "Okay fine, I promise I will tell you later. I will be at breakfast in five." Emilia promised. Aurelia tapped her watch signifying that she was counting and left. Emilia sighed as she shut the door.

"Your middle name is Louise?" George appeared from the bathroom and leant against the doorway laughing.

"Yes." Emilia replied grabbing all the stuff she needed for the day. "You need to leave because you're driving in twenty minutes and I don't want to be late to the circuit." Emilia ordered. George picked up his stuff and they agreed on a time to meet and then left.

At breakfast, Emilia explained everything that had happened the previous evening. She felt a lot more able to talk about it however she didn't want to talk about it if she could help it. Aurelia said they would need to go to Mercedes to help them keep Emilia unidentifiable that morning. Christine also freaked out over George sleeping in her bed but was quietened by Aurelia as it was under the wrong circumstances. After Emilia spoke, it was pretty silent; the girls offered her support but she didn't really want it, she just wanted to forget about it.

Shockingly, she was at George's car on time. Maybe because she had demanded he be on time so she felt that she had to be too. The two of them talked about the race and helping each other out a bit with the track. Emilia was extremely grateful that she had him to chat with and distract her from last night's incident.

"George, thank you so much for being there for me. I honestly couldn't ask for a better teammate. I would do the same for you so if you ever need me call me." Emilia said as they stopped at the circuit. She put her right hand in her jumper pocket so she could keep the scraped knuckled secret.

"No problem. Also sorry for this morning, I didn't mean to fall asleep with my arm round you." George responded. What Emilia didn't pick up on was that George said he did it before he fell asleep rather in his sleep. "Have you spoken to your boyfriend yet? I liked his jumper; I swear I've seen it before though." Emilia prayed he hadn't connected the dots.

"Maybe, I mean it's branded so yeah. And no, he hasn't replied to my messages. I'm worried he saw the photos of Lewis kissing me." Emilia lowered her voice as they entered the paddock because as far as she was aware, the public or press hadn't figured out it was her.

Before her warmup, Emilia went with Aurelia to the Mercedes garage. The Brit followed the Spaniard as she had already arranged to meet with Lewis' media team. They briefly passed the garage where she caught eye contact with Bottas and gave him a dirty look. Lewis was also there and she waved at him. He ran over to her when he saw her.

"Hey, did you get back alright last night?" Lewis enquired. The answer to that was a fat no but she couldn't tell him because she was concerned Lewis would think it's his fault when it wasn't.

"Yeah I did thanks. Did you see the media this morning?" Lewis shook his head he didn't seemed to be as worried as her. "There were photos of you kissing someone so we're here to try and get them removed."

"I didn't see them. I'll come with you though." Lewis accompanied Emilia and Aurelia to go and see his media team. "I don't mind them being there but if you want them down, we can try and do that."

"I don't really want people to think I got my seat because I'm dating somebody rather than on merit." Emilia explained. She was very indecisive about this whole public relationship thing. After having some photos leaked, she definitely didn't want to go public. People hadn't realised it was her yet she still didn't like the photos being there.

Lewis agreed to have the photos taken down and the Mercedes team managed to get them mostly off the internet, how Emilia had no idea but she tried googling it and it just wasn't there. 

As Emilia and Aurelia headed back to the Williams building, they walked past Lando. Emilia gave him a smile and he made eye contact but ignored her. Perhaps he'd seen the photos and worked out it was her as he knew he better than the average person. She was quite upset that he had ignored her and glanced to Aurelia.

"What have you done?" Aurelia whispered.

"I've told you everything that's happened." Emilia defended. "I'll speak to him after the race."

Time flew quickly and Emilia was in the car soon. She knew she would have a one stop providing she didn't crash or others didn't crash into her. Lando purposely not acknowledging her had pissed her off a bit and it distracted her a bit from her race that she needed to do well in.

Emilia did a little shuffle in her seat as she waited for the lights to go on. The little wiggle had unintentionally become a customary thing. She didn't even remember when she started doing it but it had become a tradition and she felt like she had to do it.

The formation lap occurred then the lights switched on and off again so they were racing. Emilia had an alright start where she was challenging Perez into the first corner. Whoever, was in front of her locked up their tyres obscuring her vision so Perez kept his position. Emilia checked her wing mirrors and saw a spin further back but it didn't look like it collided with any cars or walls which was good.

Emilia had retained fifth and did so for quite a few laps. She kept using Perez's slipstream, which wasn't enough to overtake him, until she pitted. The pit stop was prompt but she was held up by another car passing through the pitlane. It cost her a few seconds but it wasn't the end of the world.

The tactic was to go for the undercut as Emilia was not taking very good care of her tyres. She was too desperate to overtake Perez and get a podium to prove Valtteri wrong that she wasn't nursing her softs as she should have.

"Emilia, take better care of these. They need to last until the end of the race." John sternly informed.

"Copy." Emilia responded focusing on racing. Her head was not in the right place today and she needed to concentrate on her race and not react rashly.

Slowly, she picked her way through the pack. She'd come out twelfth from the pitlane and was now up to seventh. She had Lando in front of her who hadn't pitted yet. He was on old softs which should make the job easier but Lando had done exceptionally well to not pit yet by keeping his tyres in good condition, unlike Emilia.

She followed him closely until she was within a second. DRS and the slipstream combined aided her but not quite enough as she wasn't close enough to pull out of it and make her move. She tried again on the second DRS zone but couldn't quite catch him either.

"Emilia, conserve the tyres please." John instructed.

"Yeah I will once I get past him." She responded angrily. Her determination to get past him was throwing everything else out the window. He'd ignored her this morning for whatever reason that wasn't her fault, like at least give her a chance to explain what happened with Lewis.

They hit the straight once again and Emilia used the DRS and slipstream to her advantage. She was close enough to pull out of the slipstream and went alongside the McLaren. With the DRS, she edged in front and she noticed a bit of front wing lying on the track. She dodged it but had to go right otherwise it would go under her car. It made her go awfully close to Lando next to her who swerved away from her. They were going at an extremely fast speed and that piece of debris could puncture her tyre which would send her into Lando. She lifted her hand up to Lando next to her as an apology and he responded with a middle finger. The position was hers as they went into the first corner, by then she was almost a car length ahead.

"I'm really sorry, that looked really bad. There's a bit of front wing on track I was trying to avoid, someone needs to clear it up." Emilia told John.

"Yeah Lando's not too happy with that." John replied. Lando could fuck off as she couldn't do anything. She wasn't about to run over it and she was nowhere near hitting him anyway. "Be careful with your response." John warned as he could tell she was angry.

"What else was I supposed to do?" Emilia shouted with that. "I was nowhere near him." She was frustrated before the race, now was on another level.

"Conserve your tyres, look after the car and calm down." John responded. Emilia listened to him then. She took care of her tyres and gradually increased the gap to Lando who pitted after a few laps anyway.

The car ahead was Perez and in front of him was Bottas. Her race pace was blistering compared to the Red Bull. John gave her no information on Bottas probably because he needed her to focus on overtaking the Mexican first. It was a simple but effective overtake on the excessively long straight.

"Gap to Bottas is six seconds. Don't be stupid." John instructed. Emilia would have had fifteen laps to catch him except a safety car was brought out for a tyre failure going into the run off of turn four which was why there wasn't a red flag. It turned out to be Lewis' tyre that had gone. "Tyre pressures look wrong so be careful."

"Brilliant." Emilia sarcastically responded. She didn't need anything else dramatic in this race to happen.

"How are the tyres?"

"Alright considering I've done a lot of laps on them."

There were only a few laps under the safety car as the Mercedes was in an easily removable place. They went racing again and Emilia already challenging Bottas into the first corner. He gave her just about enough room not wanting her to be let past. Even then, she managed to get up into fourth place. It was very close between all of them and it was chaos everywhere.

The only Mercedes left in the race was trying to fight back at Emilia. She kept him behind for a few laps allowing a gap to emerge behind Bottas and in front of her. That wasn't necessarily a bad thing as she could concentrate on one thing at a time.

"No action on debris with Norris." John updated. Emilia was focusing on keeping Bottas behind her and not making any errors that she misheard the message.

"De Vries? He's not here." Emilia was baffled by the mention of the Dutch driver.

"No debris. Not de Vries." John was American so his pronunciation of debris was not the same as Emilia's which could be why she got so confused.

"Oh that makes sense." Emilia replied. Well at least the FIA agreed that she couldn't have done anything else. There was no warning issued to her either so that was also good.

Bottas used the slipstream from Emilia and was thinking about where she could make her one defensive move on this long straight. She moved left wanting the inside of the corner going into turn one. Bottas didn't gain much and was only side by side as they went into the first corner. The Mercedes driver didn't leave quite enough room for Emilia to get through so she had to get her elbows out. They both made it through turn and were speeding down towards the second turn.

Emilia stayed in fifth place until turn fifteen where she had a poor exit and were side by side. She hugged the inside wall as they went into turn sixteen and Bottas tried to cut her off leaving her no space to go forward. She was unable to go anywhere apart from keeping the same line she was on. Unfortunately, that meant crashing into Bottas. She tried breaking and she clipped Bottas' left rear which spun him round and into the barrier on the left. Emilia did really well not to be caught up in it. Her front wing was shredded but apart from that she was okay.

"He left me no space there what was I supposed to do. All the time you have to leave a space." Emilia complained using what Fernando had said years ago. "Is he okay? That didn't look nice."

"Yeah he's fine. I don't know what else you could have done there." John agreed. "Red flag. Come back to the pits." Emilia hadn't passed the pit lane yet so she could go straight there quickly.

"Why the fuck did he cut me off like that though. He knows he can't do that." Emilia was pretty angry following the foolish move from the Finn. She got out of car and stormed off. Aurelia and Christine followed her. She found a quiet spot in the building to calm down.

"You haven't got that long so you need to get your head in the game." Aurelia instructed.

"Get'cha get'cha head in the game, we gotta get our get our get our get our head in the game." Christine sung. Aurelia threw her a glare and she didn't continue. Emilia slipped out a giggle.

"See, not helpful." Aurelia reprimanded. Emilia actually felt a lot better after that. "Can I add that you have got a seriously good pace out there. A lot of shit is happening this weekend to you but you just need to get on with racing. Focus on now and put the rest of it behind you. You're P4, you can get a podium from here." The words podium spiked Emilia's attention. She composed herself and headed back to the garage. "Emilia, do not take those gloves off, we don't need the world to see the marks on your knuckles." Emilia nodded and headed to the garage.

"You alright?" John asked when Emilia came over to the strategy team.

"What have I missed?" Emilia questioned. She felt the camera on her a few times while she was discussing with her team but ignored it. A restart time was revealed for the race and Emilia got back in the car. She readied herself when a message came on the radio.

"You have eight laps to go. Let's get a podium." John hyped up his driver. She refocused herself on the start. It was a standing start due to the red flag and there would be a sprint to the line with everyone allowed to changed tyres and in Emilia's case, front wings as well.

Emilia drove out to the grid and parked in fourth, one up where she had been earlier. She tried not to think about the podium and just drive as fast as she could. It was only one overtake that needed to happen to get it.

The lights turned on slowly then there was an agonising wait between the fifth light turning on and all of them switching off. When they did, Emilia was quickly off the line and catching up the Ferrari beside her. She had the outside line going into turn one which disadvantaged her meaning Carlos kept the position.

However, she was able to fight back on the second stretch of DRS though it was available yet. It wasn't quite enough to catch him and she didn't fancy going two wide into a corner that only fitted one again. If she overtook him, she would get that podium.

Closely, she followed Carlos around the track until the DRS was activated. The only problem was, she was part of a big DRS train and was in the middle of it. Two or three cars behind her were all within a second of each other and Carlos was within a second of Vettel who was in second of Verstappen. This was going to be very eventful.

With three laps to go, Vettel and Carlos were fighting each other going into turn one. They pushed each other to the limits of the track almost scraping the wall but with both of them off the racing line, it allowed Emilia to slip past the two of them. She was P2. Maybe not on the bottom step of the podium.

"You have a ten second penalty that will be added to the end of your race as you won't pit again." John informed and Emilia groaned. And that would mean she would definitely not be on the podium. The pack was too bunched up for the penalty to not affect her place.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me." Emilia almost cried. She'd worked so hard for this and it would remove all the bad stuff that had happened this weekend.

Emilia pulled away from the fight going on behind her and crossed the line in second. She didn't know where she would end up but she was so infuriated at the fact that she would have been on the podium. Although, had Bottas' not been an idiot she may never had caught Carlos up for a podium. She was certain she didn't do anything wrong and she was also certain she wouldn't check social media when the race finished.

"You finished P6. Tough race, you did well. Don't say anything stupid." John advised.

"Thanks everyone for all the hard work, where did George finish?" Emilia queried. She was told George finished P7 but was struggling with his engine all race and lack of power. What a fun debrief it would be.

As much as Emilia would have liked to, she didn't park her car on the P2 spot. She got out the car and avoided everyone until she got to her driver room. Aurelia and Christine joined her and they sat in silence not wanting to further aggravate Emilia. Fred called and he shared her opinions on the race but their conversation was interrupted by Toto entering the room. With two Mercedes DNFs she wasn't surprised he didn't appear happy.

Emilia quickly sat up from her slumped position and said bye to her Grandad. Aurelia and Christine left the room leaving the two of them alone. Emilia needed to remember that Toto was her manager and that he would be the one to give her a Mercedes seat so she needed to not be rude or spiteful to him. She wasn't going to speak first and everything she thought of to say was mean and not what you should say to your boss.

"Emilia, you had a pretty eventful race." Toto started.

"No shit." Emilia responded and realised she shouldn't have said that. "Sorry, yes I did. Or pretty eventful race weekend." At least Friday had been alright for her.

"Yes, I heard about the kiss with Lewis." Toto side-tracked.

"I didn't kiss him, I moved away." Emilia clarified. Her voice was tired and done with everyone and everything.

"I don't care. That's not what I'm here to speak to you about." Again, Emilia could have replied with no shit but that wasn't the way to go if you wanted this man to give you a World Championship winning car. "The crash with Bottas –"

"Was not my fault." Emilia finished. She was going to be stubborn about it. It probably wasn't the best option but she was too pissed off to care.

"Emilia, you have seen the replay once and that was when you were in the car. We have seen it multiple times and after what he said I think you were pretty determined to get him back." Toto thought he was actually speaking the truth here. He had known her for years and not once had she taken out a driver in anger so why would she start.

"That's exactly the reason why he wouldn't let me pass and cut me off. Where else was I supposed to go?" Emilia argued. Arguing with Toto was not an intelligent move.

"I am not discussing whose fault it was anymore." Toto snapped and stood up. "You take the blame or you are dropped from the Driver Academy." Emilia could not believe this.

"But–" Emilia started but was cut off by Toto's hand.

"No buts. Do you understand?" Toto questioned and Emilia reluctantly nodded. He stormed out. I mean Emilia wasn't making it easy for him but she wasn't bothered about that. She was bothered about the threat of being dropped.

"What did Toto want?" George appeared in the doorway. He had possibly seen Toto thunder out of her room.

"What do you think?" Emilia sneered.

"Bottas?" Emilia nodded.

"He's going to drop me from the academy if I don't take the blame." Emilia told George who raised his eyebrows. Aurelia overheard this as well.

"What?!" Aurelia shouted.

"Yep." Emilia sourly nodded.

"Can he do that?" George asked the other two. Aurelia shrugged in reply.

"Well, he seemed pretty serious about it so let's go and get this over and done with." Emilia stomped out the room with Aurelia behind her. "How do I even blame it on myself?"

"Say you shouldn't have been so aggressive." Aurelia suggested which was what she did. She had an interview with Sky Sport and they showed her accident with Bottas again. From that angle it looked even more like Bottas' fault.

"So do you believe it's Bottas' fault or yours?" Jenson Button questioned.

"I think it's a racing incident but maybe I was a tad too aggressive." Emilia responded. She was still incredibly mad and said it through grit teeth so she definitely sounded like she'd been forced to say it. Though, she did do what Toto asked so he couldn't complain.

"Personally, I don't think you're in the wrong here. I think you had every right to go for it and Bottas cut you off. What about the incident with Lando?" Emilia wanted desperately to agree with him but at least she could answer this one with her opinion.

"I mean it was driving at 200 mph I saw something and I swerved. There was no intentional harm done to Lando and he didn't need to swerve away as I wasn't near him." Emilia was probably going to gets a lot of hate because of the interview but she had stopped caring. At this point, she wanted to go to bed and speak to Lando as well for whatever his problem is. After the race, there were likely to be multiple problems.

Emilia and George had finished a very gloomy team debrief. Sixth and seventh wasn't a bad result but the problem the team had, was that it could have been more. As if Emilia wasn't in enough of a bad mood now, she definitely felt worse. Lewis passed them both and he stopped to talk to them.

"Unlucky with that Bottas incident. I didn't think it was your fault personally but Valtteri seems to think it is." Lewis commented. It was nice to know she had his support but felt that his opinion was slightly biased after finding out that he likes her.

"Toto seemed to think it was as well." Emilia scoffed.

"What do you mean by that?" Lewis questioned confused.

"He threatened to remove Emilia off the academy programme if she didn't say it was Bottas' fault." George answered for Emilia. She was hesitant on telling Lewis because of how close he was with Toto.

"He wouldn't have." Lewis shook his head but when neither Emilia or George said anything he looked appalled. "Really?"

"Yep, he came into my room pretty grumpy and said that. Oh well, I did what he asked." Emilia shrugged.

"Yeah, that's not like him. He's probably just mad. This is almost as bad as Spain 2016." Lewis admitted. They all knew what he was referring with those two words. "Anyway, I'll see you guys next week in Canada." Lewis fist bumped the both of them and then left. The Williams drivers continued walking to where George's car was parked when they saw Daniel across the car park.

"I'm gonna go speak to Daniel." Emilia announced.

"Do you want me to wait for you?" George queried.

"I can get a lift with Daniel back it's fine thanks. I'll see you tomorrow." Emilia hugged George but with one arm. Her right hand was in her jumper pocket concealing where she had hit the wall. It possibly looked a bit odd but would be worse if she had cuts around her knuckles. Emilia left George and went over to Daniel.

"Hey you look like a ray of sunshine." Daniel greeted. Emilia had a resting bitch face anyway but she must still look enraged. "Come and give me a hug." Daniel involuntarily hugged Emilia and she had to be careful not to lift her right hand out her pocket. "Have you hurt your hand?"

"No, it's from where I punched that guy last night." Emilia answered. "Oh, can I get a lift back with you?"

"Yeah of course, we just need to wait for Lando." Daniel nodded. Well at least she would get to speak to Lando.

"I just wanted to thank you for last night." Emilia began but was interrupted by the other McLaren driver.

"Yeah I bet you do." Lando sneered unimpressed. She was baffled by his answer as she thought he was mad because he saw the kiss with Lewis.

"Right, children, let's get in the car and sort it out there." Daniel ushered them into the car where the argument couldn't be seen by the public. Lando got in the back and before Daniel got in the driver's seat he mouthed "what is he on about" and Emilia shrugged not having a clue. There was a short silence until Emilia spoke up.

"Right, I know what it looked like." Emilia started.

"I know exactly what it looked it." Lando scoffed.

"I didn't kiss him. He kissed me. I pulled away and told Lewis I couldn't." Emilia explained quickly. Lando went from mad to confused.

"Huh?" Lando replied.

"Huh?" Emilia was confused as well. Maybe he was mad about something else. "You saw the photos of Lewis and I right?"

"No!" Lando shouted. Shit.

"What are you on about then?" Emilia asked.

"I was on about how you slept with Daniel last night." Lando pretty much spat. That was completely absurd.

"What?!" Daniel and Emilia shouted at the same time.

"Why would I cheat on you like that?" Emilia yelled.

"Hang on what?!" Daniel added. He didn't know they're together. "You're together?! Since uh when?"

"Oh that's great so he didn't even know you were cheating on me." Lando sat back folding his arms. This car journey was too chaotic for her. There was shouting everywhere and she felt like crying but she held it in.

"For the last time, I didn't cheat on you."

"Can somebody fill me in please?" Daniel requested quietly.

"Seeing as Lando won't let anyone explain themselves I'll help you out." Emilia shouted. "We caught feelings; I broke the no dating drivers rule which I really regret now. I went to Paris with him and we kissed."

"You guys kept that quiet." Daniel acknowledged.

"I wanted to tell you but Emilia can't make her mind up on who she wants to tell. I knew you were flirting with her and I hated it. I always knew there was something going on between you two." Lando accused.

"Mate, there's nothing going on." Daniel defended.

"Fine what were you doing together then?" Lando wanted answers and Emilia sighed.

"Em?" Daniel asked.

"You go for it." Emilia focused on the city rushing past her in the window.

"Em went out for a walk with Lewis. Lewis tried to kiss her and she couldn't kiss him back so she ran away. She stopped in an alleyway where she was sexually assaulted." Daniel explained. Lando gasped.

"Babe, I'm so sorry I didn't know." Lando softened his voice and put his hand on Emilia's thigh which made her leg move away almost instantly. Did he have the audacity to call her babe for the first time now?

"You did not just call me babe." Emilia laughed in disbelief. "No, you don't get to do that."

"May I continue?" Daniel questioned and did so when there was no response. "Emilia punched this guy in the face."

"Who the fuck would do that to you?" Lando questioned.

"I have no idea who it was." Emilia shouted.

"She ran away and I found her picked her up in the car where she had a panic attack. I'm not sure whether she had another one in the shower but she definitely wasn't okay in there. I called George for support and she came out of the bathroom not herself. She was silent, completely out of it but that's not surprising after what happened. She phoned her boyfriend and texted him."

"I'm not your boyfriend." Lando pointed out.

"Certainly not now." Emilia scoffed.

"This boyfriend never called her back or responded to her messages. She even asked George to go and get his jumper for her. Emilia was in literal pieces and you didn't even respond to her messages." Daniel was not impressed with Lando's choices.

"I'm so sorry. No, no, no I've fucked up." Lando put his head between his knees. Not replying to messages was not fucking up. He must have done something else.

"What did you do?" Emilia asked. "Lando, you better answer or I will literally beat your arse back to lap twenty." Lap twenty was where Emilia overtook Lando and his reaction now was similar to the one earlier on track.

"I'm so sorry."

"Lando hurry up and explain otherwise I'm becoming a professional shotput thrower and lobbing you out this car." Emilia threatened.

"Okay fine I'll say. I saw you get in the lift with Daniel and I only knew it was you because of the skirt you were wearing. You wore that on your first day in the paddock."

"Disgusting, continue." Emilia hurried him up. She was not interested with all the romantic crap right now.

"I was with Carlos and I was mad that I thought you were sleeping with Daniel so when we went out, I danced with this girl in the club."

"YOU WHAT?!" Emilia growled outraged. So the conversation started off with Lando thinking Emilia cheated on him when the reality was it was the other way round.

"She tried to kiss me but I backed off and said no. I only danced with her." Lando defended.

"Because that makes it any better!" Emilia shouted. She could not believe Lando thought she was cheating so he went and cheated on her. "I cannot believe you did that." She breathed and sunk back into her chair.

"Look, Emi, I'm sorry."

"No, I don't want to hear it." Emilia turned away to the window instead of looking at Lando's face. "I trusted you and told you about my past relationships and how trust is a big issue of mine yet you decided you should break it." Oh Emilia was just getting started. "You are proving to me that I should never had broken that no dating drivers rule because that could have saved all this shit with you."

"Okay so what about this boyfriend George was telling me about?" Lando questioned angrily. He was trying to prove something that wasn't true.

"You're that boyfriend Lando! Yes we're not officially boyfriend and girlfriend but it's you, well not anymore."

"So you didn't cheat on me at all?" Lando wanted clarification. Emilia hesitated thinking about George last night and it was enough for Lando to pick up on. "You did cheat?"

"No, not really." She didn't sound convincing. "I didn't want to fall asleep last night because you know of what happened, and George offered to stay in my room with me. I couldn't have him sleep in the floor so he slept in my bed but I went nowhere near him. We were opposite sides of the bed." Technically that was true, up until the point where she woke up and found George's arm round he but she didn't want to ruin George's and Lando's friendship so she left it out.

"No I understand your reasoning for that." Lando calmly replied. Emilia was still fuming at him.

"That would have been you if you'd just picked up the phone." Emilia sneered.

"I've said I'm sorry alright." Lando apologised.

"Sorry doesn't cut it." The car had stopped so Emilia got out and slammed the door.

"So you were actually sexually assaulted?" Lando enquired.

"What you don't believe me?" Emilia turned back to Lando as she had been walking away.

"No, no of course I do. I just can't believe that happened. Can you not find the man?" Lando sighed. He was so calm and chill which infuriated Emilia more.

"How many times do I have to tell you that I don't know who he was. I never properly saw his face until after I had punched it." Lando looked seriously impressed that she had punched him which was not the reaction she was looking for. "Lando!"

"I'm sorry you had to go through that." Lando sincerely apologised.

"I don't give two fucks about an apology. I don't blame you. I don't blame Lewis. I don't blame anyone apart from the man who did it. But when I called you after a panic attack, you don't answer. No, because whilst there is a man kissing me really horribly with his hand up my shirt touching and feeling me everywhere." Emilia emphasised on the everywhere and Lando winced. "You are cheating on me with some girl. I don't think an apology cuts it." Emilia shook her head and walked off. "Daniel, come with me?" Daniel nodded and followed her. They were so caught up in their personal arguments that they hadn't even discussed what happened between them in the race. Emilia didn't feel like talking to Lando for some time so they wouldn't get around to discussing it.

"You alright?" Daniel questioned as they got in the elevator. Emilia shook her head and cried into his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around her tightly. "You have had a shit weekend."

"And you've been there for me for all of it. I honestly can't thank you enough for everything. I owe you one, no not one like ten, a hundred." Emilia thanked amongst sobs. Daniel walked her to her room and went back to his after Emilia assured him she was fine.

Emilia fell onto her bed and sat in silence. She had had possibly the worse weekend of her life. Everything had happened. She'd not spoken to the guy she kissed in Paris much, she told her Grandad about this guy. She'd been kissed by the Lewis Hamilton, sexually assaulted, punched a wall by accident, had pictures of her kissing someone leaked. Partaken in a race where she almost crashed into Lando avoiding debris and may or may not have caused a red flag meaning Mercedes had two DNFs. Got in the podium places, came back out because of her time penalty, got cheated on, and she was pretty sure she'd just broken up with Lando.

What a shit weekend.

The race section (maybe inspired by Baku a few weeks ago) isn't as good but the main focus I think is the argument afterwards in the car. But I think the argument makes it my new favourite chapter :) I can't remember if I've asked before but do you think the races need to be longer or shorter? Do you guys want more detail or less? You guys are the ones reading this so I'd love your suggestions to make it as pleasant to read as possible :)

Also Toto is probably really nice as well I just needed to make her day worse. We've also gone way over 100,000 words which is insane to think and we're exactly a quarter of the way through. As always, thank you for all your support, votes, comments and follows! Have a great day <3

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