That's Racing Baby | Lando No...

By happywookie

513K 9.6K 6.3K

BOOK ONE Emilia Miller is 2021's new talent replacing Nicholas Latifi for a season in a much improved William... More

2021 Driver Lineup
2021 Race Calender
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3: Race One
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7: Race Two
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11: Race Three
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14: Race Four
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17: Race Five
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20: Race Six
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24: Race Seven
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27: Race Eight
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32: Race Nine
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35: Race Ten
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42: Race Eleven
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53: Race Thirteen
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56: Race Fourteen
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60: Race Fifteen
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64: Race Sixteen
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67: Race Seventeen
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71: Race Eighteen
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75: Race Nineteen
Chapter 76
Chapter 77: Race Twenty
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80: Race Twenty-One
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84: Race Twenty-Two
Chapter 85
Chapter 86: Race Twenty-Three
Author's Note
Bonus Chapter One
Bonus Chapter Two
Sequel now out!

Chapter 23

6.4K 115 153
By happywookie

TW: sexual assault and a panic attack. If you don't want to read this, which I completely understand, I will do a chapter summary in the comments.

"I cannot believe he said that." Emilia groaned flopping onto the sofa. Videos had come out from Thursday's media day and Emilia was not happy with what one of the drivers had said. The three women were in Emilia's driver room prior to qualifying in Baku.

"That was so unnecessary." Christine agreed and sat next to Emilia.

"What a dickhead." Aurelia added. The two on the sofa looked up to the Spaniard. "I don't have to be professional here, I'm saying this as your friend."

"What exactly did he say?" Christine questioned.

"Bottas was asked who he sees in contention for his seat and said George, who he was all complimentary about. He could have ended the question there but continued to say that Emilia was nowhere near good enough to be even considered for Merc. Like he didn't need to say that but did anyway." Aurelia huffed. She was more annoyed than Emilia was about this.

"Just go and beat his ass in qualifying." Christine patted Emilia's knee as she got up to get the warm up ready. They had around an hour until quali and after Valtteri's comment Emilia was not in the right mental state to compete. "Emilia get up here and let me massage your neck, no sulking."

"It's so fucking stupid though. Why does he need to say that? Is he trying to start shit?" Emilia asked.

"Alright, you need to calm down and warmup. You need to be ready for qualifying because there's going to be a ton of red flags." Christine commanded. Emilia got up grumpily and lay on the massage table.

"Maybe he feels more threatened by you so he wants to anger you. I don't know how we've only just seen this, it happened on Thursday." Aurelia commented.

"Not likely, George is the one with podiums and win." Emilia scoffed not out of jealously but out of her stupidity of throwing podiums away.

"Ignore him and focus on quali." Christine instructed.

Emilia was ready and focused by qualifying with a bit more determination than usual due to Bottas' comment. She got in her car and flew through Q1 with no red flags there. Her car felt good due to the team finding the right balance. The Williams were especially quick on the straights here which would further aid overtaking adding to a slipstream and DRS which were already in the arsenal for the main straight. 

"Emilia, get a good lap in case of red flags." John said. He seemed to be a bit more tense today possibly due to the number of red flags there had been in practices.

"Copy." Emilia replied as she was signalled to leave the garage. She was told to do two warmup laps so that's what she did. Emilia slowed down before going round turn sixteen so she could go flat out from there. She let the Red Bull in front of her go and waited a few seconds so she could get a slipstream.

She pressed the throttle and sped up twitching the steering wheel vaguely to get round turns seventeen to twenty as they didn't require breaking. By the time she reached the straight she was flat out until turn one. The Red Bull was definitely giving her a tow which was a great benefit as such an abnormally large part of the circuit was a straight.

That was one of the great things about Formula 1. All the circuits were unique. Some were really overtakable so they relied more on racing but tracks like Monaco. were harder to overtake on so strategy was more important. Anything could happen as well which made it a lot more exciting. A millisecond was all it took to go wrong.

Thankfully, all the milliseconds in Emilia's first sector went well. The castle section, the trickiest corners all year, wasn't a problem. Emilia kept her focus and kept an eye out for red and yellow flags being waved as she didn't want to receive penalty points for missing them.

Emilia underwent a bit of oversteer and tapped the wall at turn fifteen. The contact jolted her slightly as it was unexpected but she continued her lap. There may be damage and it may be an issue but she had to complete the lap just in case someone buried their car into a wall somewhere on track.

"Good time, 1:41.8. Have you got damage?" John asked as Emilia put all the right settings on the car during her cool down lap.

"I don't know, I can't see the car." Emilia responded. It was a stupid question for someone who was watching her drive so they would be able to see. The driver couldn't even see her front wing so how was she meant to see the rear end of her car. "Assess it when I pit."

Emilia did have minor damage but they wouldn't have time to fix it by the end of the session. They decided that it would be better to drive with damage then try and fix it because it wasn't dangerous and wouldn't hinder them down too much. The risk with fixing it was that Emilia would get knocked out and they might as well go for it and drive if the damage couldn't get any worse. Emilia was happy with that decision not just because she got to race, but because it was the right choice in her eyes.

Before Q2 finished Emilia went out again even though she was safe so she could get a better feel for the circuit at quali speed and see how bad the damage was. She had a set of old softs on and was actually going to achieve a quicker time meaning she had to abort the lap so she didn't start the race on those tyres.

Somehow, they had managed to get through Q1 and Q2 without red flags which none of the teams had expected. They'd all anticipated at least yellows but nothing so far. That wasn't necessarily a bad thing because it cost a lot less for teams and meant that all the drivers were safe.

"We're going to get out early again." John informed. He kept to his word and the Williams were out in front of everyone. 

Emilia and George took two slow laps to warm up with some cars only taking one so they had to let the cars pass on the straight and elsewhere on the lap. Emilia didn't know whether it was worth it to take two warmup laps but if that's what the engineers said to do then that's what they would do. She didn't have the qualifications to question them.

Emilia rocketed through the first sector setting a purple on a new set of softs. She was praying she didn't crash through the castle section which was only eight metres wide and succeeded in not doing so. If she crashed, she had the chance of taking George with her and that wouldn't make her very likeable in the garage at all.

The rest of the lap went smoothly and Emilia tried to go as fast as she could down the straight to minimise her time. She crossed the line and immediately put the car into cool down for the engine. Emilia checked her mirrors to see where George was and as she did so she saw him lose control of his car and hit the wall.

This was not the wall he wanted to hit. It was the pit wall. There were no tyres there only a big concrete wall that would not be very nice to hit. She had no idea what had happened but the red flags came out quickly. That couldn't be good.

"Is George okay, please tell me he's okay?" Emilia panicked as she drove back to the pits. There was no response for a few seconds.

"Yeah, he's fine." John answered.

"Fucking hell that was a nasty crash." Emilia sighed.

As soon as she got out her car, she rushed to the medical centre to check whether George was okay. It wouldn't be long until Q3 would resume but she needed to see George. He was sitting on a bed getting examined by a doctor when Emilia rushed in with her helmet still on her head. George got off the bed and opened his arms which Emilia ran into. He hugged her tightly.

"That looked horrible, are you okay?" Emilia queried into his shoulder.

"Yeah bit shaken but fine." George replied. There was a slight tremor in his voice but having obliterated his car in a concrete wall a few minutes ago she wasn't surprised. "At least I set a time." He smirked.

"Well that's good. Are you sure you're good?" Emilia questioned. She was really worried about George after that hit because there weren't many worse places to crash than that. He was going at almost 200 mph and it stopped suddenly. It was not good.

"Bit of neck pain but fine." George nodded. He wasn't convincing her but Aurelia interrupted saying she was needed back in the garage. Emilia hugged George once again before leaving.

"That was a horrific crash." Emilia sighed putting her hands behind her head and taking a deep breath outside the medical centre.

"I know, surprised he didn't black out or break anything." Aurelia replied. They started walking back towards the garage. "You need to focus on the rest of qualifying." Emilia nodded. She spent the remainder of the red flag talking to her engineers about where she was losing time in the corners. 

It wasn't long before the track had been cleared and qualifying was to resume. There were only seven minutes left on the clock. Emilia waited a few minutes until she went out and a lot of cars followed her. There was a slipstream train forming behind her that she would just have to deal with. She would also take two warmup laps instead of one but would have to get on with it. Unsurprisingly, there was no tow from George which was unlucky for her but there was nothing she could do.

She moved to the side as she started her second warmup lap thinking cars would pass her but they didn't. It seemed two warmup laps was the way to go. Other teams had seen how much it improved times from the Williams and also the Ferraris who were the other team that took multiple gentle laps.

It meant that Emilia would be at the front of this long train without a slipstream. The slipstream would knock off around two tenths of your time which wasn't much in the race but could be the difference between a few positions. Williams knew that this wasn't their strongest track and those few positions in qualifying could be really beneficial especially now that George would be starting around p10 as they were all likely to improve on times.

"You've got this Emilia, aim is P7." John hyped up his driver. P7 was achievable if she was able to get in a good lap. She started her lap with enough time to go. Some drivers had already done their lap so she at least she didn't have eight cars behind her.

Her final lap went smoothly and she'd scarcely crossed the line when there were yellow flags waved in the final few corners. Someone had tapped the wall and spun around meaning the car around all had to slow down and that their lap times would be significantly lengthier. Although it was dismay for those drivers, it was good for Emilia. She'd put in a quicker lap time and some of the ones she maybe wouldn't have beaten she did beat.

"Is everyone okay?" Emilia questioned.

"Yes everyone is fine."

"Good to hear. Where did I finish?"

"P5. You beat a certain Mercedes." John responded. Emilia raised her brows at that. It was unexpected but welcome all the same. She was also happy to have beaten Bottas which was enough for her.

"Brilliant work guys." Emilia praised. She knew she only got the position because others didn't get the chance to put in a time. It wasn't necessarily luck; it was tactical to go out as one of the first to avoid that.

Emilia got out the car and fist bumped everyone. She searched for Lando but didn't see him in parc fermé. In fact, she hadn't seen him all day and barely spoke to him on Thursday or Friday because she'd been so busy trying to improve the car. Coming to the circuit, Williams had aimed to get into Q3 as they thought they had no chance of getting top places but through sheer work and dedication of the team they managed to clinch P5 with Emilia. Her career was chosen over Lando but he would do the same.

"Your Grandad is calling you." Aurelia stated handing Emilia's phone to her. The driver swiped the pickup button and excused herself heading out of the garage for some quiet. There wasn't anything else she needed to do there so she headed back to her driver room.

"Hey Grandad; how are you?" Emilia questioned with a smile. She went up some stairs and along a corridor to her driver room.

"I'm good sweetheart. P5 is very impressive." Fred grinned holding the phone awkwardly.

"You didn't think I could get it?" Emilia joked out of breath from walking. She could run miles with her fitness without stopping, why couldn't she walk from the garage to her room? It was weird how it worked like that.

"No, that's not what I meant." Fred tried to recover himself which made Emilia laugh.

"I was only teasing you." Emilia replied. She slumped onto the sofa and angled her camera so it didn't give her a double chin. In all fairness, she hadn't expected to get p5 herself.

"I saw your Instagram post in Paris." Emilia had seen her Grandad since getting back from France but she hadn't spoken about it to him. The Instagram post was a selfie of Emilia on the balcony with the Eiffel Tower in the background. She had tactically put a caption that made it sound as if she was by herself and at the same time it confirmed that she was single. Emilia definitely wasn't single but had to deny dating rumours for now. She'd told Lando she would do this so it shouldn't come as a surprise to him. The next time she'd see him, Emilia would remind him of that.

"Yeah, it was a really good trip." Emilia nodded. She was trying to smile instead of beaming indicating that it wasn't a solo trip like everyone thought.

"Why Paris, why did you choose to go to Paris?" Fred questioned smelling bullshit. Emilia had not prepared an answer for this because she was not the one to pick the destination.

"Paris was close and only a slight detour." Emilia lied. Technically, what she said was true but that wasn't the reason why she went.

"Emilia, I know when you're lying. What are you not telling me?" Fred laughed. He was trying to act serious but he knew he wouldn't parent Emilia and force her to spill the tea.

"Okay fine I went with another driver." Emilia sighed but still grinning. She tried to cover her face as she waited for her Grandad's response.

"I said you were going to fall in love this year. What about this no dating drivers rule? Have you got rid of it so soon?" Fred replied. He wasn't mad or disappointed at all. "So tell me all the details about George and Paris then."

"Grandad! It's not George." Emilia shouted probably loud enough for people outside to hear.

"No? I thought you and him were courting already." Fred appeared confused.

"It's not the sixteenth century we don't need to use the word courting. But no, there's nothing going on between George and I, we're just friends. I went to Paris with Lando." Emilia explained.

"Lando Norris?"

"What other driver is there called Lando? Yeah, it's him." Emilia lay aside the whole George assumption, she would definitely not tell Lando that. She grew a wide grin as she said the McLaren driver's name.

"Have you kissed?" Fred enquired. She was surprised he wanted so many details.

"Yeah we have." Emilia nodded covering her face with her hand to hide her glee.

"Well as long as you're happy. I myself am more of a Gemilia shipper over a Lamilia shipper but if you like Lando, Lamilia is good for me." Emilia's jaw dropped. Where had her Grandad learnt all these things about ships from and who was coming up with these names?

"Grandad, where have you got all this from?" Emilia asked astounded.

"I do speak to Aurelia you know." Fred chuckled. So Aurelia and presumably Christine had been brainstorming ship names for her and other drivers.

"Right, well I'm not happy about that, I need to speak to her. As in, not happy about the ship names not you talking to her." Emilia elaborated confusing herself. As if on cue, Aurelia opened the door and requested her presence for media duties. "Grandad, I'll speak to you later alright?"

"Enjoy your evening with Lando." Fred smiled and waved. She hadn't actually arranged anything with Lando but it didn't sound like a bad idea. He had done alright in qualifying so they would both be in a good mood. She decided she would message him once she got back to her hotel room. The media duties were finished quickly and she headed back to the hotel.

As she was walking along the corridor going back to her room in the hotel, Emilia encountered Lewis going the other way. She shared a smile at him with the typical British smile, you know which one, and continued going down the corridor. She'd only taken another step before Lewis spoke to her.

"Great qualifying today Emilia." Lewis smiled. Emilia spun around to face him.

"You too, per usual." Emilia replied.

"What are you doing this evening?" Lewis asked. It was a slightly awkward conversation maybe because Emilia was still in awe that she was talking to her idol but she didn't have many social skills anyway. Lewis was calm and cool as always.

"I have nothing planned." Emilia answered. She was going to arrange something with Lando but she didn't even know if he was free yet.

"Do you want to go for a walk?" Lewis questioned.

"Yeah, sure. Let me just grab some stuff from my room and I'll meet you downstairs in ten." Emilia smiled. She was sort of nervous, not in the same way that she was with Lando though. Lewis had been such a big part of her inspiration and now she was going out with him like that was unbelievable to her. Emilia messaged Lando congratulating him on his qualifying and asking to do something later on but he hadn't seen the message by the time she'd left.

Lewis was waiting for her when she got to the lobby. She was probably late and a check of her phone told her she was. Lewis greeted her with a smile and they left the hotel. He wasn't much taller than she was so there was little different between the two of them unlike George who she got neck ache staring up at.

"I have to say, I have been a massive fan of you since you started racing." Emilia admitted.

"Always nice to hear. Over the past few years, I've been rooting for you to get into F1. I always knew you could do it and it helps that you're such a nice person as well." Lewis responded. It was insane to her that he had been watching her for several years.

"Ah well you haven't seen the nasty side of me." Emilia laughed. "My temper is literally a switch. Like I'm usually alright but one big thing will happen and I just switch to angry." It was like that she was either happy or enraged, no middle ground really.

"Yeah, I'll try to avoid that as long as we don't crash." Lewis nodded. "If you crash into my teammate however, I'd understand why."

"Do not even get me started on that." Emilia huffed. She perhaps should have been an adult in these situations but being an adult sucked so she was perfectly happy sulking and being childish about it. "Why did he even need to mention me at all?  He covered George and could have moved on to the next question but no."

"Yeah I agree it was unnecessary. Do you want me to speak to him about it?" Lewis calmly questioned. Emilia shook her head. If she had that much of a problem she would go and speak to him about it but she couldn't be bothered for the drama. Bitching about him behind people's back was possibly creating drama but Emilia couldn't simply let it go.

"No, I can sort it out myself. Chances are I'll be put in a press conference with him in Canada." Emilia groaned. "Sorry you're probably really good mates with Bottas I should stop chatting shit."

"No I agree with you on this one." Lewis nodded. They were walking next to the sea that was gently crashing on the wall below them. No one had noticed or acknowledged them as far as she knew which was nice to have some time without the bustle.

They eventually stopped walking and leant against the railings looking out to sea. She felt Lewis' eyes on her as she subtly tried to control her hair that was being blown to the side by the wind. 

"Em? I can call you Em right?" Lewis queried. Emilia turned to look at him and nodded. "You know you look really pretty tonight. I mean not just tonight but always." The seven-time World Champion rambled. Lewis was seriously being awkward and Emilia was delighted that for once it wasn't her though she did feel bad for him.

"Lewis, it's fine and thank you." Emilia smiled. She had no idea what Lewis was intending to do but he leaned in and kissed her. Emilia's eyes widened in surprise and she didn't kiss him back. He noticed after a few seconds and stepped back.

"I'm sorry I thought–" Emilia cut him off with her hand. She kept quiet for a moment so she could compose an answer without hurting Lewis and keeping her relationship secret.

"No, it's fine. I don't date or do anything with drivers." Emilia stated. It came out slightly cold which she regretted but it was too late now. "If anyone saw us, you have some explaining to do."

"Yeah my bad, I assumed you had got my intentions from my invitation. It's my bad, I read you wrong." Lewis sounded and appeared disappointed.

"I'm really sorry Lewis." Emilia apologised. "I have to go." Emilia turned and left. She didn't know what to do but she couldn't stay there. Walking away maybe wasn't a genius idea but it was awkward and she was praying nobody took photos of them. They hadn't been recognised all evening so it was hopeful that no one had seen them.

She needed a moment and saw a small alleyway where she could collect her feelings. Obviously, there were no feelings for Lewis but it still worried her that there would be photos spread of him and her together. Lando would have no explanation for it and she was about to text him when she heard shouting.

Her attention had been focused on what had just happened she hadn't seen a man enter the alleyway. He'd came from the one way so there was still the option to try and get out the other way. However, he anticipated this move and grabbed her hair. Emilia let out a squeal. The man was speaking a language she didn't understand, maybe it was native, maybe it was foreign.

He started kissing her and moving one hand up her shirt and the other on her hip. Emilia froze she didn't know what to do. It had caught her off-guard and this man was doing what he wanted as there was no resistance. Emilia knew she had to fight back. She lifted up her leg and kneed him where it would hurt most. If that wasn't enough, she punched him round the face for touching her. Her swing was so hard that she managed to hit his face and the momentum carried forward into the wall beside her. Her knuckles scraped against the brick wall shredding the skin. As if this could get any worse.

"Sick bastard." She spat at the man on the floor and ran off. Emilia clung to her bag as she ran because it was bouncing from side to side and annoying her. She only ran just in case the man decided to get up and chase her. Although she had lost the man, she had also lost her way. Frantically, Emilia searched for something familiar feeling her breath quicken not because of the exercise. Tears were also streaming down her face making her hyperventilate as well. Running was not a good idea but she couldn't do nothing else.

There was a main road next to her and she was running alongside it hoping to see some signs of a hotel or at least the track. It was mostly dark making the signs harder to see which panicked Emilia more. She went to phone someone but realised that it was dead. Just what she needed.

She looked around again for something and then a car stopped next to her. It was a Lamborghini and she stepped back in case the man had found her again. The window was rolled down and Emilia tentatively peeked in the car and saw that it was Daniel. He had brilliant timing. She flung open the door and got in.

"Are you okay?" Daniel questioned as he began to drive. He was parked on a main road which blocked a lane so he had to continue. Emilia didn't respond as she was trying to focus on her breathing. "I'm going to try and stop as soon as I can." Daniel assured. Emilia hugged her knees up to her chest and placed her head between her knees. She didn't have a seatbelt on right now and it hadn't come across her mind to put one on.

Daniel managed to pull over in a layby where he turned round to Emilia who was sitting on the seat starting to have a panic attack. Daniel began to panic because he had no idea how to help her through this. He had no clue what had happened but was there for Emilia anyway.

"Emilia, listen to me. Give me your hands and face me." Daniel instructed. Emilia didn't move so he asked her again and she complied. "Now breathe with me. Think of something nice, picture your holiday in Paris you just had." Daniel advised. Eventually, Emilia managed to calm down and gain control of her breath. Several times, she almost slipped back into panic as she thought of the events that had recently unfolded but was able to relax enough for Daniel to be satisfied. "What the fuck happened to make you react like that?" The Australian enquired. Emilia tried to breathe a bit more and wiped her tears away from her face before speaking.

"There was a man." Emilia started. She tried not to panic as she continued. "And he touched me."

"Touched you where?" Daniels quickly questioned. Emilia gestured to everywhere on her body. She shivered still feeling the man's touch on her. "Who was it?"

"I don't know. I have no idea. I went down an alleyway and this man appeared." Emilia choked crying again.

"Okay, you're with me now, you're going to be fine." Daniel soothed pulling her in for a hug. "You feel cold do you want a jumper?" Emilia nodded and Daniel reached to the backseat pulling out a McLaren jumper. She put it on her and appreciated the warmth. "Do you want to go back to the hotel?" Emilia nodded again so the Australian drove off.

It was a short drive back to hotel which Emilia didn't speak for the whole duration of. She was still traumatised from the events that kept playing on her mind. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get rid of the smell of him or the feel of his lips on her face.

"Em, we're here." Daniel announced. She took a deep breath and got out the car. Emilia didn't want to be seen by anyone like this so she put the hood up and snuck her hand with the blood on into the sleeve. Hastily, they sped through the reception to a lift which when they were inside, before the door even closed Daniel was hugging her again.

"I need a shower." Emilia whispered. Showers always helped calmed her down and it would hopefully wash away this evening's events. Well anything after Lewis kissing her. She didn't blame Lewis at all for what had happened because how was he supposed to know.

"Yeah, that's fine." Daniel nodded. They went to his room and Emilia immediately ran off into the bathroom stripped her clothes and got in the shower. She wanted it hot so it would almost burn her skin. Emilia scrubbed hard at her skin trying to remove the feeling of the man on her. Her skin began to go red and raw but it wasn't making her feel better. "Emilia, you've been in there a long time, are you okay?" Daniel knocked on the door and called.

"He's not coming off." She sobbed slowly sliding down the wall. She put her head between her knees and cried.

"I'm going to call George, just give me a minute." Daniel informed. Emilia had the shower still running and sat there crying. A few minutes passed before she heard George knocking on the door. She recognised his voice and she turned off the shower.

"Emilia, have you got clothes on?" George queried with a lot of evident panic in his voice.

"No." Emilia hoarsely responded.

"I'm not coming in unless you do." George told her. Even though Emilia had met one disrespectful man this evening but she had two very respectful men waiting outside for her. 

"Okay, I'm getting out the shower." Emilia stood up and wrapped a towel around her. She took a look at herself in the mirror but it was steamed up from the shower so it didn't help her. Slowly, she opened the door but George rushed in hugged her. She was wet and he was now wet as well but he didn't seem to mind. "Can you go and get me some clothes please and my boyfriend's jumper it should be hung up in my wardrobe." Emilia asked George after a while. He nodded and took her key so he could get in. Technically, Lando wasn't her boyfriend but she knew it was easier to call him that.

"Didn't know you have a boyfriend but do you want anything else?" Daniel enquired but Emilia shook her head. "Let's get your hand bandaged though." Daniel wrapped plasters and a bandage around her knuckles to stop an infection occurring. George came back within a few minutes and handed her clothes which she put on in the bathroom. She joined the men back in Daniel's bedroom once she'd finished. She'd heard the word assault as she opened the door. Both of them stopped talking and watched Emilia sit down on the bed.

"You were assaulted?" George asked after a minute. Emilia nodded. "By who?"

"I have no idea. I didn't see his face properly until I punched it." Emilia shrugged. The two drivers beside her looked at her in surprise.

"How did you end up in that alleyway?" Daniel queried. The questions were a lot for Emilia but that shower did make her feel better maybe not good enough to properly talk about it but enough to answer a few questions. These two had helped her a lot they deserved part of an explanation she thought.

"I was out on a walk with Lewis. Then Lewis tried to kiss me, I panicked, explained I didn't date drivers then ran off. I stopped in this alleyway and tried to process what had happened. This man appeared, I tried to escape but couldn't so I kneed him in the balls and punched him in the face but by swing was so hard is continued into the wall. I kept running until Daniel drove passed and found me." Emilia recounted. 

"Jesus Em." George sighed and rubbed his teammate's back. She leant her head on George's shoulder. It had been a pretty eventful day for Emilia. She wished she could have a day to process it all but she had to race tomorrow. "What do you want to do? I can go find that son of a bitch if you want."

"You won't be able to, I remember his face but there are so many men out there you could never find him. I just want to sleep." Emilia replied.

"You're welcome to stay in here if you would like." Daniel offered. Even though it was only hers for a few days, Emilia still wanted to be in her room.

"Thank you, but I'll to sleep in my own bed." Emilia said.

"Of course." Daniel smiled. It was the first time he'd smiled all evening. Everyone knew Daniel is always smiling so for him not to smile it must be serious.

"Thank you so much for everything Daniel, I really appreciate it." Emilia gave him a hug before leaving with George. Her teammate had picked up her clothes on the bathroom floor and had them in his hand. "Bin those clothes for me please." Emilia requested as she didn't want any reminder of that man near her. Those clothes weren't anything special anyway so it wasn't the end of the world.

"Yeah of course." George went the other way to Emilia as she headed to her room. She unlocked the door and flopped onto her bed. Now, she felt a lot more like herself and decided she would sleep in this because she saw little point in changing. Emilia put her phone on charge because she really wanted Lando; she needed his reassurance, his kisses and cuddles after everything had just happened. She phoned Lando three times and sent a text message once it had charged a bit but there was no reply. There was a knock on the door and Emilia ran to open it hoping it was Lando but it wasn't, it was George. "I didn't feel comfortable leaving you by yourself." He revealed.

"Come in." Emilia smiled and she climbed back into bed. "Can you sleep in my room tonight please? I don't want to be alone." Emilia admitted. It was probably really selfish requesting this but she needed someone right now.

"As long as your boyfriend's alright with that. Speaking of him, does he know what's happened?" George questioned.

"I've tried phoning him but he's not picking up." Emilia replied which was true, Lando wasn't answering his phone. George was making himself comfy on the floor and Emilia knew she couldn't let him sleep there. "George you can sleep in the bed with me if you want."

"And your boyfriend will be alright with that?" George was really cautious of Emilia's boyfriend and she was praying he didn't have a key to her room as there would be a lot of explaining to do. In her eyes, as long as George wasn't near her it was fine. Plus, if Lando decided to pick up his phone then it would be him and not George. She had no romantic feelings for George and just needed someone to comfort her right now.

"He'll be fine with it." Emilia responded and switched the light off and George got into bed.

Thanks for the suggestion Dbenmefjwkrn to make Bottas the rival. Valtteri is probably a really nice person but for the purpose of this story, we need a rival.

Go and check out juliette_leg her story is amazing and she's a really talented writer <3

This is the third update of the week which is a lot for me especially as this one is over 6000 words and the next one is as well, I'm looking forward for everyone seeing that one very dramatic 😁😁

Remember to take care of yourselves and thank you for reading <3

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