Forever Forgotten: White Eyes

By FlameFall

628 73 4

Thanks to a curse that was accidentally put on them by their dad, Thor, Thunder, Puck, and Twinkle each have... More

Chapter l - Puck
Chapter ll - Thor
Chapter lV - Puck
Chapter V - Thunder
Chapter Vl - Puck
Chapter Vll - Thunder
Chapter Vlll - Puck
Chapter lX- Puck
Chapter X- Puck
Chapter Xl- Thunder
Chapter Xll- Puck
Chapter Xlll- Thor
Chapter XlV- Puck
Chapter XV- Twinkle
Chapter XVl- Thunder
Chapter XVll- Thor
Chapter 18 (I give up on roman numerals XD)- Twinkle
Chapter 19- Twinkle
Chapter 20- Puck
Chapter 21- Twinkle
Chapter 22- Twinkle
Chapter 23- Twinkle
Chapter 24- Twinkle
Chapter 25- Twinkle
Chapter 26- Twinkle
Chapter 27- Thunder
Chapter 28- Scara
Chapter 29- Twinkle
Chapter 30- Thunder
Chapter 31- Puck
Chapter 32- Thor
Chapter 33- Thunder

Chapter III - Twinkle

30 3 0
By FlameFall

Twinkle had been listening to her older brothers quarrel. Why is Thor leaving us? He's always been there for me...well at least since I've lived with them.

Despite her resent unconsciousness, Twinkle could remember most of what had happened during the fire, even though she couldn't remember how the fire started, or how it had reached her so quickly.

Despite being three years old, Twinkle was quite intelligent, due to all books she had looked at and read when she was bored. Twinkle was bored A LOT in her early years. When she was just one year old her parents had left her on a train, hoping someone would find her and keep her. Twinkle never knew why her parents wanted to rid of her, nor did she want to know. She'd spent weeks on that old train, not saying a word, not making a sound. No one had found her and, to this day, Twinkle could still remember the dark, cold night when the train hit ice and flipped off the track, killing the driver and sending one-year-old Twinkle flying out the window. She landed right outside of "The Pillow Orphanage" in the small town of Jamma. Twinkle was found and taken care of. That's how Twinkle Frost became an orphan. That's also how Twinkle Frost had become Twinkle Westen.

Now Twinkle Westen was trying to figure out how she got out of the burning house, where her new parents were, why Thor was leaving them, and most of all, why was she tied to a metal pole?

Thunder answered her unspoken question, "Thor tied us here so we wouldn't follow him." Thunder's voice didn't hint even the slightest bit of fear, but as Twinkle cracked her eyes open she saw that Thunder's tear stained face gave away all his true emotions.

"What now?" Puck whispered as a shopping cart rolled down the empty street. As the cart rolled, it creaked and made a sound like nails on a calk bored.

Twinkle flinched at the noise. That's some strong wind!

"Now" said Thunder, bring Twinkle back to the present. " Now.. we get outta here!" Instantly a bright yellow lightning bolt , about as long as a ruler, formed in Thunder's hand. Thunder swiftly brought it down and the rope that held the three siblings to the pole. It broke with a snap and the lightning bolt, as suddenly as it came, disappeared into Thunder's hand.

"But Thunder," Twinkle said, standing up. " Where will we go?" She wobbled slightly on her uneasy legs and then toppled over as a strong gust of wind hit her from behind. Twinkle quickly sat up and looked at her older brother questioningly.

Thunder hesitated and then finally said "We'll head towards the mountains. Maybe there'll be a cave up there we can stay in."

Twinkle looked up towards the mountains but quickly turned away as wind sprayed dust in her eyes. "What about mom and dad? Will they come with us too?"

Thunder froze and didn't answer, while Puck held his breath. There was a long death-like silence that the wind carried on for what seemed like miles upon miles. Oh God no....

Puck took a deep breath. "They're dead."

To Twinkle, Puck's voice was dead too. It seemed to echo off of nothing but everything. The way Puck said the words made them even more eerie. "Wait...What!?"

Puck nodded.

Twinkle's head spun. "But... but...." Tears started to well up in her eyes. " But.. but...they ...they CANT be was THOR'S fire....not a....He'd never kill anyone...not on purpose!..."

" No, not on purpose.." said Thunder in a sad voice. " But on accident.........." Thunder''s words died away with the wind, not needed to be finished.

Unexpectedly, Twinkle broke into a sob, which after some time, turned into a constant whimper. The three siblings sat quietly on the old house's door step, not daring to break the loud silence.

Twinkle let her thoughts get the best of her. Now, just like her real parents, her parents and brother had disappeared to who-knows-where. As she cried Twinkle thought about the train, mountains, and Thor. Thor....

" Thunder," Twinkle sniffled.

Thunder looked at her in surprise and nodded, still not bearing to break the moment with his words.

"Do you think.." Twinkle continued " you think....are we going to look for Thor in the mountains?"

Thunder hesitated once again and then quickly shook his head. " No."

Twinkle, however, was very intelligent for a girl of three years. When she saw a quick glimmer of hope flash in Thunder's eyes, like a lightning bolt ready to strike, she felt a small ray of light open within herself.

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