Megaman: Reboot

By TwilightDragon5

11.1K 216 23

In the year 20xx, a new type of technology is being produced worldwide. The robot masters, advanced machines... More

His beginning pt. 1
His beginning part 2
'Cutting' it close
Shocking guts
Soldiers of Justice
Cool brother in arms
Such a Devil
Gold and Blue
Troubled family
Old friends
Attack at home
Mangled Metal
Stopped in time
Bubbly woods
Last in defense
Second defeat
Their fate
Who's at fault?
Welcome Wi-lights
Prickly Shell
A surprise visit
A Light's Shadow
Keep friends Close
And Enemies Closer
Ambush in the Amazon
Temple Battle pt. 1
Temple Battle pt. 2
Preparing to leave
Robot Assigning
The Prototypes
A Pact
New Power
Far Beyond Reach
The Great Unveiling
Call to Action
Dancing with Death

The Reign of the Moon

151 3 0
By TwilightDragon5

Rock felt heavy and light at the same time. He couldn't move or see anything in the darkness. But he could hear his father's voice come in and out several times. The beeps and pulses of his core felt faint, but still existing. He couldn't be dead, otherwise he wouldn't be having these thoughts.

He tried to keep himself together and remember what had happened. He could recall he was running out of the forest towards Roll to warn her. To warn her of what he couldn't even remember. There was a pain like fire creeping through his back, eating away at his wires like acid. He didn't even see the attack, like he was stabbed through the shadows.


All the memories returned and Rock pieced everything together. He was on a trek with his half brothers Snake and Top to find Shadow's location. Something was going on at the ancient temple and Snake warned him to run. And Shadow was trying to stop him. To hurt him. And he did so by stabbing him in the back.

The voices were becoming understandable. Rock felt the twitching in his fingers and feet as he was booting up. His core started to beep quickly as he regained consciousness. His mind was whirling with questions.

Why did Shadow attack him? Where was Snake and Top while he was running for what he thought was his life? What happened to his family?

He hoped they weren't in danger.

"Olá Megaman, can you hear me?"

Rock groaned and his eyes flickered open. As his vision adjusted, he felt the tight grip of a robot's hands. "Roll, is that you?" He bent forward and felt a fiery pain from his spine. He screamed and whipped back, clutching his head tightly. The hands reached for him again and he realized that the person comforting him was Plantman. Plant held his head gently with a sad smile and lifted him slowly.

"Breathe Megaman. It's to help your circuits calm down from the additional coating." He said.

Plant put his hand behind Rock and reeled him close. The pain throbbed in his circuits, but slowly died away as he adjusted his senses. The surrounding area was littered with vines and exotic plants. The spiked stems of rose bushes lined the interior walls, and huge pink flowers sprouted from the corners of the doors. Among all the plants and shrubbery were small plates, bowls, a large cooler, and packaged goods. Rock realized they weren't in a lab at all, but a plant filled kitchen.

"Easy, easy. That blade and EMP did a lot to your systems, and the new coating is probably making you feel dizzy. The doctors left me to take care of you while they contact the outside. Do you feel sick or anything weird?"

"Plantman, what is going on? Where is my dad, and my half-brothers, and Roll? What happened to them?" Rock rambled off the questions and Plant set him down. After a few staggering steps, he walked easily past the door.

"It all happened so fast," Plant sighed as they walked around what was the greenhouse. Where there was once windows to let the sun shine was now buried in twisted vines, casting the sunroom in a dark embrace. "You got attacked from behind and all of your brothers...they were taken. And they were going to take you away as well."

"Shadow did it, didn't he?" Rock sadly spoke.


"I gave him that name while we talked at the temples he resided in, before I got a message from Snake telling me to run. I didn't know what was going on, but the last thing I heard was a dark voice saying something is beginning."

"Wait a minute, you went to a temple and heard a voice? Did this temple have a eye symbol in the front?" Plant asked. Rock, not catching the question, mindlessly nodded. When he looked up, Plant's eyes were filled with concern, shock, and mostly fear. He twisted his vines around his waist and gestured Rock forward. "Astil and Dr. Light are taking care of Roll in the other room. You should go outside to meet them."

He entered and saw the doctors standing among the living room. Their shirts and coats were filthy with dirt and oil, as well as their hair. Tools and old radios were nearby but only static with occasional muffled voices came through. And on the table was Roll, encased in a chamber with wires attached on all sides. He wanted to cry at the sight.

"Dr. Light!" He called for his father. The good doctor jolted at the sound of his son and teared up seeing him standing. They ran to each other and gave a tight hug, to which neither were letting go.

"Rock, thank heavens you're all right! Is anything wrong?! Are all of your systems working?!" The doctor asked frantically. The little robot patted his creator's back but his eyes were locked on Roll. With a light push, he looked his father in the eyes.

"I'm fine. A little slow, but fine. What happened to you and Astil? Why is the greenhouse covered in vines? Wh-Why is Roll in a chamber?"

Light didn't answer, and Astil was fidgeting with a vial. Plantman placed his hand on the capsule holding Roll, sadly looking at her somewhat peaceful look. Everyone exchanged glances and took a seat. Rock watched his sister carefully but looked away when Dr. Light cleared his throat.

"Rock, after you were attacked by the strange robot, a electromagnetic wave circled the world in minutes and all technology have been forcibly disconnected and shut down. Every city has been under a constant blackout for a few weeks, and the wave impacted your sister the hardest. It seems we were point blank range of the wave, and she made sure you were okay before her systems were shut down."

"Sis! Sister, please wake up!" Rock ran to the capsule, banging on the glass. His sister remained unmoving.

"Megaman don't! This is the only working technology we have in the house, we don't want it destroyed!" Astil said. Dr. Light pulled Rock away and hugged him again. Rock was shaking in fear and wondered how he had let this happen.

"Easy my son, it's alright. We managed to stabilize her enough to prevent her from frying." Light spoke softly, but was afraid to let go of him.

"Are robot masters around the world suffering from this as well?"

"As far as I know, yes. I tried contacting your brothers, and none of them have responded. I'm sorry Rock."

"Guys..." Rock mumbled. "But if the world is suffering from a blackout, then how am I online?"

"That would be my doing." Astil said. "A few years back, I was developing a new kind of mixture that would combine biological enzymes with mechanical fluid. The new liner was to be used as a coating for complex tech like robots and government machinery. The biological enzymes mixed in the coating would allow it to protect the tech from hackers or worse a EMP. That's how Plantman was able to endure the wave, and how you are able to function even with our close proximity to the source. I had stopped production and further expanding the product for a long time, but I restarted the process after the signals started reappearing. I wanted to prepare for anything, especially for what that cursed temple has to throw."

"You know the temple? Is it why you have it crossed out on your map?"

Astil took a shuddering breath and clutched the sleeve to his missing arm. Plant came to him and leaned to him. "I think it's best if we tell them."

"Three years ago, there was a strong electromagnetic signal coming from the temples and interfering with passing airliners. The United Nations gathered a small group to traverse the Amazon and find the source of the signal. I was supposed to gather any logical reason as to what was causing it. Earthquakes, unstable ground or anything similar. The truth to it was far worse than any of us thought."

"The pulse proved to be stronger than we were told, and our helicopters were blown out of the sky. I was lucky to survive the fall. I..." Astil sighed, "I called for backup to help get all of the injured out. It took hours for reinforcements to arrive, but as we were preparing to leave, one of my colleagues was being attacked. We couldn't see who or what it was, but they opened fire. I couldn't see what was happening, and by the time I noticed...well, you can see the results." He gestured sadly to the armless sleeve. Plantman hugged his creator, and Rock could only look away.

"Oh my god Pedro." Dr. Light gasped.

"It's okay. I had asked the United Nations to make that section of the forest completely closed off to protect anyone else from going through what we did. I ended up becoming a botanist instead and built Plantman. The government have tried to send in officials to the ruins before, but they always came back because their machines had broken down. To this day, I always believed there was something sinister about that place."

Rock looked around the plant covered lab, squeezing Dr. Light's hand. "I'm sorry for going into the forest. I-I shouldn't had let Top and Snake drag me into it. I should've told you what they were up to, that they were going to the ruins-"

"It's okay Rock-"

"No, it's not!! My sister is injured, and the world's in danger!"

"Son, please calm down. We're trying to help the world as much as we can. Pedro is sending out samples of the coating to as many robot masters as possible. They will be able to help people until this problem can be stopped." Light said.

"I need to talk to you alone Thomas. It'll only be a few minutes." Pedro said. The two doctors exited the room, and Rock saw spikes and the same huge flowers arranged all over the grass.

"They kept coming back after the EMP. First it was Shadow, then he brought the others, and it became a party of eight. They did a number on the greenhouse, and I had to set up precautions. The huge flowers would leave a stench if they stepped on them, so I would know they were near while you were asleep. Day after day, they kept coming back to snatch you and Roll. Then they stopped a couple of days ago. I still see them walking around, but they never engage. They're waiting for us to get tired so they can attack." Plantman said and gently patted Rock's shoulder.

"I'm sorry Plantman."

"I had to stay awake for several days just to fend them off. Even still, they tore up the greenhouse badly. I was of little help at all." Plant sighed.

"That's not true. You kept everyone in here safe, repaired me, and protected Roll. You did good." Rock replied.

Plant smiled sheepishly from the compliment. "Thank you."

"Your welcome. I'm going to walk outside."

"Don't stray from the house. I won't be able to protect you from afar."

Rock walked the protected walls of the greenhouse. He felt all his energy return as his core warmed up in the sun. He looked to the town, and it seemed unrecognizable. The streets filled with happy people and robots were now empty. Cars sat idle in piles, and people wandered up and down asking for supplies and food. Children cried for reassurance from their parents.  He saw some men trying to revive one of their robots, only for electricity to be released back at them. Rock couldn't watch it anymore and walked back to the greenhouse. Approaching the back door, he heard whispering from the two doctors.

"I think it's the best course of action for you and your two remaining creations to leave Brazil and head back home." Astil said.

"Absolutely not. I refuse to let you deal with this alone." Light responded.

"Thomas, you know as well as I do that Megaman and Roll aren't safe here. The strange robot is going to keep coming back here and take everyone that's left."

"Think about this Pedro! Most technology around the world is still offline, and the public is still waiting for your coating to be produced. I can help spread the coating to robot masters that need it, starting with mine. They can be the first step to bringing stability so that something can be done with the wave."

"The wave is getting stronger, and technology is being hit harder every day. You saw how it's taking a toll on Plantman. He could withstand the effects perfectly fine for days. Now he is starting to grow tired and sluggish, and most of his body is composed of biological material. Whatever type of wave this is, its effects are growing beyond technology and now affecting biological organisms. How long will it be before the public feels sick? What about you? You're older than I am Thomas, and I fear what will happen to you when the next wave hits." Pedro sighed. Rock leaned in to listen more.

"My daughter is dying-" Light sighed.

"I will give most of the coating I've made to you, and you can administer it to any robots as far away from the wave as you can. With the distance you and your children will cover, the effects of the blast should be less powerful. You'll be able to administer the coating to some companies that could use it."

"Pedro, my robots are still missing-" Light said louder.

"I can see if I can issue a search party to recover them. Plantman has fought them off before, maybe I can help you on that. We can even get Wily back."

"Wait, Dr. Wily's missing as well? Did he get taken?" Rock opened the door.

"Yes. We haven't heard from him since the EMP. Nobody in town has heard from him, so we can assume whatever's at the temple took him." Astil said. 

Rock looked to the bleak atmosphere outside then to the doctors. He stomped his foot and ran to the stairs. Grabbing a small bag, he stuffed E-Tanks and tools until it bulged. His father was knocking on the door and he walked down the stairs again. He almost made it past the sunroom before Dr. Light grabbed his arm.

"Rock, stop! You can't go out there alone!"

Rock stopped in his tracks, stopping himself from yelling. "I have to stop them from hurting everyone! I need to be Megaman and save everyone! Please Dr. Light, I have to do this." 

He and the doctor stared at each other before Light gave in. "Alright. But you have to get back home and retrieve your weapons system. Take these samples of the coating and give it to your brothers. I will stay and keep your sister stabilized with Astil and Plantman. Once you get your weapon system and brothers online, come back safely so I can safely install them back in your system."


Dr. Light hugged him one last time as the coordinates of the lab were downloaded. "Please be careful."

"I will. Take care of Roll."

As Rock teleported away, a small mechanical snake slithered out of the door and into the dark forest.


KEEP FINDING HIM MY SERVANTS, HE HAS TO BE NEARBY AND WEAK. Ra Moon ordered the Wi-lights. A brainwashed Gemini and his clones were checking the winding corridors of the temple, Topman skated the outside perimeter with watchful eyes, and Magnetman hovered feet above the temple's roof. Hardman and Needleman watched as the structures they attacked crumbled to dust, and Sparkman waited for any creature to shock.

And here was Doctor Wily, forced to hide from the brainwashed husks of his creations. The next explosion came around, and he grabbed his bag and ran. He had no idea how much time had passed, but he assumed awhile. Being in hiding from a giant killer alien supercomputer and his brainwashed robots gave no time for hygienics. Or even food. He realized he needed food fast as he was on his last ration.

"Come on, it has to be around here somewhere. Come on Albert, don't let your hunger best your mighty intelligence." The doctor touched every slab on the wall. One of the slabs slid forward, and he gave a push. Bricks fell into the mud and the doctor froze. If any of them heard that, he would at best be crushed. Ra Moon made it very clear he wanted him dead, and he wasn't sure if Asimov's laws would stop the robots under his control.

He heard no approaching footsteps and peeked outside. Magnet was within several feet from him, watching Needle and Hardman's dust cloud with haunting eyes. Wily was about to make a move and flee, when a foot landed in the rubble. He retreated against the wall as Shadow approached the hole with disgust.

Every single time you come back to stop my escape. You're worse than Megaman! Wily cursed in his mind.

The ninja continued to stare at the hole until another voice approached. 

"Is everything alright?" Snake's warped voice hissed.

"I thought I told them to leave this temple alone. Instead, their reckless destruction has damaged the base." Shadow groaned.

"Should we tell Ra Moon ourselves?"

"No, I will give them the order myself. Ra Moon shouldn't be disturbed by this, not while the plan is in effect. Do you have reports on the state of the outside world?" 

"It is complete chaos out there. Cities are in the dark, no human is in contact with another for miles, and no technology aside from us can withstand the wave. From what my snakes say, certain populations of people are growing smaller rapidly."

Drat! That means I'm left defenseless, hungry, and no way of building anything. And I can cross fleeing this place for help, the ninja would finish me off easily. I can't let this be the end. I can't let this be the way I go out! Wily gritted his teeth.

"However, Rock has left the greenhouse and teleported away. The two humans are the only ones remaining." Snake said.

"Do you know where he is now?"

"I only know he is not in the area anymore. If anything, he's probably looking for any kind of support for help. To stop Ra Moon and his plan."

Wily almost wanted to shout as a plan came to mind. As soon as a small breath left, Shadow whipped around and glared into the entrance. He froze and sweat trickled down his brow.

"What could that child possibly do? He is no match for us or Ra Moon's power." Shadow huffed.

"Then you don't know him at all. I heard stories about him defeating 16 other robots effortlessly and stopped attempted takeovers of cities. It's best not to underestimate him, maybe even track him down."

"I will track him down. You will stay here and protect Ra Moon. And if you find Wily, don't hesitate to attack him."

"Yes sir."

As the two left, a small search snake slithered into view. Wily grabbed his bag and swung it into the snake. It crumbled against the wall and its eyes flickered off. He grabbed the small mechanical reptile and ran down the corridors.

"Oh Thomas, you madman! You managed to get Megaman back on his feet! Which means I have a chance to get out of this place!"

With a couple more turns, he was in a damp room with small cracks of sunlight. A lamp provided better light, showing the almost complete form of Ra Thor along with scattered parts and tools. Wily crouched over and started to disassemble the search snake.

"I don't have much time to spare. I'm sure my robots will find me sooner or later, especially with the strange ninja guarding that blasted alien constantly. But I can manage to make a signal to Megaman, perhaps I have a chance to provide help! I can even get my own robots to assist me, assuming they somehow have survived the blast!" Wily didn't know whether it was the hunger settling in or if he was happy there was a chance to live, but he laughed.

"And if they manage to find me, Ra Thor will stop them dead in their tracks! You picked the wrong brilliant scientist to betray Ra Moon! I, Doctor Wily, will show you what happens when you attack me!"

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