The Black Unicorn

By Phantomheart8

206K 10.7K 3.1K

You are just a poor peasant girl living in the countryside of your kingdom, Making what little money you can... More

Before story note
A New Day
Meeting New Friends
Warnings in the Wind
Taken away
First Day in the Castle
He's Here
Wrong Place at the Wrong Time
Doing the "Right" thing
All for a couple of Apples
Too Much
Marketplace Mayhem
Masters not so bad side
Midnight Stroll Through The Castle Halls
Preparing for Guests
Masters Cursed Steed
Odd Changes in the Castle
Tiger's Bane Extract
Master Ambrose's True Intentions
Christmas special AU
How Did This Come To Be?
New story!
The Creature in the Water
The Creatures Grim Warnings
Searching for Tokotopa
A Boy and His Unicorn
Bloody Interrogation
Bloody Interrogation Part 2
" Master... What am I to you?"
It's out now!
The Magic Room
A Warm Brew of Tea
A symbol of Love
" I love You."
A/N: Dracal
Another A/N!
The calm before the Storm
Even Demons cry
Hunters of the Black X Order
Lord Conrad's keep
What is Seen
The Four Princes of Ahlk-hatek
meet the author
Guardian Spirits
Opal Eyes
Royal Fun
A Warlocks Best Friend: Part 1
A Warlocks Best Friend: Part 2
A/N: 1000 Followers!!!
Every Tale Has A Different Side
Every Person Has A Differnent Side
A/N: Leodai Art
Fiery Reunion
A Common Enemy
A/N: Anonymous Character
The Ruins of Ikaro
Lost Souls
A Ghostly Message
The Wyrm Of The Labyrinth
War In the Hills
One Last Hope
A Hidden Magician
Christmas special: Mr. And Mrs. Claus
The Nature of Evil
Dishonoring Accusations
On That Day
"We Must Make Haste"
Hiding In Plain Sight
Stampede In The Town Square
All Gone To Hell
My Name


2.1K 143 33
By Phantomheart8

The little one now known as Varem kept one hand on my back and the other on the reigns of the horse as it charged away from the courtyard, Across the drawbridge, and stormed down the cobblestoned streets of the royal city.

Everyone was wisely holding up in their homes. They saw all the servants fleeing from the castle in their panicked state. There was not a single soul on the roads other than the Hunter and I. The horse's hooves clomped like thunder over the cobblestone roads.

The horse snorted and huffed as it charged out of the city limits, never slowing down for a second as we entered the fields of the kingdom. Using the reigns, he veered the horse onto a different path, and over in the direction to the forest mountains in the distance.

The position I was in was limiting, and awkward. I could barely move around at all. Especially with the hand on my back and the binds on my arms and legs.

" Let me go now! Unhand me you brute!" I cried out, trying to struggle in any way I could. The hand on my back kept me pinned down though and the bones in his legs were solid against my stomach and ribcage.

" I'm sorry my lady! I cannot do that! We will be to safety soon enough! then we can get whatever vile spell the shadow thrower has cast upon you out of your mind! You will be a free lady once more!" Varem's smooth voice was almost completely carried away by the wind.

Tears were blown from my face from the wind slapping over us from how fast the horse was carrying us. I tried to move my arms and bring them close so I could chew the binds. But I was too pressed against his legs, I could barely move my arms at all let alone bring them all the way to my face.

I was trapped. I was being kidnapped again. These men seemed absolutely certain that they were somehow helping me though. There was no doubt in their minds that I was trapped in my own mind by a spell or curse from the Master.

Perhaps these weren't the same people who kidnapped me from before. They had no intention of " Helping" me. They were quite forward about wanting to hurt me.

Maybe it was only a guise to try and make me struggle less. Time would only tell. The fight fell from my limbs as the realization hit me. We were already miles away from the Castle. From my beloved Master Ambrose and friend Dracal.

Even if I did somehow manage to get out of my bindings and jump off the horse. I would probably break a few bones in the fall and be even more in a tight situation. And even if I did not hurt myself, he would catch up to me easily. He was an armed hunter on a horse. A

unarmed girl in a purple dress had no chance of getting away, hiding, and making it all the way back to the castle without him or one of his brothers finding me first.

My head and limbs fell limp, my eyes turning to look at the castle as it slowly got smaller and smaller in the distance. Did Master Ambrose know I was gone by now? Did he defeat the other two brothers or were they still holding him off? Was he and Dracal alright?

I had so many questions and absolutely no answers. The ground lifted up as we made it to the base of the Mountain, and the image of the Castle disappeared behind the pine and spruce trees as Varem led the horse to one of the rocky dirt paths.

- -

Night had fallen. The crescent moon was in the center of the sky. Blanketing us in almost complete darkness. We had been in the mountain forest, following the path for hours now.

Every few hours Varem would stop the horse and let it drink from a river and catch its breath. Ever since we stopped the first time he did not kick it into a full run again. Instead, we moved at a slow and steady pace in the inky black area.

He had no torch-lit, he seemed to be very sure of where he was going, and that the horse would be fine on the road with no dangers to make it stumble.

It was so cold out here. So quiet. The smell of pine was so strong, but it was the only thing that brought me any comfort at the moment.

I was still bound, only at the wrists and ankles. My kidnapper had barely laid a hand on me other than to take me on and off the horse for breaks.

The horse hooves were the only sound in the night, which made the woods seem eeiry and impossible to touch. Like it was empty and lifeless.

Sighs kept leaving my body as I kept looking back. Every time I did I hoped I would see Master Ambrose on Malicia with Dracal Right behind him, on their way to rescue me.

I was jolted out of my thoughts and hopes when Varem suddenly kicked the horse into a run again. My body was jostled around slightly as he veered it off onto another path, and moved it right alongside another group of running horses that were stampeding down the mountain.

It was the rest of the brothers. The one with the top Knot rode in the lead on Dracals stolen Buckskin and The big one was right behind him on Dusk. Asher was in the back on a stormy grey and Varem rode is in so that we were in front of Asher and behind the big one.

They all looked ok, other than some cuts and scrapes here and there. Did... Did they defeat Master Ambrose or did they flee? My heart was pounding painfully in my chest at the thought of My beloved dead or hurt right now. What about Dracal? Was he ok too?

Anger filled the pit of my stomach as I curled into myself with a growl. I swear! if these people somehow managed to do such a deed I would rip out all of their throats while they slept!

Once Varem was a part of the group again the horses started slowing down. Eventually pulling to a huffing stop. I glared at the men as they dismounted, the lead one pulled out a map and pointing to something while Asher and Varem crowded around to listen to what he was saying.

I jumped when the shadow of the big one fell over me, and before I could even blink or shout at him he placed a rag with some herbal type of smell in it over my face.

" I'm sorry my lady, but we cannot risk the Warlock spying through your eyes. This will make you sleep." That was all he was able to say before whatever he just drugged me with knocked me out cold.

- -

When I woke up next I was in some type of tent. I was laying on a cot as a gentle ray of sunlight shone in from the flap at the opening. It took a few seconds for my senses to kick in from my peaceful slumber.

The tent was well insulated from the cold, and it was rather warm. Outside I could hear the sound of clinking metal, horses, and many voices talking. It sounded almost like a war camp.

I was still restrained at my wrists and ankles, and I struggled into a sitting position. Maybe this was my chance to try and escape? There was no one in the tent with me now.

There could be guards outside though. With as much trouble they went through to get me I don't think they would be stupid enough to leave me unguarded and risk me slipping through their fingers.

Still, I brought my hands up to my face and started to chew and grind at the rope with my teeth. It was thick and reinforced, it took me a few minutes just to break a single strand.

I jumped and slammed my arms down on my legs when footsteps approached the tent I was in. The flap moved to the side and the four brothers along with two others all filed in.

The new people were some I had never seen in my life before either. The first was a woman with a very slim face. Brilliant ochre-toned skin that made her seem almost metallic in the sunlight, and shoulder length neatly cut burgundy hair looked down at me with a suspicious, but not angry glance.

The second one was an older man. He had the same skin tone as the woman, though his was a little more of an oak shade. His black hair was cropped short and he had a short black beard covering the lower half of his face.

On his shoulder perched a great horned owl. Its talons were dug tenderly into his leather armor and it clicked its beak softly as it looked at me with bored-looking yellow eyes.

" Are we sure it's alright for her to be uncovered? The Warlock could find our location!" The woman hissed, though her voice was soft and quiet as if she was a snake in the grass trying to remain hidden.

The old man stepped forward, and I noticed the tip of a bow that was strapped to his back. He looked down at me, but he was talking to the lady behind him.

" We have charms of protection around the camp. As powerful as Ambrose is he won't be able to project his magic here." His voice was deep and sounded like creaking wood.

" What should we do King Bubba? None of our spell checkers here can detect any spells on her. Whatever curses that Warlock put on her are too hidden to find." Asher asked, stepping forward slightly. I raised an eyebrow at the name.

" King Bubba? I don't know of any kingdom nearby with a king of that name." I asked, trying to show with my eyes and voice how angry and unimpressed I was with these people.

The corners of King Bubba's eyes crinkled as he smiled down at me. A light chuckle leaving his throat as he bent down slightly to observe me.

" King Bubba is only a warrior's name, my lady. Given to me by my comrads." He explained before standing straight again and facing the brothers. " As for your question Asher, there may not be any spells on her. We cannot deny though that whoever she is she is of great importance to Ambrose. One way or another he will try to retrieve her, we can use that to our advantage. But we Cannot be too careful. Vincent! Step forward boy." He finished with a command, and the one with the top knot stepped forward, his hands placed behind his back.

I was able to see his face now. His eyes were pointed and dark brown pretty much black. He had a slight mustache of sparkling golden hair forming on his upper lip. King Bubba faced all the brothers with a hard look. His owl doing the same.

" I want you and your brothers to take the lady to Lord Conrad's keep. He is the strongest Magic thrower we have as our ally. If there is a spell or curse on the girl he will find it and dispose of it. If not he is more than capable of taking on the Warlock on himself if he somehow slips past us. I will continue to lead the charge against the undead army of Ambrose and you will see me when you can. Ride with the wind and protect the girl with your lives. One way or another we will stop this menace and set the good people of the three kingdoms he has enslaved free.

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