The Giant and His Heart. [Lig...

By Nongogo

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He was her Giant. She was his Heart. He was rude and cruel. She was polite and compassionate. He was dangerou... More

Chapter 1 - "The Stranger"
Chapter 2 - "The Forced Sleepover"
Chapter 3 - "The Mean Guy"
Chapter 4 - "My Name Is Not Woman"
Chapter 5 - "Stockholm Syndrome"
Chapter 6 - "The Start Of Something"
Chapter 7 - "See You At 5"
Chapter 8 - "The Date"
Chapter 9 - "His Woman"
Chapter 10 - "His Scarred Back"
Chapter 11 - "Damn Giant!"
Chapter 12 - "Ugly Friends"
Chapter 13 - "Rude"
Chapter 14 - "Meet The Parents"
Chapter 15 - "James"
Chapter 16 - "The Breakdown"
Chapter 17 - "His Tragic Past"
Chapter 18 - "My Woman!"
Chapter 19 - "You're Going To Be Fine My Giant"
Chapter 20 - "He's Not A Monster"
Chapter 21 - "Isaac?"
Chapter 22 - "The Kidnapping"
Chapter 23 - "I Want To Leave Him"
Chapter 24 - "The First Taste"
Chapter 25 - "The Get Together"
Chapter 26 - "His Light"
Chapter 27 - "The Ex"
Chapter 28 - "The Police Officers"
Chapter 29 - "Superwoman"
Chapter 30 - "The Safe House"
Chapter 31 - "The Shootout"
Chapter 32 - "The SASS?"
Chapter 33 - "The First Time"
Chapter 34 - "The Proposal"
Chapter 35 - "I Love Him Mama"
Chapter 36 - "Give Us Your Blessing Or Else..."
Chapter 37 - "The Ring Made It All Better"
Chapter 38 - "The Mission"
Chapter 39 - "He Spanks Me!"
Chapter 40 - "A Ride To Church"
Chapter 41 - "The Shooting Range"
Chapter 42 - "So Called Friends"
Chapter 43 - "The Betrayal"
Chapter 44 - "Let Me Introduce You To My Demons"
Chapter 46 - "The Woman Who Can Tame The Beast"
Chapter 47 - "The Therapist"
Chapter 48 - "My Mother"
Chapter 49 - "Days Without My Giant"
Chapter 50 - "A New Friend?"
Chapter 51 - "Danger Has Come"
Chapter 52 - "Off Grid"
Chapter 53 - "Mandisa"
Chapter 54 - "My Protector"
Chapter 55 - "Danger Had Found Us"
Chapter 56 - "I Was Being Shot At Again"
Chapter 57 - "A Mole"
Chapter 58 - "The Cabin"
Chapter 59 - "The Finale"

Chapter 45 - "The Punishment"

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By Nongogo

Me: "Zano don't you da-." He connected his hand with my butt cheek five times...hard. I was screaming bloody murder with tears rolling down cheeks. This fucken giant! ... "I hate you I hate you!" I screamed.
Zanoxolo: "No you don't." He said chuckling. He was now soothing my burning butt cheek. Oh my gosh people! It hurt like hell... "you did this to yourself. I told you not to take off that ring." He said spanking my other butt cheek.
Me: "This-." He pinched my clit. Oh my gosh. I closed my eyes shut and gritted my teeth. It felt good...painfully good. Damn him! He gave my butt cheek a few more spanks while still pinching my clit. My toes curled tightly. I couldn't control my moans now. This was just too much...and wrong... "please." I begged moaning. I don't know if I was begging him to stop or not. He was now just flicking my clit like it was an instrument or something. I could feel a wave building. Every time I thought I was going to cum, he would stop and spank one of my butt cheeks. I was screaming, yelling, crying and begging. I was a mess. The pain and pleasure I was feeling was just too much and not being able to cum was just making what I was feeling much much worse... "please...please...Zano." I moaned painfully. Sweat was even dripping from my forehead to the floor. Can you guys imagine!
Zanoxolo: "Will you disobey me again and take off your ring?" He said connecting his hand with one of my butt cheeks while two of his fingers entered my carven. I gasped and groaned in pleasure and pain... "I asked you a question?" What was the question again? I shook my head. I didn't know anything anymore. All I wanted to do was to badly... " answer? So it means the punishment is not working."
Me: "Please...please just-just let me cum, I'll do anything you want!" I shouted through gritted teeth. He chuckled.
Zanoxolo: "Good girl." Fuck him... "I love how your pussy is squeezing my fingers baby." He praised... "so tight...and juicy." He strummed my clit with his thumb and I came sobbing. Yes, I was sobbing people. The way the orgasm was so painful and blissful at the same time, I just couldn't control my sobbing... "fuck baby, you're soaking my hand." I kept sobbing even after my orgasm had come to an end. It had just been too much people. My body was even shaking with aftershocks... "shh baby. You learnt your lesson right? Don't disobey me in future."
Me: "I-I" I said sobbing. He grunted.
Zanoxolo: "I know you enjoyed the punishment."
Me: "I did not!" I shouted sniffing. He laughed lightly.
Zanoxolo: "Baby my hand is soaked with your juices." He said in amusement. Argh! How could he tease me like this? The bastard! I really hated him and the worst thing my ass my burning like hell people. He helped me up to my feet. I tried to get away from him, but he pulled me to him and wiped my tears. I wasn't sobbing anymore, I was just sniffing... "such a big baby."
Me: "Don't talk to me. I hate you." I said angrily with a pout.
Zanoxolo: "What do you want me to do when you disobey me baby?"
Me: "I'm not a child Zano!" I raised my voice. He just grunted and pressed his mouth against mine... "this is just abuse." He chuckled.
Zano: "Abuse? Do you feel abused?" I huffed and looked away.
Me: "Ask my butt that." I said sullying. He barked out a laugh. Psh! He gave my ass a light squeeze... "ou!" I said smacking him on the shoulder. This! He put his face on my breasts. I sighed. What can I do about him? So frustrating!
Zanoxolo: "How's your head baby?" I was taken aback by his question. Talking about my head, the voices were gone. I didn't even feel them lingering anywhere inside there. Oh my gosh. I looked at the giant in wonder... "gone?" He asked with a smirk on his face. Damn giant!
Me: "I need to go and take a shower." I said not answering him. He chuckled.
Zanoxolo: "I'll take that as a yes." Then something occurred to me.
Me: "You didn't go to work today because of me?" I asked softly. He just grunted. Oh. I swallowed guilty... "I'm so-."
Zanoxolo: "Don't." He warned. Oh. Then another thing occurred to me.
Me: "I missed work yesterday!" I exclaimed in horror. The giant just nipped my chin and grunted... "Zano, I need to call-."
Zanoxolo: "Already did that." Oh... "you're off work for a week."
Me: "What?!" I shouted... "I can't be off work for a whole week Zano!"
Zanoxolo: "You can and you will." He said in that finality voice of his.
Me: "Paul won't-."
Zanoxolo: "He will. And he did." I huffed. He was so frustrating.
Me: "Zano-."
Zanoxolo: "This is not up for debate Busisiwe!" He growled. I closed my mouth shut. He rarely calls me by my full name. When he does, he's scary... "you need to rest and heal." He stated. I sighed. Whatever!
Me: "Fine. Let me go so I can go and shower." I said trying to get his arms around my waist off me.
Zanoxolo: "We're not done talking."
Me: "About what?"
Zanoxlo: "About your ugly friends." I didn't want to talk about them It was too soon. I shook my head.
Me: "Zano...please...just...not today okay?" I begged him with my eyes. He grunted.
Zanoxolo: "Okay woman...for now." I released a shaky breath... "but you must know one thing, I will never ever fuck around on you." He vowed. Oh my gosh! He looked serious... "I don't care if I get handed a lot pussies on a platter, the only pussy I would want will always be yours. You're in my're my heart. So if those voices come back, you tell them hear me?" I was blinking back tears. Oh my gosh! I just can't with this man bethuna. He gave me a squeeze... "you hear me baby?" I nodded breathing a little shakily... "words woman."
Me: "I-I hear you." I cleared my throat. He grunted.
Zanoxolo: "You can take your shower. I have work to do. I made you breakfast earlier on, so can warm it up in the oven when you're done." Oh my giant... "yeah?"
Me: "Yeah." I said softly smiling. He kissed me and I went to go take a shower.

I was eating my breakfast in the living room. I was sitting next to the giant on the couch. He was of course busy on his laptop. I would be jealous of that laptop if I didn't know he was doing important work for the country. It was sometimes surreal knowing that my man was doing important work that contributed in making the country peaceful. But it was dangerous at the same time. I sighed and looked at my ring finger. The ring was back to where it belonged. I was never going to take it off people. I didn't want to receive anymore spanking. No...thank you very much. My ass was burning at this current moment. It had been a mission to sit on this couch. It was freaking painful. I had given the giant a hard glare but he just grunted. Jerk! When I had looked at my ass through the bathroom mirror earlier, I had gasped in shock and horror when I saw freaking red hand print marks on my butt cheeks. They were freaking hand prints people! And they were red! A lot of them...okay maybe not a lot...just four...but still! Fuck the giant! My own mother didn't even spank me when I was young, but this big ass giant thinks he has a right to. Well...actually. Just shut up. Don't say anything. My phone rang, it was Fiona again. She had called earlier on too. I put my phone on mute. The giant grunted.
Me: "I know okay. I need to cut them off. But maybe she didn't know." I defended. He snorted. I huffed. Damn giant!
Zanoxolo: "Rip off the band aid now woman. Those ugly women are toxic. You saw it for yourself." I just couldn't believe they would do me like this. You guys know that I wasn't popular in High School, so Andy and Fiona were my first only friends. Now if I cut them off, it meant I'll have no friends. Besides having intimacy issues, I also had attachment issues people. It wasn't easy for me to just cut people off... "and I won't forgive them for causing your breakdown so they must pray I don't run into them." He threatened.
Me: "Zano!" He always wants to hurt people.
Zanoxolo: "Just saying." He grunted.
Me: "Don't hurt them."
Zanoxolo: "Not physically." I gritted my teeth. Mxm! I saw my phone flashing. I looked. It wasn't Fiona. It was Diana. Oh my gosh! The freaking wedding! I groaned. I picked up.
Me: "Hey."
Diana: "Hey Busi. How are you?"
Me: "I'm good and you?"
Diana: "Great!" She said excitedly... "listen, I hope you don't have any plans today. I'm going to send a driver to pick you up around noon and bring you this side." What? ... "we have a lot to plan and discuss for the wedding and also I've got a lot to show you." She was so excited. She sounded like a child. It's funny how in the beginning she was against this marriage between the giant and I.
Me: "Um...a noon..." The giant looked at me. He shook his head. He indicated that I give him the phone and I did just that.
Zanoxolo: "Mother...good you?...I will bring Busi by myself...bye." He hung up. I rolled my eyes.
Me: "I thought you were going to say no to me having to go over there, not for you to take me." He grunted and shrugged. Mxm... "speaking of which, do you know that your friends all want to be groomsmen?!"
Zanoxolo: "So?" Argh! What response did I expect from this brute? Such a pest!
Me: "Mxm. Whatever." I said getting up and going to the kitchen to rinse my plate.

We were on our way to the mansion. I was so happy when the giant told me that Xolile, Phozisa, Sine, Sthe and Luk were joining us. I was happy mostly because at least I'll have Phozisa with me when I was being overwhelmed by Diana about this whole wedding. The giant and I were alone in the car and the others were following behind us in their own cars. When I asked why the others guys were coming with us, the only response I got was 'work'. That is the giant for you. But none the less I was happy. My mother and my so called friends couldn't be here to plan this with me and give me support, but at least I had Phozisa. Yes, we were not that close but she was a friend. The only friend I had at the moment. My heart squeezed tightly in pain. Even though my mother hadn't been the best of mothers in the world, but I would've loved to plan my wedding with her. I mean, that's what every girl dreams of when they dream about their dream wedding. Oh well. Stop thinking about this Busi, because it just makes you sad. I blinked back my tears. You're such a baby. Shut up brain! So what if I was a crier? Stay out of my life. I huffed and looked out the window.

After a long drive, we arrived at the mansion. Two mini trucks were parked in front of the mansion. I began to get nervous. I don't why but I could feel something big coming. We all got out of our cars. One of the twins threw his arm over my shoulders.
Him: "This must be exciting for you. Planning a wedding is what women dream of doing." He said smiling.
Me: "Not me. I'm scared to death right now." He flicked my forehead. It was Sine.
Sine: "Such a dummy." He said chuckling. I rubbed my forehead pouting.
Zanoxolo: "Take your hands off my woman." He growled smacking him across the head, and then pulling me away from Sine to his side. Sine chuckled with his hands up in surrender.
Sinethemba: "Relax my man. Just having a chat with my lil sis."
Sithembile: "You know how he's possessive of Superwoman."
Xolile: "The dude is a maniac when it comes to her." I rolled my eyes and gave Phozisa the look, she giggled.
Luk: "Be like me gents. I stay as far away as possible from Super. I value my life." The others laughed. The entrance door to the mansion opened. It was Diana.
Diana: "Oh my gosh! My boys are here." She exclaimed happily. One by one they went to greet her. It was apparent that they liked her a lot and that they frequently visited her... "I asked Gretta to make those brownies that you all love." Loud groans came from the man and they ran inside going to the kitchen I supposed. The giant was the only male who stayed put. No surprise there. My giant didn't like sweet stuff. Actually he didn't eat anything considered as junk food. Tell you know lies... "hey Phozisa. You look beautiful as always."
Phozisa: "Thank you Mama D. You look beautifully elegant as always too." Diana laughed. I was a little surprised that they knew each other.
Diana: "Hey Busi." She said pulling me into a hug which surprised me.
Zanoxolo: "Mother, don't hog my woman." Diana laughed letting me go.
Diana: "What do you mean by that? I wasn't hogging her. You're just like your father, so possessive." The giant grunted and kissed his mother's forehead and patted her head which I found really sweet people.
Zanoxolo: "Mother. I'll leave you women alone to do your stuff but I want my woman returned to me safe and sound after that." He said walking away. Diana laughed.
Diana: "That boy." She said shaking her head at the giant's back... "okay lets go this side ladies. I have a lot to show you." She said clapping her hands. Oh boy!

When she said she had a lot to show us, she really did mean a lot. There was two long rails filled with wedding dresses that I needed to try on. There were also so many different cakes that I needed to taste and choose from. Also there was the matter of the designs of the invitations. A lot  of them were laid there waiting for me to choose which one I liked and also the font. The font people! I didn't even know that was a thing. My head was ringing and spinning people. She also wanted us to formalize my guest list. She had already formalized her list of people she wanted to invite and there were about 200 people on that list. Tell you no lies. I kept on passing panicked looks to Phozisa and she would just indicate for me to take calming breaths. I tried but those calming breaths were not working...they were not calming me at all. And on top of that, Dana kept on repeating how time was not on our side. She had already started to look for venues, and she wanted me to go with her tomorrow to check them out. When she started to talk about what type of flowers and the décor, I switched off. I'm sorry but I just couldn't listen no more. This was just too much in a single day. I tried on the dresses. I didn't like any of them. I just looked like a big bloated balloon in them. Diana said she would send for more. Oh my gosh! I wanted to scream really. I was on the verge seriously. And what's worse the giant and the guys had left 30 minutes ago, they said they would be back in a few hours. Hours people! How could he leave me here? This was also his wedding. We tasted the cakes, I don't know man, but I was also not feeling the cakes. I just felt off guys.

We were now gathered outside the mansion getting ready to go which I was so happy about. My head was pounding, I had a major headache. I didn't know planning a wedding would be this painful and exhausting. The guys had just arrived 15 minutes ago. They didn't want to tell us where they had disappeared too. Asses! The time was around 6pm now. The giant's phone rang. He picked up.
Zanoxolo: "Mama..." He greeted. Wait...what. I could hear a woman's voice on the other end shouting. I couldn't hear what she was shouting about though... "I'm sorry Mama." He said glaring at Xolile. Xolile chuckled and shrugged. What the fuck was going on? I looked at Phozisa, she shrugged... "yes I'll bring her Mama...I'm sorry Mama...okay." He hung up... "let's fucken go." He growled and got in the car. What the? The other guys shared a laugh. I looked at Xolile.
Xolile: "You're about to meet another woman besides you, who can tame the beast.".......................................................................

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