err0r oneshots

By namescape

24.2K 971 182

Y know The tittle Just a bunch of err0r one-shots and stories because I can They're mostly stories but somet... More

True Judgment
Log 90
The Brave, The Bold, and the Fool
What is Mine
"New Life"
Taken in
A LOVEly pair
Something Well Deserved
Little Ducklings
Our Home
Child's Play
She missed
TW: Panic Attack
Star Pupil
Sacrifies ll
Sacrifices |||
Nom nom


3.3K 61 24
By namescape

There wasn't much where he was from. Just a blank void of nothingness. To him that was his world. Until some time where other things came to him and gave him a world of color. There were so many new things and shapes and noises. It was fun seeing everything for the first time.

"Welcome to the latest news where an inhuman testing facility was recently discovered. Police and the FBI are currently investigating the scene now". Standing in front of the presumed testing facility were many police cars along with authorities standing around said building. "Some of the authorities have already entered the premises as we speak and we are currently waiting for more information on the topic. Back to you Erica."

Inside the building, authorities were containing everyone they caught. There was minimum violence and they hoped to keep it that way. The hallways were long and there were doors every few feet on either side of them. One team that entered the building earlier on encountered a door at the end of a path they were taking. The door seemed to have a passcode along with ID verification and many locks to it. Deciding to see the other side for people, one of the officers attempted to open it. It did not budge. The team radioed the other teams in the vicinity in case of needed backup assuming the room inside held something of importance if it was given multiple locks, possibly weapons or even the rest of the hiding occupants. After getting confirmation they rigged bombs on the door. Standing clear the team blew up the bombs, when the smoke clear the door was majorly damaged but not blown off. Though it seemed as it could take one more bomb before it fell. Rigging another 1 or 2 bombs they stood clear one again and detonated the bombs. The door exploded and there was a hole in place of where the door once stood.

Past the door was a brightly lit white room, entering said room there was a small black figure occupying the room. The figure looked towards the officers with red sockets.


It had no clothing so their bones were exposed and looked very thin and brittle. An officer approached the now identified skeleton and knelt down to its height.

"Hey little guy, you okay?"

It just stared at the officer, and with no eyelights they couldn't tell what it was feeling. Or if it was even alive. The skelly reached for the officer's face and pat their face. It continued to pat and feel the officer's face and a smile made its way onto the skelly's face. The officer chuckled and told the group to continue searching for others while one stayed for incase assistance.

"Imma pick you up little guy. Is that okay?" the officer asked. Waiting for a response the skeleton just stared at the officer and they were put in another few minutes of silence.

"I don't think they understand you Raven"


The now named Raven looked at his other officer before looking back at the skeleton. He then started rattling his arm bones, moving them up and down quickly making a bone chattering sound. The latter looked interested in the rattling and attempted to copy his movements. With limp hands they started moving their arms like Raven, quickly up and down. The sound wasn't exact but with the addition of their limp hands banging on their arms, there was some rattling. Raven seemed happy that he actually paid attention to skeleton history, this was another way skeletons communicated before they became more magic based and could speak. Raven's partner seemed confused but went with it. They weren't a skeleton so it's probably a skeleton thing.

After a few more seconds of rattling raven asked the skeleton if it was okay with being picked up. Said skeleton stopped rattling and looked back up at Raven, dropping its arms and going back to staring at Raven. Being sent back into a few seconds of silence before Raven's partner spoke up.

"They still don't understand you, why don't you just pick 'em up? Or we could lead 'em of 'ere. There may be other people here"

" can leave if you want but I'm willing to help this little skelly who mind you, was just found here" Raven replied, seeming more irritated than he was just a few seconds ago. The 2 other occupants looked at Raven. One is silence and the other in thought " *sigh* ... Just. Y'know you can leave if you want but this skelly's coming with me"

"Scythe? Poppy? Do you copy?" Their radio came to life with the sound of their chief

"We copy Chief. We found a young looking skeleton in one of the rooms and Scythe is currently trying to coax them out, but they don't seem to understand us" Poppy responded.

"Roger that, do you know you're location?"

[ - - - ]

The same charcoal boned skeleton was sitting in a hospital bed with IV bags with a simple child's book in front of them. Alongside them was a red hoodie and black scarf wearing skeleton with glitches in front of their eyes. They seemed to be helping the little one read. A human doctor came into the room getting both occupants' attention. "Just here for the daily check up" The doctor smiled as he made his way to the two. Doing the doctorly checkups with certain additions and changes light eyelight checks and magic checks. "Welp, everything seems the same. You can come back in Mr.Sorell, has there been any progress?" Now looking at the newly named Sorell who re-entered the room. "Well there's some. Sorta just like teaching a 3 year old which has its challenges but is pretty simple nonetheless"

"Alright well one of our nurses have volunteered to adopt the kid so They'll be visiting at some point today" The doctor informed, starting to leave the door after checking the IV tubes. Sorrell thanked the doctor and returned to teaching the little skeleton basic english.

[ - - - ]

"Alright, is everyone ready?" A pink haired human asked 3 skellies in front of her. One of them wore a red scarf along with mostly white attire, another's wearing glasses along with clothing with many patches of color, and the last one was dark boned and wearing a black shorts and a red sweater. They were all currently in the living room getting ready for the day ahead.


"Yes mama!"


"ALright great! To the car everyone!" The woman declared after getting confirmation from her sons. Yeah I know a human having 3 skelly sons... logic died in 2015.

Heading to the car parked outside their house. Carrying the dark boned skelly while the other 2 ran over to the back seat. Placing her youngest in the backseat with his brothers she buckled him in and moved over to the driver's side to start the car.

"Ya gonna love the daycare! Mr. PJ is totes radical!" The sunglasses wearing skeleton named Fresh claimed. Fit with his slight 90s lingo and fancy glasses that depict emotions, something he lacks but tries his best.

"Yeah It's pretty neat for a daycare" The older and red scarf wearing skeleton agreed. HIs name is Geno. He considers himself mature, for a 7 year old. He was one of the older kids in the daycare that, at times, helps around the daycare.

The little skelly who they were both talking to was the dark boned skeleton mentioned before. Looking more closely at him, he had tear marks going down from his eyes. Speaking of eyes, his eye lights were heterochromic, left socket containing a blue eye light surrounded by a yellow ring and his right having a white dot. After being taken out of the white room, he was taken to the hospital for a health check and the check was... worrying. A nurse at the hospital decided to adopt him, that nurse's name is CQ, and she's currently taking her now 3 sons to daycare while she works. Being a nurse is a time consuming job after all.

Arriving at the daycare a few minutes later, considering they lived very close, The woman parked their car and opened up their door followed by Fresh and Geno. Picking up the last passenger all three of them made their way to the entrance of the daycare

PJ's Daycare it read

Once inside,they were met with a small hallway leading to the front where kids were dropped off and next to it was a door that led to the main daycare. Where the kids were basically. At the entrance was another dark boned skeleton with parts of its head floating in bits above it. Wearing a pink sweatshirt and orange shorts behind a tan apron that was splattered with different colors along with tan slippers.

"Hey CQ"

"Hello PJ, again thank you for your work here. I don't know what I would do if there wasn't your daycare"

"It's no problem" looking at Fresh and Geno as well as the newcomer in CQ's arms. "You guys can come in if you want, Imma stay out here with your mom for a bit 'kay?". After getting confirmation for both kids PJ opened the door towards the main daycare. After both were inside PJ changed their attention back to CQ.

"So who's the new skelly?"

"This is Error. As much as I'd rather have another name, I don't have any ideas. I'm not the creative type you know"

"Well... That sure is a concerning but unique name isn't it? NOnetheless, they seem like a god kid"

Looking down at Error, PJ smiled and started talking to him. "Hey little guy. I'm PJ and imma be taking care of you for a while. Is that alright?"

The skeleton tilted his head to the side in confusion until CQ summed what PJ said into simpler words. "I have to leave for a bit and Mr. PJ is gonna watch over you, okay?" Nodding in some understanding, Error was given to Mr. PJ by CQ.

"Again thank you PJ. I'll see you at 4 Error" CQ waved at Error as she left the building. Error waved back as she left. Still looking at the door PJ spoke "You ready bud?" looking at the kid in his arms. Looking towards the blob head, Error nodded.

Pj made his way to their back door where Fresh and Geno originally disappeared into. Opening the door there was a bigger room than the lobby filled with toys and small playground sets such as slides rocking animals, picnic tables and drawers. Kid-like drawings were hung on the walls and nailed down shelves with books, supplies, and more toys. There was another room separated by doorless doorways. In those rooms were bean bags and more bookshelves, seemingly a reading room for the kids. Another doorway leading to the daycare kitchen and another leading towards the caretaker lounge In the main daycare room there were many young kids seemingly around the ages of 4 and 8. They were playing, drawing, talking, and running around with each other with 3-5 adults also in the room taking part in the kids' activities. PJ walked towards one of the caretakers drawing with a tan scarf and overall wearing 5 year old with an ink splatter on their right cheek. The caretaker had a white and yellow hat and a tan apron over a white long sleeved captains uniform with brown pants tucked into blue boots.

Once PJ came up to the 2 skeletons he spoke up, "Hey Palette remember the new kid I told you we'd be getting?" The newly named Palette looked up to reply and saw that PJ was holding a kid. "Yeah Course I remember, is that the kid there?" The other smaller skeleton looked up curious to what the two adults were talking about and also saw the skelly kid. "Yeap" popping the 'P' "This is Error he's one of CQ's kids and new to the daycare. Today's actually his first day!" "ohhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh do you wanna introduce him to the other kids?". While the adults were talking, the ink splatter kid continued to look at the kid in PJ's arms and smiled. Error looked towards the skelly kid and made a grabby hand sort of wave as a greeting with a neutral expression. He didn't seem very talkative.

Placing Error on the ground next to Palette, PJ stands back up. "Imma watch over the kids and tell everyone else about Error. You both can get a bit closer to Error, Yes even you Ink" The now mentioned Ink perked up in surprise before sticking his tongue at PJ" Chuckling Pj left to go check on some of the other caretakers and kids. Looking at the now named Ink and Palette Error couldn't help but smile. "hI!" speaking for the first time to the two, his voice was horse but clearly heard. Palette smiled - a bit worried with the hoarse voice but nonetheless - the little guy seems to be enjoying everything so far. "Hey little guy! Are you enjoying your time here so far?" Ink looked at Error for a bit before smiling and going back to drawing. "yes i Like herE. Wat u maKE??" Replying to Palette before noticing Ink. Looking back up from his paint which seemed to be of a yellow landscape with floating islands with different color doors on each. "Just a little painting" He didn't seem like much of a talker. "Waz panting" Error questioned

"I don't know. Just... using paints?"

"Was paint¿"

"Like. Like these" Showing Error a small acrylic paint set on an art palette. There were many colors smeared over it. Error seemed interested and reached out for the palette. Taking it from Ink he looked and 'studied' the palette, this included touching most of the colors. "...What are you doing?" looking back back up he didn't realize that Ink's eyes changed. They were now an orange question mark and a yellow square. "I lik colur" He has a big smile, seemed to get along with Ink already.

[ - - - ]

"Alright Lunch Time everyone!" PJ shouted. Many kids came to the dining area where there were many small tables fit for 4 kids each. The Fresh and Error re-grouped together and sat at a red table along with Ink. "Didya get a new home skillet broski?" Fresh asked his glasses showing CO-OL "ye Hes Ink" Error responded pointing to Ink who followed Error. A little before lunch was called Ink, Error, and Palette drew and painted together. Ink liked the idea of having someone learning from him, looking up to him persay. "Wait. WE friends?" asking Ink, he's never had friends. Brothers and mothers and white coats. But never a 'friend'. "Yeah" Ink seems happy at the thought of friends.

Sitting at the kiddy table Daycare attendants served tray meals with apple slices, strawberries, crackers, broccoli, a baloney sandwich and juice. An attendant wearing a blue-print pattern-like scarf with black faded smudges on the top left part of their skull and right check. Wearing a light blue short-sleeved shirt with baggy pants that had pockets on its sides. Bringing over 2 trays followed by Geno who brought one other tray. "Oh, you're joining the brothers Ink?" The caretaker asked Ink, the response being positive. "Alright I'll get another tray for ya" Leaving the 4 at the table. "Nice to see you Ink" Ink didn't seem up to to converse but seemed comfortable nonetheless. The daycare attendant, named Blueprint after his scarf pattern and the name tag stuck on his clothes, came back with another tray for Ink then headed back to the kitchen.

[ - - - ]

After Lunch the 3 brothers along with Ink played Knights with a few other kids. Knights was a game that exhausted the kids enough for when nap time eventually came. Those who were knights were put through 'challenges' that would get them to the fort where a prize would await. Error was considered this 'prize' as he was new and it'd be hitting two birds with one stone. He's introduced to the kids and said kids are tired enough for Nap Time.

Being surrounded by pillows Error along with Palette and another caretaker, who wore the usual tan apron over a white sweatshirt with its hood up and a red scarf. He looked like Geno only minus the glitches and height.

"GEno?" Error asked, looking at the white wearing skeleton who joined them in the fort or pillows.

"Nope, That's Goth, Yeah he looks like your bro but he's different" Palette explained "Though, Geno does get along with him" Goth waved a Error, Error climbing onto Goth's lap. He likes this person. A few more kids joined in the fort. There was a skeleton that had clouds surrounding their person and two others who wore yellow and purple respectively, both with crowns atop their heads. The yellow ones holding both their hands and leading them through the 'gate'. Made of pillows of course.

"You guys don't wanna participate?" Palette asked. The Cloudy one replied positively followed by a nod from the banana and grape.

"Alright well since they're gonna be involved with all the challenges why don't we just introduce them?" Goth suggested, Error played with Goth's scarf as he's like scarfs. They're long and fluffy and you can make cool things with it. It was a cool scarf.

"Alright, well you three" Palette started the introductions,taking Error, who still held the scarf, he continued "This little guy is Error. He's Geno's new little brother" Error tore his attention from the scarf to the three other kids. "He's the 'prize' so don't tell anyone" Palette finished Error's introduction and motioned for the kids to introduce themselves.

"Hi! I'm Dream! And This Is My Brother Nightmare!" The yellow crown wearing skeleton introduced himself and the purple skeleton, who waved. Didn't seem like much of a talker

"hI-llo" Error greeted, looking towards the other skelly, who just waved.
"That's Cloud, he doesn't speak much," Palette elaborated, "Well now that introductions are in the past do you guys wanna do anything to pass the time?". Dream and Cloud seemed to be thinking, while Nightmare pulled a book he was holding from under his arm and began to read it.

"waT see?" Error looked over to Nightmare who sat down to the right of Palette. "Imma go collect some games for the kids to play" Palette placed Error where he was previously sitting and left the safety of the fort.

"I'm reading a book" Nightmare replied, still looking at said book. Must've been interesting.

"Can Me cee?" Error leaned on Nightmare to see the book which happened to be a picture book.

"I mean, sure" Nightmare tilted the book so both could see. Error looked at the colors on the page while Nightmare actually read the book. Goth was with the other two teaching them both about something called wind-sign language. Yeah.

"I'm Baack~" Palette announced in a singsong voice, he placed the board game Connect 4 on the floor. "Mare, Error wanna join?" Both looked up at the mention of their names, "Maybe later," "wat?" Both with their respective answers, Nightmare goes back to reading and Error comes closer to see what Palette brought over. "Connect 4, a pretty easy to understand and play. I could help ya win" Palette smiled smugly closing his eyes, while Goth looked doubtful. "Okay 'mr. Ithinki'mthebestatgames'. We'll see who wins" muttering under his breath yet loud enough for everyone to hear. "Oh believe me I'm good at games. We're gonna win this Error. That is if you still wanna play" Palette started opening the set while cloud and Dream took the yellow chips.

"Yezs" Error smiled. This is going to be fun

[ - - - ]

"At long last we've arrived! The fort of which a prize holds!" PJ a few other daycare attendants and what basically seemed like the rest of the entire daycare of 20 kids arrived back inside the daycare. "HA! 20- 21! Get beat Mr. Gamemaster!" Everyone looked towards the supposed fort and prize. Well, what remains of the fort. The pillows were seemingly thrown around and the 3 kids of the group were in a circle around Nightmare who was reading aloud, while the 2 daycare attendants had a Connect 4 set in front of them and Goth was celebrating.
"...What happened here" PJ asked, a few kids giggling and some going over to the Duck, Duck, Goose to join in. Palette and Goth looked up at PJ looking like they were caught in the act.

"We're...(what's a good excuse)" Palette whispered to Goth who exhalled "yeah MAAaybe we got carried away for a bit" Goth admitted.

"You two got really competitive!" Dream confirmed, scooching over for more kids to join their game.

"Mr PJ, What's The Prize?" A blue wearing skeleton asked PJ."well a new friend who's over —"

Error was missing.

"...Palette. Where's Error?"

At the mention of his name Palette looked up and towards the group of kids. No dark boned skelly over there. "...shoot"

"Alright everyone!" Palette stood up and announced his message, "We got a missing friend On the loose! First to find him gets not only a new friend! But a cookie!" The kids looked intrigued, and being the interested-in-cookie-eating-gremlins they are. They started looking.

"Oh! He's dark boned like PJ and his name is Error!" And thus small shouts of 'ERROR!' filled the daycare rooms. Kids scurrying to find the missing kid, like a scavenger hunt. The other present attendants also started searching. "Hold it"

PJ grabbed Palette by his collar before he could go looking. "Wanna explain how you lost him. And this entire," he motioned to the scattered pillows "situation happened?".

"...Okay yeah this is a big mistake on my part and I honestly have no excuse" Palette admitted, PJ just looked at him and sighed, "Well, we're killing a bird with two stones so I guess that makes up for it"

"Your not my mom y'know"

"But I'm your boss so..."

"...Yeah okay"

Joining the search for the dark skelly who was in the kitchen no less. He seemed to be struggling to walk, taking a few steps then many at awkward points. Grabbing a chair to lean on Error looked around, there was no one but him in this kitchen. "Friend?" Looking behind him was another skeleton with a puffy slightly ripped jacket, slightly red bandages covering most of the top left side of their skull and they had one red eye light that filled the majority of their left socket. "HiFriend" The skelly spoke again. From under the table.

"hi-lLo" greeting the new comer, Error looked confused but amused considering someone's under the table. "Cookie?" the skeleton asked, and low and behold the skelly had a jar of cookies. "Oh yezs"

"ERROR!" Blueprint wandered into the kitchen. It's actually a wonder no one came here to check. But then again there's a baby gate to ensure the kids don't go into a possibly dangerous room. Looking around Blueprint could see Error in plain view so deciding to check the cabinet and possibly nooks and crannies that kids can for some reason get into. Of course checking the table since kids like to hide under there whenever the kitchen is open to them. Lifting the table cloth he found Horror and Error facing each other while eating cookies. Crumbs layed on the floor and both looked to be enjoying the sweet snacks.

"Oh There you are!" Blueprint sighed in relief, both looked towards him and waved. As if they didn't just get caught eating cookies. "Hi" "Hi-Llo!!" . Sighing once again Blueprint got on his hands and knees and pulled both kids out. "Alright well, Error your brothers are worried about you and Horror...I think you've had enough cookies for one day" Standing back up, Blueprint made his way over to the main room where kids were still searching, the little ones following.

"I found 'em!" Entering back into the main room Blueprint announced to the residents of the Daycare. "They were in the kitchen"

"But we can't go there!"

"What about cookies?"

"Oh thank havens"

"I tired"

There were some cries and complaints and sighs from the residents but all in all. Error was found, Kids got to run around a bit more, Horror got cookies, Nightmare read a story during all this, and it's 3:00.


"Oh FREAK!! ITS ALREADY 3?!" Palette yelled, surprising most of the tenants in the room. "Wait really?" "HOME TIME" most kids knew that 3 meant going home. While most enjoy coming to Daycare, they also love, and miss, their own homes.

"Well...This was a day" PJ sighed, "Alright everyone, "Grab anything ya brought over and meet back in the main room" Kids scattered around to gather what they brought if they brought something.

"Where did you go?!" Geno asked going up to Error, who also walked up to his brothers. He pointed to the kitchen. Oh Horror was there too. "Hii" Horror waved, he still had the cookie jar because he bites. And because he usually takes some sort of food home. "Don't wander off agan broski" Fresh also was concerned. "Okayz, Welcome friend" Error mentioned to Horror, they seem to get along well in the few moments they had together.

"Horror! Your brother's here!" Palette called over Horror who looked over and waved bye to the brothers. "See you tomarrow" "Baii" "C'ya" "Bye Horror"

"CQ brothers, your mother has arrived!" PJ called over the brothers, escorting them to the door, CQ was waiting for them at the front.

"I assume everything went well?" CQ presumed

"Yep!Everything went well"

"Error got lost!" Palette shouted,

"Okay yes Palette may have lost Error for a bit but he's fine"

"Ah, so that's what I forgot, He tends to wander. A curious little fella" CQ picked up Error and rubbed his skull, he seemed pleased with himself. "Bye PJ" Error dismissed, Fresh and Geno also said bye and left with CQ.

"So how was everyone's day?" CQ asked her kids once they were all in the car

"It was great! We went outside and got to play on the playground!" Geno started

"And Error was the radical Prize" Fresh continued

"Mare reeded a book with colur and PainTlearn Paint '' And Error summarized his day.

"Oh well you three seemed to have an eventful day"

[ 4424 words


I did not intended for this to be so long


Idfk i just worte and the next thing is the damn thing is 3000 words, WHAT HAPPENED

I need some criticism i can't believe i just did this

I know damn well that i misplaced 'sigh' with 'sign' so that's perfect

This was the first oneshot I actually finished...see why I'm disappointed?

But I guess this is the basis for when I said 'stories' so. hurray !

Anywho 4537 after A/N so I hope ya got something out of this. ]

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