The Giant and His Heart. [Lig...

By Nongogo

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He was her Giant. She was his Heart. He was rude and cruel. She was polite and compassionate. He was dangerou... More

Chapter 1 - "The Stranger"
Chapter 2 - "The Forced Sleepover"
Chapter 3 - "The Mean Guy"
Chapter 4 - "My Name Is Not Woman"
Chapter 5 - "Stockholm Syndrome"
Chapter 6 - "The Start Of Something"
Chapter 7 - "See You At 5"
Chapter 8 - "The Date"
Chapter 9 - "His Woman"
Chapter 10 - "His Scarred Back"
Chapter 11 - "Damn Giant!"
Chapter 12 - "Ugly Friends"
Chapter 13 - "Rude"
Chapter 14 - "Meet The Parents"
Chapter 15 - "James"
Chapter 16 - "The Breakdown"
Chapter 17 - "His Tragic Past"
Chapter 18 - "My Woman!"
Chapter 19 - "You're Going To Be Fine My Giant"
Chapter 20 - "He's Not A Monster"
Chapter 21 - "Isaac?"
Chapter 22 - "The Kidnapping"
Chapter 23 - "I Want To Leave Him"
Chapter 24 - "The First Taste"
Chapter 25 - "The Get Together"
Chapter 26 - "His Light"
Chapter 27 - "The Ex"
Chapter 28 - "The Police Officers"
Chapter 29 - "Superwoman"
Chapter 30 - "The Safe House"
Chapter 32 - "The SASS?"
Chapter 33 - "The First Time"
Chapter 34 - "The Proposal"
Chapter 35 - "I Love Him Mama"
Chapter 36 - "Give Us Your Blessing Or Else..."
Chapter 37 - "The Ring Made It All Better"
Chapter 38 - "The Mission"
Chapter 39 - "He Spanks Me!"
Chapter 40 - "A Ride To Church"
Chapter 41 - "The Shooting Range"
Chapter 42 - "So Called Friends"
Chapter 43 - "The Betrayal"
Chapter 44 - "Let Me Introduce You To My Demons"
Chapter 45 - "The Punishment"
Chapter 46 - "The Woman Who Can Tame The Beast"
Chapter 47 - "The Therapist"
Chapter 48 - "My Mother"
Chapter 49 - "Days Without My Giant"
Chapter 50 - "A New Friend?"
Chapter 51 - "Danger Has Come"
Chapter 52 - "Off Grid"
Chapter 53 - "Mandisa"
Chapter 54 - "My Protector"
Chapter 55 - "Danger Had Found Us"
Chapter 56 - "I Was Being Shot At Again"
Chapter 57 - "A Mole"
Chapter 58 - "The Cabin"
Chapter 59 - "The Finale"

Chapter 31 - "The Shootout"

1.7K 103 1
By Nongogo

Sthe: "Who the fuck are you calling brother?" He asked shouting while still firing his gun towards the other car. I couldn't believe that this was actually happening. That I was involved in a shootout! I think I even peed on myself but I didn't even care the way I was scared. Having real bullets being shot at you is no all. Yes, it might be exciting when you see them being fired in actions movies but in real life, it was a whole different ball game.
Sine: "I'm calling Zano brother." He shouted back.
Sthe: "Hurry the fuck up!" The car swerved sharply and the tires made the screeching sound on the street.
Sine: "Yeah grootman we've got some problems...yeah they found us...she's fine don't worry, we won't let anything happen to her...are you still at the base?...yeah cool, I'm going to lead these fuckers there to you...we don't have any other choice grootman! There's too many of them and we'll be cornered soon if we don't!" He yelled in urgency and frustration... "I hear you grootman. I also don't like this plan but it's our only option...oh okay...sure." I guess he hung up because he wasn't talking anymore.
Sthe: "What did he say? Is the plan in place brother?"
Sine: "Fuck yeah! Let's show these fuckers why people don't mess with us." He said deadly. Oh my God!
Sine: "Hell yeah! Let's show them!" He agreed in the same deadly voice. The car went flying through the streets. I could hear the gunshots still being fired at us but they weren't any bullets hitting against the car anymore. I had my eyes closed tightly. I wasn't screaming anymore but I was still sobbing and I was even praying profusely...begging God to save us. If my ears were not deceiving me, I swear I could also hear sirens, but they sounded so far away. Oh my gosh! We were going to jail! My panic was on overdrive now. My whole body was shaking even worse than before. If I didn't pee on myself before, I sure did now... "don't sweat Superwoman, we're almost at the base." He said patting my back. I guess he was trying to comfort me. Did he say base? What base? And how was this base going to save us from this current predicament? I just wanted to come out of this alive. I just wanted the giant. I didn't care about anything else. It was so funny and so ironic that the person I wanted to see so badly was the very same person who had brought this violence and danger into my life. Love was really something else. Did I just say love? Was I in love with the giant? Oh my gosh! This wasn't the time to think about this Busisiwe! My mind reprimanded me. First get through this shit, and then you can analyze whatever feelings you felt towards that giant of yours. My mind said cheekily. My mind didn't quite like the giant as much as my heart did, I had realized.

The car suddenly came to a stop and I was pulled out of the car. I will never forget what I saw after that until the day I died. I mean, I only thought these things existed only in movies, not in real life. There in front of me was a SWAT team...not the real SWAT team but that was the only way I could describe what I was seeing. Men in black gear from head to toe. When I say gear, I mean the whole shabam! Protective gears on their heads, those bullet proof vests strapped to their chests, and they were also holding those ballistic shields and guns! Yes of course guns. Big guns. I wished you could see all that I was seeing with your very own eyes people. It was so unreal. And what really shocked me and paralyzed me on spot was when I saw the giant amongst those men. He was also in the same gear. He looked so fearless. He stuck out like a sore thumb since he was a giant and all. Oh my gosh! What the hell was going on here? I couldn't even process it all properly because I was being dragged away by one of the twins inside some building or should I say a basement because that's how it looked like. Immediately after we were inside the basement, I heard a lot of gunshots being fired from outside. It was war people! Now a different type of fear was attacking me when I realized that the giant was outside in that war zone. What if he got shot or even worse, got killed? I started hyperventilating. Someone shoved me down on a chair and gave me a bottle of water. I think it was one of the twins..."hey hey Superwoman. Look at me." The person was patting my cheeks. I think he was Sine. Couldn't be sure. What I was sure of was that my lungs were closing in on me... "hey hey breathe Superwoman." He ordered patting my cheeks a little harder... "you've got to breathe come on. You can't die on me. You want Zano to kill my ass?" When he mentioned the giant's name, my lungs opened up and accepted the oxygen to run freely. I coughed and breathed in and out heavily like I had just ran a marathon... "there you go." He said in relief patting my back... "drink some water, you're going to be fine." I brought the bottle to my moth with shaky hands and gulped the water down.
Me: "Sine...Zano is outside...and...and-."
Sine: "He's going to be fine, don't worry. He can handle himself okay?" I nodded reluctantly. The gunshots outside were dying down now. A blanket was placed over my shoulders. I looked up, it was a man I didn't know... "thank you Smith my man."
Smith: "Sure. No problem." He gave me a small smile before going back to his desk. Now that I was feeling a little better, I looked around where I was. It was definitely a basement. A big one. There were desks all around filled with computers and other machines and each desk was occupied by a person. The way they were so busy on their computers, it was like nothing was happening outside. They were not fazed at all. They all had headsets with microphones on their heads. At the very front of the base, there were about 6 big screens. One screen showed pictures of people I didn't know...obviously and the other screens showed things that I didn't understand at all. It looked like coordinates of some sort but it was hard to see also because the screens were quite far from where I was sitting.

Me: "What is this place?"
Sine: "A base." What a vague answer.
Me: "I know it's a base. But a base for what? What are all these people doing here?" He looked away and cleared his throat.
Sine: "Don't ask questions I won't be able to give answers to Super. Just keep your head down. The less you know, the better. Trust me." Oh my God! I was so freaking tired of being told that. I mean, I just had bullets fired at me, so I deserved to know what the hell was going on. It didn't matter if knowing what they were involved in would put me in danger because my life was already in danger. I don't think I'll be writing my final exam because of all this crap so I would say enough was enough. I was a mess and my body was still going through the after-shakes of adrenaline, fear, horror and terror I felt through the whole experience of being shot with guns that had real bullets coming out of it. So I could safely say I was traumatized right now. This is my second time experiencing trauma caused by whatever the giant was involved in. I was done with being in the dark. No more.
Me: "Don't tell me that shit! I want to know everything that is going on. What are you guys involved in? What is this fucken place?" I asked hysterically... "I deserve to know. I almost died out there! Fucken bullets were being fired at us! Look at me!" I yelled... "I'm a mess! How am I going to write my exam like this?!" I was even on my feet now. I was angry, frustrated, annoyed, scared and terrified. I was feeling everything. I just couldn't take it anymore. It was too much. This was the last straw for me. The giant had to tell me everything.
Sine: "Okay okay. I understand what you're going through Super. Trust me, I do, okay?" He said trying to calm me down. I was never going to calm down. Being with the giant was ruining my future. Fuck him!... "just sit down and try staying calm okay Super? You can have this conversation with Zano when this is all over." I huffed.
Me: "I swear, if he doesn't tell me what's going on, I will leave him for real this time." I told him angrily.
Sine: "You go girl!" He cheered me on. He was teasing me. I glared at him.
Me: "This is not the time." I told him in a hard voice. He chuckled.
Sine: "You know you look half as scary as him right? If I didn't have a thick skin, I would've been scared out of my pants. He's rubbing off on you." I blew a breath and rolled my eyes.
Me: "Don't insult me. I couldn't be half as scary as him even if I wanted to."
Sine: "I'm not insulting you. I was telling you the truth. Another person would've been peeing on their pants around about now, if that look and that voice were directed at them a minute ago." He told me proudly... "I want my woman to be just like you." He winked and flashed his dimples. I rolled my eyes blushing. He was trying to distract me and it was working.
Me: "Am I speaking to Sine or Sthe right now?" I asked him suspiciously. I had to be sure. Today especially was hard telling them apart because they were wearing the same clothes. Same colors and everything. It was weird. You would think they would be too old for such. But more than anything, I think they did this sort of thing to confuse people. They liked playing with people's heads these ones. He barked out a laugh.
Him: "Who did you think I am?"
Me: "Sine. But I'm not too sure now because Sine is the jokester and Sthe is the charmer, and who is also sweet." I told him. He barked out another laugh.
Him: "Interesting." He said stretching his chin.
Me: "What's interesting?"
Him: "How you differentiate us." He was looking at me weirdly. What was up with that?... "I think I have a crush on you now." What?
Me: "What?" I said choking on my saliva. He smiled and winked at me.
Him: " will be our little secret." I didn't know what to say. I wasn't uncomfortable but I was awkward. I'm sure my cheeks were red right now. I cleared my throat.
Me: "You can' and your friend-."
Him: "It's an innocent crush so no crime." I don't think there was anything innocent about him. But I knew he wouldn't do anything to betray the giant. I trusted him, which was a little surprising.
Me: "So which twin are you?" I asked going back to the original subject. He smiled slyly.
Him: "If I tell you, where is the fun in that for me?" Argh! He sucks... "and it would be fun for me to watch when you try to figure out which twin has a crush on you." He's mean!
Me: "You're mean."
Him: "You know it." He winked.
Me: "Where's the other twin?"
Him: "He stayed outside to know...with the..." He trailed off. I sighed and sat back down on the chair. The noise of the gunshots outside had completely stopped now. I wonder what was keeping them now. I just hope that giant was okay or I was going to go crazy. He must get his ass in here. He had a lot to tell me about. The door of the base opened and a lot of men I didn't know walked in. They were still holding their guns. I swallowed thickly. They looked scary as hell. I stood up from my chair when I saw the giant and his friends walking in. The giant was walking ahead with two guys in suits which I didn't know and X-man. The giant's eyes found me and I was held in captive as always. I don't know, but every time I saw him, my body just felt at ease and I was whole. Weird shit I tell you. Even though I was still going through the motions but seeing him right now made me feel like everything was going to be fine in the world. He walked towards me with the other two guys. They were busy talking to him saying whatever but I knew he wasn't listening to them anymore. His attention was on me. He pulled me to him immediately as he got to me and held me tightly in his arms. And that is when I broke down completely. I sobbed and sobbed. Everything that had happened had came back in full force.
Zano: "I'm so sorry baby." He whispered against my ear which made me sob even more harder. Yes, my feelings for him were strong and all but I sometimes wished that I had never met him. My life would be so normal. I wouldn't have known this type of life if I hadn't met him. After a while my ugly sobs died down. The giant growled deeply... "give us a fucking moment Steven."
Steven: "I would but this is a serious matter that we need to discuss." I tried moving out of the giant's arms but he wasn't having it.
Zano: "What the hell is it Steven?"
Steven: "Well for first, your lady friend here knows about our base location and that is an a violation of the code-."
Zano: "I'm telling you now Steven and I won't repeat myself so you and your friends have better listen to me carefully." He paused for effect... " if you even think about touching my woman, I will burn this whole place with you in it to the fucken ground." He threatened. He was using that voice of his that scared the hell out of me. Yeesh!... "do you copy me?"
Steven: "But she's a risk to this whole operation Za-."
Zano: "She's not! She won't say anything. I can vouch for her and my team can also vouch for her. Isn't that so?" I heard a lot of agreements coming from the other guys... "you see? No risk." His body was so tense. He was ready for battle.
Steven: "Even so Zanoxolo, rules clearly state that-."
Zano: "Steven I will fucken walk away from this operation and so will my team. And you know what would happen if we walked away? You would become our enemy, and you know what we do to our enemies." There was a long silence. Then the Steven guy sighed.
Steven: "Okay fine Zanoxolo. Even though I don't appreciate the threat, your lady friend can go on living but she will have to sign a non-disclosure agreement. That is non-negotiable." The giant grunted.
Zano: "Fine. Now leave us." He barked. They must have did what he instructed because the giant's body relaxed a little... "you fine baby?" He asked softly. I shook my head.
Me: "I nearly died...again."
Zano: "You wouldn't have. You had the two best men protecting you." Meaning the twins... "it wasn't a mistake assigning them to take you to school."
Me: "But still Zano, anything could've happened. The twins can't control bullets." His body was tense again... "I missed my exam. I can't afford to fail at school Zanoxolo. I have a bursary and if-."
Zano: "My friend who's a doctor will give you a note, so you'll be able to write you exam. Don't worry." I sighed.
Me: "I'm tired." I told him honestly.
Zano: "I know baby." He said regrettably.
Me: "You need to tell me everything."
Zano: "I will. I promise." He kissed my forehead.
Me: "I even peed on myself." I blurted out embarrassingly. He went silent for a minute, then he was laughing loudly... "hey! You're not allowed to laugh. Do you know bullets? Those things don't play. It takes one to kill you. I watch a lot of movies you know so I know what I'm talking about." The bastard was still laughing. His whole body was shaking. Argh! He's such a jerk!.......................

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