Done Done London

By yashriii

48.1K 2.3K 684

Ria, a strong and independent Law graduate sets off to live and work in her dream city of London. There she m... More

Part One
Part Two - Chapter One: Graduation (I)
Chapter 2 - Graduation (II)
Chapter 3 - London en Route Paris (I)
Chapter 4 - London en Route Paris (II)
Chapter 5 - London en Route Paris (III)
Chapter 6 - Home Sweet Home (London)
Chapter 7 - Meet your new legal advisor
Chapter 8 - The New Nightclub
Chapter 9: Lets go home...
Chapter 10 - Ria, The Dangerous Driver
Chapter 11 - Friends? Friends.
Chapter 12 - My New Friend
Chapter 13 - Do I? No.
Chapter 14 - 'Today is on me.'
Chapter 15 - The Dinner
Chapter 16 - Aisha.
Chapter 17 - The Return Of Aisha
Chapter 18 - You are my Soniya
Chapter 19 - Truth or Dare?
Author's note
Chapter 20 - A new Beginning
Chapter 22 - Pack my bags, please.
Authors Note
Chapter 23 - The Goons
Chapter 24 - Welcome to Dubai
Chapter 25 - Parents Ruin Every Situation
Chapter 26 - The Conference
Chapter 27 - The Magical Moment
Chapter 28 - Move in with me?
Chapter 29 - Aisha's Big Surprise
Chapter 30 - "We've got some news."
Chapter 31 - Toasts
Chapter 32 - "You're the perfect prince for my princess"
Chapter 33 - "Well, that was a boring morning."
Chapter 34 - "There's a slight problem"
Chapter 35 - The Ring
Chapter 36 - Hello Italy!
Chapter 37 - "Hi... Layla."
Chapter 38 - Sunset Kiss
Chapter 39 - Moments of Love
Chapter 40 - Roaming Around Rome
Chapter 41 - The Mehndi Ceremony

Chapter 21 - Ria. What? Nothing.

1.2K 61 19
By yashriii


I thought that Rohan wouldn’t call after what happened on Friday, but I guess I was wrong. Not only did he call but he sounded really happy too. So I guess this week might not be as boring as I thought it would be, at least he will call and I will have someone to talk to.

It has been a long week. I was stuck at home all week long with Rohan calling at least – I said at least- three times a day. I think on Wednesday he called nine times, was he even doing any work? According to him, when I get back tomorrow everything is going to be different, but I don’t know he sounded a bit odd when he said everything was going to be different. He sounded like what a guy would say to his to-be bride before they get married. Ok, I really have to stop getting my hopes up too high.  Oh well, I have to wait for tomorrow now.


I had planned everything out for meeting Ria tomorrow. First I was going to pick her up from her home at the usual time, she would think that we were going to go to office but actually I’m going to take her to Hyde Park and there I’ll tell her how I feel. And according to Karan she loves me too so she wouldn’t slap me like they do in Bollywood movies either. After our love confession I was going to take her out for lunch then, then I don’t know. Oh my God! I didn’t have anything planned after that! What was I supposed to do?

I was still freaking out thinking about what to do next when my phone rang. Who calls at eleven thirty at night?

It was Karan, of course. He was the only one that could call at such stupid times.

“Karan have you seen the time?”

“Yes, but this was urgent-” He began but I cut him off.

“Karan, I’m planning my special day with Ria tomorrow.”

“Well, sorry to tell you but you have an urgent meeting with our international affairs head tomorrow morning.”

“What! Why?”

“I don’t know, he said it was something to do with a conference in Dubai or something.”

“Why did he call you? He could have called me.”

“Rohan, we don’t have time for this. It’s eleven thirty and I think you should take rest. Sorry for ruining your plans for tomorrow.”

“Algoods. Goodnight.” With that I hung up. Not only the phone but I hung up on my hopes of confessing my love to Ria tomorrow.  Well I guess I might as well get some sleep now.

Next morning came by really quick, but I wasn’t even in the mood to get up and go to the meeting. I was so excited to tell Ria how I felt about her and they all ended up down the drain thanks to that international affairs head! I eventually got out of bed and dressed up and headed to pick up Ria.

“Good morning!” She smiled at me. That smile was so bright and welcoming.

“Good morning.” I sounded a bit shaky. Get your act together Rohan!

“Shall we go?” She headed for the passenger’s side. I wanted to tell her so much but not like this, I wanted it to be special. I guess it has to wait then after all, time flies by.

On the way to work we talked about how Ria spent her week and I must say, this girl really needs a life. But it’s alright once she’s with me I’ll make her fun like me.

We got to office soon and Ria headed towards her cabin and I headed towards mine.

“Ria!” I called out, I don’t know why but I just couldn’t control the urge to call out.

“What?” She stopped and turned around.

“Nothing.” I smiled. She smiled back and left for her cabin.

I went into my cabin and started on some work until the international affairs head came in for the meeting.

Jack was our International Affairs head. He was older than me but not by much, maybe just three to four years.

“Good morning, Sir.” He greeted me.

 “Oh god, Jack, how many times do I have to tell you guys not to call me Sir. It makes me sound old. Anyways, what was it that couldn’t wait till tomorrow and you had to talk to me about it today?”

“Well in that case, good morning, Rohan. So yeah, what was so important that I had to talk to you about it today was that there is a conference in Dubai for the world’s leading construction companies. And since we are one of them I’ve got an invitation from the holders for you to attend it.” I was shocked. Shocked at this is what he called important. This could have waited till tomorrow.

“This could have waited till tomorrow, you know?” I said.

“No. I couldn’t have. I need to send a confirmation by the end of today. So is that a yes from you?”

“Woah! Woah! Woah! Hold your horses, Jack! Explain this whole conference to me in detail.” I couldn’t just say yes to a conference like this. Especially not to one that was in Dubai! I mean, when would I be able to tell Ria how I feel and all?

“Ok, so the conference is held by some organization that is trying to protect sacred and other important lands. They’ve held this conference to talk about the importance of not building on land like these. You and a legal advisor are to go to the conference and literally just take information in from one ear and out from the other. Because if we follow what they want us to do our company is going to be finished! So practically think of this a vacation for you and the legal advisor.” Did he just say Legal advisor? That means Ria! So I get to go to Dubai with Ria? There was no way I was going to decline this offer!

“I’m in! Did you talk to the Legal Advisor, Ria?” I asked.

“Ria? She’s still a newbie, Rohan. You have to take a senior. Someone like George. I’ve talked to him about it and now I’m just waiting for a confirmation from him.”  Just then his phone rang and ironically it was George. Jack moved to the corner of the cabin to talk to him and all I could hear was Oh’s and Ah’s.

“It’s ok, we’ll do something.” And with that he ended the call and walked towards me. Just then Ria burst through the door not knowing who I was with.

“Oh sorry. I’ll come back in a couple minutes.” She said.

“No, no Ria stay I need your help.” Jack stopped her.


“Yeah. There is this conference in Dubai for leading construction companies of the world and Rohan and a legal advisor has to attend it. We asked George – your senior- if he wanted to attend it but he just called and said that he couldn’t. So now I’m asking you – since you are the only other one – if you would like to go.” Someone please go give that George a box of chocolates for declining the offer! Ria please say yes!

She looked my way and probably so my glowing-in-excitement face and said, “Yes. I’m in.” YES! I’m going to make this a trip she will never forget!

“Thank you so much Ria! That’s great! Now I’ll go and confirm that you two are going. Oh and I’ll send you the flight details and all by the end of today.” With that Jack left Ria and I to go and confirm our trip to Dubai.

I walked around my desk towards Ria who was still smiling.

“Dubai, aye? Have you ever been there?” I asked.

“Yep. Many times. On the way to India we would always stop in Dubai, because my mum loves that place.”

“Cool, now you can show me around.”

“You haven’t been to Dubai?” She sounded surprised.

“Uhh, yeah.”

“But you’re like a CEO.” CEO? What does that have to do with never going to Dubai?

“Yeah, but that doesn’t mean I’ve seen the whole world. Yeah, my parents probably have, but not me. You got a problem?”

“No.” She laughed.

“Ok, what were you here for?” I asked to change the topic.

“Oh, yeah. I need to ask you something about this file.” I put my arms around her shoulder, but she gave me an angry stare – which I’m not going to lie but scared me – so I took them off.

“Go on.” I said with a squeaky voice after being afraid of her stare.

“This is nothing related to our company. It’s to do something with Aisha.” That name made me angrier than ever, I didn’t want to ever hear that name, but sadly I couldn’t do anything but listen to her otherwise she would know that something’s up and it would all be a mess. I had to keep my anger inside.

“Umm, just leave it and move on to another one.” I stammered.

“Uh, ok.” She said and left.


Jack sent a confirmation of tickets to Dubai and rooms by the end of the day, so I guess I was off to Dubai for a conference. Rohan seemed really excited about this trip as he’s never been to Dubai – I know it’s hard to believe, but sadly it’s true. Anyways, when I was going though the files I had to work from, I came across a file to do with Aisha, when I talked to Rohan about it he told me to just leave it and move onto another one. This was not the usual Rohan, the usual Rohan would never avoid Aisha related things. Oh well, I really shouldn’t be involving myself in their business.

“Ready to leave?” Rohan popped into my office.

“Yeah, let’s go.” I picked up my bag and walked towards the door. I was just waiting for him to turn up and ask.  I was walking when suddenly my pencil heel became unstable and I fell backwards. I felt hands reach for me and catch me. My eyes were shut as I was scared I was going to fall down and hurt myself, but I guess not. I slowly opened my eyes to see Rohan staring and smiling at me. He looked cuter than ever and I swear I could feel something in the tummy. I could also hear the DDLJ tune playing in the background again. I didn’t want him to let go, ever. We started at each other for about twenty seconds until we realised that we were in the office and I quickly looked away and helped myself up.

“Sorry, I’m a bit clumsy” I said and scuttled out of the door embarrassed. Rohan stayed there for a couple of seconds just smiling, and then caught up to me.

“Yes. You are clumsy.” He said, smiling at me while we were in the lift. “Remember that time in Paris when you tripped over me?”

“What is it? Have you taken like a swear to embarrass me today?” I asked sarcastically.

“No, I’m just reminding you off the cute clumsy moments we’ve had because of you.” He laughed. Cute? He thought those moments were cute? That’s so cute.

In a matter of minutes – well at least I thought it was only a couple of minutes- we got home.

“Good night.” Rohan, stepped out of the car. “Sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite.” I smiled.

“Same to you, Rohan.” I said softly and turned around to leave.

“Ria.”Rohan called and I turned around.

“What?” I asked.

“Nothing.” He said, and smiled. I swear he’s done this the second time today. I went up to him and gave him a gentle slap on the cheeks but I guess I shouldn’t have.

“OW!” He yelled “You’re hitting you own boss!” He was so loud, but I still knew he was joking so I hit him again. “OW! This time it actually hurt!” He complained and I instantly felt bad. I quickly started blowing on his cheeks and apologized.

“Sorry, sorry, sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you so much.” I said.

“Oww.” He complained. “Oww, Oww, Oww!” ok, now he was overreacting and I instantly figured out that he was acting. So I hit him on the shoulders – and that too hard.

I turned around to leave but he grabbed my hands and pulled me towards him. His grip was so strong that I just gave up trying to free myself.

“That really hurt! Now blow there.” He smirked.

“Rohan, let go! I’m not going to blow.” I tried to pull myself away from him.

“Not letting you go until you blow.” I had no other option, I had to blow otherwise he wasn’t going to let me go. I bent towards his shoulders and slightly blew on his shoulders. I swear this guy is really weird, I mean who makes a girl blow on their shoulders? Out of anything make her give you a kiss or something! He let go off my hands and I backed away from him.

Before he would say anything I turned him around and pushed him towards his door, “Good night now!”

“Good night.” He laughed and sat in and I turned around to go to my apartment. I really didn’t want him to call me again, and he didn’t.


A/N: Hey guys! I’m back! Sorry for not uploading in nearly two weeks, school's just taken all over me and for some reason I got an eye infection which gave me a swollen eye. So in short my whole world is currently collapsing. Anyways, enough of my depressing life, how did you like this chapter? A new twist, the cuties are off to Dubai! Who can’t wait to read what happens in Dubai? If you like this chapter then please, vote, comment and share the word about this fanific J XOXO YASHRIII

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