Foster Love (Interracial)

By ImagineMe21

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Sarah is a black girl that's been unloved all her life she doesn't even know her parents or any family and li... More

Chapter One
Chapter 2
Chapter 3.1
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 3

615 29 6
By ImagineMe21

Harry's P.O.V.

I hear my alarm go off; I wake up after a few hits on the snooze button. I get up, well more like slide out of the bed, and get a shower, I looked at my phone, I still got 15 minutes, I think as I put on my black skinny jeans, with my white t-shirt that had '1975', and my black and white Letterman jacket, that had on the front' HS', since it was in the middle of September, and it was cold in the mornings.

I tied my white converses, and grabbed my phone, before heading downstairs, "Good Morning Harry!" my mom said, cheerfully, "Good Morning Mum" I said, kissing her cheek.

"Where's Dad?" I asked, grabbing some cereal and milk, "he had an early business meeting" she said while putting my milk up" and you better hurry up, or your gonna be late" "Oh, ok love you!" I say, grabbing my backpack and rushing out the door.

"Love you too!" I took my keys, out to Starr ny black Monte Carlo. I got it this past summer; my parents figured it would be a great way to start off my senior year. I smile at the memory, as I backed out, waving at my mom, as she got in her car, on her way to work.

My parents, Des and Anne Styles. They're great, I have a great relationship with them, and they take care of me and provide for me with the things that I need or want.

My Dad Des Styles is a partner of a Law Firm, Styles and Hiran, which is what Niall's Dad does as well. My mom, Anne Styles she's a doctor, and a good one at that sometimes she gets calls but then some of her colleagues are the ones she trained. I think I get my looks from her, she's beautiful.

Liam, Louis, and Zayn's parents they work alongside my mom at the hospital, New Heights Hospital,

Liam's Mom and Dad are heart surgeons and they as far as I've heard are the best in the country and they by no means leave the bar unset.

Louis parents are OB-GYN's and Louis sometimes gets embarrassed but you can tell he's proud of his parents for what they do and how they make people's lives better for the greater good.

Zayn's parents, they're associated with the Hospital, they're on the board and they help create the programs as well as help the doctors in any way they can be of service. They're very nice and they support him in what he likes to do.

I've never really thought about how perfect all of our lives are, and how we live the" American Dream" here in the UK, I laugh as I pull up to the school, in my parking spot I see the lads leaning against Louis' white Maxima,"Hey guys!" I say, getting my bag, and locking my doors,"Vas Happenin'?" Zayn asked, "not much mate" I say, as we start walking toward the school, "Hey Har!" "Hey Styles!" "Hey Harry!" I hear Louis, Liam's, and Niall's voices.

At least they're in a better mood, since yesterday, I think to myself, "Hey Harry! C'mon we gotta get to class!" Zayn yelled. Did the bell ring already? I asked myself, where has my mind been these past couple of days? Thinking about conscious answered. "I doubt it" I say, as I start running with Zayn.

We get to English class, and sit down before Ms. Helm realized we were late and I couldn't afford detention...again. "Okay class, today we're going to do a project about each other" she said, grabbing a stance of papers, "huh?" "what do you mean?" Liam asked, "Are you talking sexual? Cause I'm pretty sure every girl in here could tell you about Harry here!" Louis said, patting me on the shoulder.

It's true I have been known to get the girls I wanted because, we'll I'm rich and I'm hot and I got what it takes if you know what I mean...but I blushed slightly, murmuring "shut up" to him. The class erupted with laughter, as Ms. Helm told us to calm down, the door opened and in she walked, Sarah.

She had a black beanie on with rusted heart shaped studs, her blue jeans were ripped and her shirt was a regular black shirt with black conversed. She looked hot, wait what?! Gross, I must be sick; yeah that's exactly what it is. She walked in with her head down as usual, and sat down in the seat diagonally from me.

I'm surprised, I didn't hear her coming, as big as she is, I laughed to myself as I watched her get her stuff from under her desk. She doesn't carry a bag? She didn't come in with anything, I noticed and half the class is over. Why did she come in late? And why didn't she get detention for it?

So many questions flooded my brain, I was brought out suddenly when a voice said, "Dude quit staring at her" it was Liam, "No I'm not!" I defended myself, "uh huh, sure" he said, rolling his eyes.

"Okay, you're assignment is describing your partner, before you get to know them and how words or what we think affect how we Mau actually see the person" Ms. Helm said, "oh great" I say out loud, "and I will be assigning your partners" she said. Of course there were moans and groans, but I kinda figured.

"Okay Ashley you're with Niall; Sophia with Liam" "Yes!She's hot!" I hear both Niall and Liam hi five each other, while waving at their partners, causing them to blush. "Um Eleanor with Louis!" "Whoo!" I heard Louis holler,"Perrie with Zayn" "He'll yeah!" Zayn said, coolly."And're with Harry" "THE FUCK?!" I say out loud, and if I wasn't mistaken, I saw Sarah slump even mpre, if that was possible.

"Language Mr. Styles" Ms. Helm warned, "sorry" I muttered. "Now class, you start tomorrow, observe your partners and write down the things you think they are or how they are, and after you spend time with them, see if you're before matches with your after assumptions, and remember class don't judge a book by its cover, you might like what you read" Ms. Helm said, as she wrote the lesson on the board, "Now let's read Chapter 3."

Every one got their books except Sarah, She put her stuff up and walked out the door, "Where is she going?" I whispered to Niall, "Don't know really" he said, turning back around, "hmm, probably went to go eat" I said,  receiving some head shakes.

I took put of a piece of paper and wrote:





I let out a sigh, this is gonna be a long project.

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