
By swimwithsixx

77.1K 1.4K 958

Y/N and Spencer have been close ever since she moved into the apartment below him and started working at the... More

-7 pt.1-
-7 pt 2-
-24 pt2-


935 20 13
By swimwithsixx

The piercing sound of a gunshot rang through the silence of your impending doom. The car came to a rolling stop, your head was pounding aggressively and you felt your breaths becoming shorter. Darkness followed suit.

"Y/N...Y/N??" You heard a familiar shaky voice call "she has a pulse, Hotch, medic. I NEED A MEDIC!" You tried to reach your hand to his face but you felt that you couldn't move, your eyes were weak, barely staying open. "Y/N, I'm here, stay with me okay, Julian's dead." You glanced over at the man's lifeless body, blood pooling on the seat around him. "Stay awake for me, eyes open." You felt as Spencer wrapped his arm under your legs, the other putting your arms around his neck and then wrapping around your back, picking you up from the car. "I said, I need a medic Hotch, she's in shock and barely conscious," Hotch nodded and rushed away, coming back quickly with two men and a gurney, Spence set you on the cot, taking your hand. "Hotch I'm going with her, I'll stay here until she's cleared to fly back." You turned to look up at him, Aaron reached his hand out, taking yours and squeezing it.

"You'll be alright, Y/N, you're in good hands." He let go as the medics wheeled you away. Once you were in the ambulance things began to haze together, it felt like a matter of seconds before you found yourself waking up in a hospital bed...yet again. Spencer was crashed out in the chair next to your bed, his messy hair stuck to his sweaty and flushed face.

You looked around, hospitals were old news at this point, the typical white and pale blue colour scheme, the scrubs, the monitors. You sat up, rubbing your eyes, you had a slight headache but you felt rather normal, well as normal as you can feel after being held hostage for three hours. Spencer sat up with a startle as you shifted positions.

"Oh, Y/N, hey," he stood up stretching, standing next to you "how are you feeling?" You shook your head "I'm feeling okay actually," he smiled "that's good, Dr.Lopez said that you don't have a concussion or anything, the doctors took some blood just to test your hormone levels after everything that's happened with you they want to make sure everything is normal." You grinned.

"I'm going to quit my job," you said promptly. Spencer stepped back.

"What?" he responded disconcerted. You turned your head "there are plenty of other jobs I could get, and so far this one has been the cause of most of my problems," He nodded, crouching down to your level. "Can I kiss you,     Y/N?" You nodded as he slipped his large hand onto your cheek pulling your faces together.

"I'm going to let this moment last before I share the news with you," a woman in scrubs leaned in the doorway "I'm doctor Angela Lopez." She said dully "Your vitals seem great, no signs of any stress or imbalance but," She walked around to your monitor jotting something down on her clipboard "you have elevated levels of estrogen and progesterone." Spencer looked down scratching the back of his neck anxiously. 

"What? Spence, what does that mean?" He let out a long sigh before a small smile crept onto his lips. "Well, it doesn't just mean this but considering that you aren't on your period, it means your pregnant." Your eyes widened. Dr.Lopez raised an impressed eyebrow at Spencer, nodding.

"Now, it's not certain so if you would like we can provide a pregnancy test." You nodded, any words you could possibly say weren't coming out. "Alright, I'll be back." She swiftly left, eyeing you and Spencer before leaving.

"Spencer," you said quietly "we're not even married yet," you felt soft tears begin to crawl down your face. "So? JJ and Will didn't get married until Henry was five." You smiled sadly "what if I'm a bad mother," Spencer sat on the edge of the your bed, brushing a stray strand of hair out of your face.
"That kid is going to have the best mom in the whole world, if you choose to have it." You wrapped your arms around him.
"If I am pregnant, I think I'm going to keep the baby." He raised his eyebrows

"oh yeah?" he asked, smiling, "you've made that decision?" You shook
your head yes.
"I've decided that I want one or two, I mean I didn't expect it to be this soon but this baby, if there is one, is going to be the beginning of a new chapter." He grinned from ear to ear.
"I'm so in love with you Y/N," you blushed as he kissed you softly on the cheek. Dr.Lopez came in with a plastic container and paper strips "there's a bathroom just down the hall, do you know what to do?" You mumbled yes nervously and took the container.

It felt like hours Dr.Lopez was gone, you sat with Spencer in complete and total silence, he lay next to you on your bed, one arm wrapped around your shoulder, your head resting on his. You made circles on the soft gray fabric of his cardigan with your thumb as you waited.

"I guess we really should start planning the wedding." He said breaking the silence. You chuckled. "are you sure? Because I was planning on leaving you for Aaron." He poked your arm "shut up, you're so mean." You giggled pressing a kiss to his shoulder "I love you, Spence."
Finally, Dr.Lopez re-entered the room, she smiled at you and Spencer, you two sat up, intertwining your hands.

"You two are the happiest couple I've seen in a long time," she sighed "and I'm not sure if this is good or bad news for you but, Ms.Y/L/N, you are not pregnant."

A mixture of happy and sad swirled inside of you. You turned to Spencer, taking his hand. "Thank you, Dr.Lopez." You stood up, having changed into your regular clothes in the bathroom "Come on, let's go Spence."

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