Soldiers and Serpents //Scorb...

By Lucifurteeth

18.7K 691 441

Scorpius Malfoy thought he'd ride out the rest of his schooling at Hogwarts easily. That was until Albus Pott... More

Author's Note
1 Missy
2 Confrontation
3 A Long Day
4 Inebriated
5 Social Food Chain
6 Corruption
7 Time Out
8 Secrets
9 Bloodletting
10 Friends
11 Illness
12 The Test
13 Surprise
14 Just Words
15 Teeth
16 Twins
17 Outcast ⚠️
18 Formal
19 Family Ties
20 Saunder
21 Resolve
22 Chaos
23 In a Day's Work
24 Settlement
25 Desperation ⚠️
26 Casual Deatheater
27 Soft Touches
28 Truth or Dare
29 Tension
30 Can You Hear Me?
31 Potions
32 Birthday
33 Faster
34 Albus
35 Inquiries
36 History
37 Sixteen
38 Terror
39 The Flood
40 Into the Fire
41 Empty
42 It's Nothing ⚠️
43 Breathe
44 Deceit
45 London
46 Hook
47 Quidditch
48 Labyrinth
49 Black
Character Log
50 Ancestry
51 Unity
52 Subservient
53 Drift
54 Confidence
55 Scorn
56 He Who Wears The Crown
57 Casualties
58 Vengeance
59 Distraction
60 Pity
61 Forgiveness ⚠️
62 Encounter
63 Obscene ⚠️
64 Hunter ⚠️
65 Stranger
66 Switch
67 Beginning
68 The Dead
70 Thank You
71 Anticipation
72 Mania
73 Darkness
74 Albus
75 Raven
76 Salazar

69 Imperio

122 6 4
By Lucifurteeth

Scorpius sat in the drawing room of Andromeda's home, his feet propped up on the table and a book of voodoo open in front of him. He looked up as Raven entered the room, dressed in light green and charcoal black. Her hair pulled up into a high braided bun. "I've been looking for you." She stuffs her phone into her pocket. Her blue eyes flick to the phone by Scorpius's feet. "You've been ignoring my calls." She realizes, crossing arms over her chest.

"Anyone else would take the hint." Scorpius turned the page, looking back to his book.

"Didn't you see what happened in the papers this morning?" Raven snapped. It's been two days since he and Teddy learned about Daniel's plans. Two days since he explained everything that was going on to Albus. Two days since he sat at his mother's grave with nothing to say to her.

"Azkaban was destroyed. The dementors freed the prisoners and then disappeared into the sky never to be seen again." Scorpius kept his eyes on the book as he spoke. "Nothing I can do about it. So I'm trying to find the spell to unleash instinctual magic in everyone other than me. Because that, that might actually give our small group a chance against the army that Daniel just released from prison."

Raven loudly sighs. "So you know what happened, but you haven't bothered talking to anyone about what's going on in the world. Even Teddy. He's under the bizarre impression that you've been hiding from him all morning as well."

"More successfully than I've been hiding from you." Scorpius grins at her. His sister wasn't amused. "Talking isn't going to change anything. So why bother?"

"Oh. You're in one of those moods." Raven's patronizing wasn't lost on him. Scorpius laid the book open on his chest as he put his full attention on her.

"Fine." He began to mock. "'Oh no Scorpius what are we going to do about all the murderers prowling the street?'"

"I don't sound like-"

"'I don't know Raven, if only there were people who's job told them to catch criminals.'" Scorpius gave a fake smile. "Great talk."

"Albus called me."

"And what did he want?" Scorpius picked his book up again.

"He called you too. You didn't answer."

"Maybe because I've been busy." Scorpius lifted the book a few inches up for emphasis.

"He's coming over with James and Rose later. You told him everything so now-"

"I didn't know it was a secret." Scorpius shrugged. Raven rolled her eyes.

"You knew James and Teddy had decided to keep it away from him."

"That's because James and Teddy see Albus as a weak wizard who couldn't stand up for himself against a bully." Scorpius defends the boy. "But he's not that person. He's a lot stronger than anyone gives him credit for. And he deserves to be part of what's going on. It's as much his business as it is James." Scorpius paused. "Actually it's more Albus's business than James."

"I don't get it." Raven's tone changed to the one where he was about to get a lecture. He groans aloud, not about to hide his annoyance. "He cheats on you and you just get over it? It hurt you so much initially-"

"I'm still hurt." Scorpius's voice was sharp. "But I tried keeping him out of my life. And I've accepted I can't. Or I don't want to."

"Well if Ashton-"

"We're very different people, Raven." Scorpius snapped, sitting up and pulling his legs off the table.

"If Ashton cheated on me, I would cut him out of my life. There wouldn't be any crawling back." She hissed. Scorpius felt anger build up in him, and forced down that instinctual magic that came with it. It was hard to keep from being harsh. To keep from saying something irreversible. But he had to. He had to contain that rage.

"Albus was the first one I told when I found out who I was." Scorpius began. "Maybe it was because if he hated me after finding out, I wouldn't care because at the time he meant little to me. But he didn't care at all. He accepted me for me. He's been through hell and back with me. I'm not going to give up on him because of one mistake."

"Has he even apologized?"

"Yes. Kind of." Scorpius recalled the moment at the House of Black. He closed his book and stood. He had things to do today and wasn't about to waste his time arguing pointlessly with Raven. Raven opened her mouth to say something else fowl. "I've got places to be. When you have something of importance to relay, come and find me." He grabbed his phone and left his book, strutting past her and into the hallway.

Scorpius felt for his wand, and headed for the front door when he was sure he had it on him. He grabbed his coat off the entry hooks as Narcissa walked by. The older Malfoy paused when she saw him. "Where are you off to this early?"

"It's not that early." Scorpius avoids answering. The woman narrows her eyes at him, and he knew she wouldn't let him leave the house with such a cryptic reply. "I'm just going to the Manor." He sighs, laying it on thick. "It's hard to think here." Narcissa's features soften, and she nods.

"Well, be safe. Keep your wand on you." She orders. Scorpius stepped out of the house, shutting the front door behind him. With the amount of lies he's told through the years, it's a wonder why anyone would still believe anything he said. Fools.


Scorpius pulled the cigarette away from his lips as Delphini approached him in the narrow alleyway. Diagon Alley was full of people. And most of them were people up to no good. So Scorpius had elected to slip into a more isolated place to avoid being seen. This was the worst time for him to be out and about. Selwyn may be obsessed with Scorpius joining him willingly, but he knew there were probably several dozen dark witches and wizards who'd want to have Salazar Black in their pocket.

"You aren't working?" Scorpius wondered as the silver haired woman approached. She snorts, like he'd told a joke.

"Yeah. Because Voldemort's daughter should be in direct line of sight to any and all prowlers today." Delphini shook her head. Scorpius shrugs, to hide the fact he felt foolish for even asking. "What are you doing here?"

"Prowling." Scorpius replied unenthusiastically. "Do you have instinctual magic?" He casually asked. The woman tilted her head at him.

"Of course I do." Her suspicious eyes narrowed. "Everyone in our family has the potential for such magic."

"And can you harness it?"

"What's your real question?"

"Do you know how to open those floodgates in someone's mind? To unleash their magic?" Scorpius pulled a drag from the smoke. Delphini studied him a moment before replying. Scorpius exercised patience he didn't realize he had in that time his Aunt took to reply.

"No. But even if I did, it wouldn't help."

"Maybe it would." Scorpius offered.

"It won't." Her tone was stern. "Do you know how rare that kind of magic is?"

"What about in the Greengrass line? Their magic is powerful." Scorpius offered. "The Malfoy's lineage goes back generations."

"The Greengrass's and Malfoy's diluted their blood. The Gaunts didn't."

"Until they did." Scorpius pointed out. Tom Riddle's father was a muggle. Everyone knew that.

"Out of desperation." Delphini shook her head. "But otherwise, Gaunts married Gaunts. Although incest is rather... taboo, it's incest that we owe our power too."

"Incest breeds mental illness. Incest is why Voldemort went mad."

"I'm not saying I agree with it. I'm just explaining why the Malfoy's and Greengrass families don't have the instinctual magic we do." Delphini told him neutrally. "You're rather defensive today."

"Can you blame me?"

"No." The woman sighed and leaned against the wall beside Scorpius, crossing her arms over her chest. He glanced over to see the "R" engraved ring on her finger. He wondered what Delphini had told her girlfriend about the ring. "I'm sorry I couldn't be more help."

"I knew it was a long shot anyways." Scorpius bites his chapped lips as they stood in silence for some time. "When the fighting starts, will you be by my side? Or Aries'?"

The words ring in his head. The last conversation he'd had with the girl. 'I'll see you across the battlefield.' 'I'll be there.' Scorpius hated Aries for many reasons. But even he couldn't deny that at this point, the girl may provide the best chance at getting Selwyn. Or getting close enough to kill him. And she'd proven herself truth worthy enough. She did help save Michael.

"If you were in my position, what would you do?" Delphini surprises Scorpius by asking. He ponders her inquiry for a moment.

"I'd save myself. If I was in your position, I'd pack my things, take my lover, and move half way across the world." He finally says, putting his cigarette between his lips.

"Maybe I should do that." She shook her head. "But it's not the right thing to do."

"Merlin's beard. Who cares about the right thing?" Scorpius scoffs. "I'm fighting because I have to. Because Selwyn will hunt me down if I leave. The only reason he's hesitating on me right now is that I won't make a compliant soldier unless I come willingly. If he knew I was actively trying to thwart his plans? If he knew I had the stone? He'd probably kill me." Scorpius drops his cigarette and steps on it to snuff the embers. "And I don't even care enough to try to save my own life. Because at least if I was dead, I wouldn't have to fight. If I was dead, Selwyn would have no reason to kill the people that I love. And isn't that the point?"

"The fault in your logic is that those you love will never recover if you die. Your sister- if I understand anything from what Aries has told me- is that your sister would tear the world apart to get vengeance. Will she end up dead too? Then both your deaths would've been for nothing."

Scorpius held her gaze. Their grey eyes identical. He shouldn't be talking to Delphi. They weren't friends. They were just acquaintances who shared blood. He shouldn't have said that to her. To anyone. What was he thinking?

"You're right. I know my death isn't the answer." Scorpius tells her. But he was lying. Because how could anyone know what the answer was? "I've got to go. Stay safe. And if you need help with anything, don't ask me." He joked. The woman gave an amused laugh, and he apparated away.


Scorpius nervously picked at his nails outside the front door of the modest home. It was actually a very nice home. But modest compared to what Scorpius had grown up in. It was much more welcoming than the Malfoy's manor though. Scorpius always liked that about this place. All of Godric's Hollow was welcoming. There was an archaic and homely feel to it. The front door opens finally to reveal a woman. Her eyes widened a little when she saw Scorpius.

"Miss Potter. Weasley." Scorpius didn't exactly know what to call Ginny considering her separation from Harry. "I should've informed you before showing up unannounced."

"Come inside Scorpius. It's dangerous for you to be out and about right now." She waved him into the home hurriedly. Scorpius felt relief the moment he knew Ginny wasn't offended by his unexpected arrival. He stepped inside and shoved his hands in his pockets nervously. Ginny's eyes looked at the scar on his arm but it was clear she was trying not to draw attention to make him uncomfortable. Scorpius pretended he didn't notice the curious gaze. "Are you here to see Albus?"

The woman locked the front door behind them, and lead them into the kitchen. Scorpius looked around but he didn't see any of the siblings.

"Yeah. I just wanted to check on him." He lied. "Is he here?"

"He will be soon." Ginny moved around the kitchen island to where a newspaper was open. Clearly she'd been reading it when Scorpius had rang the doorbell.

"Is he-" Scorpius coughed to clear his throat, an attempt to hide his instant concern. "He's with the neighbor boy?"

Ginny shook her head, waving for him to sit at the counter if he wanted. He didn't sit. "He's not with the neighbor boy. Dylan is such a bore. I think Albus is ignoring his calls."

"Are you just telling me that because you think that's what I want to hear?" Scorpius wondered, biting his bottom lip. Ginny smiled at him.

"I'm not lying. I don't lie." For some reason he believed that. Ginny's smile disappeared when she noticed he didn't seem all that happy, despite her attempt at reassurance. "I know what happened, between you two."

Scorpius crossed his arms over his chest. "I doubt that. Just because you don't lie doesn't mean Albus doesn't." He didn't look at her.

"Albus doesn't lie to me. Not lately."

"And you can tell?" Scorpius didn't believe that for a second. Parents could never tell. He's been getting away with it for a very long time.

"Of course I can tell. I'm his mother." Ginny turns the page of the newspaper. It wasn't the Daily Prophet. It looked like a Quidditch newspaper. Probably something she's subscribed to because she's a professional quidditch player.

"My mother could never tell when Raven and I lied to her." Scorpius pointed out. "Being a mother doesn't give you a superpower."

"Maybe she could always tell. She just never called you out on it." Ginny suggests. "And being a mother is a superpower."

"Guess I'll never know." Scorpius didn't want to talk about his mother. Ginny seemed to get the hint.

"Albus was forced to do what he did, you know." She tells Scorpius. The Malfoy's boy rolled his eyes. "You're clever. You know what the Imperius curse does." Ginny studies Scorpius's reaction to that piece of information.

"The Imperius curse." He repeats. "You expect me to believe that goodie-two-shoes Luke would use the Imperius curse on Albus because he was jealous?" Scorpius asked rhetorically. But his confidence was faltering. "That's- that's- Albus would've told me."

"Why?" Ginny questioned.

"Why would Albus have told me? I was his boyfriend."

"You would've gotten revenge on Luke, wouldn't you? Whether that meant breaking his nose-"

"If it's true, then Luke deserves a lot more than a broken nose." Scorpius growled. Ginny raised an eyebrow at him.

"You think Albus would've wanted you to break his nose?" She was speaking sense. Which is why Scorpius got more and more frustrated. That couldn't be what happened. Right? "Did you even give him a chance to explain himself when it happened?"

Scorpius clenched his jaw. No. He hadn't. Albus had come to him- there in the Great Hall. And Scorpius had shut him down. He'd repeated the same words Aries told him, but just slightly varied. You didn't think I actually loved you, did you? And Scorpius felt like Albus deserved that. Because he'd betrayed Scorpius.

"He could've told me after-"

"Why? You'd already made it clear you two were over. Do you usually give people second chances?" Ginny cuts him off. Scorpius deflated. "I understand why you'd be upset." She tells him. "I was cheated on. By a husband who I have three children with." This time Scorpius met her gaze. "And I wish every day that Hermione was using the Imperius curse on Harry. Because then Harry would be a victim instead of a home wrecker. But that's not what happened. Instead, that happened to my son. Albus has a soft heart-"

"He's stronger than you think." Scorpius defends him.

"He has a soft heart. He stays quiet when he shouldn't. Before you came along, I didn't think he had the slightest shred of self worth or confidence. And even if I tried to reach out, he'd shut me out." Ginny explains. "But since you've been in his life, he's been a little more open. More confident."

"He's always been braver than anyone will give him credit for." Scorpius sighed. A little annoyed that everyone seemed to think Albus was some delicate little doll. He wasn't. He'd never cowered from Scorpius. Even when he found out who Scorpius was. Even when Scorpius got so angry that he threatened to bully Albus worse than Daniel ever had.

"My point is that Albus has a long way to go before he stops excusing the bad things that happen in his life. That happens to him. And I don't think he'll get to that point without you." Ginny tells him. "Forgive him."

"I already have." Scorpius told her. "The issue isn't with him. It's me." He confessed, but didn't say anything further. Aries betrayed him. And after that- any form of betrayal cut Scorpius deep. He barely let people in before, and now? It's like he'd been punished for letting them in. So how could he do that to himself again? "I can't be expected to carry the responsibility of someone else's happiness. I can't even carry my own. Albus deserves better than me. Better than his father."

"Let Albus decide what he deserves. Who he wants in his life. I know what he's decided when it comes to Harry. And I know every morning when he comes downstairs, he'd rather be with you."

"It's not safe with me. No one is." Scorpius took a couple steps towards the direction of the hallway. "I'll wait in Albus's room for him." He decided, not really able to process this information completely in the company of Ginny. The mother didn't say anything else, just gave him a curt nod before he dismissed himself.

Albus's room was neater than the last time Scorpius had been in here. It was more than neat, actually. It looked like he'd been busy. Clearly he took inspiration from Scorpius's bookshelves because Albus had built his own bookshelves into the walls. And the titles were organized neatly. So neatly that Scorpius wondered if it was by Dewey Decimal system.

Scorpius looked around the room. The single window had its curtains drawn, and Scorpius didn't open them up to let light in. His grey eyes were drawn to a wand on the desk. A wand that was clearly not Albus's. He picked it up, running a finger across the wood. Vine wood, seemed like. Scorpius set it back down, and wandered to the bookshelves.

Had Albus started this project over the summer? It hadn't even been that long. Maybe he'd busied himself with work to avoid thinking about other things. Scorpius sighed. Thinking about things like Scorpius. Or Luke. How could he be so stupid?

Luke had even mentioned the Imperius curse. He'd tried to spread a rumor that Scorpius was doing that to Albus. The Ravenclaw must've got the idea from spreading gossip. It's brilliant, actually. If you didn't mind taking away someone's free will. Scorpius felt his arms shake at the thought of Luke doing that. And why? Because Albus had rejected him. Luke's fragile ego just couldn't handle the insult, apparently.

Scorpius grabbed a book off the shelf, and laid on the bed, opening it but unable to focus on the words. He reflected on those last couple weeks of school. That night Albus had cried in his arms. And then the next day acted like it hadn't meant anything. Scorpius should've been more attentive.

Why wasn't he?

Besides the fact that Aries and Daniel and Selwyn have consumed every waking thought since the day Cypress was murdered right before his eyes? That wasn't an excuse. Maybe his life right now just was too much for a relationship. Maybe Scorpius shouldn't even be here.

"Are you reading the Da Vinci Code?" Albus's voice shook Scorpius from his thoughts. The blonde put the book down.

"Not really. I just picked it at random but wasn't really focused." Scorpius crossed his arms behind his head. "Your Mum told you I was here?"

"Yeah." Albus closed the door to the bedroom and sat on the edge of the bed. "What are you doing here? It's dangerous for you to be out right now."

"It's dangerous in the wizard cities. I doubt I'd be attacked in Central London."

"We aren't in Central London."

"You offer a valid argument." Scorpius's complacency got Albus smiling. "Where were you?" He takes in Albus's tee shirt and jeans, but it didn't really hint at where he was. Albus shrugs, picking at the strings in the ripped parts of his jeans.

"I tried to talk to my dad at the ministry. It's absolutely crazy there right now. There's Aurors everywhere. Did you hear-"

"Yes. The prison. Old news."

"It happened this morning." Albus was taken aback.

"Did Luke use the Imperius Curse on you?"

"What?" Albus's eyes widened at the subject change. Scorpius raised up on his elbows on the bed. Albus turned to face him fully, crossing his legs. His green eyes flicked to the side. "What are you talking about?"

"Al." Scorpius scooted to the end of the bed to where the brunette sat. He was clearly going to evade this conversation but Scorpius wasn't going to give him that chance. "You were going to tell me. And you didn't."

"I wanted to."

"That's my fault. I'm sorry." Scorpius hugged him, and Albus seemed to relax into the touch.

"Wow, that apology even sounded sincere." Albus joked, sniffling.

"I've been practicing in the mirror." Scorpius teases, pulling away and brushing a thumb down the boy's cheek. "If I could go back and do it differently, I would." Including laying Luke flat on his back and putting the fear of Merlin into him. Scorpius pondered what exactly he could do to right this wrong.

"Why are you here?" Albus pulls back, brushing his fingers across his eyelids. Scorpius shook his head. "You didn't come here to talk about Luke."

"With everything going on, we haven't had time to really talk. Not like we need to." Scorpius takes his hand and threads their fingers together. "I want you to stay with me at Andromeda's. I think your Mum will be okay with it." He considers. Albus opened his mouth, but Scorpius continued, maybe in fear he'd turn him down. "Just until the meeting."

"Selwyn's meeting?" Albus tilted his head quizzically. "You know we are ahead of them. My father is deep in hiding, there's no way that Selwyn will find him."

"Harry Potter will insist on going to that meeting with his Aurors. I've made it obvious I don't like him at this point. And I do partially blame him for Draco." Scorpius admits. "But there is no way that I'd let him die." He caught Albus's gaze. "It doesn't matter how you feel about him. He's your dad. As long as he's alive you can reconcile. And I care more about you than I care about him. I always will." Albus's eyes swell with tears.

"Thank you." His voice could hardly be heard. Scorpius pulls him closer, breathing in Albus's scent and closing his eyes briefly. "I'll stay with you for as long as you want me to." Albus promises, holding onto him.


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