Pokémon: Shadowed Destiny

By ArcticFox72

9.3K 115 29

Ryu, a 16 year old teenager, had a ok life. He had fun and made friends...with Pokemon. He never had any conn... More

Talk with a Legend
Meeting of Destiny
Training Time
Luna's team
Contest part 1
Contest part 2
Savior of Ryu
The Winter's Shadow
Rocket to your Destiny
Tournament part 1
Tournament part 2
Tournament part 3
Ryu and Pika, Brother and Sister
Tournament Finals
Meeting of Legends
The Winter's Shadow 2
The Winter's Brother part 1
The Winter's Brother part 2
Ryu and Winter's time off
Ryu and Winter's time off: Ryu's Wrath
Ryu and Winter's time off: Kidnapping
Ryu and Winter's time off: Luna's battle
Corruption Arc: Calm before the storm
Corruption Arc: The Countdown has begun
Corruption Arc: First Contact
Corruption Arc: First blood
Corruption Arc: Shadow Immunity
Corruption Arc: Detection
Corruption Arc: First Causality
Corruption Arc: The Ice fox and the Dragon
Corruption Arc: The beginning of the End

Ryu and Winter's time off: Shadow's help

117 1 0
By ArcticFox72

Hello readers! Arctic Fox here! I know the last chapter wasn't as good as my normal ones but like I already said, I had no idea what to do. I also haven't been able to write in over a month so I was kinda rusty. I was literally just trying to get words out to make over 1k words. Anywho, I have some ideas from you lovely readers. Thank you for giving me ideas you guys! Hope you enjoy! Arctic Fox out!

Birch's ranch

POV: Ryu

Ryu yawned and opened his eyes. He blinked when he saw a black and red muzzle in his vision. He then remembered that he was a Shadow Lucario and calmed down. Then the memories of the past day's events came back to him and he looked down. He smiled when he saw Winter asleep on his chest. He reached a paw up and rubbed her head to wake her up. She stirred and yawned. She stood up and stretched before looking around. She remembered what happened and looked back and smiled at her "bed".

'Morning, Ryu.' She smiled. Ryu chuckled and stood up. He stretched while he was still in his Lucario form. He transformed back to his normal form before smiling at Winter.

'Morning, Winter. How are you this morning?' Ryu asked. Winter smiled.

'I am good. Thank you for asking.' She replied. Ryu smiled before cracking his back.

'That was interesting way to sleep but I really don't think its a good idea to do that again. My back does not like me at the moment.' Ryu graoned. Winter smiled sheepishly.

'Sorry love.' Winter said quietly. Ryu waved it off. He then looked back at Shadow, who was asleep and had a awake female Espeon laying next to him. He chuckled at the sight before looking at Winter.

'I'm going to help Shadow with his problem that he seems to have.' Ryu said. Winter looked over his shoulder at Shadow and chuckled as well when she saw what Ryu saw a little while ago. She looked back at Ryu and waved him on.

'Go ahead. The dense Umbreon king needs some help.' Winter said. Ryu chuckled and floated over to a tree next to the love-struck Espeon and sleeping Umbreon. the Espeon glanced at Ryu before staring back at Shadow. Ryu chuckled and shook his head at the sight as he laid back and waited for Shadow to wake up.

10 minutes later

POV: Ryu

While Ryu was thinking about how to tell Shadow that the Espeon liked him, he felt someone tug on his scarf. He turned his head to the left and raised a eyebrow when he saw the Espeon's face a meter from his.

'Can I help you, ma-am?' Ryu asked. The Espeon sat on her hind legs and tilted her head at him.

'Do you know that Umbreon?' She asked. She tilted her head towards Shadow. Ryu chuckled and nodded.

'Very well actually. His name is Shadow. Why do you ask?' Ryu answered. He already knew the answer but decided to have her tell him. She blushed, easily visible through her pink fur, and looked at something that caught her attention in the tree he was laying on.

'I...I kinda like him.' She said, hesitantly. Ryu chuckled and rubbed her head with his tail.

'I kinda already figured that.' Ryu said. She looked at him and blushed harder.

'Was it really that obvious? Do you think Shadow knows?' She asked, worried that her love may know and doesn't like her back. Ryu smiled assuringly.

'It is obvious but don't worry, Shadow doesn't know.' Ryu assured her. She tilted her head at him in confusion.

'How do you know?' She asked. Ryu chuckled.

'I was watching you flirt with him. I could tell he didn't notice your attempts.' Ryu answered. She blushed again and looked at him.

'You were watching, Mr. Mew?' She asked. Ryu smiled.

'Please, names Ryu. May I ask for yours?' Ryu asked. The Espeon smiled sheepishly as she realized she never told Ryu her name.

'Heh..Sorry. Names Light.' She said. Ryu started laughing at a thought he had. Light looked at him with a face of 'What the hell is so funny?' Ryu wiped his eyes with his paws before looking at her, a smile still on his face.

'Light and Shadow. Where there is Light, There will always be Shadow.' Ryu said, laughing again. Light blushed a beat red and looked away. Ryu stopped laughing long enough to see that Shadow was up and walking over to them. He smiled and waved at him. Shadow waved back and Light turned around and saw Shadow. She blushed quickly before looking away. Soon Shadow caught up to them and sat next to them, forming a triangle. Ryu against the tree, Light to his left, and Shadow to his right.

'What's up guys?' Shadow asked. Ryu smiled and looked at him.

'I was just having a conversation with Light here.' Ryu answered. Shadow nodded and looked at Light.

'What were you two talking about?' Shadow asked. Light blushed and quickly looked away before stuttering.

'I-It's n-not t-that important.' Light mumbled. Ryu chuckled and Shadow tilted his head at the way she answered. He looked at Ryu for a answer. Light shook her head at him with eyes the size of plates. He smirked and talked to her telepathically.

"If you don't tell him, how is he going to know? He is dense to your moves anyway." Ryu told her. She slowly nodded and looked away and blushed. Ryu chuckled and looked back at Shadow.

'We were talking about you.' Ryu said. Shadow tilted his head, very curious as to what they were talking about him.

'What were you talking about me?' Shadow asked. Ryu glanced at Light and she slowly nodded, knowing this would tell if Shadow liked her or not. Ryu looked back at Shadow.

'We were talking about how Light here likes you and how you were so dense as to not notice.' Ryu said. Shadow's eyes widened and looked at Light, who was blushing a Pokeball red and looking at the sky. Shadow looked back at Ryu, eyes still the size of plates.

'She...She likes me?' Shadow mumbled. Ryu nodded and looked at Light.

'Yes she does. Right Light?' Ryu asked. Light looked at Shadow, the blush still on her face.

'Y-Yeah...I do.' Light said, quietly. Shadow's eyes widened even more. Ryu chuckled at his friends face.

'If your eyes widen even more, Shadow, they will pop out of your head.' Ryu chuckled out. Shadow looked at him and grinned.

'Shut up, Ryu.' Shadow laughed out. Ryu laughed as well and glanced at Light. He signaled her to make a move towards Shadow. She saw it and moved towards him.

'S-Shadow?' Light mumbled. Shadow stopped laughing and looked at her.

'Yeah, Light?' Shadow asked. Light took a deep breath before kissing him. Shadow's eyes widened before they slowly closed. Shadow returned the kiss while Ryu floated up to his normal floating hight of around 5ft and floated back over to Winter. She saw him and waved.

'How did the counseling with Shadow go?' Winter asked. Ryu smiled and nodded his head towards the couple. Shadow was holding her paw as they walked off.

'Look for yourself.' Ryu said. Winter followed his head and smiled when she saw Shadow and Light.

'Good for him. Good job with helping him, Ryu. I knew my Mew could do it.' She mumbled. Ryu grinned.

'So I'm your Mew huh?' Ryu asked. Winter grinned at him.

'Yes you are. Just like I'm your Lucario.' Winter said. Ryu smiled and kissed her for a second. He then smiled and laid down at his tree again. Winter followed suit and they soon both fell asleep.

There you go! Hope this one is better than the last one! Thank you TheFrostedFox for the idea of Shadow and Light. I hope I get more ideas from my fellow fox soon! Hope you enjoyed this chapter of your (hopefully) favorite story! Arctic Fox out!

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