Pokémon: Shadowed Destiny

By ArcticFox72

10K 121 29

Ryu, a 16 year old teenager, had a ok life. He had fun and made friends...with Pokemon. He never had any conn... More

Talk with a Legend
Meeting of Destiny
Training Time
Luna's team
Contest part 1
Savior of Ryu
The Winter's Shadow
Rocket to your Destiny
Tournament part 1
Tournament part 2
Tournament part 3
Ryu and Pika, Brother and Sister
Tournament Finals
Meeting of Legends
The Winter's Shadow 2
The Winter's Brother part 1
The Winter's Brother part 2
Ryu and Winter's time off
Ryu and Winter's time off: Shadow's help
Ryu and Winter's time off: Ryu's Wrath
Ryu and Winter's time off: Kidnapping
Ryu and Winter's time off: Luna's battle
Corruption Arc: Calm before the storm
Corruption Arc: The Countdown has begun
Corruption Arc: First Contact
Corruption Arc: First blood
Corruption Arc: Shadow Immunity
Corruption Arc: Detection
Corruption Arc: First Causality
Corruption Arc: The Ice fox and the Dragon
Corruption Arc: The beginning of the End

Contest part 2

425 6 2
By ArcticFox72

Hey readers! Arctic Fox here! After sleeping on the last chapter, I didn't really like how powerful I made Ryu. I decided to nerf him so that instead of his base power being x3 more powerful than a normal Mew of the same level it is now only double. Also what I really didn't like was how powerful his Shadow class moves were. They are now only x3 his CURRENT power. What I mean by that is that if his attack/sp. attack power goes up during a battle, so does the Shadow moves power. So now instead of being stupidly powerful, his shadow moves are only x6 more powerful than normal. Ok here is the poll

Romance: 1

Friendship: 0

Horror: 0

Humor: 0

At the moment romance is still winning. 1 more chapter till this is over. Vote now or forever hold your peace. Enjoy the story. Arctic Fox out.

Pokemon center trainer room

POV: Ryu

When Ryu, Luna, and Pika got back to the room, Luna kept Ryu out now that everyone knows about him, Luna called out the rest of her team. As soon as they were out they all looked at Ash and Ryu. They even all spoke at the same time.

"You two were so awesome! Ash, you looked so beautiful and Ryu looked so badass!" Both Pokemon blushed from the complements and looked away, each finding something interesting to look at on different corners of the ceiling. Ryu then looked back towards the group and smiled.

"Thanks guys...and girls." Ryu said, Ash looking at the group and nodding. Luna just smiled at her Pokemon and looked at the time.

"OK guys, Ryu and Ash, bed time. You two have a big day ahead of you. Eat this and go to sleep." Luna said. Ryu and Ash both groaned before eating the Pokefood. Ryu preferred human food but he couldn't say it or else risk suspicion. He did find the Pokefood pretty good though. After fixing his fur, he liked the way it looked and wanted to have it like that permanently now, He pulled the covers off with his paws and went to bed. Before falling completely to sleep, he heard Pika ask him something.

"Hey Ryu, If you can just move the blankets with your mind why do you use your paws?" Opening his right eye, he could see everyone looking at him and nodding. Closing his eye again.

"Because I don't want to misuse my paws. I have them for a reason so why not use them. Besides only using my Psychic powers is kinda boring." He then rolled to his other side, his Black as the Void tail falling off the bed. He soon fell asleep after pulling the blanket back on him.

POV Switch: 3rd person Luna's team

As Pika, Winter, Fly, and Shadow stared at Ryu, they all said the same thing.

"Any one else feel like they are being pulled into him because of how black his fur is?"
A/N Its like that feeling where something is so black that it is sucking you in. You know what I'm taking about.

They all then looked at each other for a second. Then they all burst into laughter. Only to be quieted when Ryu glowed blue for a second and the closest one to him, Pika at the time, also glowed blue before getting slammed into the ceiling. They then heard Ryu scream out

"SHUT UP WILL YOU?! I HAVE TO SLEEP HERE!" They all apologized before whispering to Pika if she was OK. Pika nodded and looked at the others before using telepathy only to them.

"Remind me to never get on his bad side..." They all grinned and were about to laugh again when they remembered about a certain Shadow Pokemon in the room. They all decided to talk about the little Mew for just for something to talk about.

"What do you girls and Shadow think of him?" Pika asked, rubbing her head a little bit from when Ryu slammed her into the ceiling.

"I like him. He is fun." Fly said.

"I think he is ok. Nice to have another guy on this team. I was getting lonely. Being the only guy that is." Shadow said.

"I...I think I really like him..." Winter said blushing, The others caught on to her blush and how she stuttered.

"Awwww! Winter likes Ryu!" Pika said, a smile on her face. Shadow just smiled and raised a eyebrow at Winter, a humorous glint in his eyes.

"Winter and Ryu sitting in a tree, K-I-S-" Fly and Pika sang. They all stopped when they heard Ryu mumbled before shifting so that he was on his other side, his face facing them. They all looked at each other and sighed in relief. They didn't want to have to deal with Ryu's wrath if they woke him up.

"We will finish this another time." Pika said, looking at all of them. They all nodded, agreeing. They all walked to their favorite spots and fell asleep, joining Ash and Ryu in dreamland.

The next morning

POV: Ryu

Ryu yawned and opened his eyes. He saw that everyone else was already up and saw that Luna even went and got him his favorite breakfast. Smiling, he pushed the covers off and floated up. Fixing his fur because he had bedhead. He looked in the mirror. Seeing that it was the way he liked it, he went back to the matter at hand, his empty stomach. He noticed that no one knew he was awake yet and was about to say something when he saw the girls whispering to each other. He was about to go invisible to...listen on what they were saying when his stomach ruined that plan for him, making a loud, growling noise. The girls stopped whispering and looked at him. Smiling they waved at him. Once he saw that they stopped whispering he realized they were talking about him. Tilting his head, he was even more curious as to what they were talking about. He was thinking of going into their minds to find out but he remembered that they were also telepathic. Meaning that they would know if someone was searching their head. Sighing, he mumbled something incoherent and went back to his food. After eating it and giving Luna his plate, he floated towards the window. He kept thinking about his dream. It had his parents and him but he was a Shadow Mew in it. They talked for a while and they told him how proud of him they were about how he became the world's guardian.

The girls, seeing Ryu looking out the window with a blank stare, all came up to him and looked at him with concerned looks.

'Are you OK Ryu?' Pika asked in her normal talk. Ryu snapping out of his state, he turned around and saw the girls looking at him. He put on a smile

'Yeah Pika...I'm fine.' Ryu said, no emotion in his voice. The smile barely meaning anything. Glancing at the clock, he saw that they would have to leave soon. Looking around the room, he saw that Luna left.

'Hey...Where did Luna go?' He asked.

'She went to take a shower. Speaking of showers you could really use one Ryu.' Pika said, laughing. Ryu blushed and smelled his fur. His head instantly snapping to the other side and he coughed.

'Yeah...no kidding.' He said, laughing as well.

"OK Ryu, Ash you ready?" Luna said coming out of the bathroom with new clothes on. Ryu looked at her.

"I smell like crap. I'm going to take a shower then I'll be ready." Ryu said, flying into the bathroom and slamming the door closed, locking it at the same time using his powers. After about 5 minutes, he came out of the bathroom. His fur shiny and head fur being pushed back to normal as he walked. He saw that everyone was recalled except for Pika and Luna standing in the middle of the room. Seeing Pika not in a ball reminded him of something.

"How come Pika never goes in her ball?" Ryu asked. Luna, realizing where he was coming from, nodded.

"She doesn't like it in her ball. I keep you out because its fun to talk to you. You're funny." Luna explained. Ryu smiled at the complement. "You're going to have to return me anyway so just do it now. I can't just walk...float out onto the stage." Ryu said, telepathically. Luna nodded in agreement and pointed his custom ball at him.

"Ryu, Return!" After seeing red for a second as the ball returned him, he saw he was back in his ball. This time, not only was Winter in here, but all the girls and Shadow, besides Pika because she was always out of her ball. Tilting his head, he floated over to them.

'Hey girls, What's up?' Ryu asked, confused at why they were in his ball. They turned to look at the new voice and saw Ryu floating over to them.

'Oh, hey Ryu. We just wanted to talk. The reason we were in your ball is because its a lot nicer than ours.' Fly said.

'Well, if you don't mind could you ether go to a different ball or to a different part of my ball? I kinda want to train without having to worry about bi-standers.' Ryu said.

'Oh OK Ryu. Come on girls. Let's go on the hill.' Shadow said, as he walked over to it. After the girls, and Shadow, left Ryu started to work on his moves he had. He wanted to be able to get better accuracy with them. He didn't need to work on any moves to learn seeing how he could just think of himself doing it and it would happen. While he was working on his Shadow Ball to get it so he can hit a target while moving, flipping, flying, or moving in the opposite direction that a target was moving, he kept seeing the girls and Shadow, mainly Winter and Fly for some reason, look at him every now and again. He, again, was wondering what they were talking about. He then cried out in pain as a dummy hit him with a Aura Sphere, he had the dummies fight back to make it harder for him, and flew out of a cloud of smoke that appeared because he was so distracted. The ball instantly healed him but it didn't stop it from hurting. He then got up and saw that he flew, bounced, and skidded about 15 feet away from where he originally was. The girls, and Shadow, heard him and they all snapped their heads in his direction. They saw him explode and then fly out of the cloud and then bounced and skidded to where he was at. By the time Ryu got up, they were all surrounding him.

'Ryu! Are you ok?' Winter asked. He ignored her and looked over her shoulder to see a fire blast come out of the smoke. Bolting up, he didn't have time to use protect so he pushed her out of the way. He braced himself as the fire blast hit him. Screaming as it felt like was burning alive, he was thrown into wall of the ball. Bouncing off it, he slid down. He was instantly healed, again, by the ball and he told the ball to stop attacking. The dummies then stopped moving and stood still. Floating up, he looked at his friends. They were looking at him in shock. They knew that if Ryu didn't push Winter out of the way, she would have been hit and possibly knocked out and sent to her own ball to be healed. Winter, who was still on the ground, looked at him in awe. Looking up, he saw that they were at the contest, Luna reaching for his ball. Telling his ball to teleport them back, they vanished.

Ryu saw Luna grab his ball and he looked to the balls left, seeing Ash's ball as well. The crowd was cheering as they saw Ryu's ball. Throwing them, he allowed his ball to open. After his gold vision left, he saw that he was back on the field. He then floated down, picked up his ball, he made it not go back, and threw it in the air. Spinning, his tail smacked it sending it flying towards Luna. She caught it and grinned. The crowd cheered as he did that cool little display of control. Looking back at the stage, He saw Ash in a battle position staring at their opponents. Speaking of opponents, They were facing a Gallade and a Espeon. Just like last time, They both bowed to him making him pick them up...again. He knew it was a sign of respect but he hoped that not every Pokemon he fought would bow to him before hand.

The judges, after calming down from seeing Ryu again, started the clock. They nodded at each other before rushing. The Espeon used Hypnosis on Ryu to make him fall asleep. She wanted to focus on Ash so that they could double team Ryu. They planned that strategy out the day before. Ash saw the Espeon use hypnosis on her comrade and swore. It was going to be a lot harder now. Focusing on the battle, she used Quick Attack on the Espeon for a little bit of revenge. It hit and the Espeon skidded back a little bit. Both teams were at equal points. 45 seconds left. Ash forgot about the Gallade though and it hit with a Night Slash. Taking a big hit from that, losing several points in the process, she retaliated with a Flamethrower and used Extrasensory to make it spin around. They lost points for the pretty combo. It hit the Gallade and wounded it. They lost even more points.

Ryu woke up at this point and looked at the board to see what he missed. They were barely losing. He then saw they only hade 30 seconds left. Growling, he looked at the Espeon and got a idea. He teleported behind it and used Shadow Claw on both paws.

"This is for putting me to sleep!" Ryu yelled as he swung 5 times with each paw, hitting every time. The super effective, x6 power Shadow Claw devastated the Espeon. It flew into the wall and slid down it, knocked out. He smiled smugly before looking at the Gallade. They lost half of their points when the Espeon was knocked out. The Gallade then looked at him and rushed him using Night Slash, believe it was still super effective, which it wasn't as he was part Dark because of him being a Shadow Pokemon. He looked at it and crossed his arms. He let the attack get close and when it was, he quickly used double team by picturing a fake version of him where he just was standing and the real version in the air. When the attack hit, the clone disappeared and the real Ryu rushed him from behind. He had a bone of black aura in his hands as he rushed with bone rush, picturing a black bone in his paws after the attack "hit". They lost even more points from the dodge and then Ryu hit the Gallade. Because it wasn't very effective but his base attack is doubled, it only did normal damage. The Gallade skidded for about 5 feet and looked at Ryu. The Gallade was about to attack when Ryu just smirked and waved.

"Bye bye." He said. The Gallade was confused for a second before he realized he wasn't only fighting Ryu. Eyes widening he turned around to see a huge Flamethrower hit it in the face. The combined power of Ryu's attacks plus the Flamethrower was too much for the Gallade. It fainted right when the timer was on 10 seconds. The crowd cheered as the two worked together perfectly. Ryu looked at Ash and saw that she was looking at him, smiling. She nodded and he realized he proved himself to her. He smiled as well. Luna walked up to the two of them and hugged them both, laughing. Separating from the two of them, she waved as the crowd cheered. The judges walked up to her and smiled.

"That was a amazing battle! To prove your victory here, you can have the Lilycove Ribbon!" The judges gave her a ribbon and Luna accepted it. She put it in her ribbon case. Smiling she waved to the crowd. Before they could walk off, however a huge explosion shook the hall. Everyone screamed and covered their heads. When they looked to where the explosion happened, they saw a strange looking claw fly out at a very fast speed. It clamped onto Ryu and he screamed as he felt his power being drained. The Claw then pulled back and Ryu went with it.

"RYU!" Luna screamed. When the smoke cleared, they saw a Meowth shaped hot air balloon with 3 people in it. Ryu was seen screaming in pain and struggling to move beneath it. When he tried to teleport away, he saw that he couldn't focus his energy because it was being drained. He then heard laughing and some people talking above him.

"Prepare for trouble!"

"Make it double!"

"To protect the world from devastation!"

"To unite the peoples within our nation!"

"To denounce the evils of Truth and Love!"

"To extend our reach to the stars above!" A/N If you STILL don't know who the Mysterious man is, leave and watch ANY episode of Pokemon.



"Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light!"

"Surrender now, or prepare to fight!"

"Meowth! That's right!"

"We will be taking this Mew now." James said.

"No! I won't let you! Ash, Flamethrower!" Luna yelled. Ash, who was pissed for the strange people taking away her new friend, launched her most powerful Flamethrower. The people laughed again and clicked a button. Instantly, a shield appeared around the balloon. Luna growled and was about to call out Winter when she heard something.

"Raichu, Iron Tail!" she saw a Ultra ball fly into the air and open to reveal a Raichu. Instantly, It's tail turned to iron and swung at the claw. The claw was not designed to survive a direct attack, the shield was supposed to stop any attack, it broke easily. As the Raichu fell back to Earth, Ryu floated up to the cage, EXTREMELY pissed.

"You...just...screwed...with...the...wrong...Shadow...Mew..." Ryu muttered. Using Shadow Claw, He rushed into the cage. All that could be seen from below was a Shadow Claw go through the cage every now and again, dust everywhere, and the occasional bit of blood. All that could be heard was the screams of fear and pain, and the roar of a pissed off Shadow Mew. Eventually, the balloon exploded and all they could hear then was a faint,

"Looks like Team Rockets blasting off again!" As the Contest hall calmed down, Ryu floated back towards the stage. Ryu then fell and landed on his side, unconscious from all the lost power, and before he slipped away he saw Luna running at him and heard his name being screamed.

Wow! That was interesting! Jessie, James, and Meowth tried to steal Ryu. Thankfully a unknown trainer saved him. Who is this amazing person? Find out in the next chapter of Pokemon: Shadowed Destiny.

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