Make You Mine

By pinktulips13

130K 2.8K 80

The Dark Angel's Series. "You are mine and no one can't have you other than me. Soon, I will make you mine be... More

Men are the worst!
See her again soon
You'll see
Until hell freeze!
I hate roses
A flower again?!
Did you see the news?
You mean your date?
That jerk!
Wrong decision
Don't give up
No freaking way...
I like you
This is a mistake
You're just jealous
Brutal, but nice
Are you jealous?
Fun reunion?
Trip down to memory lane
Your secret safe with me
Sweet? More like weak
One date
The date
The ex-boyfriend
When can we meet him?
Meet the sisters
I love you

Damn Paperwork's!

8.4K 129 14
By pinktulips13

Claire Amber Rose

"Melissa, where's the sketch from Rina?" I asked my secretary.

"I put it on your table miss." My secretary walked towards my table. I check my desk one more time but I haven't found anything yet. I picked up all the papers that are on my desk and looked through them. "There isn't!" I put my hands on my hips. While glaring at the pile of paper.

Damn! Paperworks.

Melissa walked over to my desk to find the missing paper that I need. Not even a minute later, she handed the paper to me while giving me the look. I took the paper in shock then turned to my secretary. "How did you..."

"It was under your laptop." Sighing, I walked to my chair and sat. "Claire, I think you need some rest. You have been working nonstop for the upcoming new dresses and the release of your new outfits for your boutique."

"I can't. You even said it, I have a lot of things to do." I said as I start to sketch on my Ipad.

"How about taking a day off for today. Clear your mind, you don't want to end up messing things do you?" she has a point.

I thought for a while then nodded my head. "Okay, fine. Just for today." Melissa smile and nods. "That what I'm talking about." She walks out of my office and I clean my desk then walked out of my office. Saying my goodbye to Melissa, I head out and get in my Lamborghini. I decided to call my girls.


"What's up?" they said at the same time. "Wanna hang out?"

"Sorry, I can't. I'm London right now having a business deal." As always, Adrianna is the workaholic out of the three of us.

"Lauren you?"

"Yeah, sure. I'm bored right now."

"Don't you girls have work to do?" Adrianna asked. "I need to clear my mind. I've been stressing out lately."

"Yeah, me too. I need to have some fun." Lauren said. I rolled my eyes. "Said the girl who goes to the club every night," I said.

"Hey, this girl needs to have some fun you know," Lauren protests.

"But not too much fun. I gotta go, call you later girls."

"So, it's just me and you Lauren. What are we going to do?"

"Let's have some lunch. I'm hungry. Meet you at the usual?"

"Sure, the usual." I ended the call and drive to our usual place. I could spot a paparazzi from afar. Slipping on my shades, I stepped out of the car. Immediately, the flashes of the camera flick in my direction. This is what the three of us have to face every day. Paparazzi following our every move.

Adrianna, Lauren and me, are the first woman who became successful in our early twenties. Adrianna and Lauren are both businesswomen who everyone fears, including men. While me, I'm a famous and very successful fashion designer.

I've been working with a lot of celebrities, including Ariana Grande, Lady Gaga, Celine Dion, Shawn Mendes, Harry Styles, and much more.

Walking inside the restaurant, I could spot Lauren sitting at the back, out from earshot.

"Hey, you're fast." Lauren looks up at me and smirked. "Aren't I always?" I rolled my eyes and take a seat.

"I have order our usual."

"Thanks. How's work by the way?" I asked. "The usual. Meeting, business deal, meeting, paperwork and it goes on and on."

"I thought you love working."

"I do love working but I'm not a workaholic like Anna." I chuckled. "Right. Sometimes I wonder, did she ever rest?"

"She loves working," Lauren said in an exaggerating tone. "She is the first woman I know who crazily in love with work. She even rarely has fun."

"She has a reason why though." She nods. "Same as us. Anyways, let's go to our usual club and have some fun tonight." At the same time, our orders came. "Thanks." The waitress nods her head then leaves us.

"You coming right?"

"Of course, I need to clear my head anyway."

"Great, I'll pick you up at your penthouse okay?" I nodded. We continue eating our lunch and talked about everything that's going on. After we are done eating, Lauren begged me to shop with her. We spend the day just hanging around New York.

"I'll text you when I arrive," Lauren yelled from her car window that causes people who passed by stare at us. She drives away as I glare at her as I feel my cheek warm. I swear Lauren always try to embarrassed me. Despite her popularity from dating a different men every now and then and her sense in fashion, she is not the type of person that easily gets embarrassed. Or in other words she don't really care about her public image unlike Adrianna and I. Imagine a girl who invented a new modeling software, and the owner of a popular wine product could act so childish and weird sometimes.

I know we have been friends for years but sometimes I don't get her.

I drive back to my penthouse and start getting ready. I hope after having some fun, I could focus on getting back to work.


How's the first chapter? let me know in the comment.
Happy reading!

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