The Black Unicorn

By Phantomheart8

206K 10.7K 3.1K

You are just a poor peasant girl living in the countryside of your kingdom, Making what little money you can... More

Before story note
A New Day
Meeting New Friends
Warnings in the Wind
Taken away
First Day in the Castle
He's Here
Wrong Place at the Wrong Time
Doing the "Right" thing
All for a couple of Apples
Too Much
Marketplace Mayhem
Masters not so bad side
Midnight Stroll Through The Castle Halls
Preparing for Guests
Masters Cursed Steed
Odd Changes in the Castle
Tiger's Bane Extract
Master Ambrose's True Intentions
Christmas special AU
How Did This Come To Be?
New story!
The Creature in the Water
The Creatures Grim Warnings
Searching for Tokotopa
Bloody Interrogation
Bloody Interrogation Part 2
" Master... What am I to you?"
It's out now!
The Magic Room
A Warm Brew of Tea
A symbol of Love
" I love You."
A/N: Dracal
Another A/N!
The calm before the Storm
Even Demons cry
Hunters of the Black X Order
Lord Conrad's keep
What is Seen
The Four Princes of Ahlk-hatek
meet the author
Guardian Spirits
Opal Eyes
Royal Fun
A Warlocks Best Friend: Part 1
A Warlocks Best Friend: Part 2
A/N: 1000 Followers!!!
Every Tale Has A Different Side
Every Person Has A Differnent Side
A/N: Leodai Art
Fiery Reunion
A Common Enemy
A/N: Anonymous Character
The Ruins of Ikaro
Lost Souls
A Ghostly Message
The Wyrm Of The Labyrinth
War In the Hills
One Last Hope
A Hidden Magician
Christmas special: Mr. And Mrs. Claus
The Nature of Evil
Dishonoring Accusations
On That Day
"We Must Make Haste"
Hiding In Plain Sight
Stampede In The Town Square
All Gone To Hell
My Name

A Boy and His Unicorn

3.2K 200 67
By Phantomheart8

A/N: Just saying now I do not own this picture, I just splatted some yellow over it to make it fit the story a bit more.

I stood very still as I stared at the secret compartment that just opened up. All I did was trace the outline of that piece of land! What could I have done here!?

Blinking slowly, I relaxed my form slightly. Taking one small step back towards the desk, I tried to see what was inside the little cubby that had just popped out. I could not quite see though.

I took one more step forward taking a look around the empty Library. I could hear Andela and Bernard talking somewhere in the distance. Their voices were far though, I could barely hear them.

It took a little bit for me to work up the courage to go forward and investigate. I was just standing there in absolute silence. It was not until the annoying ringing in my ears started again that I moved forward.

Shaking my head and scratching at my ear with a growl, trying to get the ringing to fade and go away as I neared the compartment. I looked down into it when I was right in front of the desk again.

It looked like another book. Though it was kind of hard to make out what it was since there was not a lot of light shining down on it. I closed the big book that I was just searching through and moved it over to the side to get a better angle to reach into the gap.

Reaching in, I grasped onto the book, feeling some dislodged pages that were sticking out more than others were. I angled my hand around so that I could pull it through.

There it was, another leather-bound book. This one had no name or label on the front or spine. Even the back was bare. It was a plain brown leather book. When I opened it the writing inside was very curvy and elegant, written in expensive Blue ink. The very front page was signed with the name

King Charot

King Charot was the name of the previous king. The one who ruled over Midora before Master Ambrose came and conquered it. What did I just find? I flipped the page over, which crackled as I did, and started reading the words of King Charot.

857 Gragmore ( 22 years ago)

Everything is falling apart before my very eyes! The trading has stopped, they will not send more until I can round up the coins to pay them. The crops are dying. I have nothing to sell to make more money and no money to buy anything to help them grow! People are fleeing the kingdom faster than a sailor under attack by a Kracken!

There is nothing I can do, I am helpless. It's not only Midora but Sutokoy, and Grisoa as well. They've come across the same curse as we have! King Hariette and Queen Corra are out of ideas.

None of the kingdoms across the sea will help. That damn bitch Euraja won't set foot out of her sand keep to help us, even though we have helped each other in the past!

Harriette, Corra, and I are meeting next full moon to try and conjure up one last hope to save our empires. If we don't find something soon then we will lose our people and our thrones! Even now the people riot at my gates, demanding I do something. I fear they will soon break through and demand my head on a spike. Can they not see that I am doing all that I can?!?!

I leaned away from the book, processing the information that my mind just took in. Midora, Arolan, and Grisoa were all facing a major drought more than 20 years ago. I remember my father telling me about it, so many people had to leave their lands or die. I looked back to the book and continued to read.

One month has passed since my last entry. The other Monarchs and I have come together to pool our ideas together. None of them were working. I was ready to give up hope when Corra spoke up about a rumor she had heard.

It was something that had flown across the winds from the small kingdom to our southwest. The kingdom I had quite forgotten. Tokotopa. She said many people were talking about miracles happening. Miracles happening from a Unicorn that was blessing the people and giving them luck.

We have agreed that we ourselves will journey to Tokotopa. I have to admit, I have never before believed in magic, and especially not Unicorns, but I am out of options.

I did not stop to think about what this next entry said. I kept reading, not being able to tear my eyes away from what was being revealed to me, though I knew in my heart it did not end well.

Tokotopa. Not personally my cup of tea but to some, it is considered paradise, and I can honestly see why. The sea waters are so clear we can see the brightly colored fish and turtles swimming in the reef. The forests are a mixture of every kind of tree I have ever seen or heard of. I have even seen trees that only grow in heavy tropical environments here.

The people are nice, if not a little reserved. They were happy to greet us, but they are not stupid, they know why we are here. They know that we will be proving whether their rumors will be truth or lies. Until then, I can at least enjoy the ocean. Its better than being trapped in my castle from the mob outside.

We have been here for almost two weeks and we have seen no blasted sign of this damn horse! The people will not stop talking about this apparent savior that they call Massama, The unicorn.

Yet we have yet to see any actual proof of this creature. I think it's something they are hiding. perhaps in the forests? The trees are so thick, maybe they're hiding a grand treasure horde. Using it to buy resources from across the sea. I could see That Bitch Euraja giving these people a hand and not us.

Tomorrow night, when everyone is at this holiday festival they have been talking about, I myself will sneak into the forest and see if I can find their secret stash. One way or another, I am not leaving this place without an answer.

I cannot believe what I found. A treasure hoard? No. The Unicorn? No. Something that might lead me to the Unicorn? Yes! I snuck into the woods with everyone else occupied in the center of town, no one even noticed me gone!

The trees were so hard to navigate through, I'm surprised I was able to find my way back. More than once I got lost and it felt like I was being caged in by all the plant life. It's insane what is growing within that treeline! Plantlife, unlike anything I have ever seen!

Right, when I was about to turn back I came into a clearing with a pond. The water underneath the moon's light almost seemed to glow with a sapphire hue. There I did not find the Unicorn, but a little boy playing in the water.

I approached the water, and he looked up at me with the lightest brown eyes I had ever seen. They were tinted with shards of blue and grey, almost making them look purple!

I asked the kid who he was, and why he was out here all alone. He only replied to me that his name was Ambrose and that he was six years old.

I asked him again why he was playing so far away from town where his parents were most likely worried sick. He looked at me with those stunning eyes and told me that his parents died in a tsunami three years ago and that he lived here in the forest now.

He told me Massama, this supposed Unicorn was taking care of him now. That she was his best friend and was teaching him how to help people. He told me that she told him that she could sense magic in him, and was trying to teach him how to do good with his magic.

I almost cried with joy right there! this might be my chance to fix everything! I tried to be patient, but he is a little boy, and had a hard time paying attention.

I told him I and a few others came from a place that was in bad trouble, and that we needed Massama's help and that's why I was here. I was looking for her and I asked if she could help us.

He said he would talk to her. It was cute to see him waddle away on his stubby little legs. I'm going back tonight to see him again. I have to admit, maybe this was the right choice.

I put the book down again, rubbing my chin in thought. Master Ambrose was with a Unicorn when he was younger too? He was raised by one? It could not be the unicorn he was with now, was it? This one was evil! I could see it in her eyes! There was more to uncover, I could not stop now

I don't know what the Fuck I expected! For luck to finally be on my side?! No... No there is no luck here for King Charot or the others! I went back to the place I met Ambrose at last night, but this time he had company.

The Unicorn Massama was there. She was larger than the largest draft horse I had ever seen. Wer coat was as white as snow and as sleek as diamonds. Her mane and tail were shimmered like gold! and her horn looked like it was made of glass, she was the most beautiful thing I ever saw in my life.

She was standing there, waiting for me, Ambrose was behind her, gripping onto one of her legs as a scared child would to his mother's breast. She was guarding him against me as if I came here to hurt him or something.

Her eyes were filled with nothing but disgust as she took me in. She talked, but it sounded like the voice came from my head! She told me she knew who I was and where I came from. She said she had seen plantly of people like me. Not worried about my people, but about my power, and told me to get out of her land. To get out of Tokotopa for good, for she would not shed an ounce of her pure magic to help us.

I had no choice but to leave. But I have not left Tokotopa yet. I refuse to leave until I have my resolve, I cannot leave until I have my resolve. If I go back without one the people will behead me! No, I talked to Harriett and Cora tonight in very hushed whispers. They know some kingdoms across the sea that will pay the highest price for Unicorn blood. The people don't have to know how I got the money. And I know just how to get to this Unicorn.

I took in a slight intake of breath as horror came over me. What did Charot do to Massama?

I know here I made the right decision here. It was quite sad though. I did not like hurting the little boy to get the Unicorn to come. And come she did when she heard Ambrose scream out in pain.

My men were there to contain her though. As much as I hate dealing with black magic throwers, it was with it to get the shadow chains that keep her imprisoned.

Together, The three kingdoms of Midora, Sutokoy, and Grisoa united and took over Tokotopa. It was sad to see all the beautiful plant life get destroyed, all those nice people slaughtered, but it was for the best.

It is there where we keep Ambrose and Massama. Ever since we started selling that golden blood we have been the richest we have ever been! We were able to save our kingdoms and our thrones! Life has never been better.

Not only has the Unicorns blood been coming in handy, but Ambrose's too. He has the teachings of Unicorn magic in him! The dark Wizards to the south have been paying a top coin for that as well.

I have to say, even I don't like keeping a six-year-old boy chained to a wall in a tower, but it's either him or me and I am not a generous man.

I almost threw the book across the room!! How could he do that to a six-year-old boy!?! AND one of the purest creatures to ever walk this world!?! I wanted to wreak havoc right there, but there was still more to read.

863 Gragmore ( 16 years ago)

It's been six years since we captured the Unicorn. Ambrose is 12 years old now. He's spent half his life strapped to a wall in a cold tower, he is now little more than scars.

I went to visit him a few weeks ago. The first time in many years. It was sad to see them once bright eyes child cold and full of hatred. He started chanting in some strange language when he saw me. He was casting a curse on me!

We took care of that quickly though. I took pleasure in the choked screams he spilled out as the red hot iron was shoved down his throat. He will be lucky if he can ever talk again after that.

Still, though, I told the guards to give him wine whenever they could. Perhaps that will take the pain away a little.

876 Gragmore ( 3 years ago)

I had not gone to Visit Ambrose since that night so long ago where I took his voice away. And I'm glad I had not. I had only just received word that he escaped!! There was only one survivor, they say the 25-year-old man broke through the stone walls like they were paper.

They say he was crushing the skulls of people like eggs. He had grown a lot considering that he has chained to a wall all his life. It must have been the magic within him.

Not only that, the Unicorn is gone as well. He must have taken his Unicorn and ran away, hopefully never to be seen again. They have served their purpose. I have all the gold I will ever need after selling their blood for all these years.

878 ( Last year )

Sutokoy and Grisoa are gone. Conquered by the feared Warlock on his Black Unicorn. I know who it is though. It's Ambrose and Massama, and I'm next.

I had a dream last night. I was on a hill with thousands of bodies below me. Behind me, Ambrose was on Massama's back. He looked like a dead man, he was so bloody, his head was hanging down as if he could not support it anymore, but he was looking at me with those now completely purple eyes. There was no hatred in them, there was no emotion at all.

The years of Torture changed Massama as well. Her coat was now black and rugged, like coal. her mane was still golden, but it was wild and unkempt. Her horn had a crook in it and her eyes were no longer blue, but orange like the fires of Hell.

We had changed a creature of once pure goodness, into an evil blood-seeking demon. In my dream, she spoke to me again. She told me she was no longer Massama. She was now Malicia.

I had killed all of her people, tortured her and her boy. I was next. I woke up from my dream but a few minutes ago. They're coming for me, I can hear the war horns now.

That's where it stopped. There was no more writing from Charot. In fact, there was a small bloodstain at the bottom of the paper.

I was shaking so hard that the book was bouncing around in my hold. There were so many tears in my eyes that I could not make out anything anymore. I was beyond angry, over furious. There were no words to describe the rage I was feeling right now.

How could they do that? They got what they deserved. The kingdoms full of people that did not know what their rulers were doing did not deserve this, but they did. I hoped they were suffering now. Wherever their souls were, their greed caused this.

I never could have thought that Master Ambrose would have gone through something like this. I always thought he was just a power-hungry warlord.

All he wanted was revenge, both he and Massama. They both suffered for so long. They were the demons that someone else made them into.

I slammed the book shut and stood up. Shouting to Andela and Bernard that I was leaving the Library. I turned to look in the direction I last saw them in to make sure they heard me, just as a tall hooded figure struck me out cold with a large book.

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