Yakuza x Reader (Mainly Majim...

By ReaderInsRequestKing

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My friend got me into this game and I love it... I was very surprised at the lack of stories so, as usual, I... More

Akira Nishikiyama : Big Heart
Kiryu Kazama : Mistake
Kiryu Kazama : Catfight
Goro Majima: Sleepy Intruder
Goro Majima : Nails
Goro Majima : Zombies (NSFW)
Goro Majima : Dirty Office Blowjob (NSFW)
Goro Majima : Criminal Affair
Goro Majima : Criminal Affair - Part 2 - Hopelessly Devoted To You
Goro Majima : Kids
Goro Majima : Minnie The Moocher
Goro Majima : Fake Love
Goro Majima : Country Walk
Goro Majima : Cabaret
Goro Majima : Scars
Goro Majima : Zoom!
Goro Majima : Noise Complaints
Goro Majima : Random Family Fluff
Goro Majima : Cupid
Goro Majima : NSFW Alphabet
Goro Majima : Comfort
Goro Majima : Jacket
Goro Majima : Patriarch (NSFW)
Goro Majima : MAKOTO : Part 1 (Valentines Special)
Goro Majima : Dock Of The Bay
Goro Majima : Bedtime Story
Goro Majima : Homework
Goro Majima : Purgatory
Goro Majima : Feeding The Ducks
Goro Majima : Random Word Generator
Goro Majima : Nightmare
Goro Majima : Sickness HC's
Goro Majima : Father HC's
Goro Majima : Shirt Short
Goro Majima : Sleepy Comfort
Goro Majima : New Years Party
Goro Majima : Retaliation
Goro Majima : Frisk NSFW
Goro Majima : Dead Souls
Goro Majima : When He Realises He's Fallen For You HCs
Goro Majima : Comfort 2
Goro Majima : Funeral
Goro Majima : Movie
Goro Majima : Shopping Short
Goro Majima : Pants (NSFW)
Goro Majima : Protection
Goro Majima : My Hero
Goro Majima : Birthday (NSFW)
Goro Majima : Old
Thank You
Goro Majima : Funeral Of Fists
Goro Majima : Break Your Face (NSFW)
Goro Majima : Bad Day
I Make Tiktoks
Goro Majima : Proposal
Goro Majima + ex/Jotaro Kujo : Stepfather
Goro Majima : Goodbyes
Goro Majima : Suit
Goro Majima : Kisses
Goro Majima + Ex!Jotaro Kujo : Daddy
Goro Majima : Troublemaker
Goro Majima : Don't Dream It's Over
Goro Majima : Kiss
Goro Majima : Acting Patriarch
Goro Majima : Baby
Goro Majima : Photograph
Goro Majima : My Little Girl!
Goro Majima : History Repeats Itself
Goro Majima : "What the hell is gravy?"
Goro Majima - Fighting
Goro Majima - Foreign (NSFW towards the end)
Goro Majima: Kisses
Goro Majima: Kiwami 2
Goro Majima : Renovating
Discord Server
Goro Majima : Culture Shock
Goro Majima: Stress
Goro Majima/Jotaro Kujo : Daddy
Goro Majima : Talking Toddler Telephone
Goro Majima: Understand
Sup bitches
Goro Majima : Slow and Sensual
c.ai bots

Goro Majima (Some Sagawa too) : Sequel To Minnie The Moocher : Beat 54 (NSFW)

594 8 4
By ReaderInsRequestKing

⚠️SPOILER ALERT⚠️: Majima's past and Kiwami 2

I got the idea for the stripper from Caravan Palace's Lone Digger video.

It's been a while since I wrote the poonani pages so 🤷

Majima had landed himself a deal with The Florist. Since he was due to return to police work.
Purgatory had it's fair share of bars and even a lounge, so he decided to check out those places. Diving into a brothel from day one wasn't a good look, and he could check out the cage later. The lounge was dim and smokey, giving him the same gut feeling he got when walking into a seedy club. He was taken to his seat and given a drink. It was odd that there were no hostesses. He felt lonely not paying a girl to fawn over him. That's kinda what you went for.
There weren't tonnes of people here right now, but groups of rich old men seemed to be clamouring towards the front. Apparently the best act was due to commence now. According to the staff, they came for one act every night and stayed for drink. He stuck his neck out, curious as to what the big deal was.
They announced her as 'Kasagi', which made sense once the light cleared a little, revealing a giant feathery bird head atop a woman's body, covering her entire head aside from her lips and jaw.
The man decided he would stay for a little while. Watching a woman strip was just a man thing, but these old guys looked as though they had been waiting for something more than just your run of the mill stripper. Apparently she was one of Purgatory's best cage fighters too, but was this is really what they were going crazy over?
No, that wasn't it. She had a long knife, similar to Majima's own blade! Dragging it so delicately over her skin as she danced sensually, he couldn't help but be mesmerised, too. She was at such a danger of cutting herself under the sharp blade, but never did, even over places like her groin and neck.
The dance was over before he was ready, so much money was being thrown onto the stage. He sat in silence, downing his drink and wiping his mouth. Backstage he was going. He wanted to meet the girls.
Walking through a curtain, a pink hue and waves of perfume hit him hard. Scantily clad women were everywhere, working hard and getting ready. They didn't stop just because he was there either, feathers, lace and diamonds costing their bodies. Some staff were even receiving lap dances and other things, which he thought was a little bizarre, but he didn't question it. The girls seemed to be happy to do it, and this was underground for fuck sake. Not like the old Grand's standards.
Finally, he reached the back of the stage, to some proper dressing rooms. All of them were closed shut, aside from one which was open a fraction.
Approaching it, he decided to peer through, noticing the bird head on a mannequin.
Someone came running through, prompting Majima to hide behind a clothes rail nearby. He had every reason to be back here, but peeking through a dressing room door wasn't a good look either. Whoever this 'Kasagi' was, they were loaded, fat stacks of cash piled on the vanity.
Suddenly, the figure walked back, fiddling around with lotion and rubbing it into your silky skin, ready to redress.

Majima jumped back from the archway, praying his eye betrayed him just then. Standing straight and tall, his heart skipped a beat.
Looking behind you, you were sure you had heard a gasp. Shaking your head, you chuckled breathily, guessing it was just your imagination.
Behind the wall, he peered round again, checking you out as you stepped into a small dress, with no shame whatsoever, jaw hanging open like a malfunctioning animatronic. Your reflection... It had been eighteen years and it was like you hadn't aged a day. That beautiful body and those gorgeous legs... it made his heart flutter. You could see him in the glass of the mirror, but couldn't quite make out who it was.
"Just show yourself," you said clearly, refusing to stop what you were doing. "If you're hiding, you obviously shouldn't be here."
Majima panicked. What was he supposed to say?
"Don't make me come and find you," you chimed, taking a handgun from a drawer in the vanity.
The man took a deep breath and swung round, leaning back against the wall behind you, head down. Clearing his throat, he tried to think of some bullshit excuse, time bought by your face dropping in shock when you saw who he was over your shoulder.
"Majima...?" There was a pause, your glaring eyes almost filling with tears as you hid your face in your hands with a harsh cry.
He knew full well that you had sold your souls as yakuza. He knew that. You were as hard as they came.
But he'd also made two mistakes in his life he didn't really want to repeat.
Failing to protect the people he loved and falling in love in the first place.
The latter was over with. Done.
He'd fallen fucking hard for you back then, and couldn't change that even if he tried. Majima had a tendency to fall for the wrong people, and then hold onto it.
He'd known you a long time ago, and never forgotten, so his heart bled when he saw you dressed like this, in glitter and gold, brain constantly remarking at how beautiful you were. He could still picture how your mouth curved when you smiled. The lilt in your throat when you laughed. That pang you had always put through his chest when your eyes met.
Parting your fingers in front of your eye, he noticed as you looked at him through the reflection in the mirror, flinching a little when he approached you in the glass.
"I didn't mean to spook ya," he whispered, placing a hand on your shoulder. Majima's grip was gentle, as if it would break you if he was too rough. Covering your face again, you fled his grip and stopped just before the doorway.
"Don't move. Don't come near me," you demanded.
"Turn into a hannya or somethin'?" he joked, attempting to lighten the mood.
"Don't you remember what you said?"
His brain twinkled after a moment. Oh... That.
Swallowing guiltily, he got a good look at the back of your head.
"I'm sorry. The Florist has asked me to watch over this place. My construction company are buildin' the Hills up top."
Turning to face him, he got to see you close up as you slowly revealed your face to him from behind you hands, words catching in his throat. You were absolutely gorgeous, an air of maturity about you. The thick lashes had stayed, keeping the glam look, but you wore considerably less makeup. Shaking his head, he backtracked, picking up his jaw and trying to compose himself.
"You're still so fuckin' beautiful up close."
You didn't mean to, but your eyes widened a little.
"Good to know you've only gone deaf and not blind in your old age," you snapped. "Don't think you can just weasel your way back into my life."
Turning your back and folding your arms, hearing Majima say it was sickening. But, it was also the words you'd longed to hear for such a long time.
Twice now, he'd left the woman he loved for fear of keeping her from her dreams and all she deserved. He wasn't doing it a third time. There was no way. You weren't leaving his grasp. Not this time. Not again.
"Y/N, are ya free? Like... Now?"
Looking away, you nodded sheepishly.
"I... Suppose I am."
"Ya gotta let me take ya for a drink up top!" Bumbling over his words, he tried to rein it in a little. "I mean... We have a lot to catch up on after all, don't we?"
Smiling with a cocked eyebrow, you supposed that you couldn't resist the handsome smile and undeniable charm that was Goro Majima. Especially after all these years.
"Make it worth my while."

Tonal shift. You were uncharacteristically silent. Majima too. It felt like you were going to your deaths, or doing something wrong, like a heavy blanket was obscuring your bodies. Though there was so much to say, it felt like the wrong time to say it.
"I don't get out much anymore. I... Don't think I've seen Kamurocho at night for years."
"Y'ain't seen-?! That changes tonight. I know all the best spots."
Strutting loosely, every now and then, he would glance over, watching how your dress glittered under the neon lights. He had to think of something to make you talk. Even if it wasn't great.
"How long ya been in Kamurocho?" he asked.
"I should be asking you the same thing. 18 years here and we never ran into one another once?"
"Same amount of time as me, then?"
"Must be."
Opening the door to the tiny bar, he pushed you lightly to let you in first. Picking a corner seat, he offered to pay for whatever you wanted. Taking him up on his offer, you clinked whiskeys and drank up.

"What did ya do after ya left Sotenbori?"
You said it so hatefully. Kinda made him wish he never asked.
"Sagawa caught me. Holed me up for a while. Beat me. Berated me for being so stupid as to try and take things into my own hands."
"I ain't had the best of it either..." he admitted.

You thought back to when you were caught.
"Where's Majima?"
"I don't know."
Your arms and legs were tied to a chair, trapped somewhere by Sagawa.
"Blatant lying isn't becoming of you."
"I'm not lying."
"Don't make me rearrange your face, Darling. You know I'll do it. Maybe I should take one of your eyes, too."
"I'm not lying."
"Where is he? Tell me and I'll spare your features the knife."
"I don't know."
"Alright. Why were you in his hovel?"
"I wasn't there."
"You're lying!" he bellowed, punching your face so hard your nose bled. Breathing harshly, he was suddenly gentle as he mopped up the red liquid with a tissue. "It's hurting me to do this to you."
"I know the rules. If you find him, you've got him. But I ain't telling you a goddamn thing."
"Why are you risking so much for some one-eyed thug like him, huh?"
Taking a deep breath, he ushered you for more information.
"I love him."
A slap to the cheek and a shake of his head.
"Ohh, Y/N-chan," he chuckled, sly smile tugging on the corner of his lips as he leaned on a brick wall. "Dear, dear... I should have saw this coming. Shame really, he could probably do with a woman like you to keep him in check as well, stupid boy. Drowning in women yet he doesn't see what's in front of him."
Squatting before you, a hand pushed your hair out of your face.
"Told him yet? Or is he still too busy fawning over that little blind girl?" You were silent, but your eyes did the talking for you. "Ahh. Jealous. How sweet, the way the youth fall over each other. Probably wondering what she's got that you ain't, huh?"
"Absolutely not." Your jaw was wrenched to face him, gripped tighter when you tried to flex away.
"You don't have to lie to me, Baby. I can tell. You're absolutely furious that little old Majima has a crush and it ain't you... Ahh, that's okay. If you tell me where she is, I won't hurt him."
"I don't know where she is."
"Does your fucking mouth to do anything else but moan?" he roared, circling round to the back of you. Suddenly, his hand came up to the back of your head, dragging your head back on your neck. You tried to turn away as he bent over your quivering form to press his lips to the corner of your mouth. Gritting your teeth, you averted your eyes, hoping he would take the hint and just beat you instead.
"Has he touched you yet?" he asked quietly, hovering beside your ear. "Or are you chasing some lustless dream?"
"I don't have to discuss my sex life with you," you cried, holding a straight face.
"Hm. You don't. I was going to be gentle..."
His grin was met with silence.
"Is he rough with you? Like some unhinged animal? Is that what you prefer, Dear?"
Your lips remained shut, eyes staring at him with unbridled irritation. The older man sighed, slapping you across the face again, so hard you actually recoiled at the impact. Taking your jaw between his fingers and thumb, you were manoeuvred right into his face.
"Answer me when I'm speaking to you, Love. I don't want to make it difficult for you, but I will." His hand slid down below your jaw, choking you lightly. "Don't think I won't."
Sagawa was growing tired of you already, growling through gritted teeth.
His fingers were a little rougher than you were used to, but not too much.
"If you didn't like it, you wouldn't be so easy, would you?"
Chuckling, he planted a string of featherlight kisses down your neck, over your exposed breast. You hated to admit it, but he was good. Knew all the right spots. Most likely the age of him.
"Don't think this means I like you," you hissed, keeping back a breathy moan.
You heard a zip undo from behind you in response, making your breath choke in your throat.
Choked noises strangled you, tears falling from your eyes and blurring your vision. He was absolutely repulsive, using you like this. What a fucking joke.
Sagawa was bigger than Majima, your jaw aching after being fucked in the mouth like some discarded doll.
"Betcha wish I was Majima right now, huh?" His voice made you heave, straining eyes forcing you to cry. "Moaning on his cock like a sad, desperate little whore? 'Ohh, Majima, Majima! Please fuck me harder!'" He snickered, letting his hand descend down your neck and clasp your throat. "Damn shame he can't see your beautiful face going pale."

What felt like hours passed, the interrogation seemingly reaching no end.
"I'll ask you one last time, where is Majima?"
Spitting, you tried to get what you could off your face and out of your mouth, glaring up at your superior.
"That's my answer."
Clenching his jaw, he had to hand it to you. You'd done well to take his abuse this way.
You were finally beat to unconsciousness the old fashioned way, and woke up in a van.

"He thought it would be a waste to kill me, so instead drove me the six hours to Kamurocho. Told me he'd tell Shimano I'd been dealt with and to never show my face again."
Majima could barely bring himself to speak. Sagawa really did that to you?
He was such an idiot for kicking you out that day. Selfish to put Makoto first.
"Forgive me," he begged.
"Majima..." you murmured, looking away. You'd liked him for an awfully long time, but supposed he'd just moved on.
"It's alright. He was just a... Jealous bastard."
Part of you wondered if now was the perfect time to confess, but then you were left to question what would actually come of it.
You were older now. He'd probably moved on.
You noticed the quiet again.
Goro couldn't help staring at your lucious lips. He'd dreamed of kissing and nipping at them again like old times for so, so fucking long, but just couldn't bring himself to. You could slip through his fingers at any point and he was just... Allowing it.
Tonight, they looked more delectable than ever. Edging closer, you smelled the smokey ash on his breath, his longing gaze poking a hole through your brain. You huffed, peering down as you pulled away very slightly.
"Can I... Have another drink?" you stammered, chest feeling tight being in such close contact with him. Handing him your glass, he was gentle as he took it from you.
"Yeah," he replied lowly, looking away with a nod. "Of course."

Strutting away, he wondered if he'd made the right choice.
Why the hell would you feel the same way for someone like him? What was he doing? Was he really this out of touch?! It had been almost 20 years dammit. Just because Makoto had found happiness didn't mean he was entitled to it too.
Plus, of course he remembered the last thing he said to you. It was clear as day in his mind.

"Don't make me say it. Just go. And don't ya dare getchaself hurt. Tell Shimano I attacked ya. I'm sure he'll believe that. Go, and take yer stupid gold thing with ya."

He wanted to kiss you so badly. Just hold you in his arms, kiss and cuddle you until you smiled and begged him to stop... Even if it was after one kiss and he never saw you again. It had to be fate. He reconnected with Makoto eight months ago, and now you. Majima was kicking himself.

Bringing your drink back, you thanked him, taking a sip. The amber liquid burned your throat just right.
"Drink up. I wanna show ya somethin'."
You agreed.

He took you to Millennium Tower, the lights off on almost every floor. You were dragged behind him by the hand, waiting for the lift.
"Why is it so dark?"
"This is my family office. Well, one of these floors."
"You have two offices? I thought you had a construction company?"
The car arrived, the pair of you stepping inside. He relaxed on the handrail, answering your question.
"I do. I'm still a family man, though. Ain't no changin' that."
You sighed, serious about what you wanted to say but unsure of how to say it.
"I'm... I'm happy for you, Majima. Honestly. I just work in that club because the cage doesn't actually make as much money as you'd think."
"Yer actually a cage fighter?!"
"Course I am. The Florist doesn't need extra informants when he's got those cameras. I'm not good at much else."
"Come on, let's go."
Taking your hand, he led you outside, the frosty air hitting you. It was is high up, but his grip on you made you feel safe.
"We can sit here," he directed, pulling you towards a metal box. Sitting silently, you were left to admire how beautiful the city was in the dark.
Sliding a slender hand into his jacket, he pulled out an expensive brand, handing it to you. Slowly, you took it, gazing into his handsome, burned berry blossom eye.
"Thank you."
Gesturing, he mumbled something under his breath, watching how your fingers clasped his lighter, the relieved expression on your face as you took a drag and savoured it. He sighed, thinking aloud.
"Where'd that nice ring go ya always wore?"
"Huh, I reckon some bum's fished it out of the river by now."
"Ya chucked it?! I thought it was expensive."
"It was. It also reminded me of... Sagawa. He's the person who gave me it. I burned all my clothes. Everything. Even that expensive fur couture jacket." He was about to apologise again, but you cut him off. "Don't tell me you're sorry. I'm over it. You had it worse than me, really."
Clearing his throat, he pocketed the lighter, rubbing a dirty spot on his pants.
Frustration was eating away at him. He needed to do something. Now.
Putting out his fag hastily, he just chucked it, psyching himself up for what he was about to do. He felt like a teenager.
"I can't hold back any longer!"
"What are you-?"
Grasping your chin, you gasped a little when you felt his lips touch yours, surprisingly soft and plump. Unsure of where to put your hands, they just sort of hovered by your shoulders. There a short quiet between you for a moment, eyes locking together, kissing one another again, it felt refreshing until he had to go and ruin it by pulling away to apologise.
"Mmmugh... I'm... Sorry. That was pretty awkward 'cause I kinda expected it to be more like a film. Y'know like, romantic and shit?"
"You haven't grown up at all," you laughed, baring teeth.
You gripped his jacket lapels, kissing him back with hot, passionate force, he tried to mumble the rest of his sentences into your mouth.
"But, I-!"
"Just shut up, stupid boy-" Your hands pulled him by his jaw, things beginning to progress heavy and quick. One gloved hand absentmindedly skimmed your ribs beneath your breasts, the other on your arm. Tongues were introduced, touching each other and tasting light tobacco.
"Hotel," he mouthed, trying to get a breath in. "Let's get a hotel."

You practically sprinted to the room, locking it quickly behind you. Clothes were beginning to come off before you'd even fully stepped inside.
"Take this off," you mumbled repeatedly between snogs and clacking teeth, trying to undo the dumb chinstrap of his hard hat. He tipped you over onto the bed by your thighs once it was loosened. Majima wasted no time hungrily crawling over you, shrugging his jacket off as he kissed you deeply, faint, metallic traces of blood on his tongue. His hands felt up your thighs as you hit the slab they called a mattress, the bed creaking beneath your weight and a gasp leaving your throat from how rickety it was. Your breath struggled to keep up with his mouth, kissing you so flustered and frenzied like you were going to disappear.
Your bare thighs brushing his leather pants made him tingle with excitement, every squelch of his trousers nauseatingly tugging at the knot in his gut, your breath running away with you when he released his sharp gnashers on your collar bone. He was hard already, and hadn't even gotten your clothes off, or all of his own. Bringing your hands to the back of your dress to help unzip the garment, he ceased his stroking of your hips, taking your wrists to place them on his chest, ink smooth beneath your fingers.
"No, no, no... Keep it on. I'm not done with ya yet."
"Hm," you hummed, smiling into his lips before smooching him deeply. "Freak."
"Don't... Say shit like that." His words caught in his throat, suffocating length strangling him. You got a delectable groan out of him just for that, spurring you on to keep rutting against him, unable to break apart at the mouth. Diving between your legs, his gloved fingers found your opening, feeling around a little to move your underwear before dipping inside the inviting, little velvet trap. Chest lowering, a small sound left your lips. Gentle, he wormed his way in, adding an extra finger once you were accommodated.
"Why... The jacket?" you moaned, stroking along his belt to find his buckle. Delicately pulling the tail through, it gave his dick some breathing room, finally.
A low groan left his lips, usually the precedent to something serious.
"Don'tcha like it?"
Rolling your eyes, a slight grin presented itself on your lips.
"It looks fuckin' awful, even on the floor."
Majima's hands were somehow well versed in undressing you now, fingers knowing as they slid up your thighs, tugging at your dress to pull it up over your head and chuck it, with a little help from you of course.
"Oh, fuck," he gasped, soft breasts in his hands moulding to his palms like warm putty. The way you were laid out for him in nothing but your pants and stockings was an absolute sight to behold. "Ohhh... Let me ruin ya. Please. Please. Please."
"Begging already?" you teased with a bite of your lip. "Seems Shimano's dog is still loyal."
"He'll still bite ya too," he grunted, taking an erect nipple between his teeth and sinking them in a little to make you squeal. Clasping his lips around it, it swelled in his mouth, the nubbly tip poking his warm, wet tongue. Popping off that side, he went to give the other side the same treatment, making you fluttery downstairs.
Panting to keep up with him, your hands wrenched his head off of you, prompting him to look up from your chest.
"Stop wasting that up here," you squirmed, the very thought of him eating you out causing your gut to buzz. He was very good at it back in the day, which meant he must be even better now.
Pushing down on his skull, he took the hint, drawing it out by trailing gentle kisses down your stomach on his way to your groin. Slightly calloused fingers rubbed at your hips, toying with the waistband of your knickers as he got a good look at them, your whimpering sending him absolutely feral.
"Man, yer louder than I remember." Embarrassingly, a wet patch greeted him in the cotton undies, squelching a little beneath his fingertips.
"Yer've soaked through these... Fuckin' A." Pulling them off down your thighs with a purr, he chuckled. "Just as well ya don't need 'em."
They were pulled off your ankles and flung behind him, his unhinged grin preparing to devour your pussy like a delicious banquet. Sliding his hands up over your hips, the smell of your arousal was heavy, choking back his throat and causing a pool to form in the pit of his stomach. Kissing the insides of your thighs, he was struggling to hold back and be gentle. Majima wanted to absolutely fucking smear you.
"Sure yer wantin' me to do this?"
"It's been 18 years."
Poking his nose in first, you were practically trembling with anticipation, his lips touching yours first absolutely godly. An angelic, breathy keen left your throat, your hands unsure of where to put themselves.
"Mmm... I need to taste ya. Fuckin' now or I'll die. Stay put now."
Licking like a kitten at its milk to start with, your gasp of approval was music to his ears. Kissing the dampness a few times, you began wriggling already, wanting his tongue.
"Yer shudderin' already? Wonder what happens when I do this," he tormented, his hands gripping your hips as your smooth legs came up to rest on his back, lifting you up a little.
"That's... Fucking amazing...!!!" you gushed, going hazy already from his deep, long strokes. "Mmmm, don't you dare stop..."
Carding your fingers through his short hair, you couldn't keep the noise down even if you tried. Your chest was hurting already from your howling.
He eased up a little, focusing more on your clit and pulling it between his teeth.
"Fuuuuck," he groaned shakily, at your squeak, lapping up your soaking folds. "Ohh, how I've fuckin' dreamed of doing this to ya again. What an absolute angel you are."
"God... Fuck I... I might cum already."
Pulling back, he pressed kisses around your labia and thighs, giving you a small break from his assault.
"Cum on my mouth, Babydoll. Let me taste ya."
He was louder this time, slurping up your juices and eating you out like an absolute champ. He'd obviously had a lot of practice somewhere along the line.
"That's it. Right... There...!" You could barely form coherent words through wailing. He felt literally magical.
Pulling away, his large hands smoothed over your hips, kneading at your pillow skin to try and calm your writhing.
"Uhhff-! Don't tease me, you prick!"
Coming back up to check out your face, he was panting himself, eye full of pure lust.
"But..." he groaned, nudging your lips with his own. "Yer so fuckin' beautiful when ya beg. Convince me."
"I'm so fucking desperate. I've wanted this for years!"
Dipping back down with a laugh, he went back in guns blazing, making your back arch and shudders run up your spine like electric shocks. But it was only for the shortest amount of time. He was making you up the ante now. Gripping the sheets, you stuttered and squeezed your thighs, trying to cause some sort of friction whilst you keened and whimpered. Blowing hard, leapt up to wrench his trousers off his skinny frame. In a small moment of clarity whilst he adjusted himself back on the mattress, you lunged at him, wrapping your fingers around his throat.
"Majima. Majima, please. Don't make me fucking kill you-!"
"Do it then," he choked through gritted teeth, opting to keep his gloves on as he scratched against your skin so he didn't hurt you whilst composing himself, his breath doing most of the work. "I'll let ya, if that's what ya want."
"Don't make me! You know l'll fucking massacre you if you don't make me cum hard."
Slapping his face, it knocked stars out of him, his body unable to react quick enough to your primal sloppiness all over his mouth. Between kisses, you just about managed your next sentence.
"And you damn well know there'll be no body."
"Oh, ya done it now, girl," he purred, pushing you back and running gloved hands over your hips, digging his fingers into your flesh like a hungry tiger. He kissed your thighs all over, parting them gently and leaving you huffing your breaths.
Pulling his face away, he was tender with his fingertips, circling your clit and scissoring round it sometimes, watching your pulsating hole like some disgusting voyeur.
"Actually... I want ya to sit on my face."
He didn't have to ask twice, you knelt up, letting him dash up the bed a little so you had some room. Hovering over him, you didn't give him much time to prepare before he was back in with his mouth and tongue. You sat up as straight as you could, letting your head fall back on your neck, legs bouncing a little on top of him. You were certain that this was going to push you over the edge, but the fibre of nerves wanted even more from him. He did it again before going back to broad strokes with the flat of his tongue, causing the muscles in your thighs to jump as you neared your peak.
"Mm, kneel up a little, Babe. Lemme get my hand in here."
Fingers returned, dipping inside of you with a slight stretch. One, then two, then three in quick succession, banging you right down to his third knuckles.
Wailing, you were struggling to keep your hands in one place, clutching the sheets, his hair and your skin, anything that would ground you.
"Gonna cum yet, Baby? Huh?"
Your clit was hoovered up again between his lips, fingers showing no signs of slowing. "C'mon, cum on these fingers... Listen to that fuckin' nasty ass noise. Means ya like it."
Slurpy, slappy noises filled the room when you weren't moaning. Desperation was beginning to kick in, your muscles tightening around his fingers and legs squeezing round his head to try and keep him in position. "Cum for me, that's all ya gotta do."
He was such a bastard. Deliberately missing your sweet spots like this. How you hadn't creamed all over was beyond you. It's like you had saved up just for him.
"Just a... Bit more...!" you cried, trying to angle your pelvis a little better so he wasn't craning his arm or his head so much. "Mmmmm.... Majima..." you moaned with a satisfied smile as he fucked you leisurely with his gloved talons.
"That's it, Girl... God, yer so fuckin' soft."
Releasing his fingers, he slid them up and down along your opening, shaking his hand occasionally to really make you scream.
"Please use your tongue!" you begged, desperately trying to hold back your oncoming orgasm.
"Mmmm, yer close now ain't'cha? C'mere..."
You wasted no time, manoeuvring your opening back over his mouth. Dropping onto his tongue, you were struggling to keep yourself up, bliss taking over and relaxing your body. Huffing a rickety breath, he went back to kisses and tiny laps.
"C'mon, Baby. Beg me. Beg me. How much d'ya want it?"
"Mmmm...Maaa... Aahhjjuhm... Fuck, I can't... I'm... I'm..."
Rocking your hips against his face, it was dizzyingly blissful for him to feel your weight on his mouth. You brought your hands down, fingers holding his head as gently as you could manage whilst he was making you feel this way. You couldn't really form sentences, focusing so hard on how his tongue felt.
"That's it, howl fer me. I can't get enough of the taste of ya."
Clutching the headboard, your moans peaked and you finally creamed, covering his mouth and face with your slick, pussy tingling all over as you rode it out. Groaning raspily, he bit his lip, your taste just the beginning.
"That was absolutely fuckin' perfect."
Leaping up, he rid himself of his boxers, pushing you onto your back and pinging your suspenders off. Stroking from ankle to thigh, he was slow as his large hands pulled the sheer nylon down your leg to your knee. Majima placed open mouthed kisses to your thigh, leering as he took it between his teeth and pulled it down that way. Giggling, you pulled the other one off yourself.
"Don't think for one second I'm done with ya."
"You better fucking not be, Big Boy," you grinned, yanking him by his chain. "You better fuck me with everything you've got."

Crawling over you, he gripped you and pushed your legs apart, pulling you close to him by your hips and ass. Throwing your arms above your head and lifting your hips, a breathy shriek rung from your throat as he stretched you.
"Couldn't see why... You'd still be interested in someone like me." Trying desperately not to writhe again already, you were struggling to compose yourself, biting your finger hard to condition yourself.
"What?" you sighed, still hearing what he was saying. "What would... Make you think that?"
Majima was horrified, his gasp of disbelief stirring you slightly. Instead of talking, he decided to put his energy into fucking you.
An arch formed in your back, his thrusts just right, hot breath on your skin driving you crazy, along with his low, mumbled noises.
"Y/N, yer still so fuckin' tight," he groaned, kissing your throat. "I'm strugglin' not to bust already."
"Mahh... Ohhh, Majima...aaaaahhh," you whined loudly, rutting against him as he rolled his hips against you just perfectly, not even at a rapid speed. Your wrist was over your eyes, trying to cope with the intense pleasure he was delivering to you. He shuffled you up towards the end of the bed, kissing you from jaw to breast before wrapping his arms around your waist to be closer to you.
Hanging your head off the end of the bed, stars were surfacing, the Mad Dog pounding you in absolutely crazily by now. His grip on your hips was so hard, there were purple bruises forming already.
"Uuuaahh, fuckin' spread 'em Baby... Bring yer hips up," he pulled you up, correcting the angle so he could hit even deeper. "Hmmmhmm, ya like that? Is that good?"
"God... Yes...!" you moaned, chest bouncing all over as he broke you in.
"Yer squeezin'... So. Damn. Tight," he panted, barely able to breathe. Bending over to kiss your chin, he was really going for it, even when you thought he couldn't go any harder, any faster. "Keep... Keep moanin' like that, won'tcha? I'm gonna cum..!"
Withdrawing, he jacked onto your Breasts and stomach, the sight of his semen on your skin making him pant and keen. Jerking his spasming meat as long as he could, he was straight back down to your cunt, lapping up everything he could get.
You panicked, gripping a fistful of his hair.
"Don't fight me, I just ain't done with ya! I'm gonna make ya scream."
He just wanted to make you feel magical. He'd missed out on so many years of being with you.
Cumming harshly on his mouth again in no time at all, you squeezed tight, sobbing his name and trying to lift yourself away from him a little and falling into the headboard, sensitivity gripping you.
"Just a little more, Babygirl, ya can handle that, right?" he cooed, fucking you fiercely with his fingers as he caged you against the headboard. "Ya make such sweet noise when yer not quite there," he rasped, lightly tracing circles around your clit again.
"S-ssstop teas-sing!" you moaned deeply, rutting against him so much you were practically fucking yourself. Pulling away again, he watched you intently, inches away from your face. Kissing your soft flesh, he growled when you started tightening round his fingers again, warning him without words. He pulled out completely this time, stroking up and down against your outside with a featherlight touch until you came rather grandly, whining and gripping onto his neck for dear life. Taking your lips in an aggressive, passionate liplock, you retaliated by reaching out to take his neck, scratching long, harsh lines down his chest until weakness took you.
Grinning fiendishly as you moaned into his open mouth, he touched your lips with the gentle caress of a snowflake.
"I could tease ya all day, makin' noises like that."
Wiping his arm across his mouth, he descended back down on yours, kissing you gently despite it hanging open.
"Please don't touch me again, I'll fucking die," you whimpered, batting your hands against his and lying back, working your breathing back to normal. Lying beside you, he watched you silently, pulling you as close as he could to him.
"Yer beautiful as all hell..."
"That was fucking mind-blowing..." you groaned, eyes fluttering shut.
"Yer the best sex I've ever had. Always have been."
"I actually think I'm still having an orgasm," you laughed, trying to relax a little.
"I could honestly fuck you and eat you and kiss you all night. It's makin' me hard again just thinkin' about it," he groaned lowly, inhaling you deeply as he kissed your mouth sloppily. "You wailing my name all night, creamin' on my fingers."

Lying beside one another in the hotel bed, the air was still and quiet. Majima couldn't chill out. He'd reconnected with you, but just couldn't get the past off his mind.
Whilst tonight was fun, and he had to keep up the tough guy act because he was a yakuza, he still had a heart.

The times he was captured and beaten, he wouldn't dare wish it or dream it on you. You were a badass gal, there was no question. You would probably be cocky and give lip like him, even if they did unspeakable things to you. Seems someone did.
The thought alone made him shudder from neck to tail, but he couldn't let his feelings get in the way. Perhaps you ought to stop doing this, he thought to himself. But he couldn't drag you back, even if it meant your life was on the line. Those feelings got him nowhere.
He couldn't just treat you like his toy, however, either.
"I thought you might have moved on," you said gently, finally opening your eyes to look up at him. Bring your hand up to his face, you stroked his hair back, giggling when he bit your finger. "Nice guy like you."
"I got married once."
"You got married? Fuck me."
"With pleasure, if that's what ya want," he snickered, grinning as he kissed you in the dark, teeth against your lips. "I'll go another round..." He kissed you deeply, swirling his tongue round inside your mouth, searching for yours to battle back. "Or three..." He kissed you again. "Mmm... Or ten." You huffed a breath at the thought of him fucking you all night, your body responding positively to his offer despite it being so deliciously dangerous. Taking a drag, he was curious all of a sudden.
The way he was kissing you. How his hands caressed your skin and pulled you into his web.
You couldn't say no. You didn't.
He fucked you all night long, leaving you to hobble into Purgatory the next morning and him to strut onto the construction site, a huge grin on his face the entire day and lots of questions from poor Nishida, who regretted his decision very quickly as he was stuck listening to every single dirty detail.

Maybe he was allowed his happy ending after all.

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