the girl who lost things

By cherishzulia

119K 1.9K 555

jessie is trying to adapt to her life as a daughter of the bau after her mother gets a job there. She finally... More

the start
part two
part three
part four
part five
part six
part seven
part eight
part nine
part ten
part eleven
part twelve
part thirteen
part fifteen
part sixteen
part seventeen
part eighteen
part nineteen
part twenty-one
part twenty-two
part twenty-three
part twenty-four
part twenty-five
part twenty-six
part twenty-seven
part twenty-eight
wednesday II
part thirty-one
part thirty-two
part thirty-three
part thirty-four
part thirty-six
part thirty-seven
part thirty-eight
part thirty-nine
part forty
part forty-one
part forty-two
part forty-three
part forty-four
part forty-five
part forty-six
part forty-seven
part forty-eight
part forty-nine
cold case
part fifty-one
part fifty-two
part fifty-three
part fifty-four
part fifty-five
part fifty-six
part fifty-seven
part fifty-eight
part fifty-nine
part sixty
part sixty-one
part sixty-two
part sixty-three
part sixty-four
part sixty-five
waves and ripples


1.8K 32 2
By cherishzulia

— jessie's pov

I roll the pasta and cut them into little strings. The smell was amazing. I need to take some laxatives before I eat. I go into the bathroom and pop three of them into my mouth. The pasta would take about 30 minutes to boil. So I started working out.

— emily's pov

I throw the smoke bomber under the car and cover my ears. The bright light fills the corner, and smoke begins to draw. I run towards the vehicle. " where is Ian?" I pull my gun out and check the car. He's not there. Then I feel a sharp pain on my head, and everything flutters. I feel my body it the floor. The last thing I remember is him standing over me.

I start to regain consciousness with a grueling headache on my head. I was tied up. The building was rusty and rundown. "Look who's waking up." He grabs my face and looks into my eyes. I bite his finger, and he screeches in pain. " Son of a-." He slaps my face. A jolt of pain comes with it. He rips open my shirt. " You belong to me." 

I looked at him. Was he going to rape me? " Please, I know that's why I'm here." I see him reach for something making a sizzling sound. He quickly puts a brander on my chest. I scream in pain. But, no tears fall out. He leaves it there for minutes and then pulls it away with my skin. My head swings low, and I cough. I don't have any energy left. " What do you want?" I say with the energy I have left." Him, Declan!" I look at him; he's willing to kill other children to get his. I don't respond. I could see his temper shaking. He leaves the room. I let out a breath of relief. He can't get Declan; he won't get him. He comes back inside with a computer and opens it to reveal Rossi and Reid outside talking to a suspect. " I have a shooter in place, professional. I am giving you the chance to kill one and save both." This is his torture—the pain of a playing God. " No!" I yell. I was looking at them through the screen.

" Kill them all." He says through the microphone; I let out tears of anguish." No! No, kill him! kill the suspect." I say, swallowing my pride and giving him what he wants—Tears stream down my eyes. I don't kill innocents." That's the Lauren, I want to see." he taps my back and turns to the computer screen. I could see the guy fall on the floor with a gunshot going through his head. I see Reid and Rossi ducking and running for the inside. My face contorts. I did this. He clicks his computer again. Showing a house, the camera zooms closer, and I see Jessie making some pasta." No!" I shake the chair ferociously, trying to get out. it was useless. " I swear if you lay a finger on her," I yell and spit into his face. " We were supposed to have kids, remember." He looks at me. " do you remember the promises?!"

" Yes, I do." I slump my head down. " we can still make it happen." I say, trying to draw his focus entirely on me. " Don't try to seduce me." He says, looking back at the screen. " She's smart," he smiles and drops his head. He was talking, but I was fiddling with my rope and getting it to lose. He closes the computer and walks away. Finally, I get my ankles to lose too. He walks back inside, and I make sure everything looks normal. He will not threaten my child. He pulls a picture from his pocket. It was of Declan and his nanny. " You see this; he's dead!" He tries not to cry. " because you put him into hiding." He kicks me in the stomach.

" Look at the hands of the person holding the gun." I let out before going into a cough. " it's me." I laugh with a tear running down my eye. His rage burst out and kicks me; this is my time. I get up and begin to go at him. I was tossing him around, making sure he feels every bit of pain that he's caused me. " But, ya know the best part." He punches my face." Photos can be staged." I say. " like this one,"

" Declan's not dead; he's still in hiding from his worthless piece of a father," I say, finally having the upper hand. Immediately, a jolt of pain hits my abdomen. I reach to see the cause; he stabbed me with a wooden frame. I fall back to the floor; I could feel the light inside of me fading. Pictures scroll through my head of my family. Then, I hear gunshots.

" Emily! Emily! It's Morgan. Stay with me." He grabs ahold of my hands. By this time, the blood was starting to swell in my mouth. My eyes could barely remain open. " I know why you did this! To protect Declan! To protect Jessie." He yells again. " We need an ambulance! Now!" I could hear footsteps coming. " Squeeze my hand, squeeze it! Emily." I feel like crying. But I could only feel a teardrop before everything goes black.

— derek's pov

The team sits in the hospital room. Quietly. You could hear a pin drop. The thoughts are rushing through my head. But the loudest one is; I can't lose her. JJ walks through the door, and we all stand up. She shakes her head. No. A vary of gasp echo the room, followed by sobs. My eyes are stunned in disbelief; tears begin to erupt as I take a seat. No, this can't be happening. I could hear Garcia and Reid sobbing. I don't know what to feel.

I loved her.

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