A Killer Queen (John Deacon)

By Jhutch4321_

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Nina Jackson grew up in a small, old fashioned town a few hours from London. Her whole life she felt like an... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty-one
Chapter twenty-two
Chapter twenty-three
Chapter twenty-four
Chapter twenty-five
Chapter twenty-six
Chapter twenty-seven
Chapter twenty-eight
Chapter twenty-nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty-one
Chapter thirty-two
Chapter thirty-three
Chapter thirty-four
Chapter thirty-five
Chapter thirty-seven
Chapter thirty-eight
Chapter thirty-nine
Chapter forty
Chapter forty-one
Chapter forty-two
Chapter forty-three
Chapter forty-four
Chapter forty-five
Chapter forty-six
Chapter forty-seven
Chapter forty-eight
Chapter forty-nine
Chapter fifty
Chapter fifty-one
Chapter fifty-two
Chapter fifty-three
Chapter fifty-four
Chapter fifty-five
Chapter fifty-six
Chapter fifty-seven
Chapter fifty-eight
Chapter fifty-nine
Chapter sixty
Chapter sixty-one
Chapter sixty-two
Chapter sixty-three
Chapter sixty-four
Chapter sixty-five
Chapter sixty-six
Chapter sixty-seven
Chapter sixty-eight
Chapter sixty-nine (hehe 69)

Chapter thirty-six

730 15 17
By Jhutch4321_

"Ugh!" I yelled pounding on my horn. It hadn't stopped raining since we got back to London, today it was a downpour. It was very hard to see where I was driving, which was why everyone was going so slow. My windshield wipers couldn't keep up with it.

I had to be at Biba in five minutes and I was stressing out.

We started moving a little bit more but the place I needed to turn was still not even in sight. Not like I could see much with all the rain anyway.

London and its traffic jams...

I did enjoy having my own vehicle, even if it was just for a little bit. This was John's car, and since he wasn't here right now, he let me drive it for the time being.

Coming to the realization that we wouldn't be moving for a little bit I turned up the radio and changed the channel.

Layla had just ended which I was bummed that I missed. But I forgot all about that when a familiar opening caught my attention. It was 'Keep Yourself Alive'.

"I was told a million times of all the troubles in my way, but you grow a little wiser a little better every day!" I sang. When I was alone I really could give it all my all. "But if I cross a million rivers and I rode a million miles,"

I smiled as we moved a little bit.

"I'd still be where I started bread and butter for a smile! Well I sold a million mirrors in a shopping alleyway, but you never saw my face in any window any day, now they say your folks are telling you be a superstar! But I tell you just be satisfied, stay right where you are! Keep yourself alive! Keep yourself alive! Oh, it'll take all your time and money, that'll keep you satisfied!" I sang dancing around in my seat.

I drummed my fingers against my steering wheel as I heard my boyfriend's bass and Brian's guitar wail.

I kept singing along, getting really into it. I think the car next to me was judging me, but I didn't care. It never got old hearing my boys on the radio.

We were finally moving a bit faster now, I could see the turn-off to the street I needed to be on.

"Keep yourself alive, keep yourself!" I sang happily. Gosh, I missed my boys.

I finally got to the street and put my turn signal on. I switched lanes and then turned onto the street. The traffic was much lighter now that I wasn't on one of the main roads.

I sighed in relief as I turned onto another street and saw Biba. I was late but I hoped my boss wouldn't mind.

"That was a song by the band Queen." The radio DJ said. "They are currently on a UK tour as the support band for Mott The Hoople. So if you like what you heard, go check em' out."

I smiled.

I parked my car and ran inside, covering my head with my jacket's hood. I opened the door and came inside. My jacket was soaked. I wiped my feet off on the mat and started up the steps.

I was winded by the time I made it to the top of the steps. I walked to my office and hung my dripping coat on one of the hooks. I sat my bag by my desk and sat down.

"Oooo someone's late." Serenity teased.

"No one knows how to drive in rain," I replied. "I was stuck for like twenty minutes."

"I hear ya, coming in this morning was rough, this guy almost hit me coming into my lane. The dude didn't use a turn signal."

"What a wanker." I said which caused her to laugh. She's getting better at her British slang and British words, and she was even getting a hint of an accent. But we always teased her because she said wanker so often, it was like her go-to British word.

"I miss when you worked here full time, I need more coaching in the British language and Karter and James aren't much help!"

James twisted his chair around to face her. Karter stopped looking through the filing cabinet.

"It's not our fault you're terrible, you need a miracle worker!" Karter replied before continuing to look through the files.

"Well then." Serenity scoffed.

My boss entered the room looking stressed. He threw a file on my desk.

"What's this?" I questioned.

"I want you to go through these and pick out which design is best, then put that one on my desk, these are the designs our teams have been working on when you've been in school."

"Okay, I'll get right on that, and what about my project from yesterday?"

"Have it on my desk by the end of the day." He replied and before I could reply he was gone.

By the time five rolled around I was so tired, I couldn't wait to just fall asleep on the couch. I guess there was one thing that was good about the boys being gone, I got to sleep more.

When I walked outside the wind had picked up from earlier. I ran to my car and was soaking wet again once I got into it. I couldn't wait to get out of these clothes.

I stopped at John's flat on the way home, I hadn't been there in a few days. I knocked on the door. Peter opened the door, he smiled at the sight of me.

"Hello, Nina." He greeted. "Back to water the plants?" He asked before motioning me inside.

"Yes sir, you haven't touched them, have you? You know you overwater."

He closed the door behind me and put his hands up in surrender.

"No ma'am, I haven't touched them."

I smiled and walked over to where I had left the watering can the last time.

"So how are you?" I asked as I picked up the can. I walked over to the sink and began to fill it with water.

"Tired, I miss John, I have to do all the chores around here." He laughed.

I nodded as I walked over to the first plant.

"How are you holding up with all them gone?"

"I'm... okay I guess, I'm getting through it."

He nodded and walked towards me.

"John promised me he'd bring me back something, he better."

"I will be sure to remind him on the phone tonight." I chuckled.

He walked over to the window, the rain was coming down so fast you could barely see out of it.

"London hasn't been dry lately."

"No Peter, it has not," I replied moving onto the next plant. "Do they know when it's going to be over?"

"The news said it should go on for at least another couple of days." He responded sitting down at the kitchen table.

"I don't mind the rain, what I mind is that people don't know how to drive in it." I sighed.

"Oh, I hear that. I was late to work today because of the traffic."

"Me too."

I watered the last plant and placed the watering can back in its spot.

"Well I've done my part, I'll see you in a couple of days," I told him heading for the door.

"Okay Nina, take care."

"You too."

When I got home I took Snowball out of his crate. Maggie had been at work since this morning, so I took him outside to go to the bathroom.

Once we got back up to the flat, I crashed on the couch.

I was awoken sometime later to a knock at the door. I rose, my eyes were all foggy. I opened the door to find Mary. I had forgotten she was coming over.

"Did I wake you up? You look like it." She giggled. I nodded. I looked at my watch.

"Maggie should be home any minute," I told her as she came inside. Us girls had been hanging out more since the boys left. Sadly Harmony hardly could come, she was always working.

"I brought the wine." She said holding it up. I laughed and motioned to where she could set it. I sat back down on the couch and just moments later Mary joined me. Snowball jumped up to greet her, licking her face and wagging his tail.

"So how have you been holding up since the last time I saw you?" She asked as Snowball curled himself up between the two of us.

"Well, I've got a big uni project due on Thursday, I had more work piled on me than I would like at Biba, and then I have to work this weekend more than usual because Amber is going up to visit her parents. But I like keeping busy, even if it exhausts me. It distracts me from missing the boys. What about you?"

"I'm so bummed that we can't head up to see the boys, Freddie was devastated when I told him."

"Yeah me too."

Us going up to one of their shows wasn't going to work out. Harmony was already not on the best terms with her boss because she was gone for those few days. Mary and Maggie both had to work more hours to make up for the money lost. My boss was very nice about me missing work and I probably could have gone, but I didn't really want to travel alone. It just wasn't going to happen.

"And Biba is really working me to the bone." She sighed.

"Me too, it's like my boss saves all the work for me, it's not like there are three other people that work there full time. I'm only part-time!"

She nodded.

"I miss Fred a lot. It's so lonely sleeping by myself. But at least I have the cats." She chuckled.

"Freddie called me the other day and went on and on about this stray cat that was behind one of the venues."

"He told me about that too." She laughed.

"And how they had to literally yell at him to come back inside because they were about to go on." I laughed. "He was so consumed with petting that cat."

"I won't be surprised if he comes home with it," Mary replied.

There was a moment of silence.

"How's John?" She asked.

"He's good I think. He's having a fun time, he just misses me."

She nodded and there was another moment of silence.

"I've never seen two people so in love before." She said out of the blue.

"Huh?" I questioned.

"You and John, you are so in love, I've never seen such a connection, such a love before."

"Well, I have, you and Freddie, one hundred percent," I replied.

"Aww you are so kind, but everyone around you and John can see it. You guys really have something special."

"So do you and Freddie, truly."

She was about to respond when we heard the door open. We turned to see Maggie, the smell of the diner coming in with her.

"I'm ready for a drink." She told us before closing the door with her foot.

"I'm on it," Mary said rushing to go to the kitchen.

"How was work?" I asked as Maggie collapsed on the couch next to me.

"I've got to find another job." She sighed. "I can't do this anymore."

I rubbed her arm.

"You will, the perfect job is out there, just keep applying."

"I'm losing hope, I interview and I don't get it, or I don't even get a callback, I'm starting to think going to uni was a waste of time and money."

"I'm starting to think going back to uni was a waste of time for me," I responded.

Mary handed us both glasses of wine. Maggie and I clinked our drinks together and took a drink.

More days went by, school, work, water John's plants and work again. Phone calls with Freddie and John are what I looked forward to, they usually took place around one am.

I started taking Snowball for more walks with Harmony. I needed the fresh air even if it was getting more chilly out. Fall was drawing to a close. I wasn't ready for winter. It was my least favorite season. I could deal with Snow on Christmas but after that, it could just leave.

The first snowfall happened when I was working at the music shop.

"And so it begins." Amber sighed leaning against the counter. She popped the gum bubble she had been blowing.

"Oh joy," I replied. I got up from my stool to change the record in the record player. I took out The Dark Side of the Moon and put in Madman Across the Water.

"Just think you're closer to getting the guys back."

"True, true, but you have to understand something about me, Amber. I hate winter. I am always cold anyway, and when you add actual cold weather to the mix, bad things happen."

She laughed as the bell to the store door rang. She walked off to go attend to the customer.

I drummed my fingers against the counter, looking out the window as the white fluffy snow fell to the ground.


I turned to see Amber almost laughing.

"Sorry I must have tuned out."

"Yeah, I called your name like five times." She chuckled. "Can you get some more drumsticks from the back? A customer wants some and when I went to restock them earlier I couldn't find them."

"Yeah, they are in an odd location. I think Matt put them somewhere, I'll find them," I replied getting up from the stool. I headed into the back room and searched through all the boxes. I finally located them under a bunch of drum cymbals. I would be having a word with Matt the next time we had a shift together.

I returned to the store and sat down in front of the display with the box. I restocked them and as I was walking back to the counter I noticed a couple of teenagers looking at the Queen display. My boss had added a big 'Now on tour!' sticker on it. One of the boys picked one of the albums up, examining it.

I walked back over to the counter. Right behind the counter on the wall, was one of Queen's sighed albums, and right next to it was the one I sighed. I freaked when I came into work and saw it there. I knew the band would freak too when they got back and saw it.

The boys came to the counter and sat the Queen album down.

"What can you tell me about this album?" One of them asked. One of the other boy's gaze was on the sighed ones behind me.

"Whose Nina Jackson and why did she sign it? I didn't see her name in the band members list."

"That's me actually." I chuckled. "And no I'm not in the band I just did the cover art, it's my boyfriend's band. Since you know that now I'm gonna bring someone else to talk about the album with you since you probably think my opinion is biased."

I called my boss to talk with them and I was happy when I was called back over to ring the album up.

"How about this, if you come back and give me your review I will get you guys free tickets to the London concert, how about that?" I asked handing him the album.

"Wait seriously?!" The boy responded.

"Seriously," I replied smiling.

"Thanks, miss!" The boy exclaimed. I watched them leave, all excited.

A few more days passed, the snow had melted and then it snowed again, staying this time. I brought out the winter coat, gloves, scarves, and all that fun jazz.

The phone rang around one am as it was really snowing. I raced off of my bed to answer it.

"Hello?" I asked excitedly.

"Hello, my love," John responded.

"Oh, John I've missed hearing your voice."

We hadn't talked in a day. The hotel they were staying at had their phones off the hook.

"As did I, how are you?"

"I'm okay, it's snowing here now so I had to break out all the winter clothes."

"Snow hasn't hit here yet."

"Lucky you." I chuckled. "You know how I hate snow and cold."

"Yes I do, I wish I was there to hold you and keep you warm."

"As do I love, how is the tour, how did tonight go?"

"It was all right, a little bit of a sound issue but we worked through it, the crowd seemed to enjoy us anyway."

"Well that's good, gosh I miss being there." I sighed.

"And we miss having you here, go fish isn't as fun without you." He laughed.

"Everything isn't as fun without me there," I replied.

"That is so true."

"How many more dates until you get back?"

"7 but after the London date we have to head up to Liverpool and then we come back to London for the final two dates."

"Ugh, I just miss you so much," I complained.

"I miss you too, it pains me not to be with you." He told me.

I rubbed his ring that was placed on my pointer finger on my left hand.

"Please come home soon, no wait don't, you need to do this. I'm definitely not going to be getting in the way of your career, you guys deserve this so much, and just because I'm missing you and the guys doesn't mean-"

"Nina, I understand what you mean and if I could come home right now to you I would."

"Awww, so what's going on right now?"

"Well, Roger met some girl at the bar in the hotel restaurant, we haven't seen the two of them since. He used the 'I'm in a band.' pick-up line."

I rubbed my forehead.

"Of course he did. And the others?"

"Freddie went to bed because he was very tired, we had to be up at four am this morning."

"Four am?"

"Yep, I slept on the bus but I don't think Freddie did, he was too invested in the scrabble game."

"Of course, what about Brian?"

"He went out with some of our roadies, but I'm sure he's returned by now. If he's not we are going to be in a whole lot of trouble. We have to be out of here by seven tomorrow morning."

"And how is my Deaky?"

"I'm okay, just tired, what about you?"

"Same I've just been tired, I have so much to do."

"Well go easy on yourself Nen."

I chuckled.

"I can't wait to hold you again." He said and I sighed.

"And I can't wait to be held again." I laughed but soon my laugh turned into a yawn.

"I'll let you go, I'll talk to you tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay." I breathed. "I love you."

"I love you too, goodnight and sleep well."

"You too."

"Where is she where is she?!"

"Who?" Amber asked.

"That other girl who works here! Nina... Nina what was her last name..."

"Nina Jackson?" Amber questioned and the group of boys shouted yes at her. I stood up from behind the stack of boxes I was sorting through.

"I'm Nina Jackson," I said raising my hand. I was swarmed by the teenage boys that had come in a few days ago. They were all shouting at me. "Woah Woah one at a time!"

"We listened to the album!" One of the boys said.

"And we loved it!"

"My favorite is Great King Rat!"

"My favorite is Keep Yourself Alive!"

They went on and on about their favorite things about the album and I told them all sorts of behind-the-scenes stuff.

"When is their next album coming out?!" One of them asked.

"They were recording it but they had to pause production to go on tour with Mott the Hoople, but once they return they will be starting up again. I'm not entirely sure when it will be released yet."

"They are on tour with Mott the Hoople?" One of them asked.

"Yeah, they are opening for them."

They started freaking out, and I had to scream over them to get myself heard.

"So I'm guessing you all want the free tickets then?!"

"YESS!" They all screamed at the same time. I laughed.

"All right what are your names?"

"I'm Cody." The blonde-haired one said. "And the redhead is Nick, and that's Tommy and that's George." He said motioning to his friends.

"Okay." I smiled picking up the phone on the counter. "One moment please let me see if I can reach someone, Amber do you know if there's a Queen schedule paper around here somewhere?" I asked and she went to look in the back. She came back and placed the paper in front of me. "They shouldn't have left their hotel room yet so I'll ring Freddie."

The boys just looked at each other. Before they left I was given numbers to every hotel room they would be staying at, of course, they didn't work if there was something wrong with the room and they had to switch. But usually in that case John would just ring me to let me know, or I would get a call from Adam, letting me know of the switch.

I dialed the number and pressed the phone up to my ear. It rang a few times before someone answered.

"Hello?" Freddie asked.

"Hi Freddie, it's Nina, your favorite best friend."

"Oh hello darling, this is a strange time for you to be calling me, you were lucky I was just about to head out with the lads."

"Well, I have a favor to ask you."

"What is it?"

"So I have these boys here that came in and asked me about the album. I had my boss give them his thoughts on it. They got the album and I promised them if they came back and liked it and told me what they thought, I'd give them free tickets."

"I see! How wonderful, what venue do they want the tickets to? Let me get out our tour schedule." I heard him flip through papers. we have one on the 7th at Shaftesbury Hall, and two at the Hammersmith Odeon, one on the 14th, at 6:30, and one at 9."

"Okay, I'll ask just hold on," I said before I took the phone away from my face. I told them the dates and they talked it over.

"We want Hammersmith Odeon at nine please," Cody said and I nodded.

"Hammersmith Odeon at nine, they want."

"I will let Adam know and he will let the people out front aware that there will be tickets waiting for?"

I had the boys tell me their full names and then I told them to Freddie.

"Cody, Tommy, Nick, and George." He said. I could hear him writing it down. "Consider it done, darling, so do they want backstages passes as well?"

"I'll ask," I told him before taking the phone away from my face once more. "He wants to know if you guys would like backstage passes."

Their jaws dropped, they looked at each other and then back at me, and then each other, and then back at me.

"HELL YEAH!" They yelled. I laughed and placed the phone back to my ear.

"Their exact words were hell yeah!"

Freddie laughed.

"Okay done. I look forward to meeting them, I really have to run now Nina."

"Okay send the boys my love," I told him.

"Sure thing, goodbye darling."

"Goodbye, Freddie."

I put the phone down and looked up to see the most shocked expressions on their faces.

"He says just show up to the concert, he is going to give our stage manager your names, which then will be given to the people out front. They will put aside four tickets, along with four backstage passes. He looks forward to meeting you."

"Oh my gosh, this is insane! We are going to meet Queen and Mott the Hoople!" Nick exclaimed.

"I know!" Cody replied. He turned to me. "Thank you so much, Nina."

"Of course, but please don't tell your friends, I can't just go around giving out free tickets you know?"

"Totally." Cody nodded. "Will we see you at the concert?"

"Yes, you will." I smiled.

"Well, we will see you then," Cody told me. I nodded.

"Have a nice day." I chuckled as they walked away.

"Speaking of free tickets where are the free tickets for the staff? For the 6:30 show?" Amber asked.

"They are going to be waiting for you when you get there, same with the backstage passes. Before they even left on tour I gave Freddie a list of all the names."

"Yes!" Amber exclaimed. "I'm so bloody excited about it!"

"I'm glad, their show has improved a lot since the last time you saw it."

The days continued to pass by slowly. Even my hour lectures felt like forever. I just tried to listen the best I could, but I always found myself tuning out.

I got a call from Harry. I told him about the tour, and all the things going on in my life and he did the same. His wife was pregnant. One of the subjects my parents loved besides me being a disappoint was to dig at Harry and Kathy on why they didn't have kids yet. But still, because Harry was a guy, they went easier on him. I didn't understand for a long time why they never ripped on Kathy. But I figured it out, they liked her a lot. She was just like what my parents wanted me to be. But our parents didn't know her the way Harry or I did. Kathy was so much fun to hang out with and even though she was a traditional woman, she knew how to have fun. This is why I think Harry fell in love with her in the first place.

"I'm so happy for you Harry oh my gosh, this is amazing! I'm going to be an aunt!"

"Yes, you are!"

"This is... wow.. I'm in such shock... you are going to be a dad! My brother is going to be a dad! I feel old."

He chuckled.

"Well, you are the second youngest, you aren't old, you just have old siblings."

"Fair," I replied. "How did mum and dad react?"

"They went crazy, they were so happy."

"I bet."

"I don't know when the baby shower is going to be but I know Kathy would love for you to be there, mum, her sister, our two grandma's will be there so I don't know if you would be able to."

"I will be there. I know they told me to stay away from family but I think by that time it will be okay, and if it's not oh well, I can't miss this."

"Thanks, Nina, and you better tell me the next time Queen tours because I am for sure going."

"Definitely." I chuckled. "How's Sam? Do you know if she got my mail? I sent her a few photos from the tour."

"If she did she didn't mention it. We were just over at mum and Dad's and she was there. I'm at Tom's house now getting more beer. I chose this time to ring you." He laughed.

"Well can you ask her for me?"

"Can do little sis, I'll let you know, but let's try not to be strangers all right? I miss you."

"I miss you too, and as long as mum and dad aren't around I'd be happy to come up and see you, just let me know."

"I will, love you."

"Love you too, goodbye."


I hung up the phone.

"Maggie!" I screamed. "Maggie! Maggie!" She came out of her room. "Kathy is pregnant, I'm going to be an aunt!"

"OH MY GOSH!" She screamed running over to me.

"I KNOW!" I yelled back. She ran over to me and grabbed my arms. We jumped up and down screaming.

I rang John a few hours later and told him to get Freddie. He came back a few minutes later.

"What's the news darling?!" Freddie asked.

"My brother Harry's wife Kathy is pregnant, I'm going to be an aunt!"

"OH MY GOSH!" Freddie and John exclaimed.

"That's so amazing love congratulations!" John yelled. "This is wonderful news!"

"Aww, you are going to be an aunt to a tiny little person!" Freddie yelled.

"Yes, Freddie, a tiny little person indeed." I chuckled.

I pounded on the door. Peter opened it, rubbing his eyes.

"Nina it's nine in the morning." He replied yawning.

"I know," I said coming in. He closed the door behind me and sat down on the couch. "I just have to return all the hoodies I stole from John's drawers."

He laughed.

"I'm sure he wouldn't mind, I think he would be flattered actually."

"Yeah probably," I responded sitting down on the floor in front of John's drawers. "But the least I can do is fold them nicely and put them back. I washed them too, so they even smell great."

"You are too much Nina Jackson." He laughed. "Truly too much."

"I'll take that as a compliment, Peter."

"So they are coming back today?" He asked.

"Yeah but then they leave again to go to Liverpool and then they are back here again for two shows."

"Seems like they could have scheduled that better."

"Don't even get me or John started on that one," I replied putting another hoddie in the drawer.

By the time I got them all in Peter had made coffee. He generously offered me a cup which I gladly accepted. I couldn't sleep last night because I was so excited to see the boys again. We would be meeting them outside my flat building in a few hours.

I watered the plants and thanked Peter for the coffee. I then drove back to my flat to find Maggie asleep still.

I had taken the day off from school and Biba, I said I was sick. I wasn't going to miss them coming back. Maggie sadly wouldn't be coming to the concert, she had to work and couldn't get out of the later shift. Mary also called in sick, saying she caught it from me.

I decided to go back to sleep for a little bit, being awoken an hour later by Mary with a few ballons.

"I'll get better ballons when they are actually done with the tour." She shrugged. The loud door slam caused Maggie to emerge from her room, her hair everywhere.

"What time do I have to be at work?"

"Two pm."

"At least I'll get to greet the guys. Ugh, I can't believe I'm going to miss the concert." She groaned.

"Harmony is missing it too, don't feel too bad Mag," Mary told her trying to make her feel better.

"Yeah, at least I have her to cry with."

I waited impatiently in the lobby of my building. I was sitting on one of the benches, bouncing my leg very quickly. Mary was sitting next to me, checking her makeup in her compact mirror.

"They should be here by now," I said.

"They will be here," Mary replied not looking away from her mirror.

"What if something happened to them?" I asked grabbing onto her arm. She sighed and closed her compact mirror. She turned to face me, grabbing my hand.

"They are fine, and they will be here soon." She reassured me. I nodded. Maggie turned from where she was standing by the window.

"There they are!" She yelled.

"See!" Mary smiled.

I jumped up excitedly and ran outside, Mary following me close behind. Freddie rushed out of the bus and ran to Mary, picking her up off her feet, spinning her around.

"Oh, I've missed you." He cried into her shoulder. "So much Mary."

I turned to see John get off the bus, he let Brian and Roger pass, both of who went straight to greet Maggie. John smiled, dropping his bags to the ground. He moved away from the bus door a bit. The wind blew his hair into his eyes, causing him to shake his head to get it to move.

"Oh, Deaks." I cried running into his arms. It had been a long month without him, a long and very hard month.

His arms wrapped around me. My safe place, in his arms. He was holding onto me as if his life depended on it.

"Oh my gosh, it's so nice to have you again." He mumbled into my shoulder. "I missed you more than you could ever imagine."

"I think I could," I replied gripping onto him tighter. I looked up at him and was greeted by his lips. Our lips had been apart for so long a special spark happened. I knew he felt it too. I grabbed the back of his head to pull him closer.

I let go and just hugged him again. I hid my face in his hair, wanting to stay there forever.

"I love you," I mumbled into his chest.

"I love you too." He replied rubbing my back.

"Do I get to greet my best friend or are you just gonna hog her all night?"

I turned around to find Freddie standing there, his arms wide open.

"Oh, Freddie," I said going straight into them. "I missed you so much."

"I missed you too darling, truly." He replied.

"I'm so happy to have everyone back," I said into his chest.

"It's been too long to be away from you all." He said as I pulled away. I hugged Roger and Brian. Oh, it was so nice to have everyone back. "It's been weird being away from them hasn't it lads?"

"Oh yeah for sure," Roger replied as all the boys nodded in agreement. "Very weird."

"Yes, it was odd," Brian added.

"Well, it was odd not having you guys here," Maggie replied shaking her head. "We had way too much free time."

"How was my car? You didn't have any problems, did you? I was having a bit of a problem with the brakes as I told you before you left." John said as I gave him his keys back.

"They weren't too bad," I responded as we walked towards where I had parked his car.

"Good." He said as he unlocked the trunk of his car. Everyone had gone their separate ways. We agreed to meet at the venue.

I helped him load all his bags into it and then we hopped in the car. I started kissing him just as he closed his door.

"Nina." He laughed. "Eager are we?" He asked as I kissed his jawline.


"Well so am I, I better floor it."

"Press it to the floor!"

John caught up with Peter for a bit before we kicked him out so we could have sex. I stood by that decision. It was some of the best sex we had ever had. It's like our bodies had missed each other.

After we finished, he just held me close, stroking my arm.

"I'm so hopelessly in love with you." He said. I looked up at him. I lifted my hand up to caressed his cheek. He took my hand from his face and kissed it. "I felt such a deep hole in my heart this whole month being away from you."

"Oh Deaks," I replied before grabbing his face quickly to kiss him. He gladly accepted it. "You're..." I breathed when we came up for air. "You're going to go away again..."

"Just for a day my love, then I'll be right back here at your side." He reassured me.

"But in the future, the future you are going to be going on more tours, for probably even longer away from me."

"Let's not get ahead of yourselves." He whispered which caused goosebumps to appear on my body. "If that does happen, we will deal with it then, all right?"

I nodded.

"Okay." I breathed right before his lips met mine again.

I was so happy to be at the gig that night, and in my own town as well. I had been to a few concerts at this venue, some with the guys even. Now they were playing there.

"COMING THROUGH BIG EXPENSIVE GUITAR EQUIMENT COMING THROUGH!" Two of our roadies yelled coming up behind Freddie and me. We pressed ourselves to the wall as they passed.

We started walking towards the dressing rooms when Roger came out of one of the rooms announcing that one of the Mott the Hoople's girlfriends had brought doughnuts.

"From that bakery we like?!" I asked.


"Well, what are we still standing here for! Move!" I yelled pushing Roger towards the room.

"So when are your mum and dad and sister gonna get here?" I asked before taking a look at my watch. "We only have an hour until showtime."

"I don't know, the front people are supposed to tell Adam when they arrive." He replied before taking another bite of his doughnut.

"Have any of the rest of your parents came to any of the other shows?"

Roger nodded, Brian and John, shook their heads.

"My mum couldn't make it sadly," John explained. "She had to work, and I didn't have time to let any of my other relatives know we were coming sadly."

Adam came into the room.

"Well, why wasn't I informed that there were doughnuts?" He asked throwing his hands out. "Honestly this just seems plain rude, after all, I do for you lot?" He said overdramatically.

"We knew if we told you there would be less for us," Roger said with his mouth full.

Adam scoffed and shook his head.

"Anyway Freddie your family is here, would you like me to send them back? They are waiting in the lobby right now."

"Yes, of course, send them right in."

Adam nodded and left.

"You want me to get your throw-up bag?" I asked jokingly.

"Nope, not this time," Freddie said firmly. "Not this time."

Freddie's parents had only come to one of Queen's gigs way back in the day, way before John was even in the band. His father didn't really like it to say the least, he thought Freddie was wasting his time. But now that Queen was opening for a popular band, maybe he would change his mind.

"He threw up behind the stage curtain when his parents came last time." Roger chuckled. Freddie whipped his head around.

"It wasn't because my dad came it was because I had eaten way too much food before I went on stage."

"Yeah, that was an awful night," I recalled getting flashbacks to the smell of throw-up. "Ugh." I shivered.

"Can we not talk about throw up while I'm eating?" John asked getting grossed out. "Suddenly my doughnut doesn't taste as good."

We all laughed. Kash quietly snuck into the room and put her hands over her brother's eyes.

"Guess who!"

"Hmmm, I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say it's my little sister?"

"Correct!" She exclaimed. Freddie jumped up from his seat and hugged his sister tightly.

"Ugh, I felt like I haven't seen you in forever!" Freddie yelled happily, grabbing onto his sister's hands.

"I know! The last time I saw you was at our parent's anniversary party, and I haven't seen a Queen gig in like forever, and look at you! I had to have a VIP pass just to get back here!" She held up her backstage pass in excitement.

Kash's appearance had changed since the last time I saw her, which I believe was at a Queen gig. The last time I had talked to her was when she rang me to tell me how much she loved my painting on the Queen album.

Her hair was shorter than before and her bangs were grown out and parted to the side. She was wearing black flare pants with a brownish-red flowered shirt.

Kash greeted everyone and gave me such a nice hug. Soon Freddie's parents appeared, greeting everyone. Fred's mum kissed him on the cheek and went on about how cool this all was. But his dad just stood there, not saying anything.

I knew what that felt like.

Freddie guided his parents to their seats while Kash continued to ask the band about the tour so far. She would be standing with Mary and me to watch the show.

Freddie came back and took his sister to meet Mott The Hoople. Mary tagged along.

"I'll get the throw-up bag," Roger said getting up. I pushed him back into his seat. "Fine, you clean it up. It isn't going to be me this time."

"It wasn't you last time," Brian replied. "Nina and I cleaned it up while Mary went to go find a bag. You went to go flirt with girl behind the bar."

"Oh yeah." He said recalling it, a smile filled his face.

"Whatever happened to her anyhow?" Brian asked as he got up.

"She moved away."

Brian raised his eyebrow.

"Fine, I stopped ringing her all right."

"Whore." I coughed. John snickered.

"Figures," Brian replied as he walked towards the door. "I think it's about time we all get ready."

Roger stormed after Brian continuing to defend himself.

I noticed that we were alone. Mary had gone with Freddie.

I sat on John's lap, placing my hands on his face.

"Are you going to rock the house tonight baby?" I asked. He smiled. He reached up to push my hair out of my face.

"Oh you know me love, I just do what I do."

"Oh and I love what you do," I said kissing him. I let go. "You just do it... so... well."

He blushed.

"You don't have to lie to me love, all I do is just stand there, I'm the least interesting person out there." He chuckled. My thumb rubbed his cheek.

"I'm not lying to you." I laughed. "I love what you do."

"You mean my standing and my occasional walking?"

"I love it," I told him. "Loveeee it." I kissed him which caused him to lean back in the chair he was sitting in.

"Oh! I'm so sorry!"

John and I broke apart, our faces probably very red, to see Kash standing in the doorway.

"I didn't mean to interpret anything I just heard there was water in here and I-"

"You are fine," I replied. "We didn't close the door or anything."

She smiled and walked over to the counter and got herself a bottle of water. Before she left the room she just looked at us.

"You guys are so cute, my gosh." She beamed before leaving.

John and I just looked at each other.

Kash stood next to Mary and me for the whole concert, beaming at her brother. She was clearly very proud of him. Her jaw would drop a lot and she would scream so loud I had to move away from her.

I tried to get a good eye at Freddie's parents, who were in the front row, but it was so dark I couldn't get a good look. This time we were in a venue with chairs, which was good for his parents because I doubt they wanted to be pushed around by a bunch of teenagers.

"Do you think your parents will like it?!" I asked Kash over the loud music. She shrugged.

"My mother more than my father that's for sure." She replied. "I don't know what he's going to say to Fred when it's over."

I laughed nervously.

Maybe we would need the throw-up bag.

The show was over and Kash pushed past me and Mary to hug her brother.

She went on and on about how great it was and that made Freddie really happy.

"Are your parents going to watch the rest of the show?" Roger asked Freddie as we were walking back to the dressing rooms.

"Are you crazy?" Freddie laughed. "No way, they are making their way backstage right now."

"Did they look like they were enjoying the show?" Mary asked holding onto his arm.

"Eh, it's hard to tell, my dad kept the same face the whole time but my mom did smile a few times, so.. there's that?"

"Well, that's promising?" I asked.

Freddie eyed me for a second. I went to say something but was interrupted by screaming. I turned to see a bunch of teenage girls running towards us. I quickly pushed myself against the wall as they ran past. They stopped at Roger who was just up ahead of us. The screaming got louder.

"It was hard sharing a room with Roger during the tour." John sighed. "I would have to hang out in the lobby half the night waiting for Rog's girl of the night to leave. The people at the front desk were always confused why there was this random guy watching the telly at three in the morning."

"Three in the morning? Oh baby you needed to get some rest." I told him.

"Tell Roger that." He replied crossing his arms. "I told Adam that I am rooming with Freddie if we ever tour again."

"When you tour again." I corrected.

More teenage girls were coming into view and I put my hand over John's chest to push him back.

"They are like animals," Mary said looking at them swarming Roger.

"They are blocking the dressing rooms," Freddie complained. "My wine is in there."

"I'll lead us through," I said dramatically. John grabbed my wrist.

"You can't, it's too dangerous!"He exclaimed. But I just shook my head and motioned everyone to follow me.

I pushed through the crowd and when John, Mary, Kash, and I made it to the dressing rooms, we noticed Freddie was missing.

"They got Freddie!" Mary exclaimed. "He's a goner!"

"Not on my watch he's not," I said going back out. There he was in the middle of the crowd trying to make his way out. I pushed my way in and offered him my hand. I pulled him out and we ran to the dressing room. I closed the door behind us.

"Get caught in the Roger storm out there?" Brian asked, sitting on the table in the middle of the room, a beer in hand.

"ANIMALS!" Freddie said sitting down on the couch.

The door opened, Roger appeared. He was smiling ear to ear.

"Aww, girls." He grinned, heading over to the table to get a beer.

"Those girls almost ripped us to pieces!" John exclaimed clinging to me for protection.

"I would never let them," I said looking up at him. I rubbed his arm.

"What is wrong with you guys?!" Roger said happily before he took a sip of his drink. "That was awesome."

Before Freddie could respond there was a knock at the door.

"It's Adam, I'm here with Freddie's parents! Can I come in?"

"I'll get the puke bag," Roger said putting his beer down. Freddie gave him a glare. Roger went searching through some of our bags.

"Come in!" Freddie called. Mary stood next to him, hanging on to his arm. I think his father wouldn't be as cruel with her standing next to him.

The door opened and his parents walked in.

"What did you think?" Freddie asked. Behind him, Roger had located a bag.

"It was sure different than anything I've ever seen before." Freddie's mum smiled. She placed her hand on her son's cheek. "You sure have an amazing voice."

"Aww, thanks, mum." He responded. His mum pulled away and laughed.

"I sure don't know where you got it from."

Freddie smiled. He kept talking with his mum and sister and soon Freddie and Mary left with them.

The whole time Freddie's father did not say a word.

"At least we didn't need the bag." Brian shrugged.

"We still better keep it with us at all times," Roger responded.

"Are the girls still out there?" John asked. "I left my water in the other room."

"Ooo! I'll check," Roger yelled, and soon he had run out of the room. He came back sad which gave John the green light to leave the room.

A/N: Hi guys! Sorry, it took so long for me to update! I hope you enjoyed this.

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