Neutral Party (Twilight Saga...

By MuseTheLoliMaster

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(Y/n). That's her name. No last name. No family. Nothing. She is always hidden away in the deep and dark side... More

~The Accidental Encounter~
~The Annoying Idiot~
~Thank You~
~Selfless or Coincidence?~
~Young, Wild and Free~
~But Why~
(Q's & A's for Author)
~Romeo & Cinderella~
~Facing The Past~
[Okay, Hold Up!]
~Hello, Again~
~See You Later~
(Behind The Scenes)
~We Got A Problem~
~Tell Me Now~
[I Screwed Up]
I'm Sorry
~Party Planning~
~Future Concerns~
~Enjoy The Moment~
~What Are You~
~Another Enemy~
~"No! You're Wrong!"~


5K 212 142
By MuseTheLoliMaster


This will be a long and angst-y chapter that might/not hurt you in the feels.



꧁♋︎𒊹︎ Bella 𒊹︎♋︎꧂

I'm sitting in my truck with a shocked look on my face late at night, waiting for my best friend to come take me home. I've learned about Jacob's secret from the boys but mostly from him and learned that Victoria hasn't given up on me yet. She keeps coming back to the land even after the boys chase her out to the border of Canada and this brings fear in my heart. What makes me feel even more nervous is the argument that's happening inside of the cabin, where Sam and Jacob are at, and their voices continue to grow louder. When we came back from walking on the beach, the alpha of the pack called out to him, and Jacob had no choice but to listen. Now, they've been in there for quite a while and I'm getting worried by the minute.

He told me to stay inside but I can't help it. I need to go inside and stop this.

But finally, Jacob stomps out of the cabin and made his way over to me. Sam and the rest of the pack comes outside as well with different expressions on their faces. But Sam's is the worst one: A warning look is what he's giving. I swallowed down my nervousness and Jacob swung open the driver's door then hopped inside. He slammed the door shut, started up the car and began to pull the car out.

"What ha-" I began.

"Don't." Jacob interrupted and changed the shift which got the car moving forward. "I'm taking you home and that's it." Confused, I shook my head and looked at him with a serious look.

"Can't you just tell me what happened?" He didn't respond. "Jacob!" Still nothing and after a few more minutes of silence, I just let out a sigh of disappointment and looked out the window. A lot has happened and I don't know if I can keep up with it. Knowing that my best friend is a werewolf terrifies me because they're weaker than an average vampire and they can get hurt so easily. Even if they took down Laurent easily by the amount of wolves, I'm worried about how much they'll be killed by a certain amount of vampires. Jared told me that they're faster than them but I highly doubt it and I've seen it with my own eyes. They're amazing but can be terrifying at the same time and that's what got me so drawn to them.

No wonder why she asked me that.

My eyes widen a bit in surprise, remembering that I've got something inside of my jacket and slowly looked down at the inside pocket. I know that I shouldn't have done this but I wanted to know (Y/n) more and my curiosity got the best of me. Slowly I reached inside of my jacket and pulled out the journal I saw last night with the strange title on the cover. My head spins as I continue to stare down at the title and tried to figure out what it could all mean. Battle? Love? Death? Desire? Why is this important to her and why these specific characters? I just don't understand and I wish I asked her, but knowing her, she'll kill me for taking one of her belongings.

"Jacob." He still didn't answer me. "Do you know the girl named (Y/n)?" That got him to stomp on the brakes harshly and we both jerked up a bit from the sudden force. Confused, I slowly turned my head to him and he gave me a look that I can't even define.

His eyes are narrowed and he had no smirk on his face. "How do you know her name?"

"She told me herself."

"When?" he asked sternly.

My voice quivered a bit. "Last night, when I slept over at her tree house." Jacob was still for a moment and slowly looked away from me then lean his head back on the head rest. He closed his eyes and breath in his nose then breath out through his mouth. I watch at how tense his muscles are and how he's doing his best to calm himself down from losing his mind. How much does he know her? Why didn't he tell me? When did they even get to know each other? Slowly, Jacob's foot stepped on the gas pedal and he opened his eyes then he put his focus on the main road.

"Bella." I didn't utter a word and continue to stare at him. "Tell me everything and I'll do the same for you."

꧁♋︎𒊹︎ Alice 𒊹︎♋︎꧂

I finally arrived at Washington a few hours earlier today and the moon was already up by the time I got here. With my speed, I dashed over to one of Carlisle's car and got inside of it then took off without hesitation. Now, I'm on my way to Bella's house and I can easily smell the girl's scent. My main focus is getting to her and question her on why she was meeting up with someone that none of us have ever met before, but most importantly, find out if she's at least alright.

If Bella isn't alright, Edward would lose his mind and I would too. Bella is like a sister to me.

I know that Rosalie doesn't agree with us on looking after her, but Edward loves her so much and I will do anything to keep him happy. We've each found our significant other except for him, so I'll make sure that he'll keep his alive. My foot begins to grow heavy on the gas pedal and my eyes scan around the area in great speed as my hands on the steering wheel expertly turn to dodge all the cars in front of me. Time doesn't wait on no one and I know that for a fact, so I need to hurry for Bella's sake. My future vision doesn't go any further than what I saw before and I wanted to see if anything have changed, but I shrugged it off because I need to focus on the present right now. I changed the gear and stepped on the gas pedal so hard that it could've broke by my inhuman strength.

I need to get there as soon as I can. I have to make sure that she's at least alive, dammit!

After twenty minutes, I finally arrived at the silent road and pulled up at the house that has her scent. I got out of the car with a slam of the car door and dashed over to the house then knocked on the door. I waited for a moment to see if anyone would answer but nothing has answered the call, so I used my inhuman speed to dash over at their backyard. I grabbed on to the doorknob and shockingly, the door is unlocked and I shook my head in disappointment.

"Clumsy Bella as usual," I said to myself and lean my head back. "Time to play the part for Goldilocks except I'm not going to touch anything until she gets home." And that's when I went inside with the door closed right behind me.

꧁♋︎𒊹︎ You 𒊹︎♋︎꧂

"Give me another one," I said while smiling with Charlie and his got a goofy grin on his face. The two of us have finished up the main things that he needed to get down with for the funerals and we were on the way back to his house.

"No no no," he chuckled. "I shouldn't." I dramatically groan and looked at him with a begging look.

"Oh come on, Charlie!" I clasp both of my hands together and pouted. "Please? For me?" He looked at me for a moment and chuckled once again while shaking his head slowly.

"Alright then." He cleared his throat and looked ahead to focus on his driving. "What does James Bond do before he goes to bed?" Putting a finger on my chin, I tried to decipher this joke and see if I get this right. For the entire ride back to his place we've been doing the worst jokes ever, but at the end of them, we still laugh at how horrible it sounds. The two of us had a great time together and I got to meet a lot of his friends as we were preparing the funeral. But now, he wants me to settle over at his house since it's getting late and he really wants me to stay at his place so I can be safe.

I snapped my fingers and point my finger guns at him. "He makes sure to have his suit clean for the next mission?" This only got him to laugh and shake his head.

"No." he answered and we stopped at a red light which gave him time to return the gesture to me. "He goes 'under cover'." This one got me! I began to burst out laughing and the pain on my face is totally worth it. I only smile like this around the people I care about and that means that boys that I usually hang out with. These people make me feel alive once again and living in a normal life for a moment is just what I need. And maybe one day, I'll get to have that life all to myself. The light turned green and we continue to joke around as we were about to arrive at his place.

"That was a terrible one!"

"Not as bad as yours, (Y/n)!"

After a few more minutes, we finally arrived at his house and he stopped his car by his driveway. We both calmed down by taking a few deep breaths and sat there in silence for a moment. The time went by so fast and I can't help but feel the want to continue this. This is one of those moments where I wish that I could keep it on loop, so I can never feel so alone and out of the ordinary from this world. My head turn over to Charlie and his looking ahead with a gentle smile on his face which got me to grin in happiness. I'm glad that I could help him with not feeling so useless or as if he isn't the best anymore.

He finally looked at me after a moment and held up his house key to me. "Here, kiddo." He dropped the keys and I quickly caught it with both of my hands. "There should be some leftovers in the fridge and a few cans of soda I think. Please don't drink the beer."

"Wasn't planning to, old man." I giggled by Charlie's reaction and just dropped it at that. "Thank you for letting me stay here for the night. Are you sure that I can't help with the rest of the stuff tonight?" He shook his head with a wave of his hand.

"No need. The guys and I are going to have one last traditional drink together, ending it all with a nostalgic end." I nodded in understanding and I grabbed the door handle then pulled it to push open the car door. Before I could get out of the car, I feel his hand on top of my head and my eyes widen in shock as I freeze on the spot. His hand slowly began to pet me and I turned to look at him. He gives me a smile that only a father could give after showing them that you've received a gold star or the kind that he gives you after doing a good job on helping him with the chores. In other words, Charlie Swan is giving me a smile that speaks four powerful words that I haven't heard in so long.

"I'm proud of you."

My eyes began to tear up and he said something that got me balling like a baby. "I care about you, (Y/n). Even if you're my temporary daughter, I'd give anything for you to be my actual kid." That's when I bow down my head to hide my face and he just continue to pet me. I haven't felt like this in such a long time, ten years to be exact, and the feeling is hitting me so strong. Out of all the times of my past haunting me, why'd it have to be now? Something's telling me to go and be honest with him; Tell Charlie that we've saw each other before. It wasn't a proper meeting but it was just enough for me to feel like there's someone out there to help me have the normal life once again. No vampires or werewolves; No extraordinary or supernatural.

So, very slowly, my (e/c) orbs met with his chocolate brown ones and I slowly peeped out, "Thanks, Charlie." I give him the best smile I could muster up and he gently cupped both of my cheeks with his hands. He wiped my tears away and I close my eyes to enjoy this moment.

"You can call me 'Dad', sweetie." My lips quivered and he slowly brought my head to his chest, so we can hug each other. "I know it's only been a day and that we just met, but I feel like it's appropriate for you to call me that since we did have a Temporary Dad and Daughter Day." This got me to giggle lightly and I nuzzle close to his chest.

"Come back home safe and sound, dad." I wrapped my arms around him and gave him a big squeeze. This moment right here when I can be selfish is the best time I could ever have and I don't regret it at all. I get to have a taste of a normal life once again and to have a parent figure just for me. This brings such pride and joy to me that I'd never thought that I would have it again. He said that he will and we both let go of each other then I got out of the car. I hear him start up the car once again as I make it to his front porch and I put the key in the door knob.

"Hey!" I turned around to face him and his window is down. He gives the most powerful sentence that any person would want to hear from their loved ones. "I love you."

I held in a breathe and let it all out slowly as I say, "I love you too, Dad." And that's when he took off while I went inside of the house without forgetting to wave goodbye to him.

Wow. Haven't done this in a while.

I turned the house key, heard the door click and opened the door then made my way inside. The lights are off so I place my hand on a nearby way and made a feel for the light switch. When I did find it after a few moments, I flipped the switch and turned around, but suddenly jump at the sight of someone I've never seen before. A petite chick with a pixie hair cut that has the color of a raven's feather and eyes that are widen in surprise with medium gold. She's the same height as me but the girl has small features and obviously, she's a vampire.

"You're not Bella," she said quietly and that's when it all clicked. Vampire chick looking for Bella equals up to two different solutions: She's a Cullen or she's a huntress looking for food.

"Who are you?" I asked suspiciously and she gave me a small glare.

"You're the one I saw in my vision." I raise an eyebrow in confusion. "Have you suddenly replaced Bella after being murdered by Victoria?"

I place both of my hands on my hips. "Chill out, vampire or is it a little bit too late to say that?" She gave me no reaction to that and I just ignored it. "Anyways, 'murdered'?" I let out a small laugh. "Yeah, right. I wouldn't let her die even if someone paid me to do it." I looked at her and gave her a smirk. "And I'm guessing that you're a Cullen, but to be specific, Alice Cullen. Am I right?"

She blinked at me then crossed her arms across her chest. "How do you know me?"

I copied her action but kept my smirk. "Easy: You question me if that idiot is alive or not in a worried tone and the only vampire who has the power of future vision is you. I remember seeing you on your hunt with your mate, Jasper Cullen. He was waiting for you to tell him when your prey would arrive and you told him exactly the time, to be exact, about five minutes before it arrived." I made my way over to the living room and place my hand on it. "And then, if I remember correctly, I saw you guys play baseball out on the wide open field by the waterfall. You knew that another group of vampires were coming before your family even knew it." I turned around to face her and look her in the eyes. "I was there with a box of popcorn up on a tree and watching the game, which I got to say, nice pitching formation." I know almost everything about the Cullens because they keep coming into the woods constantly and well, can you blame a girl when you want to check out what a bunch of vegetarian vampires are doing? I never interfered in their lives or jumped in because it wasn't my life or my story.

Alice approached me but then stopped mid way and turned her head towards the door. Confused, I followed her gaze and I could hear a truck arriving. "Bella." She said and she made her way over to the door, but I quickly grabbed on to her ice cold arm. She hissed at me when she turned around to face me but I kept my grip on her tight.

"Wait, dammit!" I grit my teeth as I growled at her. "If you go out there like this, you'll give the girl a damn heart attack! May I remind you how long you and your family left that idiot here all alone?" Alice stood there, taking in my words very slowly, and I think she calmed herself down. I slowly let her go and that's when Bella walked in the house along with Jacob.


꧁♋︎𒊹︎ Bella 𒊹︎♋︎꧂

After I told Jacob everything on how I know (Y/n), he told me about how he and the pack knew her as well. Apparently, Sam met her first before the rest did, but they met her in their wolf forms. She didn't mind at all which was weird to me but Jacob snapped at me saying that I'm a hypocrite.

"How am I a hypocrite?" I asked him.

"(Y/n)'s weird for loving a pack of wolves," Jacob explained as he turned the steering wheel. "Yet it's not concerning or 'weird' that you like to hang our a bunch of dead people?"

I gave him a look. "Jacob, they're not dead."

He scoffed. "They're dead to us." His brown eyes met mine. "They're not called 'The Cold Ones' for no reason, Bella." Then his gaze left mine and returned his focus on the road. We just sat there in silence, and I looked down back on my lap then re-read the title on the book.

Battle: Umbridge vs. Hermoine

Love: Tris & Natalie

Death: R.I.P Eddy

Desire: Sea Serpent

Why are they in this order? What is this supposed to mean?

I kept gazing at it and tried to make sense of it until I just started to spin the words around in my head. Then I looked over at Jacob and wanting to ask him to help me with this is a huge risk. Obviously, the boys cares about (Y/n) more than me and that they'll do anything to protect her. That's what happened back at the cabin when I was talking to Embry and Jared. They kept talking about a cool girl who they totally admire and want to see her once again. They also love to give her various nicknames but they immediately dropped it when Emily, also known as 'the wolf girl', told them to knock it off. So, for now, I'm not going to ask him about helping me on this.

We finally pulled up at my driveway and Jacob turned off my truck. "I can't protect you from here, Bella." I looked at him.

"Why? Because Sam said so?" I scoot closer to him so I can look directly into his eyes and he doesn't hesitate on looking right back at me.

"You saw what happened to Emily." Oh. The scar on her face. "Sam got angry for one split second and she was too close to him. He can't ever take that back or change what he has done to her." He moved a bit to shift his body around so he can get comfortable and put his arm behind my head. "What if I got mad at you? Sometimes, I feel like I'm going to disappear..." I looked down at my lap, making sure to hide the book within my jacket, then looked right back at him.

"You won't Jacob because I'm here." I put my hand on top of the hand on his that's resting on the steering wheel. "I know that you're afraid about that, but as long as I'm here to help, then you won't ever feel like that ever." The both of us stare at each other and we slowly lean in for a kiss. I know that I love Edward and that I've been wanting to see him again, but Jacob's been here for me when I needed that kind of love the most. My heart is beating so much that it's hurting and I need it to stop, but how and why?

That's when I was about to pull away, but surprisingly, Jacob suddenly stopped himself and said, "I can't." Then he pulled away and looked out the window. "I can't."

Why did he stop before me? Why does he keep saying that he can't?

I slowly made my way to my door and closed my eyes. "Why?" He didn't answer me and this only irritated me. "Is it because of (Y/n)?"

I hear him take a deep breath. "No. It's because of Sam." That lie just made me get out of the car in anger and make my way to the house. I don't understand Jacob anymore! Before all of this, he was just my best friend who cared about me more than ever and I didn't mind that one bit! Jacob would do anything to protect me, he cared for me, he even loves me but yet he doesn't want to kiss me! I stopped myself in front of the door and just stood there, confused about my feelings. Why do I care about that and what am I getting so worked up for? This doesn't make any sense.

"'Infatuated. Adjective: Possessed with an intense but short-lived passion or admiration for someone."

I shook my head, refusing to even think about it, then grabbed on to the door knob.

"Have you ever desired or craved for something more than what you have?"

Gripping on to the doorknob tightly, I kept getting more angrier by the thought of (Y/n)'s words echoing in my head with that stupid smirk on her face.

"Have you ever wanted to become one of them?"

I was about to pull on the door knob until I felt a hot warmth on my wrist and I quickly looked over to only see Jacob's face. Before I could open my mouth, he pulled me towards the truck and he looked very cautious. "Jacob?"

"A vampire's here. I can smell it." He opened the truck's car door and I looked over to the right then I could see Carlisle's car. "Let's get out of here."

"Wait." I gripped on to his shirt and he looked at me. "That's Carlisle's car. They're here!" I turned around to run back to the house but Jacob's grip was strong enough to hold me back.

꧁♋︎𒊹︎ Jacob 𒊹︎♋︎꧂

I was about to stop her from running inside of the house until I caught a sniff of someone else's scent. It's faint but it's strong at the same time and I closed my eyes to focus on their scent. I've smelled this before and this person is making my heart rate go up somehow, but then, visions popped into my head. The two of us sitting up on a tree with her resting on my shoulder as she holds my hand and she's looking up at the sky. I pulled out a small box and held it up to her which got her to stare down at it in complete shock.

"Will you marry me...(Y/n)?"

"Oh Jake..."

The vision changed and I'm in a tuxedo with a bright smile on my face. (Y/n) is standing right in front of me with a beautiful wedding dress on and she's blushing a bit with a brave smile on her own face. The both of us are holding hands and we're looking right into each other's eyes. We both lean in for a kiss and we both closed our eyes to savor this moment, but once again, the vision changed.

"Jacob! Can you come help me please!"

I made my way over to a room and I can see (Y/n) sitting on a rocking chair with a small bundle in her arms. Her (short/long) hair is being shone by the sunlight that's beaming through the window. She's holding a small bundle of joy in her arms that's wrapped up in a hand stitched blanket with the color of (f/c) and the little one is softly crying. She turned them over and their small adorable eyes are looking right at me. (Y/n) giggled and smiled at me while I stood there with a proud look on my face.

And that's when I opened my eyes once again then looked at Bella. She's been staring at me in confusion and I finally said, "I can't be here because a Cullen is here," she was going to say something but I continued. "But someone that I care about is here as well and I need to make sure that they're okay." Bella was confused a bit and I just let go of her, so she can be the first one to go inside of the house. I nodded in approval and she made her way to the door with me following right behind. Right when she opened the door, the two of us walked in to be met up with a Cullen and (Y/n).

꧁♋︎𒊹︎ You 𒊹︎♋︎꧂

"Jacob," I said in shock.

"Alice!" Bella exclaimed and hugged the vampire chick.

"Bella!" Alice shouted in surprise.

"(Y/n)." Jacob said in relief and he made his way over to me. He placed his hands on my shoulders and looked into my eyes. "Are you okay? Did that Cullen harm you?"

A smile appeared on my face and shook my head. "Please, Jacob. I'm not a frail little pup."

He chuckled and tuck a piece of hair behind my ear. "No. You're a firefly, remember?" He cups both of my cheeks and he leaned down then press his forehead against mine. "My Firefly."

"Always gotta be like that, huh, Rebel?" I place my hands on his cheeks and I lean up a bit to brush my nose against his. I do this to him and the rest of the boys when their in their wolf forms, but I don't mind doing it when their human too. Jacob chuckled and rubs his nose against mine which got us to do an Eskimo kiss. But our moment was ruined with someone clearing their throat and we both slowly pulled away to look at the jerk. It was Bella, of course, and she doesn't look pleased at all by what we're doing.

Not that I care though.

"C-Can we talk for a minute?" Bella asked Jacob and I looked up at him. He looked quite conflicted at the question, so I just reached over to his hand and gave it a small squeeze. He looked down at me in worry and I just give him a smile.

"No worries, boy. I'll be okay with the Cullen over there." We both looked at where Alice is and she's just walking around the house like she's a chicken with no head on. "I promise."

He lean down to my ear and whispered, "I'll be back." He lightly kiss the tip of my ear and slowly let go of my hand as he followed Bella off to somewhere else in the house. I made my way over to Alice and just lean against a nearby well with my arms crossed.

"Your first time here?" I asked her and she nodded. "Surprised that Dad hasn't invited any of the Cullens inside." This made her stop from taking another step and looked at me with a reaction for the first time. This reaction though is both suspicion and confusion.

"'Dad'?" she said slowly and she raise a brow. "Are you his daughter as well?"

"Man, I wish I was, but no. I am not."

"Then why did you call him that?"

I got off of the wall and walked up to her. "Because unlike you, he let me." Now, we're about a foot away from each other and i give her a sweet smile. "He lets me in his home while he's out and he lets me call him Dad since I take such good care of Isabella."

She glares at me. "You? Taking care of her?"

"You said so yourself." I chuckled. "I was in your vision, so that must mean that you saw me either going for Bella or I'm with Bella. You can't just randomly think about a girl like me."

"I've seen a lot of other strangers other than you, so you need to stop assuming how my powers work."

I love getting these kinds of reactions from people, even the dead ones!

"Yet here you are." Before she could say anything, her entire face just froze up and her eyes widen in a weird way. I walked up to her and wave my hand in front of her face. "Um... Alice?"

Her face relaxed and then she whispered, "He's going to die."

This got me on full alert mode and worry began to spread all over me. "Who's going to die?"

"Edward is and he thinks that you two are dead."

Wait what? Us two? Why would he care if I died?

She made her way over to where Jacob and Bella is at with me in tow. "Bella. Bella it's Edward. He thinks you two are dead." She looked at me and Bella gave me a confused look while I just shrugged.

"Them two?" Jacob questioned but Alice ignored it.

"Rosalie told him why I came here." They both looked at Jacob with different looks on their faces; Alice is knowingly and Bella is frustration.

"Why would you-" She hesitated and she charged up to him. "Why wouldn't you let me speak to him?!"

My eyes widen in realization and looked at him as well. "He was on the phone? Just now?!"

Jacob looked at me with a nod. "Yes he was." Then he returned his attention to her. "And he didn't ask for you!"

"I don't care!" Bella yelled but Alice grabbed a hold of her before she makes things worse while I ran over and held out my arm to protect Jacob from her.

"Bella!" Alice called out to her. "He's going to the Volturi! He wants to die too." That's what got both me and Bella to freeze at that moment. Someone was going to die out of guilt for her and out of pity for me.

꧁♋︎𒊹︎ Narrator 𒊹︎♋︎꧂

"I have to go save him from this guilt." Bella said and she was about to head out of the door until a (s/c) hand slammed against the front door.

"Where do you think you're going?" (Y/n)'s voice reached Bella's ears and she slowly turned to her. (Y/n)'s face is all serious and angry at the same time. "Do you think you're just going to waltz right out of here just like that?"

"Are you serious right now?!" Bella raised her voice at her. "This is no time to be in that mood with me! I get that you hate me but-"

"SHUT UP!" (Y/n) yelled at the top of her lungs and her (e/c) eyes were glaring at the girl in front of her. The hatred she has for Bella grew, the irritation she has for her multiplied and the forgiving self side of her is long gone. Her thoughts went over to Jacob, who she obviously knows that he loved her from the very beginning and that he'll feel hurt by her leaving home just for Edward. She then thought about the whole new gossip around town where everybody will talk badly about how the daughter of Charlie Swan is at it again on running off to nowhere and just disappear. And then, her final thought was on Charlie, her favorite father figure.

"What about your dad?" Jacob asked and place a hand on (Y/n)'s shoulder, but the (h/c)-nette was beginning to hear Charlie's heartbreaking words.

"I wish she can tell me what's been going on with her."

"What about him?" she snapped at him and (Y/n)'s free hand began to ball up to turn it into a fist.

"I just don't understand. I don't want to lose her just like how I lost her mom and my parents."

"I'm eighteen. I'm legal enough to go and I'll leave a note for him." That's when Bella went over to the kitchen to grab a pen and paper. while (Y/n) lowered her head down, shaking in anger. Alice can sense something tense was about to happen and she doesn't need her future vision to see it. Jacob can tell just by holding on to (Y/n)'s shoulder and he knew that he can't be a part of it, no matter what happens.

"I've never felt so helpless."

And that's when (Y/n) finally mumbled, "... you bitch."

This got Bella to stop in her tracks and slowly turn around to face her. "What did you say?"

Jacob slowly let go of her shoulder and (Y/n) spoke louder. "I said-" she looked at Bella dead in the eyes with such fury that got Bella to jump in fear. "YOU BITCH!!!" And before the brunette could even think, (Y/n) charged at the poor girl who looks like a deer in headlights, and punched her square in the face! Bella's body flies back with such force and the back of her hips hits the kitchen table. She stumbled a bit but (Y/n) gave no two shits about her being in pain and came right at her with no warning. She grabbed on to the girl's collar and slammed her forehead against her's with a loud grunt.

"Bella!" Alice cried in worry but Jacob held out an arm to stop her and she hissed at him. "Get out of my way!"

"If you want to go in there and get yourself killed, be my guest," Jacob said while looking at the two females brawl. "But at least give them a chance to work it out on your own. Besides, they're both human, right?" This got Alice to hesitate a bit because he does have a point and the other thing he's saying is that the supernatural shouldn't burst through the ordinary problems all the time. So, Bella had to deal with this situation all on her own for once, and not get help from her.

I'm sorry Bella, but I can't help you on this one. Alice thought to herself. Not this time.

"YOU'RE SO FUCKING FULL OF IT, YOU STUPID, IDIOTIC, SELFISH BITCH!" (Y/n) yelled at Bella's face and she shakes her a bit by the collar. "Who the fuck do you think you are just walking right out of this house like that without even thinking?! God or something?! No! You're too far up in Edward's one thousand year old ass that you're not even thinking about the ones around you that's going to get hurt!"

"W-What are y-you talking about?" Bella asked in a pained voice and this irritated (Y/n) even more, so she turned to Jacob.

"Why were you with her today?" she interrogated him. "Obviously, her school isn't out in the reserve, so spill dammit."

He let out a sigh and slowly dropped his arm that he held out in front of Alice. "She went to our land to come find me." He looked at the now bruised face girl who's in the hands of the terrifying girl in front of him. "Bella then confronted Paul and pissed him off by slapping him on the face which got him to phase."

(Y/n) slowly turned her head to Bella. "You just don't stop, do you?" Before Bella could even sputter out an answer, (Y/n) slapped her in the face so hard that she dropped on the floor with a whimper. "Don't you fucking get it! Why the fuck do you do this to, not only to yourself, but to others as well! Huh?! Did you like it when I slapped you in the face, huh?!"

"No!" Bella cried out and she tried to shield herself with her arms, but (Y/n) wasn't having it. She grabbed on to her arms and pulled them away from her face. "Stop! Stop, please!"

"Hell no! Nobody slaps my fucking pack without getting their asses beat and nobody breaks a father's heart without their senses getting beat!" (Y/n) pinned her arms above her head as she sits on Bella's stomach harshly and back hands her face. "You want to run off again and get yourself killed, huh?!" Another slap to the face. "And not even think about how much pain you put into other people's hearts, huh?!" And another slap. "You don't even know the actual pain that you put others through, especially your dad, you fucking vampire loving dumbass!" And finally ending it all with another slap. Jacob and Alice can tell that this pain isn't just coming out of nowhere but from somewhere personal from her life, which is absolutely true.

She's hurting. They both thought the same thing at the same time.

(Y/n) knows it all too well: Running off for someone else, making people worry about her sudden change, and never giving it a second thought on how they felt about it. She's been in Bella's shoes and the only problem about it is that-

"They're gone..." She said to herself and (Y/n) is raising one hand in the air. She's panting hard, gripping tightly on Bella's wrists and clenching her teeth together. "Because of me..." Bella looked up at her in disbelief and is panting as well while tears are running down her cheeks.

She took a big gulp and took the risk by asking, "W-Who...?" That's when (Y/n) closed her eyes tightly and for the first time, for so many painful years that has passed, she began to cry for the one couple she misses so much.

"My parents." Everyone in the room stayed silent as they hear her whimper that out painfully and she slowly let go of Bella. She sat up and stared down at her hands in pain. "I was just like you, Bella. I was exactly like you except that I got the bad ending of the story." (Y/n) looked up at the ceiling and opened her eyes as she stares at the flickering light of the weak kitchen light bulb above her.

Just like me. She thought to herself. I'm that firefly who's losing its spark.

"I was infatuated with a devilishly handsome vampire that I've ever seen and he played with my heart, but I didn't realize it until it was too late. I was only six years old when it happened and I was too naive to realize what was going on when I met the damn bastard." She slowly closed her eyes. "He came along when I was all alone in the woods and he was wearing one of the weirdest clothing style I've ever seen, but he was one of the most kindest people I've ever met. He always kept me company whenever I was all alone or if I ran away from home to get away from my family problems. A year went by and all I wanted to do was never go back home because I wanted to be with him forever. He revealed to me what he really was on my seventh birthday and I was so amazed by what he could do that I begged him to give me that 'super power'." She chuckled in amusement, hearing how ridiculous and innocent that sounded. "And he then asked me, in his own words, 'Do you really want to become just like me?' I told him 'Yes! I want to be just like you!' and that got him to smirk at me. I thought it was a genuine smile, but unfortunately, it wasn't."

"Another year passed and the two of us got closer where I developed a crush on him or so I thought. I've always loved how fast he could go, how his eyes go from red to gold or how he was so intelligent and wise." (Y/n) finally got off of Bella and stood up on her own two feet then made her way to the kitchen counter, leaving her there, dumbfounded. "But I must say, he was absolutely brilliant enough to fool a sad and lonely girl like me."

"What did he do?" Jacob asked her and (Y/n) couldn't bring herself to explain it, but Alice could.

"He used her." she answered and all eyes are on her. "She was the bait and her parents were the meal. He basically used (Y/n)'s fantasy on becoming one of us in order to get the hands on her family and she sadly fell for it."

"That, my dear Alice," (Y/n) began and pointed at her. "is correct! On my eighth birthday, he told me that he must go away because he believed that humans and vampires were never destined to be together. And, just like you Bella, he ran off without even saying goodbye. So I desperately grabbed on to big white hoodie with my favorite black shorts and Nikes on then tried to walk out the door. But a hand stopped me and it was none other than my father's."

"Where do you think you're going, young lady!"

"He was scared for my life and all he did was care along with my beautiful mother."

"Listen to your father, (Y/n)! Who do you think you are to just walk right out of this house like that?! God or something?!

"They cared for me, loved me even, but all I did was push them away."

"I maybe a child to you, but to him, I'm much more and I'll be what he is so I can live my life to the fullest!"

"And just like that, I walked right out of the door, before even realizing that we were being watched." (Y/n) dropped her head and looked at the ground.

Bella looked at her in fear of asking, but did so anyway. "Who was watching you?"

Her gaze harden and looked right into Bella's brown eyes. "The same powerful group that's going to kill your precious Cullen."

The Volturi. Bella and Alice thought at the same time then looked at each other because they both realized that Edward was still in danger. Before they could even say anything, (Y/n) already hopped in and got right off the counter.

"Since he's so precious to you, I'll go get him for you."

"What?" All three of them asked in unison and they can tell that she isn't playing.

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