Yakuza x Reader (Mainly Majim...

By ReaderInsRequestKing

64K 1.2K 382

My friend got me into this game and I love it... I was very surprised at the lack of stories so, as usual, I... More

Akira Nishikiyama : Big Heart
Kiryu Kazama : Mistake
Kiryu Kazama : Catfight
Goro Majima: Sleepy Intruder
Goro Majima : Nails
Goro Majima : Zombies (NSFW)
Goro Majima : Dirty Office Blowjob (NSFW)
Goro Majima : Criminal Affair
Goro Majima : Criminal Affair - Part 2 - Hopelessly Devoted To You
Goro Majima : Kids
Goro Majima : Minnie The Moocher
Goro Majima : Fake Love
Goro Majima : Country Walk
Goro Majima : Scars
Goro Majima : Zoom!
Goro Majima : Noise Complaints
Goro Majima : Random Family Fluff
Goro Majima : Cupid
Goro Majima : NSFW Alphabet
Goro Majima : Comfort
Goro Majima : Jacket
Goro Majima : Patriarch (NSFW)
Goro Majima : MAKOTO : Part 1 (Valentines Special)
Goro Majima (Some Sagawa too) : Sequel To Minnie The Moocher : Beat 54 (NSFW)
Goro Majima : Dock Of The Bay
Goro Majima : Bedtime Story
Goro Majima : Homework
Goro Majima : Purgatory
Goro Majima : Feeding The Ducks
Goro Majima : Random Word Generator
Goro Majima : Nightmare
Goro Majima : Sickness HC's
Goro Majima : Father HC's
Goro Majima : Shirt Short
Goro Majima : Sleepy Comfort
Goro Majima : New Years Party
Goro Majima : Retaliation
Goro Majima : Frisk NSFW
Goro Majima : Dead Souls
Goro Majima : When He Realises He's Fallen For You HCs
Goro Majima : Comfort 2
Goro Majima : Funeral
Goro Majima : Movie
Goro Majima : Shopping Short
Goro Majima : Pants (NSFW)
Goro Majima : Protection
Goro Majima : My Hero
Goro Majima : Birthday (NSFW)
Goro Majima : Old
Thank You
Goro Majima : Funeral Of Fists
Goro Majima : Break Your Face (NSFW)
Goro Majima : Bad Day
I Make Tiktoks
Goro Majima : Proposal
Goro Majima + ex/Jotaro Kujo : Stepfather
Goro Majima : Goodbyes
Goro Majima : Suit
Goro Majima : Kisses
Goro Majima + Ex!Jotaro Kujo : Daddy
Goro Majima : Troublemaker
Goro Majima : Don't Dream It's Over
Goro Majima : Kiss
Goro Majima : Acting Patriarch
Goro Majima : Baby
Goro Majima : Photograph
Goro Majima : My Little Girl!
Goro Majima : History Repeats Itself
Goro Majima : "What the hell is gravy?"
Goro Majima - Fighting
Goro Majima - Foreign (NSFW towards the end)
Goro Majima: Kisses
Goro Majima: Kiwami 2
Goro Majima : Renovating
Discord Server
Goro Majima : Culture Shock
Goro Majima: Stress
Goro Majima/Jotaro Kujo : Daddy
Goro Majima : Talking Toddler Telephone
Goro Majima: Understand
Sup bitches
Goro Majima : Slow and Sensual
c.ai bots

Goro Majima : Cabaret

781 16 4
By ReaderInsRequestKing

I went hard here lmao

"I know I'm not dressed appropriately, but I have to see-"
"Ma'am, I need you to leave. I won't ask you again, you're upsetting our other customers."
"How am I upsetting them if they can't see me-?"
The floor manager continued to argue with you, until a familiar voice sent him away.
"Oi, do what the lady says, will ya? Can't ya see she's distressed? Get outta here!" he said, watching as he scuttled away, full of apologies.
Throwing your arms round his waist, before he could shake you off, your face was buried in his clean shirt, nuzzling yourself comfortably. Sighing, he brought his hands up to console you, stroking his fingers through your hair, but not without a peek either side of him first. Your eyelashes were brushing against his clothes, hand trying to hold back tears in front of these people, in public. Taking his jacket off, it was draped over the back of your shoulders to hide the blood soaking through your clothes.
"Awright, who was it?"
"I got fucking jumped," you uttered, a tear leaving your eye, despite being quick to swipe it before he saw. Unfortunately, another fell and before you knew it, they kept coming quicker than you could catch them.
"Sorry, Majima," you whispered, trying desperately to compose yourself. You were shaken up, despite not wanting to admit it, that much he could see. However, if you got jumped, he wanted to know the full story.
"Come upstairs. It's-" he paused for a second, peering out through the door.
Yakuza? What the fuck?
There was something worrying now. Taking a closer look, he recognised them as the same bullies working for the yakuza who chased him out of his own club last night. Nishitani.
"It ain't half chilly down here. You'll catch cold standin' in the doorway, Y/N."
Grasping your wrist, he pulled you away lightly, leading you away from prying eyes.

In the office, you were lightly pushed onto the couch, left to wait for his care.
"Sit," he ordered, fumbling for a pack of cigarettes. They weren't in his pants since he'd ditched them before going on the floor, meaning they were on his desk. Swiping them, one was taken out and pushed into your mouth, his lighter out snappily to spark it for you. Sniffling, you took a long drag, inhaling deeply and savouring it.
"Thank you. I'm so fucking sorry to bother you while you're at work like this." Majima sat beside you, waiting for you to settle a little. Your smoke was practically half gone off two drags, emotions getting the better of you.
"Jesus, slow it down, Doll," he said, taking it from your mouth and snuffing it out in the ashtray on the table. "You'll ruin yer heart doin' that."
Leaning over a little, he swept your cheek with a knuckle, tching at the cut across your face. The jacket fell from your shoulder, hair no longer covering the bruises along your arm. Pulling your sleeve down, he was absolutely shocked when you revealed a bloodstained stocking you had used as a makeshift bandage. "B-Baby, wha- Who fuckin' did this to ya?"
"I dunno. Some guy in a flashy suit, probably yakuza pig scum. Slashed me up damn good with his butter knife though, despite the fact the clumsy fucker missed. Said he was after my neck but got my shoulder instead."
"Yer wild, y'know. Lemme see that cut." He gently peeled back your bandage, revealing a mess of blood beneath some shitty pocket tissues they gave out on the street. "Fuck. He's got ya good, Honey. I've got bandages lyin' round here somewhere."
Searching the desk, he found some, wrapping your arm lightly.
"Good thing he missed ya neck though, huh? Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to do this-!" Diving down to kiss your neck, you were quick to push him away, his teeth gnashing lightly at the sensitive skin and his stubble leaving you with an ache for more of Goro Majima.
"Hey, leave me alone. You're at work! You don't get paid to kiss me." Chuckling, he was at least grateful that you'd cheered up a little, remarking about what a beautiful smile you had.
"I left work and I was walking home... When this guy starts walking behind me. No problem, it's just some guy, right?" You turned your body to face him, a worried expression as you recounted what happened. "Well, that's what I thought. He was in some flashy suit, tailing me across the bridge. I got to the footpath to cut through near your place and he got me by the neck, slamming me back against the stairs. I didn't catch his name but he had such a gross ass voice. He was telling me all sorts of weird shit about his boss being in jail and a hit that hadn't gone as planned and that body in the river and you and-"
Pressing his fingers to your lips, he'd heard enough. It was Nishitani's doing alright.
"I'm sorry," he admitted, gently removing his fingers. Moving his position, he took your hands and held them close to him. "I've got myself in some trouble. My time's runnin' out. I don't think I'll be holed up here as long as I originally thought-"
"What do you mean-?"
The door swung open, the pair of you looking towards the noise. Sagawa strutted through with a loaded pistol and before anyone could think, you were shot in the head, falling onto your boyfriend in a rosy heap.
"Lips were a little loose there, Tiger."

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