
By malec_endgame

7.5K 360 13

Magnus Bane is an agent of the warlocks, who despise the Shadowhunters, agents of the Clave. But when Magnus... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 32

105 5 0
By malec_endgame


Alec rushed out of the Institute doors, with Jace and Clary in tow. They had decided to keep their team small, and consistent of all types of Downworlders. He knew that Valentine would let it be known that the head agents had been captured soon, and would be expecting a rush of agents to the Seelie courts. But, if they keep their numbers small, and hopefully get in the Seelie courts undetected before Valentine was expecting any agents, they would have a surprise advantage.

"Izzy will meet us at the entrance of the courts, but we need more agents first." Alec's first stop was Magnus' apartment. They hadn't spoken since their breakup, but Alec knew if he explained the situation to him, he would come with them. At least, he hoped.

He banged on the doors of Magnus' apartment, and Magnus' voice went through the intercom. "Would you stop knocking on my door so violently? There's no need for that."

"Uh, sorry. Look, I need to talk to you, it's extremely important. It has to do with the meeting the head agents had tonight."

There was silence on Magnus' end. Then, he opened the door. "What do you want?"

"I have reason to believe the head agents' meeting has been infiltrated by Valentine, and they are being taken to the Seelie courts as we speak."

Magnus nodded. "Let me get ready, I'll call Catarina. She'll want to come too."

"Wait, you just..believe me?"

"I suspected this sort of thing might happen. And besides, I trust you, Alec."

Alec smiled. "Th-thank you."

"You guys can come in, I'll only be a minute."

The Clave agents went inside the apartment and stood around in Magnus' living room. He had changed the decor since Alec had been there. It now looked like a modern Victorian home, with modern technology mixed in with the ancient furniture and designs. Magnus came in after a few minutes, on the phone with Catarina.

"Where do you want Cat to meet us?"

"At the Seelie court entrance. Oh, and we're trying to keep our team small, so ask her not to invite anyone else."

Magnus relayed the information to Catarina, and they hung up. "I'm ready if you all are."


Alec's next stop was the werewolves. He knew their loyalty to their head agent would convince them to join them, even if they didn't like it. He got to their agency and opened the doors. The werewolf agents looked at them with disdain, and Alec almost regretted stepping through the doors at all. An agent walked up to them with her arms crossed over her chest.

"What do you want?"

"I'd like to speak to this agency's second." The werewolves were more aggressive than any other agency, and so they appointed second and third head agents to take over in their place, should anything happen.

"I'll go get him. Make yourselves uncomfortable," she sneered, then walked off. Alec looked at the agents with him. Jace was the only one who didn't already look uncomfortable. Instead, he looked around the agency with interest.

"Jace, don't."

"What? I haven't done anything."

"Yeah, yet. We need as many agencies on our side as possible. So, please don't do anything that'll make them change their minds about helping us."

"They haven't said they were helping us yet," Magnus said.

"Well, they didn't immediately make us leave, so that makes me hopeful, at least."

Alec got a text from Izzy. "Guys, change of plans, Izzy said not to wait on her."

"What? What do you mean, don't wait on her? Does she know our plan?" Jace questioned.

"Yeah, she knows. Maybe she can't make it to the court entrance for some reason. We can't afford to stand around waiting for her, so we should just go ahead without her, and find out what happened later."

Two agents arrive then, a woman and a man, who eye the group coldly. "What's this about?" the man asked.

"Are you two Agent Garroway's second and third?" Alec asked.

"Yes, we are. What's it to you?"

"You are aware of the head agents' meeting tonight, yes?"

"Of course."

"Well, all the head agents have been captured and are currently being taken to the Seelie courts."

The two agents immediately become alert. "Are you positive?" the woman said.

"Positive. We had a tracker on our head agent, and we saw that he, along with the others, are headed to the Seelie courts."

"I recognize you," the woman nodded at Clary, "you're Luke's friend, right?"

"Uh, yeah. My name's Clary. And you're Maia, right?"

Maia nodded.

"Luke told me about you. He cares about you alot."

Maia smiled. "Do you trust him?" She nodded towards Alec.

"Of course. Alec wouldn't lead you astray, ever."

"Alright. Alaric?" She looked to the man.

"If you trust them, so do I."


Alec knew recruiting the vampires would be the hardest task, especially so because of his betrayal to them not so long ago. He hoped having Simon as an ally could convince them to be on their side. If not, Clary assured him that Simon would be coming with them, at the very least.

They approached the vampire agency, and Alec moved to walk in. Clary stopped him. "Simon is gonna let us in," she said. "Also, no offense to everyone else, but I was thinking only me and Alec should go in. The werewolves don't exactly have the best relationship with the vampires, and it wouldn't be fair to leave the wolves out here by themselves, so..." Clary trailed off.

"Is that alright with everyone?" Alec asked.

"I didn't want to go in there anyway." Maia curled her lip in disgust.

"Same here, I don't have a lot of fond memories in there. I'd much rather stay out here." Magnus said.

"Well, if everyone's staying out here, I should stay to entertain them while you're away." Jace grinned.

"Okay, well we're going in. Don't piss anyone off Jace."

"Alec, you act as if I don't have any home training. I know how to act like a good boy." he batted his eyelashes.

Alec rolled his eyes. Then, Simon appeared at the door. "Come on in, guys." he said.

Alec and Clary walked into the agency, and after a moment, Simon said, "You two the only ones coming in?"

"Yeah." Clary said. Simon shut the door.

"Alright, guys, I hope you have your pitch ready, because these guys don't particularly like the Clave. Especially you, Alec. Tom sometimes talks about wishing he killed you when he had the chance."

So that was his sparring partner's name. Looks like he was right about him hating him now.

"Of course, I always try to steer him away from that type of thinking. I've been telling them that things with the Clave are going to get better, as soon as we can get rid of Valentine. Some of them listen to me, since I'm Raphael's boyfriend, but I can't tell you how much that'll influence their decision."

Alec nodded. "Any influence is better than none at all."

Simon led them to the main room, where vampire were lounging around, talking amongst one another. All talking ceased when they saw Alec and Clary.

"Guys, these are two agents of the New York Institute. Hear them out, okay?"

No one moved, or said anything. Alec took this as a sign to start talking.

"Vampire Agents, I know you are not entirely fond of the Clave. And while I hope that mentality will change, that's not what I'm here to discuss with you. I actually have more important matters to discuss. Your head agents, Agent Santiago and Agent Belcourt, are currently being brought to the Seelie courts under the imprisonment of the Circle along with the other head agents of the Downworld and Clave. And if we are to free them, we need your assistance of one or two of your best agents. If you don't come for us, come for the head agents of your agency. Please, we need as much help as we can get."

The room is silent.

"If it helps, I completely trust in them and their plan, and I'm already going."

An agent speaks up. "I'll go with you."

"Well, if she's going, so am I." Another agent said. It was Tom.

"Thank you both. When you two come back here, it'll be with your head agents. I can promise you that."

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