Yakuza x Reader (Mainly Majim...

By ReaderInsRequestKing

64K 1.2K 382

My friend got me into this game and I love it... I was very surprised at the lack of stories so, as usual, I... More

Kiryu Kazama : Mistake
Kiryu Kazama : Catfight
Goro Majima: Sleepy Intruder
Goro Majima : Nails
Goro Majima : Zombies (NSFW)
Goro Majima : Dirty Office Blowjob (NSFW)
Goro Majima : Criminal Affair
Goro Majima : Criminal Affair - Part 2 - Hopelessly Devoted To You
Goro Majima : Kids
Goro Majima : Minnie The Moocher
Goro Majima : Fake Love
Goro Majima : Country Walk
Goro Majima : Cabaret
Goro Majima : Scars
Goro Majima : Zoom!
Goro Majima : Noise Complaints
Goro Majima : Random Family Fluff
Goro Majima : Cupid
Goro Majima : NSFW Alphabet
Goro Majima : Comfort
Goro Majima : Jacket
Goro Majima : Patriarch (NSFW)
Goro Majima : MAKOTO : Part 1 (Valentines Special)
Goro Majima (Some Sagawa too) : Sequel To Minnie The Moocher : Beat 54 (NSFW)
Goro Majima : Dock Of The Bay
Goro Majima : Bedtime Story
Goro Majima : Homework
Goro Majima : Purgatory
Goro Majima : Feeding The Ducks
Goro Majima : Random Word Generator
Goro Majima : Nightmare
Goro Majima : Sickness HC's
Goro Majima : Father HC's
Goro Majima : Shirt Short
Goro Majima : Sleepy Comfort
Goro Majima : New Years Party
Goro Majima : Retaliation
Goro Majima : Frisk NSFW
Goro Majima : Dead Souls
Goro Majima : When He Realises He's Fallen For You HCs
Goro Majima : Comfort 2
Goro Majima : Funeral
Goro Majima : Movie
Goro Majima : Shopping Short
Goro Majima : Pants (NSFW)
Goro Majima : Protection
Goro Majima : My Hero
Goro Majima : Birthday (NSFW)
Goro Majima : Old
Thank You
Goro Majima : Funeral Of Fists
Goro Majima : Break Your Face (NSFW)
Goro Majima : Bad Day
I Make Tiktoks
Goro Majima : Proposal
Goro Majima + ex/Jotaro Kujo : Stepfather
Goro Majima : Goodbyes
Goro Majima : Suit
Goro Majima : Kisses
Goro Majima + Ex!Jotaro Kujo : Daddy
Goro Majima : Troublemaker
Goro Majima : Don't Dream It's Over
Goro Majima : Kiss
Goro Majima : Acting Patriarch
Goro Majima : Baby
Goro Majima : Photograph
Goro Majima : My Little Girl!
Goro Majima : History Repeats Itself
Goro Majima : "What the hell is gravy?"
Goro Majima - Fighting
Goro Majima - Foreign (NSFW towards the end)
Goro Majima: Kisses
Goro Majima: Kiwami 2
Goro Majima : Renovating
Discord Server
Goro Majima : Culture Shock
Goro Majima: Stress
Goro Majima/Jotaro Kujo : Daddy
Goro Majima : Talking Toddler Telephone
Goro Majima: Understand
Sup bitches
Goro Majima : Slow and Sensual
c.ai bots

Akira Nishikiyama : Big Heart

4K 46 19
By ReaderInsRequestKing

My first Yakuza story... It's nice to work on something other than my JoJo book, but currently I will not be taking requests because I've neglected my other books to start this one, (whoops) but I don't think anything has ever hit me as hard as this. I'm literally on chapter 7 of Yakuza 0 after 2 days and here I am, writing on Wattpad 😂😂

The reader is usually going to be foreign to Japan unless mentioned because I'm English myself and its easier to write for your own culture.

I hope you guys enjoy my writing either way c:

He had stumbled in after practically banging down the door to your bar after closing time, babbling some nonsense through extreme sobbing. It was unlike him, since the flashy image he upheld was very important to him.
"Get me a drink. The strongest shit you have."
"No, you're drunk. I don't know what you've been drinking, but you're wasted."
"I haven't drank a single drop. I picked up Kiryu and took him to the top of a mountain to put a bullet in his head," he slurred, gesturing with his fingers. "And I couldn't even do that!"
"Fuck, Nishiki. You're saying stupid shit. Stop."
"I'm not lying, woman! Why else do you think the streets have been crawling with yakuza all day? They're after Kiryu, dammit!"
"Stop your screaming. I'll get you a drink, fucking hell." Shaking your head, you poured whiskey into a glass, ice cubes floating round in it with a clink. "Sit down," you offered, pointing to the bench along the back of the wall. Presenting the glass to him, he downed the whole thing in one, without so much as a thank you. Sighing, you took the glass from him and put it back on to the wooden bar before setting yourself beside him on the settee. "Come here," you ordered, holding your hands out above him. Taking his head, you placed it into your lap lightly, raking through his silky long hair as he calmed down. There was nobody else here besides you both, so he could let his guard down and be vulnerable. It was silent, apart from your breaths and the odd scratch of your nails against his scalp. Then he had to go and break it by babbling some sort of apology through his sulking. "Shh, Nishikiyama. Quiet your noise."
"I really did it, Y/N. I shot at him with a pistol, but missed. I... I couldn't bring myself to... I shouldn't be in the family, if I can't even do that."
"You're being reckless because you care about Kiryu, I get it. Where is he now?"
"He said he was coming back to Kamurocho. He probably made it back this morning, since he took my car."
"He won't get killed by the family - not yet."
"How do you know?"
"Your brother's not that sort of man. He has a shining resolve, you'll see." Slapping his face hard enough to make it sting, he held fingertips to his cheekbone with a hiss through his teeth. "YOU, on the other hand, you dumbass. You're gonna get yourself killed being reckless like this. Driving out of Tokyo then coming back here alone with no car and no coat in the middle of winter? Fuck me."
"Eh??" He screamed, completely confused and dazed. "Why'd you do that?"
"Because I love you, Nishiki-kun." Choking on your own tears, he heard, despite having an ear down on your thighs. "Even though you're acting like a fucking airhead. You're yakuza, dammit. You ought to straighten up."
Nishiki honestly appreciated your voice. It was comforting and soft, despite the cracks and breaks from your emotions. "You're in over your head - you have been for a long time. The yakuza is no place for someone with such a big heart." Bending over, your nose touched his cheek, long eyelashes fluttering against his skin, feathery aside from a few teardrops. "You're stupid, Nishikiyama. You're so fucking stupid. But I can't help myself, I love you anyway." Lifting your head up, he got up from the compromising position of lying across your lap. "I'll get into trouble some day, doing this shit." Dark eyes met with yours, a comfortable silence hanging over you both.
"You're dumb too, you know!" he yelled, pointing at you with that trademark scowl. Rising to his feet, you matched him, gently bringing yourself up. "Why bother doing it if you're so scared of getting into trouble?"
"What? Being involved with you? Hm." Giggling under your breath, it wound him up, making him barrel towards you with a pout. He was so predictable, jerking back when you threw your palm into his nose.
"What are you playing at-?!"
"You're right, Nishiki. I'm an absolute fucking idiot for sticking round you. One of Dojima's boys? You're basically a living deathtrap."
"Then... Why are you still here?"
There it was. That sweetness, buried under such naivety. Unfortunately, the sheet he hid it under wasn't very thick. It was no wonder those lieutenants could see straight through him when he tried to act tough. The reason you were here was because he had walked into YOUR bar, but that probably wasn't the answer he was looking for.
"Because I'm stupid," you laughed, covering your mouth as your cheeks puffed up. "And I've grown rather fond of you. That too." Sighing, you decided now was the best time to come absolutely clean. He was processing your reasoning, staring at you in disbelief. Fooling around wasn't doing it for you anymore. "Crazy isn't it? The owner of a bar falling in love with a yakuza? Ugh, it's textbook cliche."
"Y-You're out of your mind if you think that I-"
"I know, but I don't care if you don't feel the same way. But, I won't stand and watch as you act like a fool, and if your family want to come after me, let them. I can hold myself."
"You can't hold off all of them, are you mad?"
"Maybe. Maybe, I'm as mad as you, and I'd do it anyway."
"Hm," he huffed, amusedly. "You're cocky. Maybe, though, mad is good."
There was barely a single moment between you chuckling together, to his hands grabbing both sides of your face and pulling you in to claim your lips. His kisses were soft, but deep, like he didn't want to hurt you, but to lose you would kill him. Gradually, your hands reached up, clinging to him, his busted knuckles scratching against your soft palms like sandpaper. Tilting your head back, you were able away slightly to catch your breath, his lips touching your chin. "Of course I love you. You dumb bitch." Eyes shut, you swallowed hard, fumbling for his hands to hold. "I just don't want to lose you... To them."
"Then go, Nishiki. Before they find you here."
"I'll come back for you. No matter what happens."
"I know you will. If I see your brother, I'll call."
"Don't hang 'round Kamurocho. If it gets too dangerous, just go. If anyone else ends up hurt because of me... I'll..."
"Shut up. Don't worry about that."

Nodding, he looked away as his hands slid out from yours, no traction whatsoever despite the fact he didn't want to let go. Staring after him as he left, there was a shuffle from behind you, behind a corner. The bar was shaped strangely, so customers could have the privacy of a table behind a wall when having conversations. Walking round a little so you could peer round, it gave to a shock to find an old man sat there, dressed in royal purple.
"Oh, I'm sorry, the bar is closed-"
"Nishikiyama is so predictable, isn't he?"
Spotting the Dojima family pin on his lapel, it sent a jolt of fear through you. He must have heard everything.
"Can't say I expected him to fall for a civilian, plenty of cute Japanese chicks round here. But, well, you aren't a normal civilian... Are you?" Snorting a laugh, you felt him pull your wrist, revealing a small branding beneath a bracelet. "Surviving being passed around the old bathhouses and coming out alright on the other end is no easy feat - the bastards who run those whorehouses are no worse than yakuza. You should be commended for that."
"So you've done your homework on me, what of it?"
"Don't act tough, little girl. I can see you quaking in your boots. Besides, I heard everything. Kiryu is in Kamurocho." Awano pulled an expensive cigarette to his mouth, puffing on it. "You can't even deny it, and if you lie to me, I know everything about Nishikiyama, as I do his brother and their little friends. I won't hesitate to do the same to you. Picking you off will be easy, your family, your friends... Easy. You especially wouldn't want to see Nishikiyama tortured or killed for going against family rules, would you?" he mocked, speaking to you as if you were a child." You're free to join him, if you want."

Flicking a business card your way, it spun onto the floor, dropping by your feet. Looking at it from where you were stood, it was the number for an office block somewhere.
"If you see Kiryu... You'll call my office, won't you? If you don't, you won't see your precious little 'Nishiki-kun' ever again. He'll be worse than dead. He'll suffer. He'll wind up tortured. He'll be lucky to even die, if he makes it that far."
Swallowing, the lieutenant saw your reaction, grinning to himself. Bowing your head, you bit the words back in your throat, but said them anyway.
"Yes, sir. Of course I'll let you know if I see Kiryu."
"Oh, come on now, my Dear. There's no need to look so down in the dumps: there's plenty of other boys out there for you to play with, Nishikiyama's nothing special. Heh, crazy kids, to be in love." Shaking his head, he finally stood up, approaching you with your head still low as so to respect him." You'd do well to live a life of leisure, like me. "He didn't take kindly to your continued bowing, gripping the back of your head and slamming it against the floor hard enough to knock your teeth back and bust your lips.
"F-Fuck..." you whimpered, gasping from shock behind your hands, covering your mouth.
"Don't even think about defying me, Darling. I'll kick you to the curb faster than you can open your mouth to scream."

It was settled. You had no choice if you were going to protect Nishikiyama.

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