The doctors mate

By Winterturbin

557K 11K 381

Marissa Swan is a Midwife at Forks General. Her life is pretty normal, Well as normal as it could get. When h... More



7.5K 124 4
By Winterturbin

I stare at the TV, the breaking news sent shivers down my spine. Jasper crosses his arms a frown playing across his feature. "It takes more than one of our kind to cause the damage theyre reporting. Quite a few more. Theyre undisciplined, conspicuous." He says, Edward reads his mind "Its newborns." He says, Bella frowns in confusion "What, like new vampires?" She asks, I roll my eyes "No. Like newborn Babies" I mutter sarcastically and she snorts, "The first few months after the change." Edward says, Carlisle tugs me back into his chest,

"Thats when were at our most uncontrollable, vicious, insane with thirst." He explains, I shiver and Emmett turns to Bella "Something to look forward to." He says, Carlisle's grip around me tightens,

"Someones creating an army." He says, I grin "Now were definitely going to Seattle!" I say, lapping my hands. "An army of vampires?" Bella asks, Carlisle nods "And they've been created to fight someone." He says, Rose looks around "We're the only clan even close to Seattle" She says, picking up Lara who was crawling along the floor and cuddling her against her chest. "Regardless of why they were made if we dont put a stop to them the Volturi will. Im surprised they let it go on this long." He says, I sigh "Maybe theyre behind it. In Italy I read Aros mind, he wants me, Alice and Marissa to join him. He knows well never choose him as long as our family is still alive." My eyes widen "Whoa, whoa whoa, hold your horses! What the hell do they want me for?" I ask, turning in Carlisle's arms to look at him.

"An army could solve that for him." Jasper says. I groan, "Alright, we'll get back to the Human munchers later. I still think that Victoria turned someone that No-one knows, my guess, that Riley dude that went missing after the wolves and I killed Laurent. And he's the one making the army" I say, Jasper looks at me and nods his head "That's possible" He muses. "And the Volturi haven't done anything because they want Alice and Edward" I say. Jasper nods again "Where do you come up with those Idea's?" He asks, I grin and tap my stomach "I trust my instincts. I know that our dear friend Vicky is behind it all" I say. I could see Edward did miss the idea and sigh, "What makes you so sure?" Esme asks, I sigh "If you want to catch a crazy bitch then you have to think like one. Build an army to distract you." I point to all of the vampires, including myself, "While she goes after Bella" I say, pointing to my sister. I notice everyone staring at me with wide eyes, "She's playing a game. Has been since We killed James. Just like he played games. She's trying to make it as entertaining as possible" I say, leaning my head back against Carlisle's shoulder. "Now. Back to the Human Munchers? Why me?" I ask, Edward shrugs "They have no one like you" He says, I throw my hands up in exasperation "Of course they don't! I'm a Human!" I say, and rest my hands on top of Carlisle's. Carlisle grabs the remote and switches the TV off. I let out a breath and look around. "So its settled. After graduation, if the Volturi hasn't put a stop to it. Then we go to Seattle and Barbecue some bitches" I say, my phone pings and I pull it out of my pocket. 'Terry and I on our way to yours' It says. I sigh and look around, "Alright. I have to go" I say, Emmett chuckles "Do you have a side guy or something?" He asks, I smile sweetly. "Yes. In fact, my Wife is on her way to my house right now." I say, grabbing Nicky, Carlisle takes Lara from Rose and I smile at him. "Wait. Seriously?" Emmett asks, his eyes wide, I burst out laughing and shake my head, "Of course not!" I say and walk outside, pulling Carlisle with me. He grins and presses a kiss to my lips and opens the door to my Jeep. I strap Nicky and Lara in and get in the drivers side. "Are you coming?" I ask, He smiles and shakes his head "No. I think I'll stay here, I have work to finish" He says. I smile and kiss him and start the engine. "Drop by when you're done" I say, and reverse the Jeep and turn onto the driveway.

Leah and Terry are waiting outside my house when I pull up and Leah runs up to the jeep. "Hello Wifey" I say, She raises an eyebrow and I roll my eyes "They're in the back" I sigh and climb out of my car. "I swear she's only friends with me for my kids" I say to Terry, he laughs and Leah hits my shoulder, "What about when you didn't have the kids, hm?" She says, handing Lara to me. I smile at her and bounce her in my arms. She gurgles happily and Leah takes Nicky and closes my car door. I smile at her "Is there anything other than Me, Samantha, and My children that makes you happy?" I ask, She grins at me. "Of course there is! Puppies, Annoying the crap out of Seth, shifting, cliff diving, hunting for Victoria..." She trails off and narrows her brow, "So do you plan on having puppies one day Leah?" I ask, with a completely straight face, and she Freezes, her mouth dropping open in shock. I grin at her "Oh look at your face! Priceless! Terry, do you have a camera? I want to remember this forever!" I say, clutching my ribs with my spare hand. She growls at me and I stop laughing and straighten up with a smirk. I walk past her and make cat claws with my fingers and hiss. She shakes her head and bursts out laughing and wraps one arm around my waist. I unlock the front door and push it open and flick on the lights, Welcome to my Humble abode. Get comfy, I have to change the kids and put them to bed." I say carrying the children up to their room. I change their diapers and clothes and feed Lara and put them to bed. By the time I go back downstairs Leah has already cooked us all some food. My stomach gurgles at the sight of it and I eat at a normal pace, so I didn't embarrass Leah. Not that it mattered. "My god you two are pigs!" I exclaim after swallowing a mouthful of the absolutely delicious Stew. Terry looks at me with wide eyes "You're eating faster than us! You're on your fourth helping! I'm only on my second! Leah's on her third." He says the last part proudly and my mouth drops open. "At I eat with a modicum of self respect!" I retort, using a hunk of bread to mop up the last of the stew in my bowl. I eat it all in one bite, my mouth firmly closed, Leah bursts out laughing "You look like a hamster!" She says, some gravy dribbling out of her mouth, she mops it up quickly and I grab a bottle of wine. I uncork it and fill three glasses, I hand one to Terry and one to Leah. "To go with dessert!" I exclaim. "I don't think there's anymore room for anything." Terry says, shoving his bowl away, Leah and I both gape and him and she lays her hand on his shoulder, "Oh, honey." I tut, "There is always room for ice cream." I say, pulling a large tub from my freezer.

One large tub of Ice Cream, two bottles of wine and a Disney movie later and I had an Idea. A slightly crazy one. I turn the TV off and grab Leah's arm. I already had all the supplies, I just hadn't gotten around to actually doing it yet. I lead the two of them upstairs, all three off us stumbling over our own feet. I accidentally tickle Leah's ribs and she bursts into a loud fit of giggles, I quickly shush her "The babies are sleeping!" I hiss and she nods her head, miming zipping her lips. I pull them into my old office and close the door. "Ta-Da!" I wave my hands in front of me and Leah shakes her head, "No. This is not a good Idea." She states, "Oh please! For me Le-Le?" I beg, wrapping her hands around her neck and practically hanging off of her. She sighs and picks up a roller and pours paint into the trays. "Alright lets do this." She rolls paint onto the walls and does a good job. I open my tub of paint and some of it spills on me, making me giggle "Whoops!" I pour paint into the tray and lather it on the walls. Stopping only when the one red walls look like they're now pink, or orange, I really couldn't make the difference. I drop the roller and stretch my arms. "All done?" I ask, Terry nods and Leah rolls a little more then nods. "Yeah. Almost" She says. She leaps towards me, rolling the roller down my face, getting paint all over me. I gasp in surprise and quickly grab my roller, I roll it down her back, getting it in her hair and down her clothes. Terry leaps in covering both of us with his roller. Leah and I meet eyes and nod, I leap towards Terry from one side and Leah from the other. We topple to the floor in an ungainly heap. I try to get up but my foot slips on some spilled paint and I crash back down. I hear a cough in the doorway and peer through my paint caked hair. "Hi! Hello!" I exclaim waving my hands in his general direction, He chuckles "What's going on?" He asks, amusement lacing his tone. "What does it look like? We're having a Threesome" Terry, Leah and I burst into a manic fit of giggles. "It looks like another one of your re-decorating paint wars" He says, crossing his arms, a grin on his face. "In My defence-" I pause, racking my brain, "Leah. Started It. I just couldn't help myself" I giggle and Leah grins "Are we going to lay here all night?" She asks suddenly. I shake my head and Look at Carlisle "Help?" I ask. He laughs and grabs my arms and extracts me from The Leah, Terry, Marissa, Paint sandwich they had somehow made. I sigh "I bags first shower" I say, stumbling out of the room. Carlisle follows me "Don't accidentally kill yourself while trying to take a shower." He warns with a grin. I roll my eyes at him, I was going to have a cold shower to sober up and then I had Bella's graduation to attend.

I wake up fifteen minutes before I have to be at the school. And outwardly curse. I get to my feet and look at myself in the mirror, thank god I had gotten all the pain out. I pull on a nice black dress, and drag a brush through my curly hair. I quickly dab some make up on before running into the Nursery. I wake Nicky and Lara up, and Change their Diapers, I dress them in the clothes I had picked out yesterday, and Lift both of them into my arms, I carry them downstairs and place them in their high chairs. I prepare some mashed Banana with a tiny amount cream to make it smoother. "I want Nana!" Nicky exclaims, reaching for the bowl. "Yours is coming" I say, placing the bowl in front of Lara and quickly lashing another banana with a little cream. I give it to him and he smiles, I feed them while looking at my watch. It only took them five minutes so I had...Seven minutes to get there. Yipee! I pull them out of their chairs and quickly walk to the door fumbling with my key, I lock the front door and bundle the kids into their car seats. I get in the car and drive quickly to the school. (Don't worry. I didn't go past the speed limit.) I park quickly and pull the kids from the car and close the doors. I run towards the school, Nicky and Lara both laughing. Someone holds the door open for me and I thank them and make my way to the Gymnasium. The Dean was in the middle of his speech when I push the doors open. "Ah. Miss Swan. On time as ever, I see" He states dryly, earning a few chuckles from the audience. I smile at him "Exactly four minutes past as always, Sir" I say, and sidle into my seat between Carlisle and My Dad. He finishes his speech and Jessica takes his place at the podium. "Um...When we were five they asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up. Our answers were things like Astronauts, President, or in My case, A Princess." I laugh along with everyone else and wrap an arm around Nicky to keep him in place. "When we were Ten, they asked again. We answered Rock star, Cowboy, or in my case, a Gold medallist" She pauses for effect. "Well now that we've grown up they want a serious answer. Well how about this? Who the hell knows?" A murmur of agreement spreads throughout the crowd and I smile. "This isn't the time to make hard and fast decisions. This is the time to make mistakes. Take the wrong train and get stuck somewhere...Fall in love. Alot." I smirk and glance up at Carlisle from behind my lashes. He smirks at me and I turn my attention back to Jessica. "Major in philosophy, because there's no way to make a career out of that!" She exclaims. "Change your mind and change it again because nothing is permanent. Make as many mistakes as you can. That way, when somebody asks, we won't have to guess. We'll know." The crowd cheers and claps, I clap as best as I can with Teo wriggling children and sigh. I hand Nicky to Carlisle and the two of them settle down. I clap politely for all of the students except Bella, Rosalie, Jasper, Emmett, Alice, and Edward, they all get the lions share from me. Except Edward. He still irked me for some reason. Probably because he was dating my sister. And I do, sometimes, very rarely, except recently, go overboard to protect my loved ones. I mean, Who doesn't love a good Barbecue.

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