The doctors mate

By Winterturbin

557K 11K 381

Marissa Swan is a Midwife at Forks General. Her life is pretty normal, Well as normal as it could get. When h... More



12.9K 267 2
By Winterturbin

I raise an eyebrow as Bella bursts into my house, I had Nicholas propped against my chest. "I'm meeting the rest of the Cullen's" She says quickly, a wild look in her eyes, I raise an eyebrow and grab the carrier, I had a day off so I was looking forward to spending some time with Esme and Rosalie. "I'll be there" I say, She rolls her eyes "Yeah but you know them better than I do!" She says, I sigh as I struggle to fix the carrier. "What are you worried about?" I ask, She chews on her lip "What if they don't like me?" She asks. I chuckle and ruffle her hair, "Don't worry about it" I say as a horn sounds outside. I finally manage to fix the carrier and strap Nik to my chest. "I'll see you later Abuela!" I call up the stairs, I hear a dismissive grunt and walk outside to Edwards car. I climb into the back seat and plug my earphones in. A nurse was coming to the house to keep an eye on Abuela. Bella climbs into the car and barely straps her seat belt on when Edward presses his foot down on the accelerator. I grin as Bella's favourite song play over the radio. I pull my earphones from my ear and lean forward and turn the radio up. Bella taps her foot to the music and grins at me. "On the other side of a street I knew. Saw a girl that looked like you, I guess that's Deja Vu, but I thought this can't be true cause, you moved to west LA or New York or Santa Fe or wherever to get away from me!" I sing along to the music and notice Edwards smirk. "Oh but that one night, was more than just right, I didn't leave cause I was all through. Oh I was overwhelmed and frankly scared as hell, because I really fell for you!" Bella grins and starts to sing along with me, "Oh I swear to you, I'll be there for you, This is not a drive by-I-I-I-I-I. Just a shy guy looking for a two ply, hefty bag to My-I-I-I-I-I Love. When you move me everything is groovy, They don't like it sue me. Mmm the way you do me. Oh, I swear to you Ill be there for you this is not a drive by-I-I-I-I-I." I stop singing and listen as Bella continues. I grin at the look of admiration on Edwards face as he watches Her. He stops the car and I quickly get out, I wasn't going to get in the way of young love. I hear Edwards chuckle and stick my tongue out at him. He rolls his eyes, I walk up to the front door and It opens before I can knock. I smile "Why thank you, Dr. Cullen" I say, A chuckle escapes his lips and he steps to the side and waves his hand. "Everyone's in the kitchen. They're making Italliano" he says, I grin "Yay!" I say, cupping the back of Nik's head and softly stroking his soft downy hair. "Carlisle" He says, I turn to him with furrowed brows, "What?" I ask, he smiles "You can call me Carlisle" He says. I nod and the corners of my lips tug upwards "Only if you'll call me Marissa" I say, raising an eyebrow at him. He laughs and places his hand on the small of my back and gently leads me towards the kitchen. I see everyone but Alice and the one that is the newest to the diet. I grin at Emmett and he grins and scoops me into a hug, being careful not to squash Nik. Who giggles and Emmett spins around. Rose smiles at me, her eyes lingering on Nik. I grin at her and untangle myself from Emmett, "Can you help me?" I ask Rose. She nods and works on loosening the straps. We manage to get the contraption off and I hand Nik to her after pressing a kiss to his forehead. She walks over to a doorway where I see a swing for babies. He giggles as he bounces and Rose returns to fixing the salad after I hug her. Esme grins at me and wraps her arms around me, I squeeze her back just as Bella and Edward enter. "I hope you're hungry" Esme says with a smile. Bella looms uncomfortable, "Um...yeah" She says, Edward chuckles "She already ate" He says, wrapping an arm around her waist. "It's just...I know you don't eat" She says shifting on her feet. Rosalie growls softly, "How considerate" She snaps. Carlisle shoots her a look and she glares defiantly back. "That's enough Rose" He says, stepping close to me. "No she should know! She's putting us in danger!" She growls. I look up and cock an eyebrow "The Volturi?" I ask. Everyone turns to look at me, surprise plastered on their faces. I raise my hands innocently "I did research!" I say. Carlisle chuckles resting a hand on my shoulder, Alice jumps in through the window and hugs Bella tightly, "Mmm, you do smell good" She says as she pulls away, "Alice!" Edward chides. Alice grins "Don't worry, Bella and I are going to be great friends!" She says stepping back. Carlike motions towards the other man in the room, "That's Jasper, he's the newest to the diet" He says, Jasper nods sticky and Edward sighs "Come on. I'll give you a tour" He says, tugging her from the room. I turn to Alive and grin as she hugs me tightly, "Rissa!" She says excitedly in my ear. I laugh "Alice!" I say back and pull away, I look at Jasper and grin, opening my arms "Come on. Bring it in" I say. He stares at me with wide eyes, frozen in place. I roll my eyes and walk over to him and hug him, "It's nice to meet you" I say when I pull away, He relaxes slightly and smiles tightly at me "Pleasures all mine, Ma'am" He says. I laugh "Marissa's fine" I say, waving a hand. I turn to Esme "The food smells amazing!" I say. Esme smiles and plates up the food. I take it with a grin and sit at the table and eat it quickly. I was starving, and the food was amazing.

Almost all of the Cullen's had disappeared to do their own thing. Rosalie and Emmett had practically kidnapped Nik. I meet Carlisle eyes and chuckle. He smiles and approaches me, "Would you like to retire to my office?" He asks. I nod my head and follow him upstairs, he opens the door to his office and I immediately go to the book in Spanish. "Esto es muy informativo" (this is very informative) I mutter. Carlisle raises an eyebrow at me and smirks, "I don't speak Spanish" He says. My eyes widen, I had completely forgotten. "What languages can you speak?" I ask, forgetting about the book on my lap. He sits on the chair opposite me, his knee brushing against mine as he lowers himself onto the seat. "Italian, English and that's it" He says after a moment of silence. I nod my head and cross my legs, the book shifts, grabbing my attention. "The Mayflower, which is pink and delicate, has leaves that are used for making tea to help treat kidney disorders and stomach aches. Those who use the leaves must have knowledge of the plant, as though the leaves can be toxic if not used properly." I read the extract from the book and grin. "That would be perfect for Charlie! He gets bothered by stomach cramps." I say, He smiles softly and stands up, "I know where we can find some" He says, holding out his hand, I raise an eyebrow and take his hand, ignoring the tingles that run through my skin, he leads me to the window and grins at me, he swings me onto his back, and I let out a shriek then start laughing. He chuckles and pushes the window open, "Hold on" He says, I dig my knees into his sides and wrap one arm over his shoulders. "Alright lets go" I say, tightening my hold. He leaps out of the window and speed the rough the woods. Everything was a blur and kind of made my brain hurt. I bury my face in his neck, the wind whipping my hair everywhere. I take a deep breath, the scent of Lemons lingering. He stops suddenly and I look up. "We're here" He says. I untangle myself from him and stumble slightly, my legs had turned into jelly. Carlisle grabs my arm gently, helping me keep my balance. I laugh softly and he smiles then looks around. I grin and sit down on the ground, surrounded by the delicate pink flowers. The May Flowers had a sweet smell that relaxed me. I fall backwards, my hair spread out around me, and a bright smile on my face. I could feel Carlisle sit down near me and open my eyes. "So how old are you?" I ask, "24" he answers automatically. I roll my eyes "You know what I mean" I mutter, he chuckles "I am just over 300 years old" he says. My mouth falls open and I quickly snap it shut. "You're in surprisingly good shape for such an old man" I say, a teasing grin on my face. He smiles "It's all the mountain lions I eat" He says. His answer surprises me and I burst into a fit of giggles, my phone suddenly starts buzzing and I pull it out of my pocket, "Hello?" I was still trying to stop giggling. "Marissa? It's your Abuela" The tone of dread in the nurses voice made me stop giggling immediately. "What is it?" My voice was sharp, "She's dying. She wants you" The nurse says. I freeze, my blood running cold "I'll be there as soon as possible." My voice sounded foreign to my ears, and I press the red button. Carlisle was already on his feet, and he tugged me onto his back. I wrap my arms around his neck, and tuck my face into his shoulder, closing my eyes tightly to stop the flow of tears that pricked in my eyes.

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