The doctors mate

By Winterturbin

557K 11K 381

Marissa Swan is a Midwife at Forks General. Her life is pretty normal, Well as normal as it could get. When h... More



13.2K 297 5
By Winterturbin

When we reach my house, Dr. Cullen lifts Abuela from the car and carries her into the house. "Take her upstairs and put her in my bed" I say and carry her wheelchair and duffle bag into the house. I put the chair into my hallway cupboard and carry her bag upstairs. I see her sitting in my bed, I open her bag and pull out her rosary beads and bible and place them on the bedside table. I pull out my phone and text Charlie to tell him where to bring Nicky. I watch as she falls asleep and Dr. Cullen walks out of the room. I close the door behind us and stand next to him in the hallway. I chew on my lip and look at the picture of me holding a baby Bella. We stand in silence for a minute, not really knowing what to say. "I know what you are." I say suddenly. He snaps his golden eyes to me, but doesn't say anything. "You're a Cold One, aren't you?" I ask. He nods his head once. "How did you know?" He asks. I watch him carefully, "I've had my suspicions for a while. Although Abuela confirmed it today" I say with a chuckle. He frowns slightly, "When?" He asks, "When she first seen you. She said she wouldn't stay in a hospital where a cold one works" I say. He nods and a small smile graces his lips, "that's a shame. I'm the one that will be visiting daily" He says, I laugh "Get ready for a cantankerous old witch then" I say and walk downstairs. He nods and follows me. "Well I'll take my leave of you" He says and walks to the front door. "Dr. Cullen?" I call out, he spins around "Do you eat Humans?" I ask, and he laughs out right. "No, my family and I survive off of animal blood" He says. I smile, relieved. "That's good" I say, and pull the bottles from the sink and put them in the steriliser. I hear the front door click shut and switch the steriliser on before making a cup of sweet tea and taking it up to Abuela. I knock on her door softly and push it open. "I made you a cup of sweet tea" I say and place it on the bedside. She nods and lifts it shakily to her lips and takes a sip. she places it back on the bedside and pulls back the duvet and climbs under it "Voy a descansar ahora." (I'm going to rest now.) She says, closing her eyes. I nod and back out of the room and closing the door.

I sit on the sofa and read a book until the fort bell pings. I stand up as Charlie pushes the pram into the house. "Found this at Home" He says. Pushing the breaks down with his feet I smile and reach into the pram and lift Nicky out. "Abuela is here" I say and start walking up the stairs. The bedroom door opens "Give him to me" She says, stretching her arms out. I smile and hand Nicky to her, I wrap an arm around her and help her into the chair. She stares at Nicky and makes faces. "He is strong. And healthy, you have done a good Job child" She says. I smile and sit on the edge of the bed. "Would you like to feed him?" I ask, accepting the bottle Dad prepared. She nods and I hand it to her and she eases the teat into his mouth. Nicky starts to suckle immediately. My phone pings with a message and I swear. "I have to go, Dad keep an eye on them for me" I say, running downstairs and out of the door.

I stop my jeep outside of a house on the Rez and grab my delivery bag. I knock on the front door "Hello! Midwife!" I say, the door opens and a heavily pregnant woman opens the door. I smile as she lets me in. "Marissa, thank god!" She says and pulls me over to her bedroom. "Can I get you up on the bed for me?" I say. She nods and climbs up, Her Husband kneels next to her on the other side. I pull gloves on and feel the baby. "Knees up and apart" I say and do her checks. "You're not fully dilated, just yet if your husband helps you, walk around for a while" I say. She nods and her husband helps her from the bed. "When her next contraction hits, wrap your arms around her waist and rock from side to side" I say, putting an incontinence sheet over the bed. I fix her pillows and help her back onto the bed. I listen to the baby's heart beat and frown slightly. "What's wrong?" The woman asks. "Heartbeat is a little slower than I'd like. Nothing to worry about!" I say brightly and check her again. "On your hands and knees please" I say. Pulling the gloves off and pulling my phone out of my pocket. "Hello, Ambulance services how can I help?" A woman says. "It's Marissa Swan. I need an Ambulance to come to Caroline Murrays house. Baby's heartbeat is slow and she's not fully dilated. I'll do what I can but you need to hurry" I say quietly and hang up. I pull fresh gloves onto my hands, and sit at the bottom of the bed. "Mr Murray if you could wait outside" I say and he gets to his feet and leaves the room. I listen to the heartbeat and see that its slower than it was. "Alright You need to do everything I say Caroline. We need to get baby out as soon as possible, I'm going to help you along, Ok?" I say, she nods her head. "When I stretch you need to push" I say. "Don't I need to push on the contraction- Ahhh!" She says. "No, you need to push now" I say. She pushes hard and I see the head. "Pant for me" I say, She starts to pant and I stretch her a little more. "Push" I say. I remove my hands as the Baby crowns, "One more big push!" I encourage her, I help ease the baby out and suction it's mouth and nose. "Why isn't it crying?" She asks. I turn the baby so it's chest is in my hand and rub it's back firmly. "Come on, Little one" I say, still rubbing. I feel movement under my hand and the baby let's out a loud cry. I sigh in relief and clamp the cord, cut it and wrap the Baby in a towel. I help Caroline onto her back and hand her the baby. I grab the needle and stab it into her thigh. My phone pings with another message and I glare at the screen. "Do you have a name?" I ask, Caroline shakes her head and winces. I have a look under the blanket and put it back in place. "Don't move" I warn and exit the room. "Mr Murray, Can you call someone with a truck? Now, tell them its urgent!" I say. He nods and pulls out his phone, "Is she ok? Is my baby ok?" He asks once he has made the call. "At the moment both are fine. Do you have a stretcher?" I ask. He nods "Take it through to your wife and place it next to her on the bed." I say. He nods and I hear a screech of tires. Two russet skimmed men climb out. "I'm Sam and this is Jared" He says. I nod "Through to the bedroom" I say. I wrap the duvet around Caroline's waist and her husband lays her on the stretcher. "Put her in the bed of the truck" I say, the two men nod and I follow them out. I climb up and so does her husband. "Take the baby Mr Murray" I say, as Sam clicks the tray in place. I lean over "Get us to Forks hospital as quick as you can. I'll make sure you don't get a ticket now go!" I say. He nods and they jump into the truck. It jolts as it moves forward quickly.

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