The Drama Queen[Completed] (B...

By DaRealRuby1

66.3K 1.9K 123

Roxie had everything she once wanted and more. staying with her grandmother was a piece of cake. when her gra... More

Phase one
The Big Move........
Backyard Bash
Welcome to brookhaven academy
Phase two
FootBall Madness
Getting noticed
phase three
Dance Team Rival
Saving Nina
Chad's broken heart
Phase Four
The Sercet Spot
Authors Note
Dinner Date
Phase five
Bloody Valentines Day
False Alarm
Phase Six
Take me away
Thin Ice
Phase seven
Break up to make up
Meeting the parents
Rain Storm
Phase Eight
The Fight
Bestfriend Trip
phase nine
Trouble in paradise
Trigga Happy
Heart to Heart
Final Phases
Return Of Ashley
Baby shower wedding
Double slapped
Farewell so long
Authors last words
Breaking news

Summers fall dance

873 30 1
By DaRealRuby1

   Rocky pov

  "Get your roses. Gentlemen purchase your summer fall roses." Boys walked up to the table where Mr.Mitch sat.

It was tickets, roses, and a voting ballot that was blank. Laurie walked up to me. "Whats up?"

"Nothing just looking. The roses look so pretty. To bad I might not be getting mines."

"Why?" "Well its a long story." "Okay we can talk later." She walked off so did i.

Going to class I sat at my desk shaking my leg in boredom. I looked over to see jayson.

He wasnt looking at me but he looked furious. No lie he had me on edge and I had to talk to chad.

Sitting there my stomach got tight. Breaking in a sweat I felt as if I was going to pass out.

Having sudden flashbacks in my head of everything that has happened.

      "Stay in the car ima be right back." Lorenzo said. Sitting in the car my hands were sweaty and I felt nauesous.
Moments later heard gunshots. Lorenzo runs back to the car. Getting in the car I saw he had blood on his shoes.

The bell rung and it kind of woke me up. I need to find chad. This was his doing not mines.

Going to the water fountain I didnt jayson aside of me. Slightly bumping into him he mugged me. "Damn pay attention girl."

"You look like something making you nervous." "Man im good dont try to check me. You do not know me like that."

"Yo you can chill your ass out. I dont care to know you. I dont trust you broad."

Sighing I walked off hoping nobody seen that. Laurie for sure I dont need more drama.

Walking to class my head hurt. I felt weak in my knees. I tried to walk but I couldnt move. My vision was blury.

   Chad and I laid in bed holding each other. Until the door was kicked in. It was lorenzo looking furious.

"You thought you could get away from me bitch? I told you bout this white boy. Get up!" He was yelling with a gun in his hands.

"Aye man look ill give you whatever you wont. Ill stop talking to her just let us go. Come on you know I got it."

"Ill give you whatever." I went for my clothes as lorenzo stared me down. I was mad at chad. Before looking back up bang chad shot him.

"Roxie? Wake up. Can you hear me?" Looking up it was laurie.I was inside the nurse office.

"Girl are you okay? You lucky I was at my locker. You fainted and bumped your head a little bit."

Feeling my head it was pounding. "Ouch!" I yelled as I touched my sore and tender bruise. Grabbing for my phone I looked at my face.

"Laurie give me a mirror." Rolling her eyes she passed one to me. I had a ugly bruise over my eyebrow.

"The nurse said you should go home early." Chad said stepping closer to me. "How would you know?"

"Well soon as I heard what happened ive been in here.I was just speaking with nurse Jean."

"I can drop you off. I mean I got a pass so you wont have to worry about me getting in trouble for leaving."

Laurie looked at me shrugged and pouted her lips at my bruise. "Get some rest boo." Laurie said hugging me.

Inside the car I looked out the window. "You know something? I havent bought a rose yet."

"You know us guys have to get the roses for the girls. Its a brookhaven thing. Bianca already requested her color."

"Oh what color she pick and why didnt you get it yet?" "Oh well you know bianca got a picky taste she picked cream."

"I couldnt blame her. So why havent you accepted her request?" "You sound worried."

"Okay nevermind." "I didnt get it because I was worried about you. I spent half my time in the nurse station."

"Oh okay thats nice." "Also because I dont know if I wont to go with her im thinking of you."

"Well me and jose are going together." Im lying jose and jazelle were both triffling as hell for their act.

She didnt have enough balls to tell me herself which was wrong. Im bummed and just wont to lay down.

"Rocky whats wrong?" "Ive been fainting and having flashbacks all day chad. About lorenzo. Jayson is acting really weird."

"What he have to do with it?" "Hello he was lorenzo best friend." "Damn dont worry about it baby he got nothing on you."

"Well his funeral next weekend. Of course laurie going with jayson to pay respect and if I dont go what does that say about me?"

Chad frowned up his face. "Must I remind you chad we were kind of hanging. Everybody seen with him."

"Look it was obvious he liked me and people know that!" I yelled. Then reached to open the door.

We had pulled up at my house five mintues earlier.Walking up to my house I went inside. Dragging to my room I flopped on the bed.

I had a long day. This weekend for me was supposed to fun but it was only getting worse. Rolling over I saw laurie calling.

"Hey laurie whats up?" "Open your door for me im outside." Jumping up I hurried to the door.

"Why are you here? Whats wrong laurie?" Laurie walked passed me and kneeled to the floor crying.

"Laurie?" I kneeled next to her. "My… auntie…had…a…stroke…and…died." Rubbing her back I felt sorry to hear that.

"Now my boy cousin have to stay with us. Roxie we do not get along at all. Bad thing he goes to our school."

"I dont say nothing to him he dont say nothing to me. Now he got to stay with us." She stood up and sat at my mirror.

I didnt even wont to ask any questions. "Its going to be okay. Laurie after all he could be feeling worse."

"I mean he the one who just lost his mother. I know its a lost for you both but laurie dont be selfish."

She wiped her tears. "Okay fine and thank you." She walked away and was gone. Hell she crying.

I got my own problems to solve. Wrapping up my afternoon I rested up for the rest od the week.

Standing in the front of the school I waited for laurie. She said she was in a better mood. Oh and that she had some good news for me.

Once she finally made it she was all smiles. "Why are you so happy?" "Everything worked out fine."

"My cousin and I looked at things eye to eye. I mean my aunts lost made my whole family act right."

I was hearing her good news but what about mines? Walking to the gym I sat down and took out my notebook.

Laurie went over to jaysons crew. I sat in my thoughts as I wrote.

         Sometimes your all aint enough.But you gottta be strong gotta be tough. No matter what hand dealt for you, you gotta take it win or lose.

         Some things aint meant to happen but in life its true it will show you many things. Like baseball with curve balls never let ya head fall three strikes ya out now who you gonna call?

       Ya life screwed up you dont know who to trust. Gotta watch ya back hurry up dont freeze up. Been exposed to some things but thats not my lifestyle.

    Beautiful, educated, with a good head on her shoulders. Never should the good girl went with the plan that her "man" told her.

    "Roxie!" Laurie yelled as I looked up to her. "So you remember I had good news right?" "Right."

"My cousin wonts to take you to the summers fall dance." "What? Come on are you serious?" "So serious."

"Were thinking pizza after school you down?" "Sure laurie sure." Moments later some tall and handsome walked up.

"Hey this my girl roxie. Roxie my cousin nonte. Monte your date roxie." He licked his lips a lil bit.

"Excuse us laurie. Do you mind if a gentle man like myself walk you to class?" "Sure monte."

He walked with much swagger everybody noticed him but, he didnt wont to be noticed. I could tell by how his nositrals were flaring up.

"Are you okay?" "Im good sweetheart. Its just you attract a lot of attention." Here I was thinking it was him.

Laughing to myself we made it to my class. As I was about to walk inside the class monte pulled me closer.

"What color rose you wont?" "Black." "Black?" "Thats what I said." "Why you got a attitude?"

"I dont but I can have one. Wont to try it?" "You know what forget you , you just a loud mouth wanna be go find yourself."

He walked off as I went inside a queit classroom. Worse day ever chad didnt even look at me. I swore I had tears rolling down my face.

The rest of the day was fast paced.

Laurie called me to her car. Monte was standing there looking at me.

He walked up to me with one hand behind his back. Holding my hand with his free hand he smiled.

"Please , please forgive me. Just go to the dance with me youll have fun with me or ill at least try to."

Pulling out the black rose I smiled and hugged him. "Are you joining us?" "No I got a bad headache."


Summers fall dance

  In the mirror I put my finishing touches on my make up. My black long ruffled dress was flawless.

My back was covered in lace and exposed my back. My black red bottoms was bomb with the dress.

Hearing the door bell I knew it was monte, laurie, and jayson in the limbo. My mom took lots of pictures.

Nina missed it she was with dante. On our way me and laurie held our roses. Mines was black, hers yellow.

"You making me look extra bright." Laurie said I laughed. I looked super sexy in black sorry.

Finally inside it looked amazing. The decorations were fly. Music was on point. I danced a little bit.

I spotted chad and bianca they looked okay together. Bianca looked screwed I bet she is but im not judging.

Monte is by my side being all cool not dancing just looking all mean. I played around with him too.

I guess anything to keep my mind off everything. As we were about to go I stopped in the bathroom.

Inside I saw ashley nina friend. She waves I do too. She passes me a blunt I hit it take care my business and be out.

Bumping into jayson he mugged me down. "Black fits you." I didnt know how to take it. So I just pushed pass him. "Snake!"

He yelled as I got into the limbo so ready to be home already. Inside the house my mom was knocked out.

Kyle was up eating like always. "You had fun?" He asked looking at me. "It was cool." I said.

Making it inside my room laid in my bed for a second. Getting up for my pjs my phone rung.

I jumped a lil bit. "Roxie." "Yeah whose this?" "Monte." "Can you hold on for a sec?"

Dropping the phone I put on my pjs and fell back in bed. "Umn hello." "Yeah miss lady." "So whats up?"

"I wonted to thank you for a wonderful night." "You didnt look like you were having much fun."

"Well I did beautiful and I have you thank. Good night queen sleep wonderfully. Oh and dream about rainbows and unicorns."

I laughed "boy hush. Okay glad to and good night sweetie."

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